67 research outputs found

    BORIS (CTCFL) Is Not Expressed in Most Human Breast Cell Lines and High Grade Breast Carcinomas

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    BORIS (CTCFL) is the only known paralog of the versatile regulatory protein CTCF, a multifunctional DNA binding protein that mediates distinct gene regulatory functions involved in cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. Unlike CTCF, the expression of BORIS is normally restricted to specific cells in testes (the only cells where CTCF is not expressed), where it may play a role in reprogramming the methylation pattern of male germ line DNA. Frequent amplification of the 20q13.2 region, which contains the BORIS gene, and expression of BORIS transcripts in diverse human tumors and cell lines have led to the hypothesis that aberrant expression of BORIS may play a role in tumorigenesis by interfering with CTCF functions. However, recent studies using more quantitative methods indicate low frequency of BORIS expression in melanoma, ovarian, prostate, and bladder carcinomas. To investigate the relationship between chromosome 20q13 amplification and BORIS mRNA levels within breast cancer cell lines and tissues, we developed a quantitative RT-PCR assay to measure the levels of BORIS mRNA. Endpoint RT-PCR assays were also used to investigate the possible expression of alternatively spliced variants. Using multiple primer sets and controls, we found that neither mature BORIS transcripts nor spliced variants are commonly expressed at detectable levels in malignant breast cells or tissues, although endogenous BORIS transcripts can be induced in MCF-7 cells following 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine treatment. In conclusion, in most breast cancer cells, endogenous BORIS is unlikely to be expressed at sufficient levels to interfere with CTCF functions. Thus it is improbable that aberrant BORIS expression plays a role in most human breast cancers


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    Objective: Recurrent Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) and the emergence of strains with reduced susceptibility to metronidazole and vancomycinwarrants alternative therapy. Hence, we tested the potential efficacy of the natural compound berberine hydrochloride (BBRHCl) against toxigenicC. difficile.Methods: Three representative polymerase chain reaction confirmed, toxin-positive strains were included in the study. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis(PFGE) profile and antibiogram of the strains were analyzed along with 10 other toxin positive isolates. Efficacy of BBRHCl against toxigenic C. difficilewas determined using agar diffusion by punch well method.Results: PFGE grouped the test strains into three clusters with unique susceptibility pattern toward standard antibiotics. BBRHCl was efficaciousagainst the test strains at a concentration ranging between 6.25 μg/ml and 10 mg/ml. BBRHCl's breakpoint point inhibitory zone diameter wasequivalent (p<0.001) to the epidemiological cutoff values for teicoplanin, vancomycin and 2% black seed oil. Although the predicted concentration ofBBRHCl for breakpoint zone diameter equivalent to European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing's epidemiological cutoff value formetronidazole was observed to fall outside the tested concentration range; it was still within the safe dosage for humans.Conclusion: The present study is promising in considering BBRHCl as a potent substitute or adjunct not only for metronidazole, vancomycin andteicoplanin but also for natural compounds like 2% black seed oil for managing resistant cases of CDI. Owing to BBRHCl's direct antibacterial and antiinflammatoryaction, further investigations will aid in the proper characterization of the therapeutic effects of similar plant compounds, to developsafe and effective drugs against the epidemiological outbreak of CDI

    Serratia marcescens Outbreak at a Correctional Facility: Environmental Sampling, Laboratory Analyses and Genomic Characterization to Assess Sources and Persistence

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    Serratia marcescens is an environmental bacterium and clinical pathogen that can cause an array of infections. We describe an environmental sampling and comparative genomics approach used to investigate a multi-year outbreak of S. marcescens at a correctional facility. Whole genome sequencing analysis revealed a predominant cluster of clonally related S. marcescens from nine patient cases and items associated with illicit drug use. Closely related strains found among items associated with case-patient cells and diluted Cell Block 64 (CB64), a quaternary ammonium disinfectant, and Break Out (BO), a multipurpose cleaner, highlighted their role as environmental reservoirs for S. marcescens in this outbreak. Comparative genomic analysis suggested outbreak strains were both persistent (identical strains found over long periods and in multiple locations of the correctional facility) and diverse (strains clustered with multiple global samples from NCBI database). No correlation was found between antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes of outbreak strains; NCBI strains have more AMR genes. Principal component analysis (PCA) of virulence factors associated with persistence and infectivity indicated variation based on phylogroups, including the predominant cluster; identifiable variations among environmental versus clinical strains were not observed. Identification of multiple distinct genetic groups highlights the importance of putting epidemiological genomic studies in a proper genetic context

    Identification of a BET Family Bromodomain/Casein Kinase II/TAF-Containing Complex as a Regulator of Mitotic Condensin Function

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    SummaryCondensin is a central regulator of mitotic genome structure with mutants showing poorly condensed chromosomes and profound segregation defects. Here, we identify NCT, a complex comprising the Nrc1 BET-family tandem bromodomain protein (SPAC631.02), casein kinase II (CKII), and several TAFs, as a regulator of condensin function. We show that NCT and condensin bind similar genomic regions but only briefly colocalize during the periods of chromosome condensation and decondensation. This pattern of NCT binding at the core centromere, the region of maximal condensin enrichment, tracks the abundance of acetylated histone H4, as regulated by the Hat1-Mis16 acetyltransferase complex and recognized by the first Nrc1 bromodomain. Strikingly, mutants in NCT or Hat1-Mis16 restore the formation of segregation-competent chromosomes in cells containing defective condensin. These results are consistent with a model where NCT targets CKII to chromatin in a cell-cycle-directed manner in order to modulate the activity of condensin during chromosome condensation and decondensation

    Promotion of variant human mammary epithelial cell outgrowth by ionizing radiation: an agent-based model supported by in vitro studies

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    IntroductionMost human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) cultured from histologically normal breast tissues enter a senescent state termed stasis after 5 to 20 population doublings. These senescent cells display increased size, contain senescence associated beta-galactosidase activity, and express cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p16INK4A (CDKN2A; p16). However, HMEC grown in a serum-free medium, spontaneously yield, at low frequency, variant (v) HMEC that are capable of long-term growth and are susceptible to genomic instability. We investigated whether ionizing radiation, which increases breast cancer risk in women, affects the rate of vHMEC outgrowth.MethodsPre-stasis HMEC cultures were exposed to 5 to 200 cGy of sparsely (X- or gamma-rays) or densely (1 GeV/amu 56Fe) ionizing radiation. Proliferation (bromodeoxyuridine incorporation), senescence (senescence-associated beta-galactosidase activity), and p16 expression were assayed in subcultured irradiated or unirradiated populations four to six weeks following radiation exposure, when patches of vHMEC became apparent. Long-term growth potential and p16 promoter methylation in subsequent passages were also monitored. Agent-based modeling, incorporating a simple set of rules and underlying assumptions, was used to simulate vHMEC outgrowth and evaluate mechanistic hypotheses.ResultsCultures derived from irradiated cells contained significantly more vHMEC, lacking senescence associated beta-galactosidase or p16 expression, than cultures derived from unirradiated cells. As expected, post-stasis vHMEC cultures derived from both unirradiated and irradiated cells exhibited more extensive methylation of the p16 gene than pre-stasis HMEC cultures. However, the extent of methylation of individual CpG sites in vHMEC samples did not correlate with passage number or treatment. Exposure to sparsely or densely ionizing radiation elicited similar increases in the numbers of vHMEC compared to unirradiated controls. Agent-based modeling indicated that radiation-induced premature senescence of normal HMEC most likely accelerated vHMEC outgrowth through alleviation of spatial constraints. Subsequent experiments using defined co-cultures of vHMEC and senescent cells supported this mechanism.ConclusionsOur studies indicate that ionizing radiation can promote the outgrowth of epigenetically altered cells with pre-malignant potential

    Chromatin Insulators and CTCF: Architects of Epigenetic States during Development.

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    A controlled and efficient coordination of gene expression is the key for normal development of an organism. In mammals, a subset of autosomal genes is expressed monoallelically depending on the sex of the transmitting parent, a phenomenon known as genomic imprinting. The imprinted state of the H19 and Igf2 genes is controlled by a short stretch of sequences upstream of H19 known as the imprinting control region (ICR). This region is differentially methylated and is responsible for the repression of the maternally inherited Igf2 allele. It harbors hypersensitive sites on the unmethylated maternal allele and functions as an insulator that binds a chromatin insulator protein CTCF. Hence the H19 ICR, which plays an important role in maintaining the imprinting status of H19 and Igf2, was shown to lose the insulator property upon CpG methylation. Another ICR in the Kcnq1 locus regulates long-range repression of p57Kip2 and Kcnq1 on the paternal allele, and is located on the neighboring subdomain of the imprinted gene cluster containing H19 and Igf2, on the distal end of mouse chromosome 7. Similarly to the H19 ICR, the Kcnq1 ICR appears to possess a unidirectional and methylation-sensitive chromatin insulator property in two different somatic cell types. Hence, methylation dependent insulator activity emerges as a common feature of imprinting control regions. The protein CTCF is required for the interpretation and propagation of the differentially methylated status of the H19 ICR. Work in this thesis shows that this feature applies genomewide. The mapping of CTCF target sites demonstrated not only a strong link between CTCF, formation of insulator complexes and maintaining methylation-free domains, but also a network of target sites that are involved in pivotal functions. The pattern of CTCF in vivo occupancy varies in a lineage-specific manner, although a small group of target sites show constitutive binding. In conclusion, the work of this thesis shows that epigenetic marks play an important role in regulating the insulator property. The studies also confirm the importance of CTCF in maintaining methylation-free domains and its role in insulator function. Our study unravels a new range of target sites for CTCF involved in divergent functions and their developmental control

    Chromatin Insulators and CTCF: Architects of Epigenetic States during Development.

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    A controlled and efficient coordination of gene expression is the key for normal development of an organism. In mammals, a subset of autosomal genes is expressed monoallelically depending on the sex of the transmitting parent, a phenomenon known as genomic imprinting. The imprinted state of the H19 and Igf2 genes is controlled by a short stretch of sequences upstream of H19 known as the imprinting control region (ICR). This region is differentially methylated and is responsible for the repression of the maternally inherited Igf2 allele. It harbors hypersensitive sites on the unmethylated maternal allele and functions as an insulator that binds a chromatin insulator protein CTCF. Hence the H19 ICR, which plays an important role in maintaining the imprinting status of H19 and Igf2, was shown to lose the insulator property upon CpG methylation. Another ICR in the Kcnq1 locus regulates long-range repression of p57Kip2 and Kcnq1 on the paternal allele, and is located on the neighboring subdomain of the imprinted gene cluster containing H19 and Igf2, on the distal end of mouse chromosome 7. Similarly to the H19 ICR, the Kcnq1 ICR appears to possess a unidirectional and methylation-sensitive chromatin insulator property in two different somatic cell types. Hence, methylation dependent insulator activity emerges as a common feature of imprinting control regions. The protein CTCF is required for the interpretation and propagation of the differentially methylated status of the H19 ICR. Work in this thesis shows that this feature applies genomewide. The mapping of CTCF target sites demonstrated not only a strong link between CTCF, formation of insulator complexes and maintaining methylation-free domains, but also a network of target sites that are involved in pivotal functions. The pattern of CTCF in vivo occupancy varies in a lineage-specific manner, although a small group of target sites show constitutive binding. In conclusion, the work of this thesis shows that epigenetic marks play an important role in regulating the insulator property. The studies also confirm the importance of CTCF in maintaining methylation-free domains and its role in insulator function. Our study unravels a new range of target sites for CTCF involved in divergent functions and their developmental control

    Chromatin Insulators and CTCF: Architects of Epigenetic States during Development.

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    A controlled and efficient coordination of gene expression is the key for normal development of an organism. In mammals, a subset of autosomal genes is expressed monoallelically depending on the sex of the transmitting parent, a phenomenon known as genomic imprinting. The imprinted state of the H19 and Igf2 genes is controlled by a short stretch of sequences upstream of H19 known as the imprinting control region (ICR). This region is differentially methylated and is responsible for the repression of the maternally inherited Igf2 allele. It harbors hypersensitive sites on the unmethylated maternal allele and functions as an insulator that binds a chromatin insulator protein CTCF. Hence the H19 ICR, which plays an important role in maintaining the imprinting status of H19 and Igf2, was shown to lose the insulator property upon CpG methylation. Another ICR in the Kcnq1 locus regulates long-range repression of p57Kip2 and Kcnq1 on the paternal allele, and is located on the neighboring subdomain of the imprinted gene cluster containing H19 and Igf2, on the distal end of mouse chromosome 7. Similarly to the H19 ICR, the Kcnq1 ICR appears to possess a unidirectional and methylation-sensitive chromatin insulator property in two different somatic cell types. Hence, methylation dependent insulator activity emerges as a common feature of imprinting control regions. The protein CTCF is required for the interpretation and propagation of the differentially methylated status of the H19 ICR. Work in this thesis shows that this feature applies genomewide. The mapping of CTCF target sites demonstrated not only a strong link between CTCF, formation of insulator complexes and maintaining methylation-free domains, but also a network of target sites that are involved in pivotal functions. The pattern of CTCF in vivo occupancy varies in a lineage-specific manner, although a small group of target sites show constitutive binding. In conclusion, the work of this thesis shows that epigenetic marks play an important role in regulating the insulator property. The studies also confirm the importance of CTCF in maintaining methylation-free domains and its role in insulator function. Our study unravels a new range of target sites for CTCF involved in divergent functions and their developmental control
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