300 research outputs found

    Improving Student’s Speaking Fluency through the Implementation on Direct Interview Activity in University

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    The objectives of this research are to find out whether the use of direct interview type improves the students’ speaking skill and the strengths and weaknesses of direct interview type. The method used in the research is collaborative classroom action research. This research consisted of two cycles in which there were four steps in each cycle, namely planning, implementing, observation, and reflection. The researcher collected qualitative data of speaking test and qualitative data of classroom situation, field note, photograph, interview, and questionnaires. The results are (1) the students’ speaking skill improved the improvement of speaking score (2) direct interview type established good communication activity between the teacher and the students and improved classroom management

    Developing Interactive English Reading Assessment Based ICT for the Second Grade in MIN 2 Nganjuk

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    A lot of the second grade students of Islamic Elementary School MIN 2 NGANJUK found many problems in understanding their English material especially reading comprehension. Designing Islamic material for the elementary students and giving media learning can motivate them in teaching learning English better. Concerning these problems, a set of suitable instructional Islamic material and media learning for the students of MIN 2 NGANJUK for the second grade needed to be developed. The procedures employ in this study were doing need analysis, stating instructional goal, developing instructional material and media learning, conducting to expert validation, revising the material and media learning, trying out material and media learning and revising the material and media learning, In the expert validation and try out, checklist and field notes were used material and media learning as the instrument to record the feedback for revision to Final product. To collect relevant information for basis of developing material and media learning, the writer used instrument: interview, observation sheet, questionnaires were employed here. The product of this research is the units of Islamic topic and presented into Autoplay media learning

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Make A Match Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    The purpose of this study is to examine how the application and results of the make a macth learning method in improving student learning achievement. One of the tasks of the teacher as an educator is to carry out the learning process, not just learning, but effective learning, which is learning that is fun and gives positive results. One method that is able to give maximum results if applied correctly is the make a macth method. Learning methods that are included in the cooperative learning method are able to improve student achievement, both quantitatively and qualitatively. In terms of quantitative proven from the value of pretest, posttest I, and posttest II. Each of which reached 47.6%, 65% and 90% completeness. Whereas in terms of qualitative where students can: (1) increase curiosity and cooperation, (2) increase motivate students to help each other learn, (3). Foster a sense of responsibility, (4) improve social skills, (5) hone skills , and (6) can improve student leadership attitudes

    Urgensi Pendidikan Agama di Era Disrupsi

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    Gelombang teknologi sebagai efek Revolusi Industri ke-4 telah mengubah tatanan di berbagai segi kehidupan.Revolusi ini mengubah dari hal-hal yang tradisional beralih ke sistem yang didukung mesin-mesin canggih.Teknologi memberi peluang pada hal-hal praktis menjadi serba otomatis dan penuh inovatif di berbagai sektor kehidupan.Peneliti dengan metode library research ini memaparkan urgensi pendidikan agama Islam di era disrupsi. Agama yang dibutuhkan di era disrupsi ini adalah agama yang tidak hanya mengandalkan argumentasinya pada dalil-dalil yang terdapat di dalam Al-Qur’an dan Al-Hadits yang bersifat ideal, melainkan juga harus mendasarkan pada fakta-fakta yang bersifat empiris dan realistik. Agama yang dibutuhkan di era disrupsi adalah agama yang ramah dengan manusia dan lingkungan, agama yang membawa kedamaian, kesejukan, dan keharmonisan dalam kehidupan, serta agama yang dapat dirasakan manfaatnya dalam kehidupan nyata.Agama yang transformatif sebagai agama yang mampu mengemban misi humanisasi, liberasi (bukan liberal) dan transendensi.Ada sisi kekhasan pendidikan agama Islam yang tidak tergantikan dengan teknologi, yakni keteladanan.Kata Kunci : Disrupsi, Agama, Pendidika

    Analisis Pertumbuhan Zakat Pada Aplikasi Zakat Online Dompet Dhuafa

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    Technological developments are now penetrating the world of worship, for those who want to pay zakat even easier. A number of online applications including online shopping provide zakat payment features for muzakki. Looking at the data in the National Zakat Agency that the potential for zakat in 2019, based on the IIPZ association and Indonesia's zakat outlook, the potential for zakat is around Rp. 233.8 trillion divided into 5 objects of Zakat. In 2016 and 2017, zakat income was only around 6 trillion. The huge potential of zakat in Indonesia makes all zakat practitioners or zakat collection bodies have to find ways to maximize the potential for zakat and be able to create poverty in Indonesia. From efforts to manage zakat efficiently, Dompet Dhuafa as Amil zakat implements an online application system for zakat, the goal is to facilitate and improve zakat services for the better, with this online zakat application it is hoped that it will be able to absorb some of the existing potential zakat and help make it easier for people to pay zakat because limited distance and time.The purpose of this research in general is that the development and growth of zakat will increase with the existence of online zakat collection. In particular, to make it easier for muzakki in distributing zakat.This research uses qualitative research methods which are commonly referred to as naturalistic research methods because the research is carried out in natural conditions (natural setting), the research data sources are primary and secondary. The results and findings of the study are the growth of zakat from each year, either from the growth of zakat in the online zakat system or in the overall zakat income every year

    Developing Interactive English Learning Media Based ICT for Elementary Student

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    The implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) curriculum at elementary school is the educational sector development. ICT subject is a practical subject which requires a direct practice to make easier in elementary student understanding the material. Founding many problems in understanding their English material especially reading comprehension a teacher is demanded to make a learning media which helps the student to understand the material of study. This research is aimed at describing the model of ICT in elementary school and using of learning media. Moreover, the description can be bocome one of the basic from the development of interactive study model base on student self learning. Designing material for elementary student and giving media learning can motivate them in teaching learning English better. Concerning these problems, a set of suitable instructional elementary student material and media learning for elementary student. Besides, the arranging of this study model is hoped to make habitual and self-learning

    Perbaikan Produktivitas Picking Order dengan Metode Routing Heuristic di Gudang Pusat Suku Cadang Otomotif

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    Order picking is a process to fulfill customer order, with fast timing and provide high customer satisfaction. The order picking process is the highest cost in both manual and automatic systems, so it is necessary to improve efficiency and productivity. This study is aims to improve the productivity of order picking by shortening the distance. By choosing heuristic method using the application of interactive warehouse program, it is found that heuristic routing method can shorten picking distance. So, the routing heuristic method can increase the productivity of picking orders

    Analisis Swoot Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Teh Kulit Manggis Di Kelompok Wanita Tani Sri Lestari Kecamatan Kaligesing Kabupaten Purworejo

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah: 1) Mengetahui faktor internal dalam pengembangan usaha teh kulit manggis, 2) mengetahui faktor eksternal dalam pengembangan usaha teh kulit manggis, 3) mengetahui strategi yang dapat dikembangkan dalam usaha teh kulit manggis. Pengambilan sampel daerah penelitian ditentukan berdasarkan purposive sampling. Sampel yang diambil yaitu Kwt Sri Lestari yaitu 3 orang informan kunci dan 4 informan pendukung. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu angket atau kuesioner. Analisis yan di gunakan adalah SWOOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor internal dan eksternal yang terbagi menjadi empat yaitu kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman. Kekuatan berupa (1) adanya ketepatan waktu dalam pengiriman produk, (2) harga yang lebih murah dibandingkan pesaing lain, (3) quality control bahan baku sudah baik, (4) kualitas produk teh kulit manggis yang dihasilkan baik, (5) Anggota memiliki keahlian dalam pembuatan teh kulit manggis. Kelemahan berupa, (1) masih lamanya pengujian teh kulit manggis, (2) kurangnya promosi, (3) alat transportasi yang masih terbatas, (4) sulit menentukan kebutuhan pasar, (5) pemasaran masih kurang luas. Peluang berupa (1) Permintaan konsumen yang tinggi, (2) harga teh kulit manggis yang relatif stabil, (3) manfaat kesehatan sebagai obat herbal, (4) perkembangan teknologi, (5) adanya hubungan baik antara kelompok wanita tani Sri Lestari dengan konsumen. Ancaman berupa (1) menurunnya daya saing produk, (2) jumlah pesaing sejenis, (3) menurunnya daya beli masyarakat, (4) masih kurangnya peran pemerintah dan; (5) jumlah bahan baku musiman. Strategi yang dapat diterapkan yaitu (1) meningkatkan penjualan teh kulit manggis, (2) meningkatkan pelatihan terhadap anggota agar termapil dalam pembuatan teh kulit manggis, (3) meningkatkan promosi agar produk di kenal oleh masyarakat luas, (4) menjadikan teh kulit manggis mempunyai kualitas yang lebih baik, (5) pemerintah melakukan pendampingan terhadap KWT Sri Lestari dalam pengolahan teh kulit manggis
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