403 research outputs found

    Блок гауссової фільтрації частинок навігаційних даних

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    A filtering block has been developed with the help of which navigation data, received fromUAV is filtered. UAV motion over some territory with camera on board has been held and images arecaptured from it. Images were processed by blob method and we got some linear references, filtered itand compared with Google maps. As a result is received probabilities of state equation, in particulartransient probabilities and its approximations according to the flight task, which allows to estimate UAVlocation, which showed that block is appropriate for use on UAV board and due to applying filtering,gives as correct results of location determining as possibleПредлагается разработанный блок гауссовской точечной фильтрации для навигационных данных БПЛА. В ходедвижения БПЛА были захваченные снимки рельефа местности камерой. Данные захваченные изображения были обработаны BLOB методом. Результат обработки позволил выявить отфильтрованные характерные точки исравнить с изображениями, полученных из Google карт. По результатам полученных уравнений вероятностных состояний и их аппроксимация и дальнейшего исследования можно сделать вывод о том, что за счет применения предлагаемого блока фильтрации по полетному заданию можно точно определить месторасположенияПропонується розроблений блок гаусівської точкової фільтрації для навігаційних даних БПЛА. В ході руху БПЛА були захоплені знімки рельєфу місцевості камерою. Дані захоплені зображення були оброблені BLOB методом. Результат обробки дозволив виявити відфільтровані характерні точки і порівняти з зображеннями, отриманих з Google карт. За результатами отриманих рівнянь імовірнісних станів і їх апроксимація та подальшого дослідження можна зробити висновок про те, що за рахунок застосування пропонованого блоку фільтраціїпо польотному завданню можна точно визначити місце розташування БПЛ

    Migration processes in rural areas as an indicator of economic security

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    The article reveals the migration processes characteristic of the whole of Russia, including in the village. The migration policy of the regions is one of the key elements of the social development of society, taking into account the economic, political and demographic features of the territory; it determines the direction of migration processes and the formation of migratory connection. The migration process in rural areas (territories) acts as a two-way movement - as a stream of departures and as a stream of arrivals. The article provides basic statistics on migration in the region for 2014-2018. The aim of the study is to analyze the migration situation in rural areas (territories) of the Udmurt Republic, one of the regions of the Russian Federation, since these processes directly affect the state of the labor market. In this regard, it seems relevant to study migration processes in rural areas (territories) of the Udmurt Republic. The object of research is the processes of migration in the context of modern international relations. The subject of the study is - migration processes in rural areas; at the same time, migration is considered in comparison with labor market indicators in addition to traditional indicators of migration growth (decrease) in the population. In accordance with this goal, the main task was determined: to offer statistical indicators characterizing migration in terms of the labor market and the quality of life of rural areas. Methods of comparison, grouping, systematization, analysis of dependence were used.  It is concluded that these calculation methods can be applied to determine target indicators of the municipal policy of the region

    Epithets in Russian Spiritual Verses

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    The article examines the composition and functioning of epithets in Russian spiritual verses. The relevance of the study is due to the lack of research on spiritual verses from a linguistic perspective, as well as the opportunity to explore the interaction between oral and written traditions, secular and Christian culture, which are closely intertwined in this folklore genre. A brief overview of the theory of epithet study in Russian linguistic tradition is provided, taking into account the latest research, with particular emphasis on the use of constant epithets in folklore texts of various genres. The texts of three collections of Russian spiritual verses are considered: “Collection of Russian Spiritual Verses” compiled by V. Varentsov; “The Dove Book: Russian Folk Spiritual Verses of the 11th-19th Centuries”; “Spiritual Verses of the Russian North”. Two corpora of epithets are distinguished: general folklore constant epithets and genre-specific epithets of Russian spiritual verses. Observations are made about their quantitative and qualitative composition, describing the peculiarities of their usage in relation to the genre’s specificity and explaining their correlation. A grammatical characterization of epithets is provided from the perspective of morphological expression and position within an attributive syntagm

    Short and Clipped Forms of Adjective in Russian Spiritual Poetry of Karelia: Grammatical Aspect

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    The question of the functioning of short and clipped forms of the adjective in Russian spiritual poetry is considered. The relevance of the study is due to the lack of study of spiritual poetry from the point of view of language and the opportunity to consider the interaction of oral and written traditions, secular and Christian culture, which are closely intertwined in the folklore genre of spiritual poetry. The novelty of the research is seen both in an attempt to solve one of the “eternal questions” of the Russian linguistic tradition, concerning the ratio of adjective forms, and in the material used for study: the texts from the Scientific Archive of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Phonogram Archive of the YALI Institute of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, collected in XX century on the territory of present-day Karelia and included in the collection “Spiritual Poems of the Russian North”, which had not previously been the object of research in terms of the use of the linguistic units under consideration. It is shown that the analysis of short and clipped forms of adjective functioning in spiritual verses contributes to the identification of the linguistic specificity of the works of this folklore genre. The conclusion is made about the dual nature of spiritual verses, which determines the predominance of clipped attributive forms of the adjective over the actual short forms

    Rare case of type II glycogen storage disease

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    The article presents information about a rare case of Pompe disease. It is a glycogen storage disease. During the third screening of a pregnant woman, the ultrasonography of the fetus’s heart revealed the myocardial hypertrophy of the left ventricle perceived as posthypoxic. After delivery, the newborn underwent the ultrasound examination and molecular genetic studies. Firstly, the hepatomegaly and cardiomegaly were diagnosed. Then an infantile form of Pompe disease was found. The patient got enzyme replacement therapy without positive result. The death occurred at the age of 2 years and 5 months as a result of cardiovascular disease failure. Macroscopically, the sizes of the internal organs were increased. The microscopic examination demonstrated glycogen deposition in the myocardium, skeletal muscles, mucous membranes of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney, spleen and adrenal gland

    The problem of description of the linguistic personality of a scholar philologist

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    The article presents an analysis of a linguistic personality of a scholar linguist in the text belonging to scientific-educational substyle. The author uses the conception of Y. N. Karaulov, according to which the structure of a linguistic personality comprises three levels: verbal-semantic, thesaurus and motivational.В статье предлагается анализ языковой личности ученого-лингвиста на материале текста, относящегося к научно-учебному подстилю. Автор опирается на концепцию Ю. Н. Ка-раулова, согласно которой структура языковой личности включает в себя три уровня: вербально-семантический, тезаурусный, мотивационный

    Building City-Scale Walking Itineraries Using Large Geospatial Datasets

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    Nowadays, social networks play an important role in many aspects of people’s life and in traveling in particular. People share their experience and opinions not only on specialized sites, like TripAdvisor, but also in social networks, e.g. Instagram. Combining information from different sources we can get a manifold dataset, which covers main sights, famous buildings as well as places popular with city residents. In this paper, we propose method for generation of walking tours based on large multi-source dataset. In order to create this dataset, we developed data crawling framework, which is able to collect data from Instagram at high speed. We provide several use cases for the developed itinerary generation method and demonstrate that it can significantly enrich standard touristic paths provided by official site

    Simple model of complex dynamics of activity patterns in developing networks of neuronal cultures

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    Living neuronal networks in dissociated neuronal cultures are widely known for their ability to generate highly robust spatiotemporal activity patterns in various experimental conditions. These include neuronal avalanches satisfying the power scaling law and thereby exemplifying self-organized criticality in living systems. A crucial question is how these patterns can be explained and modeled in a way that is biologically meaningful, mathematically tractable and yet broad enough to account for neuronal heterogeneity and complexity. Here we propose a simple model which may offer an answer to this question. Our derivations are based on just few phenomenological observations concerning input-output behavior of an isolated neuron. A distinctive feature of the model is that at the simplest level of description it comprises of only two variables, a network activity variable and an exogenous variable corresponding to energy needed to sustain the activity and modulate the efficacy of signal transmission. Strikingly, this simple model is already capable of explaining emergence of network spikes and bursts in developing neuronal cultures. The model behavior and predictions are supported by empirical observations and published experimental evidence on cultured neurons behavior exposed to oxygen and energy deprivation. At the larger, network scale, introduction of the energy-dependent regulatory mechanism enables the network to balance on the edge of the network percolation transition. Network activity in this state shows population bursts satisfying the scaling avalanche conditions. This network state is self-sustainable and represents a balance between global network-wide processes and spontaneous activity of individual elements


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    The zirconium oxide based sorbents  were prepared by modifying polyhexamethylene guanidine, Ferrozine or Ferene S. Optimal conditions were found for modifying the zirconium oxide by Ferrozine and Ferene S. The sorption capacity of the sorbents is 25 mM/g for Ferrozine and 5 mM/g for Feren S. The sorbents quantitatively extract the iron(II)   from solutions of pH 2.5 – 7.0. Intensively colored iron(II) complexes are formed on the sorbents surface during sorption from solutions of pH 2.5 – 5.0 during 20 min. The diffuse reflectance spectra have maxima at 560 and 600 nm for the sorbents with the functional groups of Ferrozine and Ferene S, respectively. This effect was suggested for development of procedures of sorption-photometric and visual test determination of iron(II). The calibration curves were linear over the range 0.1 – 4.0 μg per0,1 gof the sorbent. The limit of detection sorption-photometric determination of iron (II) calculated by the 3s-criterion is 0.006 mg / 0.015 mg and 0.1g / 0.1g for sorbents with functional groups of Ferrozine and Ferene S, respectively. The proposed method was used for determination of total iron in natural waters. The results of sorption-photometric determination of total iron were confirmed by the results of atomic-emission method with inductively coupled plasma.Keywords: Adsorption, modified zirconium oxide, Ferene S, Ferrozine, Iron(II), Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, test-systems. (Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.4.009 S.L. Didukh, A.N. Mukhina, V.N. Losev Research Engineering Centre ‘Kristall’ of Siberian Federal University, Krasnoiarsk, Russian FederationREFERENCES1. Analytical measurements in aquatic environments. Ed. by Namiensnik J., Szefer P. CRC Press, 2010. 503 p.2. Marchenko Z., Bal’tsezhak M. 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При сорбции на поверхности сорбентов образуются интенсивно окрашенные комплексы железа(II), имеющие в спектре диффузного отражения широкую полосу с максимумом при 560 и 600 нм соответственно для сорбентов с функциональными группами феррозина и ферена С. Максимальная интенсивность окраски развивается в течение 20 мин при рН = 2.5-5.0. Образование окрашенных комплексов на поверхности сорбента использовано при разработке методик сорбционно-фотометрического и тест-определения железа(II). Градуировочные графики линейны в диапазоне от 0.1 до 4.0 мкг/0.1 г. Предел обнаружения железа(II) сорбционно-фотометрическим методом, рассчитанный по 3s-критерию, равен  0.006 мкг/0.1 г и 0.015 мкг/0.1 г  для сорбентов с функциональными группами феррозина и ферена С, соответственно. Методики использованы при определении общего содержания железа в природных водах. Правильность методик подтверждена атомно-эмиссионным методом с индуктивно связанной плазмой.Ключевые слова: сорбционное концентрирование, модифицированный оксид циркония, феррозин,  ферен С, железо(II), сорбционно-фотометрическое определение, тест-системы.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.4.009ЛИТЕРАТУРАAnalytical measurements in aquatic environments. Ed. by Namiensnik J., Szefer P. CRC Press, 2010. 503 p.Марченко З., Бальцежак М. Методы спектрофотометрии в УФ и видимой областях в неорганическом анализе: пер. с польского А.В. Гармаша. М.: БИНОМ, 2007. 711 с. Haghighi B., Safavi A. Simultaneous flow injction determination of iron(II) and iron(III) with opto-electrochemical detection // Anal. Chim. Acta. 1997. V. 354. P. 43-50.Mulaudzi L.V. van Staden J.F., Stefan R.I.  On-line determination of iron(II) and iron(III) using a spectrophotometric sequential injection system // Anal. Chim. Acta. 2002. V. 467. P. 35-49.Ермоленко Ю.В., Гридина Н.Н., Соколовская А.П. 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P. 340-341.Limiting reactants in chemical analysis: influences of metals and ligands on calibration curves and formation constants for selected iron-ligand chelates / M. Stauffer [et al.] // Stoichiometry and Research – The Impotance of Quantity in Biomedicine. 2012. P. 311-334.Tsurubou S., Sakai T. High-sensitivity extraction – Spectrophotometric determination of iron with 3-(2-pyridyl)-5,6-diphenyl-1,2,4-triazine and tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester // The Analyst. 1984. V. 109. P. 1397-1399.Spectrophotometric determination of iron(II) after separation by adsorption of its complex with 3-(4-phenyl-2-pyridyl)-5,6-diphenyl-1,2,4-triazine and tetraphenylborate on microcrystalline naphthalene / T. Nagahiro [et al.] // Talanta. V. 31, № 12. 1985. P. 1112-1114.Organic solvent-soluble membrane filters for the preconcentration and spectrophotometric determination of iron(II) traces in water with Ferrozine / Ying Chen [et al.] // Fresenius J Anal Chem. 1999. V. 363. 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