3,370 research outputs found

    X-ray Variability of the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable V1432 Aql and the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 6814

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    V1432 Aquilae (=RX J1940.2-1025) is the X-ray bright, eclipsing magnetic cataclysmic variable ~37' away from the Seyfert galaxy, NGC 6814. Due to a 0.3% difference between the orbital (12116.3 s) and the spin (12150 s) periods, the accretion geometry changes over the ~50 day beat period. Here we report the results of an RXTE campaign to observe the eclipse 25 times, as well as of archival observations with ASCA and BeppoSAX. Having confirmed that the eclipse is indeed caused by the secondary, we use the eclipse timings and profiles to map the accretion geometry as a function of the beat phase. We find that the accretion region is compact, and that it moves relative to the center of white dwarf on the beat period. The amplitude of this movement suggest a low-mass white dwarf, in contrast to the high mass previously estimated from its X-ray spectrum. The size of the X-ray emission region appears to be larger than in other eclipsing magnetic CVs. We also report on the RXTE data as well as the long-term behavior of NGC 6814, indicating flux variability by a factor of at least 10 on time scales of years.Comment: 44 pages including 16 figures; ApJ, in pres

    Large-scale analysis of human alternative protein isoforms: pattern classification and correlation with subcellular localization signals

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    We investigated human alternative protein isoforms of >2600 genes based on full-length cDNA clones and SwissProt. We classified the isoforms and examined their co-occurrence for each gene. Further, we investigated potential relationships between these changes and differential subcellular localization. The two most abundant patterns were the one with different C-terminal regions and the one with an internal insertion, which together account for 43% of the total. Although changes of the N-terminal region are less common than those of the C-terminal region, extension of the C-terminal region is much less common than that of the N-terminal region, probably because of the difficulty of removing stop codons in one isoform. We also found that there are some frequently used combinations of co-occurrence in alternative isoforms. We interpret this as evidence that there is some structural relationship which produces a repertoire of isoformal patterns. Finally, many terminal changes are predicted to cause differential subcellular localization, especially in targeting either peroxisomes or mitochondria. Our study sheds new light on the enrichment of the human proteome through alternative splicing and related events. Our database of alternative protein isoforms is available through the internet

    Initial POLAR MFE observation of substorm signatures in the polar magnetosphere

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    This paper studies substorm influences in the polar magnetosphere using data from the POLAR magnetic field experiment (MFE). The POLAR spacecraft remains in the high altitude polar magnetosphere for extended periods around apogee. There it can stay at nearly constant altitude through all phases of a substorm, which was not possible on previous missions. We report such an event on March 28, 1996. Ground magnetometers monitored substorm activity, while the POLAR spacecraft, directly over the pole at (−0.8, −0.6, 8.5) RE in GSM coordinates, observed a corresponding perturbation in the total magnetic field strength. The total magnetic field first increased, then recovered toward quiet levels, consistent with erosion of magnetic flux from the dayside magnetosphere, followed by transport of that flux to the magnetotail, and eventual onset of tail reconnection and the return of that magnetic flux to the dayside magnetosphere

    Swift Observations of Hard X-ray Emitting White Dwarfs in Symbiotic Stars

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    The X-ray emission from most accreting white dwarfs (WDs) in symbiotic binary stars is quite soft. Several symbiotic WDs, however, produce strong X-ray emission at energies greater than ~20 keV. The Swift BAT instrument has detected hard X-ray emission from 4 such accreting WDs in symbiotic stars: RT Cru, T CrB, CD -57 3057, and CH Cyg. In one case (RT Cru), Swift detected X-rays out to greater than 50 keV at a > 5 sigma confidence level. Combining data from the XRT and BAT detectors, we find that the 0.3-150 keV spectra of RT Cru, T CrB, and CD -57 3057 are well described by emission from a single-temperature, optically thin thermal plasma, plus an unresolved 6.4-6.9 keV Fe line complex. The X-ray spectrum of CH Cyg contains an additional bright soft component. For all 4 systems, the spectra suffer high levels of absorption from material that both fully and partially covers the source of hard X-rays. The XRT data did not show any of the rapid, periodic variations that one would expect if the X-ray emission were due to accretion onto a rotating, highly magnetized WD. The X-rays were thus more likely from the accretion-disk boundary layer around a massive, non-magnetic WD in each binary. The X-ray emission from RT Cru varied on timescales of a few days. This variability is consistent with being due to changes in the absorber that partially covers the source, suggesting localized absorption from a clumpy medium moving into the line of sight. The X-ray emission from CD -57 3057 and T CrB also varied during the 9 months of Swift observations, in a manner that was also consistent with variable absorption.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 9 pages, 6 figure

    Broad-band characteristics of seven new hard X-ray selected cataclysmic variables

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    IndexaciĂłn: Web of Science; Scopus.We present timing and spectral analysis of a sample of seven hard X-ray selected cataclysmic variable candidates based on simultaneous X-ray and optical observations collected with XMM–Newton, complemented with Swift/BAT and INTEGRAL /IBIS hard X-ray data and ground-based optical photometry. For six sources, X-ray pulsations are detected for the first time in the range of ∌296–6098 s, identifying them as members of the magnetic class. Swift J0927.7−6945, Swift J0958.0−4208, Swift J1701.3−4304, Swift J2113.5+5422 and possibly PBC J0801.2−4625 are intermediate polars (IPs), while Swift J0706.8+0325 is a short (1.7 h) orbital period polar, the 11th hard X-ray-selected identified so far. X-ray orbital modulation is also observed in Swift J0927.7−6945 (5.2 h) and Swift J2113.5+5422 (4.1 h). Swift J1701.3−4304 is discovered as the longest orbital period (12.8 h) deep eclipsing IP. The spectra of the magnetic systems reveal optically thin multitemperature emission between 0.2 and 60 keV. Energy-dependent spin pulses and the orbital modulation in Swift J0927.7−6945 and Swift J2113.5+5422 are due to intervening local high-density absorbing material (NH ∌ 1022 − 23 cm−2). In Swift J0958.0−4208 and Swift J1701.3−4304, a soft X-ray blackbody (kT ∌ 50 and ∌80 eV) is detected, adding them to the growing group of ‘soft’ IPs. White dwarf masses are determined in the range of ∌0.58–1.18 M, indicating massive accreting primaries in five of them. Most sources accrete at rates lower than the expected secular value for their orbital period. Formerly proposed as a long-period (9.4 h) nova-like CV, Swift J0746.3−1608 shows peculiar spectrum and light curves suggesting either an atypical low-luminosity CV or a low-mass X-ray binary.https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/470/4/4815/390658

    A Synoptic, Multiwavelength Analysis of a Large Quasar Sample

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    We present variability and multi-wavelength photometric information for the 933 known quasars in the QUEST Variability Survey. These quasars are grouped into variable and non-variable populations based on measured variability confidence levels. In a time-limited synoptic survey, we detect an anti-correlation between redshift and the likelihood of variability. Our comparison of variability likelihood to radio, IR, and X-ray data is consistent with earlier quasar studies. Using already-known quasars as a template, we introduce a light curve morphology algorithm that provides an efficient method for discriminating variable quasars from periodic variable objects in the absence of spectroscopic information. The establishment of statistically robust trends and efficient, non-spectroscopic selection algorithms will aid in quasar identification and categorization in upcoming massive synoptic surveys. Finally, we report on three interesting variable quasars, including variability confirmation of the BL Lac candidate PKS 1222+037.Comment: AJ, accepted for publication 15 Dec 200

    Confocal microphotoluminescence of InGaN-based light-emitting diodes

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    Spatially resolved photoluminescence (PL) of InGaN/GaN/AlGaN-based quantum-well-structured light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with a yellow-green light (530 nm) and an amber light (600 nm) was measured by using confocal microscopy. Submicron-scale spatial inhomogeneities of both PL intensities and spectra were found in confocal micro-PL images. We also found clear correlations between PL intensities and peak wavelength for both LEDs. Such correlations for yellow-green and amber LEDs were different from the reported correlations for blue or green LEDs. This discrepancy should be due to different diffusion, localization, and recombination dynamics of electron-hole pairs generated in InGaN active layers, and should be a very important property for influencing the optical properties of LEDs. In order to explain the results, we proposed a possible carrier dynamics model based on the carrier localization and partial reduction of the quantum confinement Stark effect depending on an indium composition in InGaN active layers. By using this model, we also considered the origin of the reduction of the emission efficiencies with a longer emission wavelength of InGaN LEDs with high indium composition

    A New Sample of Low-mass Black Holes in Active Galaxies

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    We present an expanded sample of low-mass black holes (BHs) found in galactic nuclei. Using standard virial mass techniques to estimate BH masses, we select from the Fourth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey all broad-line active galaxies with masses < 2 x 10^6 M_sun. BHs in this mass regime provide unique tests of the relationship between BHs and galaxies, since their late-type galaxy hosts do not necessarily contain classical bulges. Furthermore, they provide observational analogs of primordial seed BHs and are expected, when merging, to provide strong gravitational signals for future detectors such as LISA. From our preliminary sample of 19, we have increased the total sample by an order of magnitude to 174, as well as an additional 55 (less secure) candidates. The sample has a median BH mass of = 1.3 x 10^6 M_sun, and in general the objects are radiating at high fractions of their Eddington limits. We investigate the broad spectral properties of the sample; 55 are detected by \rosat, with soft X-ray luminosities in the range 10^40 to 7 x 10^43 ergs/sec. Much like the preliminary sample, these objects are predominantly radio-quiet (R = f_6cm/f_4400A < 10), but 11 objects are detected at 20 cm, with radio powers (10^21-10^23 W/Hz) that may arise from either star formation or nuclear activity; only 1% of the sample is radio-loud. We further confirm that, with =-19.3 and = 0.7 mag, the host galaxies are low-mass, late-type systems. At least 40% show disk-like morphologies, and the combination of host galaxy colors and higher-order Balmer absorption lines indicate intermediate-age stellar populations in a subset of the sample.Comment: to appear in ApJ; 13 pages, 8 figure
