200 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kinerja Pelayanan Publik Melalui Peningkatan Motivasi Spiritual

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    Officer\u27s performance in Regional Disaster Relief Agency (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah) Kebumen Regency, based on the existing data in the field, is not yet optimum. This circumstance was related to threefactors namely ability, working discipline, and spiritual motivation. This research aimed to analyze the influence of ability, working discipline, and spiritual motivation toward officers performance in BPBD of Kebumen Regency. The research method used was quantitative analysis, the data obtained by givingquestionnaire, answers were analyzed by multiple linier regression to determine the relations between independent variables: the ability, working discipline, and spiritual motivation with the dependent variable wasperformance. After analyzing three variables, it was found that performance of Civil Servant on Regional Disaster Management Agency Kebumen was good. The result showed that the ability (X1) influenced performance of Civil Servant on Regional Disaster Management Agency Kebumen with percentage of 37.7%;working discipline (X2) influenced performance of Civil Servant on Regional Disaster Management Agency Kebumen with percentage of 72.3%; spiritual motivation infuenced performance of Civil Servant on Regional Disaster Management Agency Kebumen up to 66.1%. The result also showed positive relations between three variables, as those variables were impactful in significant way. Finally; ability, working discipline and spiritual motivation influenced overall performance of Civil Servant on Regional Disaster Management Agency Kebumen up to 78.3%. It means that the greater level of ability, working discipline and spiritual motivation resulted to a greater level performance of Civil Servant on Regional Disaster Management Agency Kebumen, and vice versa

    Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek untuk Mengembangkan Ensiklopedia Berbasis Bioedupreneurship

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan calon guru dalam menghasilkan ensiklopediaberbasis bioedupreneurship melalui pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan pemanfaatan potensi lokal.Ensiklopedia merupakan salah satu bentuk media cetak.Kemampuan calon guru sains dalam membuat media pembelajaran sains mutlak dibutuhkan.Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu perantara dalam penyampaian materi pelajaran.Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Jurusan IPA Biologi IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon dengan sasaran mahasiswa semester VII yang berjumlah 36 orang.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa mampu menghasilkan ensiklopediaberbasis bioedupreneurship kategori baik dengan rata-rata skor 85. 89. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah melalui pembelajaran berbasis proyek mampu mengembangkan kemampuan calon guru dalam menghasilkan ensiklopedia pembelajaran sains berbasis bioedupreneurship

    Penguatan Karakter Anak Usia Dini dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an dan Hadits

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    Di era yang semakin global ini tuntutan adanya sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas dan berwawasan luas  tidak hanya dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan umum saja, namun juga harus didasari dengan ahlak yang karimah, sehingga mampu mengandalikan diri dari pengaruh budaya yang serba membolehkan yang mengiringi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi tersebut. Krisis yang melanda Indonesia dewasa ini diindikasikan bukan hanya berdimensi material, akan tetapi juga telah memasuki kawasan moral agama. Hal ini dipicu oleh tidak adanya pengetahuan agama yang kuat. Tujuan utama Pendidikan Islam ialah membentuk akhlak dan budi pekerti yang sanggup menghasilkan orang-orang yang bermoral,  jiwa bersih, kemauan keras, cita-cita yang besar sertaa akhlak yang tinggi, tahu arti kewajiban dan pelaksanaannya, menghormati hak-hak manusia, bisa membedakan baik dan buruk, menghindari perbuatan tercela, dan senantiasa mengingat Allah SWT dalam setiap pekerjaan yang mereka lakukan.  Untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut, maka kita harus berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk mewujudkannya dan juga kita harus berpandangan luas mengenai bagaimana kita sebagai orang dewasa untuk mendidik dalam bersikap dan bertingkah laku kepada anak, karena bahwasanya anak-anak adalah kuncup-kuncup yang akan berkembang dalam kehidupan kita, janji gemilang bagi masa depan, dan penghibur hati kit

    Evaluasi Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemberrian Kredit Atas Jenis Pembiayaan pada PT. Pegadaian Kantor Cabang Martadinata Samarinda

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    Pegadaian merupakan badan USAha yang sifatnya bersifat sosial, dengan melandaskan kegiatannya atas dasar hukum gadai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi sistem pengendalian intern pemberian kredit pada Pegadaian Cabang Martadinata. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membandingkan sistem pengendalian intern yang diterapkan pada pegadaian dengan teori mengenai sistem pengendalian intern. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan adalah wawancara, kuesioner, observasi dan penelitian langsung ke objek. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap pengendalian intern pemberian kredit pada PT. Pegadaian Cabang Martadinata Samarinda, dengan menggunakan kuesioner pengendalian intern yang mengacu pada kerangka kerja COSO pada unsur-unsur pengendalian intern. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa dari unsur-unsur pengendalian intern menurut kerangka kerja COSO, unsur lingkungan pengendalian, penentuan resiko, aktivitas pengendalian, informasi dan komunikasi serta pemantauan sangat efektif, ditemukan bahwa bagian fungsi-fungsi pemisahan tugas kasir, penaksir, penyimpan, administrasi suda sesuai dengan wewenang dan tanggung jawab yang telah diberikan. Adanya berangkas tempat penyimpan uang tunai dan barang gadai sebagai perlindungan terhadap barang jaminan dan harta Perusahaan, Adanya audit internal dan audit dadakan terutama dibagian keuangan, formulir-formulir kredit serta bukti kas masuk maupun bukti kas keluar memiliki nomor urut cetak, pada pegadaian memiliki bagian kuhusus analisis kredit. Selain itu prosedur pemberian kredit gadai hingga pencairan kredit sangat efektif karena sesuai dengan prosedur yang ada pada teori. Pada kuesioner untuk jawaban ‘Ya\u27 mendapatkan jumlah nilai 95%, sedangkan nilai 5% untuk jawaban ‘Tidak\u27. Berarti PT. Pegadaian cabang Martadinata Samarinda ‘Sangat Efektif\u27. Hal tersebut diakibatkan karena adanya ketegasan dan pemisahan tugas, serta adanya pengawasan yang dilakukan agar aktivitas pada pegadaian sesuai dengan kebijakan standar operasional Perusahaan. Dengan demikian hipotesis yang mengatakan penerapan sistem pengendalian intern pemberian kredit pada PT. Pegadaian Cabang Martadinata di Samarinda Kurang Efektif di tolak

    Efektivitas Model Flipped Classroom Menggunakan Video Pembelajaran Matematika terhadap Pemahaman Konsep

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    Flipped Classroom model is a model where in the learning process is not like in general, that is in the learning process students learn the subject matter at home before the class begins and teaching and learning activities in the class in the form of tasks, discussion about materials or problems that students have not understood. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Flipped Classroom model on the ability of understanding mathematical concepts. This research type used Quasi Experiment Design research and sampling technique used is Probability Sampling method with Random Sampling technique. Hypothesis test used in this research is t-test. The result of statistical test shows that the value of t_hitung based on the calculation obtained t_hitung = 12.868, and t_tabel = 1.668 so t_hitung t_tabel, with a real level of 0.05 in other words it can be concluded that the understanding of mathematical concepts of students who expected model Flipped Classroom is better than the ability to understand concepts that are applied with lecture method


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    The era of globalization demanding transactions as quickly as possible, plus a shift in the culture of the people who are headed for the less cash society, demands the world of banking to continue to innovate technology in the field of digital transactions such as sharia (Islamic credit card). Sharia card basically belongs to the needs tahsiniyyat, which can familiarize humans to the best habits. But if it turns out in practice to cause ugliness, it must be stopped and abandoned. Because if sharia card does not exist, does not mean to harm the harmony of human life as when the absence of things that are dharuriyyat. Nor is there any difficulty in the absence of a hajiyyat. Sharia law is permitted, with the provision of no interest, is not used for transactions that are inconsistent with sharia, does not encourage excessive spending (istraf) by means of, among others, a maximum ceiling of expenditure, the main cardholder must have the financial ability to repay in due course; not using facilities for things that are contrary to sharia. Keywords: credit card, sharia card, Islamic law

    Praktek Ramalan dalam Perspektif Pasal 545 Ayat (1) Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana

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    The occult world in Indonesia has become an inseparable culture of the people, these occult experts are commonly called with shamans, paranormal, kiyai, ustadz etc., the average person is considered to have more supernatural abilities than others. In general, people in Indonesia strongly believe in things that are mystical/occult, especially Javanese society that until this modern period still hold firm beliefs of ancestral heritage tradition. The types of klenik in Java is very diverse to follow the tastes and understanding of society in general even a shaman claims himself as a multitalent who can resolve all kinds of problems ranging from mate affairs, fortune-predicting fortune, treatment, penglarisan, just stuff that smells Unbelievers, but the belief that thrives in this society is utilized by a handful of people to gain profits by claiming to have supranataural ability, some even claim to be able to bring Money unseen this becomes a phenomenon in the community and many believe it. As with the Predictive Predictions that say the ability to predict one\u27s fate and fortune in the near or far future, the method used varies according to the dukun\u27s belief. The question is whether or not it is just a form of fraud, then how does the law act in Indonesia in handling the phenomenon that has been in trust the community

    Eksistensi Kurikulum Pesantren di Era 4.0

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    Abstract: The pesantren curriculum is a curriculum adopted from the Islamic boarding school learning system so that in learning it emphasizes the religiosity side which is marked by the large portion of religious education subjects. The industrial revolution 4.0 as an era of technological progress has had various negative impacts on the younger generation such as the eroding of religious values ​​in students so that they find it difficult to distinguish good things from bad things which causes students to easily be carried away by the negative currents of digitalization. The implementation of the pesantren curriculum in formal educational institutions can help schools shape the character and morals of students in facing the challenges of the times so that schools are expected to produce intelligent generations both intellectually and spiritually. Even though it originates from the pesantren curriculum, it has a dynamic nature and can accept positive new things so that it is always able to keep up with the times and still exist in the world of Indonesian education, this is evident from the ever-increasing tension in schools that adhere to the pesantren curriculum from time to time. Keywords: Curriculum, pesantren, era 4.

    Eksistensi Delik Adat dalam Kontestasi Hukum Pidana Indonesia

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    Indigenous offense is an act that violates the sense of justice and propriety inpublic life, sahingga cause disruption of public peace and order to restore balance, thenSo, Customary law offense is a whole unwritten law that determines the existence of violations of customary deeds and all attempts to restorea state of equilibrium is disturbed by such actions.there is the customary reactions.encouraged the emergence of an ongoing debate since the beginning of the independence ofIndonesia on whether custom could be one source of law in the Indonesian constitution. Therefore, the focus in this study is the existence of Indigenous offense in Indonesiancriminal law system. The conclusion in this paper can be said that the offense is a violation of Indigenous customary criminal and civil. In solution, preferably an elementHowever, Indigenous offense hasof peace through justice of the peace as the controlling offense Indigenous village. If not tercapa peace, then the elders can provide appropriate sanctions and the background dueto the violation

    Pengembangan Nilai Agama dan Moral Anak Usia Dini Etnis Jawa dan Madura di Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    The dialog of Javanese and Madurese in Pasuruan be interesting, because the two ethnic groups have a habit of instilling a strong tradition in relegiusitas in society. So that the two ethnic groups in Pasuruan showing positive value of diversity in society. The purpose of this research are to know the concept of the development of Value of Religious and Moral invested educators  in delivering the students are able to think, act, and behave commendable (akhlaq al-karimah) on Ethnic Java-Madura in Pasuruan, to know the concept of educators aware of the importance of moral development and Religious Values ​​in children even more at an early age Ethnic Java-Madura in Pasuruan. This study want to understand the phenomenon of rational, interpretive, and evaluative. Giving meaning, interpretation, and meaning to the development of Religious and Moral Values ​​is viewed from a conceptual perspective, the changing character of education and paradigmatic theoretical perspective. Therefore, this study is a qualitative approach. Results from this study is that parents and early childhood teachers in Pasuruan district has shown a variety of methods and gives examples of concrete in the development of religious values ​​and morals to the students whose background Javanese and Madurese, although there are a few things in the study of developmental psychology child doing less precise. With the use of methods that are variations of the children also feel happy and cheerful in the learning process. Recommended to teachers who deal with early childhood in order to improve understanding more about the didactic-methodical, especially at the stage of early childhood development. In addition, in implanting and developing religious values ​​in early childhood fun ways to be further enhanced
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