31 research outputs found
Application of log-linear models in analysis of students' mathematics anxiety
A log-linear modeling for three-dimensional contingency tables is used with categorical variables. In this study, hierarchical log-linear models are used to fit the observed frequencies and to determine the suitable model for the expected frequencies of pre-university students? mathematics anxiety data. For this reason, 546 students were selected to complete mathematics anxiety scale questionnaire. Data on gender, course, grade and level of mathematics anxiety were examined for presence of association using log-linear models. Estimating log-linear model parameters is carried out using Maximum Likelihood method, where the Newton-Raphson iteration method is used to find the numerical estimates of the parameters. Selection of the best model is conducted using deviance of the models. The significance of the model is determined using Goodness of Fit Test. We also determine the odds ratio between gender, course, Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) Additional Mathematics grade and anxiety level to establish the risk among the groups. The final model shows that gender, course and SPM Additional Mathematics score play a role in determining the students' level of mathematics anxiety
Dakwah Advokasi Sosial dalam Al-Quran: Perspektif Hermeneutika Jeorge J.E. Gracia
This article discusses the verses of al-Qu’ran regarding the principles of da'wah social advocacy. Using the hermeneutic approach of JE Jorge Gracia, this research has revealed that da'wah for social advocacy is an important part of Islamic teachings. The principles and scope of Islamic social advocacy are summarized in the spirit of maqashid shariah (the science of ushul fiqh), namely the defense of the basic rights of society in the framework of safeguarding religion, thought, soul, descent and property. In addition, this study also has argued that da'wah acitivist for social advocacy purposes are required to have sensitivity with regard to the efforts to solve social problems as part of fulfilling people's basic rights. Therefore, the integrity and capability of Islamic preachers who are engaged in the field of social advocacy is required
Pesan Al-Quran dalam Menyikapi Berita Hoax: Perspektif Dakwah di Era New Media
The rapid development of social media in the contemporary era, has given birth to the phenomenon of hoax, which is very disturbing for society. This is because the consequences of hoax messages are slanderous and attempts to disunite social groups. In response to this, the role of Islamic preacher (da’i) in conveying the message of the Qur'an regarding the importance of providing accurate information is necessary. The da'is are obliged to convey the truth according to al-Qur'an to ummah and to provide them a clear understanding in addressing the hoaxes news. Thus, the hoaxes news that often encourage social, political, and religious conflicts in the society can be resolved quickly and appropriately
Model Pengendalian Internal Pesantren
This research aims to produce a model of internal control at Pesantren as an educational institution that upholds the values of Islamic culture and traditions. In managing its organization, each entity has the same potential to correct fraud. One of supports expected to be able to prevent fraud and become an effective means to achieve goals is the internal control. The qualitative researchis conducted with a strategy grounded theory at Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Sukorejo. The results of this study found that the unique element of Pesantren is the value of spirituality that underlies all activities. These elements of spirituality are categorized as the following, namely 1) the categories of beliefs and attitudes consisting of iman, akhlak, amanah, spiritual connection and barokah, 2) practice consisting of niat, khidmah, musyawarah and istikharah, 3) management consisting of Pengasuh Pesantren, centralization and salaf-khalaf, and 4) pesantren heritage consisting of ibadah, wirid, hizib and istiqamah. These spiritual elements become effective fortress for pesantren in carrying out all its activities, and are named Spiritual-based Internal Contro
The bilingual program is a structural design, design with the aim of making it easier to learn two languages, namely Arabic and English. Therefore, as educators and teachers in carrying out their duties and functions, they must have teacher competencies and standards. This research aims; First, to describe the bilingual program in improving students' language achievement at the Bata-Bata bilingual center. Secondly, to find out and describe the effect of the bilingual program in improving the language achievement of students at the Bata-Bata bilingual center. This research method is quantitative with a population of 50 students and a sample of 50 students taken using a layered sampling technique (Stratified Random Sampling). Methods of data collection in the form of questionnaires, interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis used simple regression analysis. The results of this study show 1). The bilingual program in improving language achievement is in the sufficient category. This is evidenced by the largest percentage of 64% for the bilingual program and 60% for the achievement of students. These findings are then supported by observation data and interviews conducted by the author. 2). There is a positive and significant influence between bilingual programs in improving the language achievement of students at Bata-Bata bilingual center of Mambaul Ulum Bata-Bata Panaan Boarding School, Palengaan, Pamekasan while the magnitude of the influence is 23.1%, the remaining 76.9% is influenced by other factors.Keywords: Influence of Bilingual Program, Student's Language Achievement. Program bilingual suatu rancangan struktur, desain, dengan tujuan mempermudah untuk belajar dua bahasa yaitu bahasa arab dan bahasa ingris, Oleh karena itu sebagai tenaga pendidik dan guru dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya harus memiliki kompetensi dan standar guru.Penelitian ini bertujian; Pertama, untuk mendeskripsikan progam bilingual dalam meningkatkan prestasi Bahasa santri di Bata-Bata bilingual centre Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Ulum Bata-Bata Panaan, Palengaan, Pamekasan. Dan yang kedua, untuk mengetahui dan mendiskripsikan Pengaruh progam bilingual dalam meningkatkan prestasi Bahasa santri di Bata-Bata bilingual centre Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Ulum Bata-Bata Panaan, Palengaan, Pamekasan Metode penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan Populasi sebanyak 50 siswa dan sampel sebanyak 50 siswa yang diambil menggunakan teknik penarikan sampel terlapis (Stratified Random Sampling). Metode pengumpulan data berupa angket, wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Adapun analisis data menggunakan analisi regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan 1). Progam bilingaul dalam meningkatkan prestasi bahasa berada dalam kategori cukup, Hal ini debuktikan dengan persentase terbesar 64% untuk progam bilingaul dan 60% prestasi santri. Hasil temuan ini kemudian didukung oleh data observasi dan interview yang dilakukan penulis. 2). Ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara progam bilingual dalam meningkatkan prestasi bahasa santri di Bata-Bata bilingual centre Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Ulum Bata-Bata Panaan, Palengaan, Pamekasan adapun besarnya pengaruh tersebut sebesar 23,1%, sisanya 76,9% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain.Kata Kunci : Pengaruh Program Bilingual, Prestasi bahasa Santr
Spatial Distribution of Planktonic Dinoflagellate in Makassar Waters, South Sulawesi
The objectives of this study were to determine the harmful species of dinoflagellates, to determine the concentration of nutriens in surface waters, and to analyze factors affecting the ecological aspects of the harmful dinoflagellates. The results showed that there were 7 genus of dinoflagellates found in this study i.e., Ceratium spp., Gymnodinium sp., Dinophysis sp., Gonyaulax sp., Noctiluca sp., Protoperi-dinium spp., and Peridinium sp. Protoperidinium spp. and Ceratium spp. were the predominant species, with their abundance ranged of 9-659 cells/L and 6-556 cells/L, respectively. In temporal scale, values of DO and water light penetration were not significantly different (α>0.05), while for the parameter of nutriens, salinity, and abundance were significantly different (α<0.05). Total abundance of dinoflagellates was significantly correlated with nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate, salinity, and DO. Harmful dinoflagellate species such as Dinophysis sp. (DSP), Gymnodinium spp. (NSP and PSP), Noctiluca sp. (anaerobic), and Gonyaulax sp. (anaerobic) were observed in the study area. The high concentration of ammonia (>1 mg/L) in the waters of Losari beach also indicated that the area was affected by anthropogenic activities. Minimizing nutrient inputs from the land was becoming the most priority measure to be done to avoid such effects related to dinoflagellate harmful algae bloms
Problematika Hukum dan Ideologi Islam Radikal [Studi Bom Bunuh Diri Surabaya]
Radicalism in Islam is part of a socio-religious phenomenon that cannot be separated from many aspects. Besides economic and political interests, Radicalism in Islam can also be seen from the legal and ideological aspects. The law forms ideology, and the culmination of it is extremist action, including terrorism. Suicide bombings in Surabaya (2018) are part of the chain of extremist action and terrorism. Understanding bombing cases like in Surabaya, is not enough to be seen from the outward aspects only but also the basic foundation for forming the awareness of the perpetrators. This paper uses the theory of social action from Pierre F. Bourdieu, to read how values are internalized into oneself and then externalized into suicides, as well as to map the domains and capital owned. This socio-political research proves that acts of terror, including suicide bombings, are actualizations of complex ideological symbolism. Therefore, terrorism is part of space competition, both the space for religious interpretation, the physical space for action, and the human space for image and evaluation. The justification of terrorism is supported by a set of legal and theological arguments, as well as terrorism action also have legal and theological tool
Eggplant are potential to expand as contributor the diversity nutrition of vegetable ingredients for human. Eggplant“PondohButho” is one of the superior varieties suitable for planting in the lowlands to medium lands. This study purposes to determine the effect and interaction mixture dose of manure and POC BMW to the growth and production of eggplant varieties “PondohButho”. The study was conducted on UD. RejoTani, Ds. Kemlokolegi, Kec. Baron, Kab.Nganjuk on February 10 to June 22, 2017. The results of this study; 1) there is no of interaction between mixture fertilizer and POC BMW to the growth and production of eggplantsvarieties “PondohButho” (Solanummelongena L.); 2) mixture fertilizer giving effect to observation parameter of fruit, fruit weight and fruit diameter; 3) the giving of BMW POC has a very real effect on the generative phase of the plant that is the number of fruit, fruit weight and fruit diameter on the first harvest until the fifth
TA : Penentuan Starting Line Up Dalam Pertandingan Sepak Bola di Persebaya Dengan Menggunakan Metode AHP
Sepak bola merupakan olah raga terpopuler di dunia saat ini, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Melihat perkembangan dan besarnya minat pada cabang olah raga ini, maka tak mengherankan bila terjadi jual-beli pemain dan pelatih. Tetapi pemecatan terhadap pelatih banyak diakibatkan karena kesalahannya dalam menentukan daftar pemain yang diturunkan dalam pertandingan sepak bola.
Oleh karena itu, setelah mempelajari game manajerial 2000 dan melakukan wawancara dengan pelatih Persebaya bapak Jacksen F. Tiago, maka penulis menemukan suatu permasalahan dalam bidang sepak bola, yaitu bagaimana menentukan starting line up (daftar pemain utama yang diturunkan dalam suatu pertandingan sepak bola).
Mengacu pada permasalahan diatas, maka penulis mencoba untuk membuat suatu aplikasi yang dapat menentukan starting line up dalam pertandingan sepak bola di Persebaya dengan menggunakan metode Analythic Hierarchy Process (AHP), yaitu dengan membandingkan faktor yang satu dengan yang lain yang direpresentasikan melalui nilai bobot yang dihasilkan. Faktor-faktor yang dibandingkan meliputi faktor teknis, faktor mental, dan faktor non teknis. Komponen-komponen yang digunakan dalam proses penentuan starting line up meliputi data pemain, data nilai latihan, data nilai pertandingan dan data pembobotan proses hirarki. Kemudian pemain yang terseleksi akan digunakan untuk mengisi skema pertandingan yang telah ditentukan oleh pelatih.
Dengan adanya aplikasi penentuan starting line up ini diharapkan dapat membantu pengambilan keputusan bagi pelatih sepak bola Persebaya dalam pemilihan calon-calon pemain yang berkualitas dalam masing-masing posisinya dan juga diharapkan dapat membawa dampak yang positif didalam peningkatan prestasi klub. Bagi pembaca diharapkan dapat mengembangkan aplikasi ini dengan cara membuat elemen-elemen atau faktor-faktor yang dibandingkan bersifat lebih dinamis, karena dalam aplikasi ini masih banyak hal-hal yang bersifat statis