34 research outputs found


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    Anemia defisiensi besi merupakan anemia yang paling sering dialami orang, khususnya pada perempuan. Prevalensi anemia pada umur 13-18 tahun mencapai 22,7% (Riskesdas, 2013). Salah satu cara mengatasi anemia adalah dengan konsumsi tablet tambah darah, yang sesuai dengan surat edaran nomor HK.03.03/V/0595/2016 sehingga remaja putri mendapatkan tablet tambah darah dari Unit Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS). Sikap remaja putri menjadi penyebab tidak mengonsumsi tablet tambah darah. HBM merupakan teori yang memprediksi orang akan mengambil tindakan untuk mencegah, mendeteksi atau mengendalikan kondisi penyakit. Tujuannya untuk mencari tahu, menganalisis pengaruh dalam kepatuhan konsumsi tablet tambah darah (TTD) dalam pencegahan anemia remaja berdasarkan teori HBM. Penyusunan jurnal menggunakan metode literature review dari beberapa referensi artikel dengan jurnal yang dipilih menetapkan yaitu antara tahun 2017-2022 (lima tahun terakhir) dengan kata kunci konsumsi tablet tambah darah, remaja putri, HBM. Variabel HBM yaitu perceived benefits dan perceived self efficacy memiliki hubungan atau berpengaruh terhadap kepatuhan remaja putri dalam konsumsi tablet tambah darah. Perceived barriers memiliki hubungan yang lemah, sedangkan perceived susceptibility dan perceived severity tidak berhubungan atau tidak berpengaruh. Faktor pendukung dari kepatuhan remaja adalah dar guru dan media berupa video. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak semua variabel dari variabel HBM berpengaruh terhadap kepatuhan remaja putri dalam konsumsi tablet tambah darah

    Dampak Kesehatan dan Adaptasi Lintas Budaya Akibat Gegar Budaya pada Mahasiswa

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    Disebabkan kualitas perguruan tinggi di Indonesia belum merata, maka bermunculan mahasiswa lintas budaya. Hal tersebut memicu terjadinya gegar budaya akibat interaksi dengan lingkungan baru. Diketahui bahwa terdapat gejala kejadian gegar budaya pada mahasiswa bukan etnis Jawa di Universitas Airlangga sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi yang menjadi referensi studi lanjut bagi mahasiswa dari luar Pulau Jawa. Sehingga, perlu untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis adaptasi lintas budaya yang dilakukan mahasiswa bukan etnis Jawa dalam menghadapi dampak kesehatan akibat gegar budaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Informan adalah mahasiswa bukan etnis Jawa angkatan 2015 di Universitas Airlangga. Penelitian dimulai dengan skrining informan dengan kuesioner, dilanjutkan wawancara mendalam untuk mengambil data utama, dan focuss group discussion sebagai triangulasi. Analisis data dimulai dengan reduksi, narasi, kesimpulan, dan verifikasi data. Hasil dari penelitian yaitu dampak kesehatan akibat gegar budaya dari aspek fisik, mental, dan sosial. Bentuk adaptasi lintas budaya yang dilakukan yaitu personal skills digunakan informan dalam mengatasi dampak kesehatan fisik, mental, dan sosial. People skills digunakan dalam mengatasi dampak kesehatan mental dan sosial. Sedangkan, perception skills digunakan untuk mengatasi dampak kesehatan sosial. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu hampir seluruh informan telah melakukan adaptasi yang adaptif. Institusi pendidikan terutama perguruan tinggi dapat memfasilitasi mahasiswa lintas budaya dalam beradaptasi untuk mengatasi dampak kesehatan akibat gegar buday

    Upaya Pencegahan Penularan Penyakit Menular Seksual (PMS) HIV/AIDS oleh Mahasiswa Pelaku Seks Bebas di Surabaya

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    A research conducted at Surabaya East Java reveal that 40% man and 7% woman of the college students had done premarital intercourse. In this case 10% of them ever got Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Meanwhile, there is increasing data of AIDS and positively HIV in East Java year 1985 to 2002 about 48% and 45% irrespectivelly. Based on these data, the study will learn free sex behavior on college students and their attempt to prevent Sexually Transmitted Disease-HIV/AIDS in Surabaya. In otherwise, these were expected to recommend to the Public Health Service to prevent spread of Sexually Transmitted Disease-HIV/AIDS. This study was a descriptive which used a qualitative approach. The observing population take by purposive sampling technique with inclussion criteria such as free sex behavior and students whose college at Surabaya. Some variables, which be analyzed were: demographic characteristic, sexually behavior, knowledge about STD-HIV/AIDS, perception to STD-HIV/AIDS, cues to action, and reinforcing factor from the public health providers. The result showed that effort to prevent spread of Sexually Transmitted DiseaseHIV/AIDS by most free sex college students not maximally yet. It might be caused by their believed that their couple was free from Sexually Transmitted Disease-HIV/AIDS. They enjoy the moment, without thinking on their behavior effect such as Sexually Transmitted DiseaseHIV/AIDS.Key words: prevention, STD, HIV/AIDS, college student


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    Dental caries is one of the serious health problem in school age children. The maintenance of dental and oral health need to be done early in the prevention of dental caries. This study was conducted to analyze  the application of Health Belief Model theory on dental caries prevention  in elementary school students. This research was quantitative study with a cross-sectional approach. Sample were fifth grade student at SDN Kedurus 1 Surabaya amount to 53 students and taken by simple random sampling. The independent variable were perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self-efficacy and cues to action. The dependent variable of this study was action in the prevention of dental caries. Quantitative data was analyzed using Spearman correlation test and logistic regression. The respondent action to prevent dental caries was good. There was a correlation between perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self-efficacy and cues to action with action in preventing dental caries. This research concluded that perceived susceptibility was the most influencing factor in preventing dental caries. It was suggested to increase the effort of  promotive and preventive in school so that the students can more diligent in doing dental caries prevention action.  Keyword: health belief model, dental caries, behavior of student

    Social Support to Teenager Breakfast Behavior (Study at Sidoarjo Islamic State Senior High School)

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    Background: Breakfast is an important activity for people of all ages, including teenagers, before starting their daily activities. There are many benefits of breakfast that can be felt by the body, but some studies showed that some teens have a poor breakfast habit. Purpose: This research was conducted to analyze the effect of social support on breakfast behavior in teenager in the Sidoarjo Islamic State Senior High School (SHS). Methods: This study was an analytic observational study with cross-sectional. The population of this study were 906 teenagers of 11th and 12th grade who were registered as active students in Sidoarjo Islamic State SHS in 2018/2019, while for the sample were 442 teenagers in that school who were willing to be respondents of the study. The sample was taken through cluster random sampling technique. Results: The results showed that 44.1% of respondents had moderate breakfast behavior and 53.8% of respondents had high social support to have breakfast. Good breakfast behavior tends to be more owned by respondents who have high social support, which is 35.3%. Based on the ordinal regression test results, there is an influence of social support on breakfast behavior in teenagers at Sidoarjo Islamic State SHS with Sig. = 0.011. Parents tend to give big contribution to breakfast behavior in teenagers in Sidoarjo Islamic State SHS, namely giving idea of having breakfast, preparing food for breakfast, telling them to have breakfast, and explaining the importance of having breakfast so that the form of social support from parents already includes emotional, informational, instrumental, and appreciation support. Friends also have a contribution to breakfast behavior in teenagers even though it only includes emotional support (explaining the importance of having breakfast) and informational (explaining the importance of having breakfast). Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is social support from parents and friends can influence breakfast behavior in teenagers in Sidoarjo Islamic State SHS

    Ecological Analysis of Stunting Toddlers in East Nusa Tenggara Province 2021

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    Stunting is a chronic condition that results in stunted growth of children under five due to malnutrition for a long time. The objective of this study is to analyze the factors associated with the occurrence of stunting in East Nusa Tenggara Province in the year 2021. An ecological approach is employed in this study, utilizing secondary data obtained from the 2021 East Nusa Tenggara Province Health Profile report. This research was conducted from January to March 2023. Analysis was carried out on a total of 22 districts/cities, with a population of 388,760 toddlers which included the entire sample size, namely toddlers with stunting incidents totaling 81,354 toddlers. The main variable predicted is the proportion of stunted toddlers. Predictor variables consist of the percentage of ANC visits, the proportion of LBW history and the percentage of exclusive breastfeeding. Bivariate analysis involved the utilization of cross-tabulation to examine the relationships between variables. The results of the study show that the prevalence of stunting status in toddlers is in the moderate category (16.04-24.07%). This happened as the coverage of ANC visits in districts/cities was in the low category (40.0-61.6%), history of LBW in districts/cities was in the low category (3.0-6.6%) and breastfeeding exclusively in districts/cities that are in the high category (65.67-93.0%). Stunting among toddlers in the province of East Nusa Tenggara in 2021 is in the moderate category along with ANC visits in districts/cities which are in the low category, history of LBW in districts/cities is in the low category and exclusive breastfeeding in districts/cities is also in the low category. To accelerate stunting prevention in Indonesia, it is essential to have synchronized efforts in planning, implementation, and monitoring at all government levels, including villages. The active involvement of all stakeholders is crucial in achieving this goal. Keyword: Community nutrition, Ecological analysis, Secondary data, Stune

    Analisis faktor untuk mengetahui sikap bereisko kecelakaan pada lanjut usia (lansia)

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    The Accident frequently happened to elderly is fall. many Fcator that predicted influencing accident besides intrinsic and extrinsic factor also situational factor related to individual and enviroment. Related to the condition, so focus on the research wa approach what there were or not attitude toward save themselves in old age. The object of the study were the analyze of the risk attitude to alderly accident that valid and reliable and to analyze amount factors that used to found risk attitude to accident of elderly. The result showed, many of elderly had experinced fall. Average o,42 per person in the last year, and female the more experience to fall than male. Specially about fall and or slipery which constitute caused fall's risk to older age is many factors. The result if identification was the most elderly had understood 88,8%, but the attitude about fall (55,4%) the most elderly rejected/disagree. The result of factor analysis, the knowledge component about fall found the knowledge component about fall found the knowledge dimension to elderly was 10 items that valid and reliable. The perception component found 8 items that valid and reliable, and The attitude component about fall found the attitude dimension to elderly was 13 items that valid and reliable

    Analisis Teori Health Belief Model Terhadap Tindakan Personal Hygiene Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Personal Hygiene merupakan suatu tindakan untuk memelihara kebersihan dan kesehatan seseorang. Di Indonesia masih banyak terjadi kasus-kasus penyakit yang disebabkan karena kurangnya menjaga kebersihan tubuh termasuk di daerah kabupaten Probolinggo. Kelompok masyarakat yang menjadi perhatian dalam menerapkan personal hygiene adalah anak usia 6-12 tahun atau usia anak sekolah karena merupakan usia yang rawan terhadap serangan penyakit. Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor apa saja yang berhubungan dengan tindakan personal hygiene pada siswa sekolah dasar yang berada di wilayah desa Mojolegi Kabupaten Probolinggo dengan menggunakan teori Health Belief Model. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi observasional analitik dan desain yang digunakan adalah cross sectional kepada 178 siswa sekolah dasar yang berada di wilayah desa Mojolegi. Penentuan responden diambil dengan metode total populasi. Data yang didapat dianalisis menggunakan uji Spearman. Penelitian ini diperoleh hasil, tidak terdapat antara tindakan personal hygiene dengan faktor keyakinan ancaman (p=0,519) dan terdapat hubungan faktor isyarat untuk bertindak dengan tindakan personal hygiene (p= 0,016). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan antara isyarat untuk bertindak dengan tindakan personal hygiene siswa Sekolah Dasar.