204 research outputs found


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    Proanthocyanidins, also known as condensed tannins are widespread in woody plants, but are also found in certain forages. Castanea sativa Mill. are exploited for various purposes, but a little is known about potential of this species and possible application in diet and therapy. The parts of chestnut such as: seed, peeled seed, brown seed shell, red internal seed shell, leaves, catkin, spiny bur, as well as the new and old chestnut bark were extracted with 50% ethanol as an extragents. Contents of total phenolics and total flavonoids were measured by application of the standard colorimetric assay. The total condensed tannins content estimated was highest in red internal seed shell 15.29%CE (vanillin assay) and 3.12%CT (acid butanol assay). Also high content of total phenolic compounds and condensed tannins had extracts of catkin, brown seed shell of chestnut and new chestnut bark. Extracts of C. sativa Mill. can be a potential resource of natural tannins with possible application in diet and therapy.Proantocijanidini, poznati kao kondenzirani tanini su jako rasprostranjeni u drvenastim biljkama, a pronađeni su i u hrani. Castanea sativa Mill. se dosta koristi za različite namjene, međutim malo je poznat njegov potencijal i moguća primjena u dijeti i terapiji. Dijelovi kestena kao što su; cijeli plod, srž ploda, vanjska smeđa kora ploda, crvena unutrašnja kora ploda, list, resa, ježura, kao i nova i stara kora drveta su ekstrahirani primjenom 50% etanola kao ekstragensa. Sadržaj ukupnih fenola i flavonoida je određen primjenom standardnih kolorimetrijskih testova. Sadržaj ukupnih kondenziranih tanina je najviši u crvenoj unutrašnjoj kori 15,29%CE (vanilin test) i 3,12%CT (kiseli butanolni test). Visok sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih tvari i kondenziranih tanina je određen u ekstraktima rese, vanjske smeđe kore i nove kore drveta. Ekstrakti C. sativa Mill. mogu biti potencijalna sirovina koja sadrži prirodne tanine sa mogućom primjenom u dijeti i terapiji

    Dokument o nakupu vrta Getsemani s strani treh bratov iz Bosne leta 1681 - besedilo in kontekst

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    This paper presents a document dating from 1681 (1092 Hijra year): the document confirms the sale and endowment of fig and olive seedlings as well as the other properties on the land of Madrasa al-Ṣalāḥiyya in Jerusalem, which was implemented by the means of the so-called al-ḥikr. The brothers from Sarajevo, Pavle, Jakov and Antun, purchased this particular property and bequeathed it to the Franciscan monks who lived in the monastery al-’Amūd (Monastery of the Holy Saviour) in Jerusalem and to the poor Christians that requ-ired alms. The curious issue in this case is the prevailing opinion of scholars that the space that is the subject of the sale in this document is the space of Gethsemane garden, one of the most important Christian holy sites.Članek predstavi dokument iz leta 1681 (1092. leto hidžre): dokument potrju-je prodajo in nadarbino sadik fig in oliv ter druge lastnine zemlje Madrasa al-Ṣalāḥiyya v Jeruzalemu, ki je bila urejena s takoimenovanim al-ḥikr. Bratje iz Sarajeva, Pavle, Jakov in Antun, so kupili to zemljo in jo nato zapustili frančiškanskim menihom, ki so živeli v sa-mostanu al-’Amūd (samostan Svetega Rešenika) v Jeruzalemu, in ubogim kristjanom, ki so potrebovali miloščino. Pri tem je zanimivo, da večina strokovnjakov meni, da je prostor, ki je predmet pogodbe, vrt Getsemani, eden najpomembnejših krščanskih svetih krajev


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    There are many definitions of market segmentation - strategy of dividing a broad target of population into subsets who have, or are perceived to have, common needs, interests, and priorities, and then designing and implementing strategies to target them. Traditional segmentation variables are demographic variables, such as gender, age, income, education. They can be used to explain the characteristics of the segments, however, they cannot identify the complete characteristics of the segments because it is proven that population in the same socio-demographic group can have very different psychographic profile. Due to the criterion variable, different segmentation can be used for creating profiles, such as geographic, behavioural, psychographic, occasional, segmentation by benefits, cultural segmentation. Still, demographic segmentation is dominant in most fields and disciplines where there is need for understanding different subgroups within population. Profiling of population based on segmentation model can be used much wider than in business and marketing. Understanding population and their perception is crucial in law, primarily when decisions, which will “regulate” the lives of certain population, have to be made. This paper examines profiles of the working-age population in The Republic of Croatia toward attitudes about work and career, which means that this study discusses demographic variables as output (profile description), not input (criteria variable). Aim of this paper was not only to provide a theoretical framework for understanding the key concepts related to the non-demographic segmentation, but to help in creating a clearer picture of Croatia’s population on attitudes on work and career. Analysis of Croatia’s population was done using backdate of 4 research waves through 2 years, two waves per year for years: 2010 and 2014. Year 2014 was in the focus of analysis and 2010 was used for comparison and time change detection

    Isoflavone content and antioxidant properties of soybean seeds

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    The isoflavone content and antioxidant properties of five Croatian soybean seed cultivars from two locations were analysed. The content of total and individual isofavones was determined by high performance liquid chromatography. For determination of antioxidant properties scavenging capacity on DPPHֹ radicals has been applied. The total phenolic content, oil and protein content in soybean cultivars were also determined. Significant differences in the content of individual isoflavones were observed within the soybean cultivars. The total phenol content in soybean cultivars ranged from 87.2 to 216.3 mg GAE/100g of soybean. The total isoflavone content in soybean seeds ranged from 80.7 to 213.6 mg/100g of soybean. The most abundant isoflavone in soybean seeds was genistein. There was statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) among two locations in total and individual isoflavone contents. The highest contents of total isoflavones were found in cultivar “os55-95”. Conversely, cultivars poor in isoflavones also showed low levels of DPPH-radical scavenging activity


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    Abstract In time characterized by complex and uncertain business environment and working conditions; where small, medium but even large (and up till yesterday) successful companies are failing on daily basis, it is important to have economy models which will ensure reestablishment of value system of industrial era, models which will give expected, positive, results. In general, this is not the case since there is no compatibility of models with requirements of information era. So, those negative results together with market positions taken by those who understand changes better, emphasises need for understanding and implementing change management in companies. When trying to overcome mentioned obstacles in coping with changes and demolished value system, key success variable was detected -human capital as the best source of creative energy. In this study, human capital, as in many studies before, is recognised as driving force of intellectual capital and as well as synergy effect of conatival, motivational, cognitional, social, moral and communicational dimension. JEL classification: J24, O1

    Protection and rescue of the flood of Karlovac

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    Ekstremne poplave se ubrajaju u grupu najgorih prirodnih katastrofa. Tijekom 2014 i 2015 godine u Republici Hrvatskoj je do više navrata došlo do velikih poplava sa znatnom materijalnom štetom i fizičkim žrtvama. Statističkom analizom ovogodišnjih velikih voda utvrđeno je da su to događaji koji do sada nisu bili zabilježeni. Pokazalo se da tehničke građevinske mjere nisu dovoljne u sprečavanju poplava, one ne jamče apsolutnu sigurnost i ne smiju ostati jedina mjera u borbi protiv štetnog djelovanja vode. Kroz ovaj rad prikazane su najveće poplave u gradu Karlovcu i okolici. Najveći dio rada odnosi se na ono najbitnije, a to je kako se obraniti od njih samih, spašavanje i evakuacija stanovništva, životinja i materijalnih dobara te na kraju načini saniranja od posljedica poplava.Extreme flooding are considered to be one oft he worst natural disasters.Over a period of 2014. and 2015., in the Republic of Croatia, there have been noted few major flooding that have cause dsevere material damages as well as physical victims.Statistical analyse of this years floods determine that such event shave never been registered earlier.It has been proved that current technical protection measures are not valid for preventing flooding; they do not guarante absolute protection, and there fores hould not beconsidered as the only safe guardmeasure against nuisance of water.This paper reviews the biggest flooding in the city of Karlovac and its nearby surroundings. It is focused on the most important facts when it comes to flooding, preventing them, rescuing and evacuating population, animal sand material goods, as well as recovering from the consequences of the floods.

    Biochemical properties of some toxic proteins

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    1. Toksični proteini otrova Vip. ammodyt. a. mogu se u toku filtracije iz vodenih otopina adsorbirati na filtru u značajnim količinama. Antigena struktura toksina u filtratu može se smatrati izmijenjenom. 2. Otrov Vip. ammodyt. a. pokazuje u Oudinovu testu tri precipitaciona prstena, pa sadržava prema tome 3 antigena. 3. U vodi netopljivi proteinski talog toksina Vip. ammodyt. a. može se pročistiti precipitacijama iz vodene otopine, pa pokazuje svojstva netoksične čiste proteinske supstance. 4. Toksin Vip. ammodyt. a. sastoji se iz najmanje sedam proteinskih komponenata, koje pri elektroforezi pokazuju različitu elektroforetsku pokretljivost. 5. U pokusima titracije imunog seruma s toksinom Vip. ammodyt. a., upotrebljavajući hemolizu eritrocita ili 50% smrtnost miševa kao indikator za točku neutralizacije, dobiveni su isti rezultati. Iz te činjenice može se zaključiti, da su toksičnost za miševe i hemolitička aktivnost toksina Vip. ammodyt. a. svojstva iste proteinske supstance. 6. Flokulaciona krivulja toksina i antitoksina pokazuje maksimum turbiditeta u točki neutralizacije toksina. Ti se rezultati slažu s onima iz pokusa neutralizacije hemolizom i titracije seruma otrovom na životinjama. 7. Elektroforezom toksina Latrodectus tredecimguttatus Rossi utvrđeno je, da se toksin sastoji iz šest proteinskih komponenata. 8. Izvršena je clektroforetska analiza priredcnog imunog seruma protiv otrova pauka Latrodectus t. R.The toxic proteins from Vip. ammodytes a. venom can be selectively adsorbed on filter paper fibers, so that antigenic composition of filtrated aqueous solution can be considered as changed. The water insoluble precipitate obtained from Vip. ammodyt. toxin can be purified by reprecipitation from aqueous solution at its isoelectric point. This substance shows the properties of a non-toxic pure protein. The Oudin test gives evidence for the presence of three precipitating antigenic components in the venom of Ammodytes viper. Six or seven protein components in crude venom can be distinguished by their different electrophoretic mobilities. The same value for immune serum has been obtained in the neutralization test of Vip. ammodytes toxin, irrespective of which of the activities of venom, haemolysis or toxicity in mice were used for indicating the endpoint. Thus the haemolytic and toxic effects of the venom can be considered as the properties of a single substance. The toxin-antitoxin precipitation curve was of the floculation type showing a maximum, corresponding to the neutralization point as revealed through the measurement of haemolytic activity of venom and antitoxic potency of antivenin. Six protein components with different electrophoretic mobilities can be distinguished when the venom of the spider Latrodectus tredecimguttatus Rossi is examined by electrophoresis. The immune serum against Latrodectus t. R. toxin was analysed electrophoretically

    Otnoščenie k sportivnomu otlyhu pered i posle provecenija dopolitel\u27nogo [...]

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    Rezultati merenja stavova na 245 radnika pre i posle dopunskoh akivnog odmora su pokazali da, bez obzira na vrlo pozitivne stavove pri dolasku, radnici imaju još pozitivnije stavove prema sportskoj rekreaciji na kraju odmora. Najpozitivnije promene, s obzirom na stanje pri dolasku usledile su u stavu prema učestvovanju u sportsko-rekreativnim aktivnostima, stavu prema vrednostima bavljenja sportskom rekreacijom, stavu prema vrednosima odmora uz sportsko-rekreativne aktivnosti, stavu prema učestvovanju u sportsko-rekreativnim aktivnostima za vremen rada i drugima.The sample involved 245 workers, sent in 10 shifts on a seven-day additional active vacation. The program was designed in such a way as to achieve positive effects on the general condition of the organism and to enable the participant to better understand the values of sports recreation through their own participation and, hopefully, change their attitudes toward sports recreation. The attitudes were recorded on five-degree scales, before and after the vacation. The results have shown that regardless of very positive attitudes on arrival, the workers have shown even more positive attitudes on arrival, the workers have shown even more positive attitudes towards sports recreation at the end of their vacation. The most positive changes had to do with the attitude toward participation in sports and recreational activities, the attitude toward values of going in for these activities, the values of active vacation and importance of sports and recreation during working hours, etc