9 research outputs found

    Resonant infrared irradiation of CO and CH3OH interstellar ices

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    Solid-phase photo-processes involving icy dust grains greatly affect the chemical evolution of the interstellar medium by leading to the formation of complex organic molecules and by inducing photodesorption. So far, the focus of laboratory studies has been mainly on the impact of energetic ultraviolet (UV) photons on ices, but direct vibrational excitation by infrared (IR) photons is expected to influence the morphology and content of interstellar ices as well. However, little is still known about the mechanisms through which this excess vibrational energy is dissipated, and its implications on the structure and ice photochemistry. In this work, we present a systematic investigation of the behavior of interstellar relevant CO and CH3OH ice analogues upon resonant excitation of vibrational modes using tunable infrared radiation, leading to both the quantification of infrared-induced photodesorption and insights in the impact of vibrational energy dissipation on ice morphology. We utilize an ultrahigh vacuum setup at cryogenic temperatures to grow pure CO and CH3OH ices, as well as mixtures of the two. We expose the ices to intense, near-monochromatic mid-infrared free-electron-laser radiation to selectively excite the species. The dissipation of vibrational energy is observed to be highly dependent on the excited mode and the chemical environment of the ice. All amorphous ices undergo some degree of restructuring towards a more organized configuration upon on-resonance irradiation. Moreover, IR-induced photodesorption is observed to occur for both pure CO and CH3OH ices, with interstellar photodesorption efficiencies of the order of 10 molecules cm-2 s-1 (i.e., comparable to or higher than UV-induced counterparts). Indirect photodesorption of CO upon vibrational excitation of CH3OH in ice mixtures is also observed to occur, particularly in environments rich in methanol.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 19 pages, 14 figures, 2 table

    Ozone Production in Electron Irradiated CO2:O2 Ices

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    The detection of ozone (O3) in the surface ices of Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon, and of the Saturnian moons Rhea and Dione, has motivated several studies on the route of formation of this species. Previous studies have successfully quantified trends in the production of O3 as a result of the irradiation of pure molecular ices using ultraviolet photons and charged particles (i.e., ions and electrons), such as the abundances of O3 formed after irradiation at different temperatures or using different charged particles. In this study, we extend such results by quantifying the abundance of O3 as a result of the 1 keV electron irradiation of a series of 14 stoichiometrically distinct CO2:O2 astrophysical ice analogues at 20 K. By using mid-infrared spectroscopy as our primary analytical tool, we have also been able to perform a spectral analysis of the asymmetric stretching mode of solid O3 and the variation in its observed shape and profile among the investigated ice mixtures. Our results are important in the context of better understanding the surface composition and chemistry of icy outer Solar System objects, and may thus be of use to future interplanetary space missions such as the ESA Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer and the NASA Europa Clipper missions, as well as the recently launched NASA James Webb Space Telescope

    Infrared free-electron laser irradiation of carbon dioxide ice

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    Interstellar ice grains are believed to play a key role in the formation of many of the simple and complex organic species detected in space. However, many fundamental questions on the physicochemical processes linked to the formation and survival of species in ice grains remain unanswered. Field work at large-scale facilities such as free-electron lasers (FELs) can aid the investigation of the composition and morphology of ice grains by providing novel tools to the laboratory astrophysics community. We combined the high tunability, wide infrared spectral range and intensity of the FEL beam line FELIX-2 at the HFML-FELIX Laboratory in The Netherlands with the characteristics of the ultrahigh vacuum LISA end station to perform wavelength-dependent mid-IR irradiation experiments of space-relevant pure carbon dioxide (CO2) ice at 20 K. We used the intense monochromatic radiation of FELIX to inject vibrational energy at selected frequencies into the CO2 ice to study ice restructuring effects in situ by Fourier Transform Reflection–Absorption Infrared (FT-RAIR) spectroscopy. This work improves our understanding of how vibrational energy introduced by external triggers such as photons, electrons, cosmic rays, and thermal heating coming from a nascent protostar or field stars is dissipated in an interstellar icy dust grain in space. Moreover, it adds to the current literature debate concerning the amorphous and polycrystalline structure of CO2 ice observed upon deposition at low temperatures, showing that, under our experimental conditions, CO2 ice presents amorphous characteristics when deposited at 20 K and is unambiguously crystalline if deposited at 75 K

    The role of terahertz and far-IR spectroscopy in understanding the formation and evolution of interstellar prebiotic molecules

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    Stellar systems are often formed through the collapse of dense molecular clouds which, in turn, return copious amounts of atomic and molecular material to the interstellar medium. An in-depth understanding of chemical evolution during this cyclic interaction between the stars and the interstellar medium is at the heart of astrochemistry. Systematic chemical composition changes as interstellar clouds evolve from the diffuse stage to dense, quiescent molecular clouds to star-forming regions and proto-planetary disks further enrich the molecular diversity leading to the evolution of ever more complex molecules. In particular, the icy mantles formed on interstellar dust grains and their irradiation are thought to be the origin of many of the observed molecules, including those that are deemed to be ‘prebiotic’; that is those molecules necessary for the origin of life. This review will discuss both observational (e.g., ALMA, SOFIA, Herschel) and laboratory investigations using terahertz and far-IR (THz/F-IR) spectroscopy, as well as centimeter and millimeter spectroscopies, and the role that they play in contributing to our understanding of the formation of prebiotic molecules. Mid-IR spectroscopy has typically been the primary tool used in laboratory studies, particularly those concerned with interstellar ice analogues. However, THz/F-IR spectroscopy offers an additional and complementary approach in that it provides the ability to investigate intermolecular interactions compared to the intramolecular modes available in the mid-IR. THz/F-IR spectroscopy is still somewhat under-utilized, but with the additional capability it brings, its popularity is likely to significantly increase in the near future. This review will discuss the strengths and limitations of such methods, and will also provide some suggestions on future research areas that should be pursued in the coming decade exploiting both space-borne and laboratory facilities

    Electron irradiation and thermal chemistry studies of interstellar and planetary ice analogues at the ICA astrochemistry facility

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    The modelling of molecular excitation and dissociation processes relevant to astrochemistry requires the validation of theories by comparison with data generated from laboratory experimentation. The newly commissioned Ice Chamber for Astrophysics-Astrochemistry (ICA) allows for the study of astrophysical ice analogues and their evolution when subjected to energetic processing, thus simulating the processes and alterations interstellar icy grain mantles and icy outer Solar System bodies undergo. ICA is an ultra-high vacuum compatible chamber containing a series of IR-transparent substrates upon which the ice analogues may be deposited at temperatures of down to 20 K. Processing of the ices may be performed in one of three ways: (i) ion impacts with projectiles delivered by a 2 MV Tandetron-type accelerator, (ii) electron irradiation from a gun fitted directly to the chamber, and (iii) thermal processing across a temperature range of 20-300 K. The physico-chemical evolution of the ices is studied in situ using FTIR absorbance spectroscopy and quadrupole mass spectrometry. In this paper, we present an overview of the ICA facility with a focus on characterising the electron beams used for electron impact studies, as well as reporting the preliminary results obtained during electron irradiation and thermal processing of selected ices

    The Ice Chamber for Astrophysics–Astrochemistry (ICA): A new experimental facility for ion impact studies of astrophysical ice analogs

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    The Ice Chamber for Astrophysics-Astrochemistry (ICA) is a new laboratory end-station located at the Institute for Nuclear Research (Atomki) in Debrecen, Hungary. The ICA has been specifically designed for the study of the physico-chemical properties of astrophysical ice analogues and their chemical evolution when subjected to ionising radiation and thermal processing. The ICA is an ultra-high vacuum compatible chamber containing a series of IR-transparent substrates mounted in a copper holder connected to a closed-cycle cryostat capable of being cooled down to 20 K, itself mounted on a 360° rotation stage and a z-linear manipulator. Ices are deposited onto the substrates via background deposition of dosed gases. Ice structure and chemical composition are monitored by means of FTIR absorbance spectroscopy in transmission mode, although use of reflectance mode is possible by using metallic substrates. Pre-prepared ices may be processed in a variety of ways. A 2 MV Tandetron accelerator is capable of delivering a wide variety of high-energy ions into the ICA, which simulates ice processing by cosmic rays, the solar wind, or magnetospheric ions. The ICA is also equipped with an electron gun which may be used for electron impact radiolysis of ices. Thermal processing of both deposited and processed ices may be monitored by means of both FTIR spectroscopy and quadrupole mass spectrometry. In this paper, we provide a detailed description of the ICA set-up, as well as an overview of preliminary results obtained and future plans

    Mid-IR and VUV spectroscopic characterisation of thermally processed and electron irradiated CO2 astrophysical ice analogues

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    The astrochemistry of CO2 ice analogues has been a topic of intensive investigation due to the prevalence of CO2 throughout the interstellar medium and the Solar System, as well as the possibility of it acting as a carbon feedstock for the synthesis of larger, more complex organic molecules. In order to accurately discern the physico-chemical processes in which CO2 plays a role, it is necessary to have laboratory-generated spectra to compare against observational data acquired by ground- and space-based telescopes. A key factor which is known to influence the appearance of such spectra is temperature, especially when the spectra are acquired in the infrared and ultraviolet. In this present study, we describe the results of a systematic investigation looking into: (i) the influence of thermal annealing on the mid-IR and VUV absorption spectra of pure, unirradiated CO2 astrophysical ice analogues prepared at various temperatures, and (ii) the influence of temperature on the chemical products of electron irradiation of similar ices. Our results indicate that both mid-IR and VUV spectra of pure CO2 ices are sensitive to the structural and chemical changes induced by thermal annealing. Furthermore, using mid-IR spectroscopy, we have successfully identified the production of radiolytic daughter molecules as a result of 1 keV electron irradiation and the influence of temperature over this chemistry. Such results are directly applicable to studies on the chemistry of interstellar ices, comets, and icy lunar objects and may also be useful as reference data for forthcoming observational missions