33 research outputs found

    Determinant Factors Of Teacher Performance And Students’ Competency

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    This study aims to analysis the relationship between principal leadership, organizational climate, competency and motivation toward teacher performance and students’ competency. For the study, the verification survey research method was used, in the unit of analysis of vocational teachers in Business and Management Expertise in Bandung. The data analysis technique used is path analysis. The results showed that there was a positive and significant contribution of principals’ leadership, organizational climate, competence, and work motivation to teacher performance, both partially and simultaneously. Therefore, the conclusions of the study are the high or low teacher performance determined by the effectiveness of the leadership of the principal, the conduciveness of the school organizational climate, the high and low teacher competencies, and the high and low motivation of the teacher’s work

    Efektivitas Sosialisasi Kearsipan Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pengelolaan Arsip di Sekolah Tinggi Desain Indonesia

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    Pengelolaan arsip bertujuan untuk menjaga dan memelihara arsip pribadi maupun organisasi agar dapat dipergunakan kembali apabila diperlukan. Saat ini masih banyak organisasi maupun instansi yang belum menyadari pentingnya pengelolaan arsip. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memberikan gambaran tentang pentingnya pengelolaan arsip yang dapat dikembangkan melalui kegiatan sosialisasi kearsipan. Lokasi penelitian di Sekolah Tinggi Desain Indonesia (STDI) Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan sosialisasi kearsipan berperan dalam membuka wawasan dan memberi pemahaman kepada para pemangku kepentingan untuk mulai memperhatikan pengelolaan arsip lembaga. The Effectiveness of Archive Socialization to Improve the Quality of Archive Management at the Indonesian College of Design. Records management aims to maintain and maintain personal and organizational records so they can be reused if needed. Currently, there are still many organizations and agencies that do not realize the importance of records management. The study aims to provide an overview of the importance of archive management that can be developed through archival socialization activities. The research location is at the Indonesian College of Design (STDI) Bandung. The method used in this study is observation with a qualitative approach. The results showed that archival socialization activities play a role in opening insights and providing understanding to stakeholders to start paying attention to institutional archive management

    University Student’s Experiences with Online Synchronous Learning during Covid-19

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    This study delivers new insights on students' experiences who have studied their courses at least one semester during the Covid-19 Pandemic. We collected 199 respondents and analyzed the result of the questionnaire. The first finding is that students rather use discussions as a method to conduct online learning in classes. Students also would prefer both methods (asynchronous and synchronous) during online learning. We categorized students' learning experiences into intimacy and connection, supports, coordination and collaboration, technical difficulties, and traits. This study concludes that whole experiences about online synchronous learning did not change, except for the lack of personal support from lecturers when students face difficulties in certain subjects and hardware malfunction during classes. We recommend that lecturers pay more attention to students with less comprehension ability. We also recommend that lecturers run more creative ways other than lecturing in classes and limit lecturing time to decrease boredom

    Pengelolaan Arsip Digital

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    In a paper-based records management practices, many problems faced, so as to provide space in the electronic media as an alternative in the management of archives. In the terminology of archival, electronic media is classified as a new media archive. One new form of archive storage media is digital media. Digital media typically requires tools such as computers, because it can not be read directly. Archives are stored in digital form can include images, sound, video, text or any other that can be used as a data in binary form (binary), can be processed in a computer program and stored in a digital data storage media.Abstrak : Dalam praktik pengelolaan arsip berbasis kertas, banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi, sehingga memberikan ruang pada media elektronik sebagai alternatif dalam pengelolaan arsip. Dalam terminologi kearsipan, media elektronik dikelompokan sebagai arsip media baru. Salah satu bentuk penyimpanan arsip media baru adalah media digital. Media digital biasanya memerlukan alat bantu berupa komputer, karena tidak dapat dibaca secara langsung. Arsip yang disimpan dalam bentuk digital dapat berupa gambar, suara, video, tulisan atau lainnya yang dapat dijadikan sebuah data dalam bentuk biner (binary), dapat diolah dalam program komputer dan disimpan dalam media penyimpanan data digital

    Dasar-dasar Metode Statistika untuk Penelitian

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    Metode Statistika merupakan salah satu alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian, khususnya untuk mengolah, menyajiakan dan menganalisis data, serta menguji hipotesis. Oleh karena itu, bagi seseorang yang melaksanakan penelitian, terutama penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, penguasaan akan metode statistika menjadi hal mutlak yang harus dikuasai dan dipahami. Statistika dalam penelitian pendekatan kuantitatfi merupakan salah satu komponen utama dalam tahapan penelitian, mulai dari persiapan penelitian, teknik pengambilan data, pengolahan data, pengolahan data sampai pada upaya membuat keputusan atau kesimpulan secara ilmiah. Dengan demikian statistika dalam penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitatif memiliki peranan yang cukup dominan dalam mempelancar pencapaian tujuan penelitian. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut maka penulis menyusun buku ini dengan harapan dapat membantu para peneliti atau mahasiswa agar dapatt belajar lebih mudah dan efisien dalam memahami dan menerapkan metode statistika dalam penelitian secara praktis

    Teori dan praktik : sistem kearsipan

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    xii, 240 hlm; 23,6 x 15,7 c

    Analisis Korelasi Regresi Dan Jalur Dalam Penelitian

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    280 hlm.: - ; 24 cm

    Teori dan praktik : sistem kearsipan

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    xii, 240 hlm; 23,6 x 15,7 c