17 research outputs found

    The Effect of Sharia Monetary Policy and Financing Quality on Financial Performance in Sharia Banking

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    The purpose of this research is to explain the effect of sharia monetary policy instruments and financing quality on the financial performance of sharia banks. The research sample includes Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank Mega Syariah Indonesia, Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah, Bank Syariah Bukopin, BCA Syariah, BNI Syariah, and Bank Jabar Banten Syariah. The financial ratios used in this research are Return on Assets (ROA) and Quick Ratio (QR). The financing qualities used here are murabahah, mudharabah, and musharakah. The sharia monetary policy instruments used are GWM and SBIS. The research uses Partial Least Squares as the data analysis instrument. The research result shows that the financing qualities of mudharabah and musharakah, and SBIS, do not affect ROA, while the variables of murabahah financing and GWM do affect ROA. The variable with significant effect on QR is ROA, as murabahah financing quality; GWM and SBIS; and the other two variables of musharakah and mudharabah do not affect QR. The contribution of the financing quality variables of murabahah, mudharabah, musharakah, GWM and SBIS in explaining the effect on the ROA variable is 0.071 or 7.1%, and the other 92.9% are affected by other variables not in the current research model. The contribution of murabahah, mudarabah and musyarakah, GWM and SBIS in explaining the effect on QR is 0.7578 or 75.78% and the remaining 24.22% is the effect of other variables not in this research model.     Keywords: financing quality, sharia monetary policy instrument, financing performance, RO

    Reaksi Pasar Modal Sebelum dan Sesudah Pengumuman Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) Darurat (Studi pada IDX-MES BUMN 17)

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    This research is descriptive quantitative using an event study. This research aims to test and compare the IDX-MES BUMN 17 to the announcement of the emergency PPKM or community activity restriction on July 1, 2021 due to covid-19 pandemic situation. The sample as well as the population in this study used all of the companies listed in IDX-MES BUMN 17. The data analysis method used One-Sample Test and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test. The daily test with One-sample Test showed that significant abnormal returns at t-9 and t-7. Meanwhile, a compared test with Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test showed that there were differences in abnormal return, security return variability, and trading volume activity before and after the implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM Darurat) but not significant on IDX-MES BUMN 17

    Linking Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility, Sharia Governance Practices, and Earnings Management in the Islamic Banks

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    This paper examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility, sharia governance, and earning management in the Islamic bank industry sector. This study uses secondary data, which is analyzed using a regression panel with a fixed-effect model. Samples were obtained from 48 Islamic banks in 16 countries from 2009 to 2018. The sample criteria in this study are the banks that disclose their zakat payments in their annual reports. The empirical results prove that CSR and SSB expertise contributes significantly to reducing earnings management practices, while SSB size is not significantly influencing earnings management practices. The contribution to policymakers in developing CSR instruments following Sharia principles; Islamic bank manager aligns CSR intentions based on the concept of monotheism to enrich the literature review on CSR, sharia governance, and earning quality

    Penerapan Konsep Suply Chain Management dalam Pengembangan Pola Distribusi dan Wilayah Pemasaran UMKM Desa Krambilsawit

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    This research aims to formulate development strategies and regional distribution pattern of Small Medium Enterprises (SME) marketing Village Krambilsawit. Low productivity and the narrowness of the region of product marketing, requires that SMEC Village Krambilsawit doing repairs ranging from upstream to downstream processes. The use of the concept of supply chain management, where very precise in order to resolve the problems occurred at Krambilsawit village of SME. In this study researchers using qualitative and quantitative research methods. Data obtained from the results of the direct interview to the perpetrators of the SMEC Village Krambilsawit. As for the methods of analysis used to formulate policy that is by using SWOT analysis. From this research that the results obtained in order to develop patterns of distribution and marketing SME Krambilsawit Village area required the presence of revamping the Groove Commerce SMEC, i.e. by implementing two levels or three levels of channel to expand network marketing. The implications of the end, the author hopes this research could be a reference in developing patterns of distribution and marketing of SME Krambilsawit Village.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan pola distribusi dan wilayah pemasaran UMKM Desa Krambilsawit. Rendahnya produktifitas serta sempitnya wilayah pemasaran produk, mengharuskan UMKM Desa Krambilsawit melakukan perbaikan mulai dari proses hulu ke hilir. Penggunaan konsep supply chain management, dirasa sangat tepat guna menyelesaikan permasalahan yang terjadi pada UMKM Desa Krambilsawit. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data diperoleh dari hasil waawancara secara langsung kepada pelaku UMKM Desa Krambilsawit. Adapun metode analisis yang digunakan guna merumuskan kebijakan yaitu dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa guna mengembangkan pola distribusi dan wilayah pemasaran UMKM Desa Krambilsawit maka diperlukan adanya pembenahan alur tata niaga UMKM, yakni dengan menerapkan two level chanel atau three level chanel guna memperluas jaringan pemasaran. Implikasi akhir, penulis berharap penelitian ini bisa menjadi acuan dalam mengembangkan pola distribusi dan wilayah pemasaran UMKM Desa Krambilsawit

    Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pandanus Handicraft dalam Menghadapi Pasar Modern Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah (Study Case di Pandanus Nusa Sambisari Yogyakarta)

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    Studi ini bertujuan untuk lebih memahami keberadaan ekonomi kreatif sebagai strategi yang diprediksi mampu memicu daya saing baik dalam skala nasional maupun dalam kancah internasional dalam rangka menghadapi pasar modern. Hingga saat ini, pengangguran kemiskinan, eksploitasi alam besar-besaran yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan ketimpangan baik dari segi sosial maupun pertumbuhan ekonomi masih menjadi persoalan klasik yang memerlukan solusi. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya keselarasan dalam mendapatkan solusi tersebut, salah satu dengan harmonisasi ekonomi dan kearifan lokal yang tentu saja dapat memicu daya saing ekonomi, meningkatkan produktifitas yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat dengan tetap mempertahankan budaya, adat istiadat yang menjadi karakter khas yang ditinjau dari perspektif ekonomi Islam.studi ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptifkualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data observasi, interview, dan analisis datata, sebagai sample peneliti mengambil realita pengembangan ekonomi kreatif berbasis kearifan lokal pandanus handicraft dalam menghadapi pasar modern dalam perspektif ekonomi syariah di CV Pandanus Nusa Sambisari Yogyakarta. Hasil analisis menyatakan bahwasanya handycraft memiliki efek multyplier terhadap masyarakat, karena anyaman pandan telah berkontribusi menggerakan sektor perdagangan jasa dan pertanian. Serta mampu mengembalikan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal masyarakat baik dari sisi Integrasi sektor ekonomi maupun integrasi bidang sosial yang meliputi ukhuwah islamiyah, dan terciptanya solidartas sosial

    The Low Cost Green Car (LCGC) Program in Islamic Perspective

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    Recently the Government of Indonesia makes a program of Low Cost Green Car (LCGC). The purpose of the program is to support the independence LCGC four-wheeled vehicles industry in order to anticipate the trend of increased demand for energy-efficient motor vehicles and reasonably priced. LCGC program is polemical prolonged. Protests came from all circles. Such as Local Officials, to the Economist. Because the program is properly designed like a cheap car city so that it’s bought by urban communities only According to The Ministry of Industry Article 1 (e) that the Green Car is set up with the price of Rp. 95,000,000.00 (ninety five million). In this case, the government intervened by way Ceiling Price although this intervention thresholds given in the event of structural changes in Indonesia's economic fundamentals, but the policy of intervention was assessed inconsistently. Because the car LCGC-called "earmarked" for the people of the lower middle class but are prohibited from using subsidized fuel. With some reason LCGC issuance of policies by the Government, there are some points that are contradicted by the transport and economic conditions in Indonesia. LCGC policy is certainly contrary to the spirit of alleviating transport problems especially congestion that was hit by the crisis. With the tax-free policy by the government, then the purchasing of the low-cost car will be higher. This is in accordance with the law of demand. The impact is congestion will worsen, especially in the knots of Indonesia's major cities. That means it will grow, the use of fuel and air pollution

    Pengembangan Wisata Bahari di Pulau Raas dalam Rangka Menggerakkan Perekonomian Lokal

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    This community service aims to improve the potential of the archipelago, especially from the marine tourism sector. Against the background of not optimal management of tourism potential in the District of Raas which is an archipelago and has potential places to become a tourist. Development of Marine Tourism on Raas Island in Order to Mobilize the Local Economy. The process of developing marine tourism is done by mapping, observation, community empowerment and literature study. Based on the results of mapping and observation shows that there are 3 beaches that have attraction and are very potential, just need to be developed again and also managed properly. The three beaches also have different characteristics so that if the tours offered are not monotonous. The conclusion of the process of developing marine tourism is the need for awareness of the local community and also the cooperation of various parties and also agencies to work together to develop and build supporting facilities that can support these three potential beaches into a marine tourism that is not only a power pull Raas District alone, but also can be a pillar of the people's econom


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    This study aims to determine the interest of final year students who are completing their final project to make publications in reputable journals. At present, 9 criteria accreditation requires a lot of publications from students while the climate of publication of student work is still not well formed. Therefore, activities and policies are needed to build a culture of publication. Research workshops are one way to encourage students to make publications. This study uses final year students who are finishing their final assignments as respondents/ workshop participants. The goal is that the results of their final project can be published directly in a reputable journal. The results showed that after attending the workshop, the majority of respondents gave positive responses related to the workshop activities and had a high enough interest to do the publication. The results of this study have practical implications for policy makers to regularly conduct research workshops for students


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    Kali Biru is a natural tourism in an incised hilly area with the background of the Sermo Reservoir. In Kali Biru, tourists will have an interesting experience and be able to take pictures in instagramable photo spots, for example bicycle spots, hang gliding spots, flying fox, and high ropes. For reaching Kali Biru, people can use a tourist jeep via Sermo and Clereng Reservoir routes. However, tourism rebranding efforts on social media are still lacking. Although various attempts have been made. The purpose of designing this media is to create and design a company profile that can provide data, information and products offered by Padukuhan Kali Biru in an effective, clear and attractive manner. In addition, it can increase the brand image and hopefully in turn it can attract the target market, namely new tourists, both local and foreign tourists, to the Kali Biru Nature Tourism offered. Data collection was carried out through documentation in the photos and videos in the field, which was also supported by data from the internet. This product is an interactive video with a modern design style concept, consisting of some menu pages based on the content requirements

    The Low Cost Green Car (LCGC) Program in Islamic Perspective

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    Recently the Government of Indonesia makes a program of Low Cost Green Car (LCGC). The purpose of the program is to support the independence LCGC four-wheeled vehicles industry in order to anticipate the trend of increased demand for energy-efficient motor vehicles and reasonably priced. LCGC program is polemical prolonged. Protests came from all circles. Such as Local Officials, to the Economist. Because the program is properly designed like a cheap car city so that it's bought by urban communities only According to The Ministry of Industry Article 1 (e) that the Green Car is set up with the price of Rp. 95,000,000.00 (ninety five million). In this case, the government intervened by way Ceiling Price although this intervention thresholds given in the event of structural changes in Indonesia's economic fundamentals, but the policy of intervention was assessed inconsistently. Because the car LCGC-called "earmarked" for the people of the lower middle class but are prohibited from using subsidized fuel. With some reason LCGC issuance of policies by the Government, there are some points that are contradicted by the transport and economic conditions in Indonesia. LCGC policy is certainly contrary to the spirit of alleviating transport problems especially congestion that was hit by the crisis. With the tax-free policy by the government, then the purchasing of the low-cost car will be higher. This is in accordance with the law of demand. The impact is congestion will worsen, especially in the knots of Indonesia's major cities. That means it will grow, the use of fuel and air pollution