24 research outputs found

    Instagram as a Media to Foster EFL Students’ English Writing Skill

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    The rapid development of technology encourages educators to create interesting learning methods that are attractive to students. Using Instagram as the learning medium in teaching, this research aimed to find out students’ writing skills improvement and their perception after being taught using Instagram. This research used a mixed-method design to analyze the students’ writing improvement and perception of the use of Instagram. To collect data, the researcher carried out a pretest and posttest of one class pre-experiment with 25 students and a semi-structured interview of ten participants who got the significant posttest writing improvement. Statistical findings revealed the students’ result of the posttest was higher than pretest, the data shows that the Significance (2-tailed) value is smaller than 0.05. It means statistically there is a significant difference between students’ pretest and posttest results. This was supported by the semi-structured interview on which the result shows the students’ perceptions of the use of Instagram as a learning medium were mostly positive. The findings of this research are relevant to the development of English Language Teaching, particularly to create interesting learning strategies that are attractive to students

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter Siswa SMP di Kabupaten Gowa Sulawesi Selatan

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    Abstrak - Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran bahasa lnggris berbasis Pendidikan karakter yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemanpuan bahasa Inggris sisva dengan mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai karakter yang terdapat dalam budaya lokal yang mengandung pesan nilai moral untuk meningkatkan kualitas karakter dan moral siswa SMP di Kabupaten Gowa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pehgembangan yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris berbasis pendidikan karakter siswa SMP di Kabupaten Gowa Sulawesi Selatan. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran yang direncanakan akan mengikuti model desain penelilian dan pengembangan yang dirancang oleh Thiagarajan dalam pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran model Four-D terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu pendefinisian (define), perancangan (design), pengembangan (develop), dan penyebaran (disseminate). Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP di Kabupaten Gowa Sulawesi Selatan. Sampel penelitian direncanakan adalah siswa SMP yang menurut data lan informasi Dinas Pendidikan ditemukan telah terlibat dalam tawuran antar siswa di Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian direncanakan berlangsung selama satu tahun. Produk yang dihasilkan pada berbentuk prototipe bahan ajar keterampilan berbahasa lnggris secara integratif dan perangkat pembelajaran pendukungnya. Pada bagian akhir kegiatan penelitian adalah pengemasan dan penyebarluasan model produk yang dihasilkan. Penyebarluasan dilakukan melalui forum ilmiah, kelompok diskusi terfokus, dan publikasi di jurnal Internasional. Kata kunci: perdidikan karakter, perangkat pembelajaran bahasa inggri

    Do Male and Female Students Learn Differently?

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    This paper points out the gender differences in English learning.It investigated students’ language learning strategies as affected by gender differences. The data collected in 2015 from 15 male students and 15 female students’ of second grade at SMA Negeri 11 Makassar. It is to reveal their differences in English learning and the effect of gender differences in choosing language learning strategies. It is indicated that the entire student used six language learning strategies namely memory strategy, cognitive strategy, compensation strategy, metacognitive strateg, affective strategy and social strategy but they had different ways in using them. Mostly, females used social strategy because they were more emphatic, social thinking  and  like  cooperating with  their peers while  the  males  refered  to  the compensation startegy because their characteristics were more confident, fun, logical, active in expressing their opinion. So, it was concluded that gender differences affect in choosing language learning strategies of male and female students at SMA Negeri 11 Makassar.Keywords: language learning strategy, gender differences, classroom interactio

    Pengucapan Akhiran -ed pada Verba Bahasa Inggris

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    Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan teoritis dan pemahaman mengenai pengucapan verba lampau bahasa Inggris yang berakhiran –ed bagi mahasiswa semester VII Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra, Universitas Negeri Makassar. Pelatihan ini memiliki beberapa kegiatan, yaitu penyusunan materi tentang pengucapan akhiran –ed pada verba lampau bahasa Inggris, presentasi materi dalam bentuk power point, pembuatan latihan-latihan pengucapan akhiran –ed pada verba lampau bahasa Inggris baik dalam teks maupun video, dan penyiapan alat dan bahan-bahan pendukung pelatihan. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi/tanya jawab, konsultasi individu/kelompok, dan presentasi. Hasil pelatihan ini menunjukkan bahwa peserta (1) memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang kemungkinan besar tidak berada pada level yang sama mengenai teori-teori dasar pengucapan akhiran -ed verba lampau bahasa Inggris yang meliputi fungsi akhiran –ed pada verba lampau dan aturan pengucapannnya, dan (3) sekitar 95 % mampu membaca teks rikaun dengan tepat dalam bentuk materi audiovisual dan sekitar 5% masih memiliki kesalahan karena pengaruh bahasa daerah mereka. Tim pelaksana menyimpulkan bahwa pelatihan ini bisa membantu mahasiswa semester VII Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris memperbaiki kesalahan pengucapan akhiran –ed pada verba lampau bahasa Inggris


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    Acknowledgments This book is based on our Overseas Collaborative Research Schema, undertaken in Australian social contexts. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our research colleague, Professor Helen Borland, for being a research partner to discuss further any idea emerged from the beginning up to the end of the research, for her encouragement and strong continuous support over years in our research. We are indebted to the children, their families, and teachers, community activists who welcomed us into their homes, classrooms and in the community centre. We wish also to acknowledge the support of the Australian Government, and the support of the Victoria University particularly the School of Communication and the Arts Fund for the financial support to complete this research. We would also like to address our deepest recognition to the following persons: Dr. Mark Garner from University of Roehampton, UK for his marvellous comments in theorising our study in an appropriate approach and making more arguments connected from one to the others as a unity piece of academic writings, Professor Marilyn Martin-Jones from UK for her helpful guidance to be consistent in the way to write an academic work and to translate accurately from the original sources, and Dr. Howard Nicholas from Australia for his arguments of how importance of providing evidence of the claims made throughout the research


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    Paralanguage, as a part of non-verbal communication, is believed to have fruitful contribution to the successful teaching and learning process. Therefore, it is crucial to explore the features of teachers’ paralanguage in EFL classroom interactions and the function of those paralanguage features in classroom interaction. Under the design of qualitative research, this study employed classroom observation and recording. The subject is one English class with one teacher and 31 students in one Senior High School in Makassar, Indonesia. To analyze data, steps of analysis which included data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion (drawing or verifying) adopted from Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014) were employed. The result of data analysis showed that the teacher applied some features of paralanguage in classroom interaction in the forms of (1) voice qualities that consist of pitch (the highness and lowness of tone), rhythm (smooth rhythm), and rate (slow rate or tempo); and (2) vocalizations that include vocal characterizers (laughing) and vocal segregate (sound “ee”). This study also found that the use of teacher’s paralanguage in teaching was (1) to accent, (2) to complement, (3) to contradict, (4) to regulate, and (5) to repeat. Findings from this study can become a reference for teachers in creating effective classroom interaction. The use of paralanguage by the teacher in the class as one aspect of non-verbal communication is needed as one way to create effective classroom interaction.


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    This research aimed at boosting students’ different harmonious passion through Quipper School in English learning via online at www.quipper.com. The researcher applied a descriptive qualitative method. The data collection was done using observation and semi-structured interview by taking 28 students of SMP Negeri 1 Kahu as the participants of this study. The result of the analysis showed that to boost the students’ different harmonious passion for the purpose their success in English language learning covering four aspects, namely 1) students interest, 2) students’ social interaction, 3) students’ psychology factors, and 4) students’ access to the English material. The findings revealed that (1) the use of QS features with easy access could boost the students' interest in learning as it can be done from anywhere and anytime placing them in learning enjoyment in available signal area, a transparent scoring system grew up their' desire to compete, so they need to study and become active in the classroom, system repetition of material and quizzes strengthened their understanding; (2) An attractive material supply system, complete with tasks and discussion providing personal notes for students made the needs of student learning material fulfilled; (3) The system of providing rewards for all activities carried out by students in QS, and the scoring system that can be seen by all students, grew up the students' motivation to be the best, and (4) the use of this QS stimulated students' social interaction through many activities done collaboratively to find some answers for the questions provided. Keywords:Harmonious Passion, Quipper Schoo


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    Abstract The objective of the study was to determine whether or not using herringbone technique increased students' reading comprehension. The pre-experimental design technique was employed in this study. The population in this study was Grade 9 students of SMP Telkom Makassar 2022/2023 academic year. Twenty nine (29) students were selected as samples of the study using cluster random sampling technique. The results of statistical analysis at the level of significant (a) 0.05 with a degree of freedom (df) = 28 and a p value (sig.2- tailed ) of 0.000 showed a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test results of the students exams. In other words, the results of the sig.2 tailed of the students post test were greater than the level of significance (0.000<0.05. It can be concluded that the use of Herringbone techniques could improve the EFL students’ reading comprehension


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    This research aimed to find pronunciation problems in English vowel sounds experienced by students in English immersion program at Merah Putih International Language School Palopo or the kinds of problems committed by students in English monophthongs. This research implemented a case study method. The subjects of this research were the students who took the English Immersion program at Merah Putih International Language School Palopo, and they are at the same semester at their campus. The Instruments used for collecting the data were researcher, recording and dictionary analyzed descriptively. The researcher found that students committed 4 kinds of pronunciation with the other existing cases, namely (1) the existence of the phonetic alphabets from the foreign sounds, (2) the different distribution of sounds that similar in phonetic features, (3) two languages with similar sounds which differ only slightly in their phonetic features, (4) a cluster of sounds in some English words and the other existing cases. It iwas concluded that all kinds of pronunciation problems appeared for all short monophthongs /ɪ/, /ʊ/, /e/, /ə/, /ɒ/, /ʌ/, /æ/ and all long monophthongs /i:/, /u:/, /ɜ:/, /ɔ:/, /ɑ:/ in variety ways. Keywords: Pronunciation problems, English monophthongs, English course students of Palopo, English immersion progra

    Interpersonal Communication : A Social Harmony Approach

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    PREFACE Praise be to Allah SWT for his blessing so that writers can complete this book entitle: Interpersonal Communication: A Social Harmony Approach. This book is taken from the research of RISTEKDIKTI Hibah Bersaing (Competetive Research Scheme). This book provides fundamental topics on interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication is an integral part of life, and the need to understand its importance is growing from time to time. People from all sorts of walks of life, throughout the course of their lives, the experiences that bring them joy, that define who they are, and that connect them to others are grounded in interpersonal communication. However, interpersonal communication competence is not given but it is a process that is leamed and shared. We began writing this research - based book with a high sense of optimism to cope, to some extent, with the realities of cultural diversity by acknowledging and appreciating cultural differences in the aspects of lives that our students possess. Inclusion of others is the means to a better future as pluralism is the reality particularly in Indonesian context