205 research outputs found

    The Influence of Grammar and Vocabulary Mastery on Studentsā€™ Reading Comprehension at Language Development Center of UIN SUSKA RIAU

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    The aims of the research were to find out the influences among the variables; (1) to find out the influence of grammar mastery on the studentsā€™ reading comprehension, (2) to find out the influence of vocabulary mastery on the studentsā€™ reading comprehension, and (3)to find out the influence of grammar (X1) and vocabulary mastery on the studentsā€™ reading comprehension. The design of this research was a corelational research. The population was 150 the second level students of Language Development Center of UIN SUSKA Riau and 90 students were taken clusterly as samples. In collecting data, multiple choice tests were used as intruments. In the result of analysing data,Pearson Product Moment Correlation (SPSS 20) was used. The first finding of the research indicated that there was a positive influence between X1 and Y variables which was proved by two ways in interpreting the result of correlation where the value rxy=0.811 was between 0.800 ā€“ 1.00 meant very high influence and by comparing the value of rxy =0.811 with ttable was 0.205<0.811>0.267 that meant the rxy was a higher influence than ttable. The second finding, there was a positive influence between X2 and Y variables which was showed by two ways in interpreting the result of correlation where the value rxy=0.735 was between 0.600 ā€“ 0.800, that meant high influence and by comparing the value of rxy with ttable  was 0.205<0.735>0.267 that meant rxy was higher than ttable. The last finding, there was a positive influence between X1, X2 and Y variables altogether which was proved by two ways in interpreting the result of correlation where the value was between 0.800 ā€“ 1.00, that meant very high influence and by comparing the value of with ttable was ā€œ0.205<0.82969>0.267ā€ that meant was higher than ttable.&nbsp

    Implementasi Kebijakan Peralihan Hak Milik Atas Tanah Untuk Kepentingan Umum Pada Bagian Administrasi Pemerintahan Umum Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Mamuju Utara

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    This study bertujuan untuk know switchover policy implementation property rights to land in the public interest on the part of the public administration Regional Secretariat of North Mamuju regency. This type of research is the study inikualitatif.Informan executor in the Secretariat of North Mamuju District and Land Office as well as policy targets. Collecting data using observations, interviews, and documentation, while the analysis of the data consists of data reduction, data presentation, and attractive transition policy menunjukkan implementasi research kesimpulan. Hasil property rights over land for public purposes in the general government administration Regional Secretariat of North Mamuju regency not maximized because resources and bureaucratic structures not running optimally due to the ability of human resources is still quite adequate and understanding of the field of the task is still lacking, and the implementation of the policy has not been according to SOP. But in terms of communication and disposition has been executed with the maximum, which means it has carried out the coordination and dissemination of clear and consistent as well as the executor attitude that shows awareness in doing a good job and the attitude demonstrated towards acceptance of the policy is executed

    Pengaruh Penambahan Ekstrak Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) Terhadap Karakteristik Mutu Sirup Daging Buah Pala (Myristica fragrans Houtt)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ekstrak bunga telang terhadap karakteristik kimia dan fisik sirup daging buah pala dan untuk mengetahui jumlah penambahan ekstrak bunga telang yang tepat, sehingga diperoleh sirup daging buah pala yang bermutu baik yang disukai oleh panelis. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah penambahan ekstrak bunga telang sebanyak A (20%), B (30%), C (40%), D (50%) dan E (60%). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistika dengan ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) dan jika berbeda nyata maka analisis data dilanjutkan dengan uji DNMRT (Duncanā€™s New Multiple Range Test) pada taraf nyata 5%. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak bunga telang berpengaruh nyata terhadap analisis nilai pH, total asam, vitamin C, total antosianin, aktivitas antioksidan, organoleptik warna dan tidak berpengaruh nyata pada analisis warna (Hunter Lab), total padatan terlarut dan uji organoleptik (aroma dan rasa). Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh berdasarkan uji organoleptik pada perlakuan penambahan ekstrak bunga telang 60% dengan nilai rata-rata warna 4,48, aroma 3,44, dan rasa 3,76. Karakteristik kimia dan fisika perlakuan E yaitu nilai pH 3,11, total asam 4,35%, vitamin C 0,05 mg/100 g, antosianin 4,73 mg/L, antioksidan 72,58%, kadar gula 30,90%, total padatan terlarut 46,50Ā°Brix, uji warna yaitu blue purple, dan angka lempeng total 2,2 x 102 Koloni/mL. Kata kunci - bunga telang, daging buah pala, siru

    Triterpenoid Ī²-Amirin dari Kulit Batang Garcinia Bancana Miq.

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    Satu senyawa triterpenoid telah diisolasi dari ekstrak kulit batang tumbuhan Garcinia bancana Miq. Senyawa ini dipisahkan menggunakan berbagai teknik kromatografi dan pemurnian dengan rekristalisasi. Struktur molekul senyawa tersebut ditetapkan berdasarkan analisis data spektroskopi UV, IR, dan NMR 1-D dan dengan membandingkan data spektroskopi tersebut dengan yang dilaporkan dalam literatur. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data-data spektroskopi tersebut maka disimpulkan senyawa isolasi adalah Ī²-amirin. Penemuan senyawa ini telah memberikan informasi penting untuk studi kandungan kimia dan aktivitas biologis dari genus Garcinia berdasarkan pendekatan taksonomi


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    Sektor pertanian mempunyai peran yang sangat penting di Kabupaten Bireuen Karena mampu mendorong perekonomian. Peran Bank BRI memberi kemudahan kepada pelaku sektor Pertanian dalam menjalankan usaha dan mendukungĀ  pemulihan ekonomi, serta mengatasi kesulitan modal. Namun yang menjadi permasalahan bagi pelaku sektor pertanian untuk mengembangkan usahanya dan meningkatkatkan pendapatan salah satunya adalah modal. Penelitian ini dilakukanĀ  diĀ  BankĀ  BRIĀ  Kabupaten Bireuen Provinsi Aceh.Ā  Penelitian ini bertujuanĀ  mengetahui perananĀ  Bank BRI terhadap Sektor Pertanian di Kabupaten Bireuen.Ā  MetodeĀ  yang digunakan dalam menganalisi data ialah metode deskriptif kulitatif. Fokusnya adalah penggambaran secara menyuluruhan tentang bentuk, fungsi,Ā  dan ungkapan.Ā  Alat analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala likert.Ā  Berdasarkan alat analisis yang diolah,Ā  didapatkan hasil bahwa BankĀ  BRIĀ  ā€cukup berperanā€ di sektor pertanian,Ā  dilihat dariĀ  perolehan respon kreditor terhadap peran Bank BRI di sektor pertanianĀ  di Kabupaten Bireuen.Ā Kata kunci : Peran Bank BRI,Ā  SektorĀ  Pertania

    Skrining Bakteri Kitinolitik Antagonis terhadap Pertumbuhan Jamur Akar Putih (Rigidoporus Lignosus) dari Rizosfir Tanaman Karet

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    Skrining bakteri kitinolitik dari rizosfir tanaman karet dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh isolat bakteri kitinolitik yang antagonis terhadap pertumbuhan jamur akar putih (Rigidoporus lignosus). Bakteri diisolasi dari Perkebunan Karet Sembawa Kab. Banyuasin, dan skrining dilakukan dengan menggunakan media agar kitin dan uji antagonis terhadap jamur patogen dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Chernin et al., (1995). Hasil penelitian didapatkan dua isolat bakteri kitinolitik yang antagonis terhadap pertumbuhan jamur akar putih (Rigidoporus lignosus). Identifikasi kedua isolat antagonis jamur akar putih ini tergolong kedalam genus Bacillus yaitu Bacillus sp. dan Bacillus apiariu

    Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol Tanaman Obat Suku Musi di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan

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    Musi tribe community used medicinal plants generally based on cultural heritage. Unproper use of medicinal plants unproperly cause the drug does not work effectively. Ten medicinal plants were selected for antibacterial activity tested using disc diffusion method against two testb bacteria i.e Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus(S. aureus) at concentrations of 125, 250, 500, and 1000 Ī¼g/mL. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) were determined for the active extract which still gives antibacterial activity using well method. The result showed only three test extracts, i.e Coleus scutellarioides, Blumea balsamifera and Lantana camara gave inhibition zone diameter of 11-20 mm against E. coli. Meanwhile, four extracts i.e Coleus scutellarioides, Blumea balsamifera, Dillenia alata and Dimocarpus melayensis gave inhibition zone diameter of 11-20 mm against S. aureus. Determination of MIC values for Coleus scutellarioides and Blumea balsamifera extracts gave the same MIC value of 125 Ī¼g/mL for both test bacteria. Meanwhile, Lantana camara gave MIC value of 250 ug/mL for E. coli. Dillenia alata and Dimocarpus melayensis also provide MIC value of 125 ug/mL againts E. Coli. It was found that there were five active extracts among ten extracts tested. Two extracts which active against both test bacteria were Coleus scutellarioides and Blumea balsamifera. One extract, Lantana camara only active against E. coli and the two others Dillenia alata and Dimocarpus melayensis were active against S. auerus


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    This study bertujuan untuk know switchover policy implementation property rights to land in the public interest on the part of the public administration Regional Secretariat of North Mamuju regency. This type of research is the study inikualitatif.Informan executor in the Secretariat of North Mamuju District and Land Office as well as policy targets. Collecting data using observations, interviews, and documentation, while the analysis of the data consists of data reduction, data presentation, and attractive transition policy menunjukkan implementasi research kesimpulan. Hasil property rights over land for public purposes in the general government administration Regional Secretariat of North Mamuju regency not maximized because resources and bureaucratic structures not running optimally due to the ability of human resources is still quite adequate and understanding of the field of the task is still lacking, and the implementation of the policy has not been according to SOP. But in terms of communication and disposition has been executed with the maximum, which means it has carried out the coordination and dissemination of clear and consistent as well as the executor attitude that shows awareness in doing a good job and the attitude demonstrated towards acceptance of the policy is executed

    An Antihyperuricemia Effect of Ethanol Extract of Tunjuk Langit Rhizome (Helmynthostachys Zaylanica Linn Hook) on Swiss Male Mice

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    Tunjuk langit (Helminthostachys zeylanica) rhizome has been used as traditional medicines. i.e. anticancer and antiinflammation. Other studies revealed that the rhizome of tunjuk langit has antioxidant, anticancer, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. The main purpose of this research is to understand the hipouricemia potency of ethanol extract of tunjuk langit compared to that of alopurinol. In this study, 50 mice were divided into 10 groups (n=5 per group). Group I: normal group (CMC-Na 0.5% with dose of 10 mL/kg BB), Group II : negative control, Group III-VI : positive control (alopurinol with doses of 5, 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg BB) and VII-X : Ethanol extract with doses of 20, 40, 80, and 160 mg/kg BB. These groups were treated for 30 days. The uric acid level of their blood was measured on the day-0 and these groups were then inducted with a mixture of chicken liver juice (25 ml/kg BW 2 times/days) and Gnetum gnemon seeds (2g/kg BW per day) from day-0 until day-30. The blood uric acid levels were measured on the 10th and 15th days. Extract tests were orally injected to the groups with each dose starting from the 15th day until 30th day. Meanwhile, chicken liver juice was also still given constantly within these days. The uric acid level and the percentage of its degradation of each group were measured on the 20th, 25th and 30th days. Based on the in vivo study, it could be concluded that the ethanol extract of Tunjuk langit has hipouricemia potency. The hipouricemia effects of ethanol extract with doses of 80 and 160 mg/kg BW are 91.95% and 91.77% compared to those of allopurinol with doses of 20 and 40 mg/kgBW, respectively. Based on relation between percentage of the degradation uric acid level and the extract concentration, ED50 value of the extract is 135.76 mg/kg BW
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