35 research outputs found

    Faktor Keengganan Pelajar Bersepeda di Yogyakarta

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    Budaya bersepeda sebagai moda transportasi ramah lingkungan masih terus digalakkan di berbagai wilayah. Pelajar remaja tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) merupakan potensi besar pengguna di kota Yogyakarta, dimana secara usia dapat lebih mandiri untuk perjalanan harian sekolah. Mayoritas pelajar remaja saat ini tergantung pada kendaraan bermotor yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Untuk itu, kami berusaha menemukan faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan sepeda pada pelajar remaja non-pesepeda. Kami menggunakan metode analisis faktor eksploratori pada 248 responden pelajar remaja, untuk merumuskan faktor yang mempengaruhi, mulai tahap sesaat sebelum berangkat dari rumah, sampai dengan sekolah dan sebaliknya. Kami menemukan empat faktor, secara berurutan yaitu : faktor mobilitas dan aksesibilitas; faktor keamanan dan keselamatan; faktor kenyamanan; dan faktor kualitas infrastruktur bersepeda, yang mempengaruhi pelajar remaja di kota Yogyakarta enggan menggunakan sepeda untuk perjalanan sekolah. Temuan kami membuktikan bahwa manajemen mobilitas dan perilaku pengguna infrastruktur, dengan lebih banyak waktu seharian dihabiskan hanya di sekolah lebih mendorong penggunaan sepeda, dan setelahnya meningkatkan kualitas infrastruktur bersepeda lebih aman, selamat dan nyaman dapat dilakukan


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    The Special Region of Yogyakarta is served by two airports: Adisutjipto (JOG) and Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA). For flights to Jakarta, air travellers can depart from both airports. This study presents a model of airport choice behaviour by air travellers in the Yogyakarta multi-airport region in order to analyze the factors that influence airport choice and to find out the probability of airport choice. Using a stated preference method, a face-to-face survey was conducted on 420 respondents who had made on the Yogyakarta-Jakarta route air trip within the past year. The SP survey uses a binary choice set, with 24 scenarios. In each scenario, the respondents are faced with a choice between the Adisutjipto (JOG)–Halim Perdanakusuma (HLP) and Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA)–Soekarno Hatta (CGK) flight routes. The variables tested are airfares, flight frequency, access time, egress time, access cost, egress cost, modes of access with rail services, check-in queue time, baggage claim time, and inertia. By using the binomial logit model, the results show that airfare, flight frequency, access time, egress costs, and inertia variables affect the airport choice behaviour. The inertia variable is only used in the utility function of Adisutjipto Airport (JOG). Scenarios 1 give almost the equal probability values, with a YIA probability of 48.9% and a JOG of 51.1%. ABSTRAK Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dilayani oleh dua bandara, yaitu Adisutjipto (JOG) dan Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA). Pelaku perjalanan dapat berangkat dari kedua bandara tersebut untuk menuju Jakarta. Penelitian ini menyajikan pemodelan perilaku pemilihan bandara oleh pelaku perjalanan udara di wilayah multi bandara Yogyakarta untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan bandara dan mengetahui probabilitas pemilihan bandara. Dengan metode stated preference, survei tatap muka dilakukan terhadap 420 responden yang telah melakukan perjalanan udara rute Yogyakarta–Jakarta dalam satu tahun terakhir. Survei SP menggunakan pilihan biner dengan 24 skenario. Dalam setiap skenario, responden dihadapkan pada pilihan antara rute penerbangan melalui Adisutjipto (JOG)­–Halim Perdanakusuma (HLP) dan Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA)–Soekarno Hatta (CGK). Variabel yang diuji adalah tarif penerbangan, frekuensi penerbangan, waktu akses, waktu egress, biaya akses, biaya egress, moda akses dengan layanan kereta api, waktu antrian check-in, waktu pengambilan bagasi dan inersia. Dengan menggunakan model binomial logit, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel tarif penerbangan, frekuensi penerbangan, waktu akses, biaya egress dan inersia mempengaruhi perilaku pemilihan bandara. Variabel inersia hanya digunakan pada fungsi utilitas Adisutjipto (JOG). Probabilitas yang memiliki nilai hampir seimbang terdapat pada skenario 1 dengan probabilitas YIA sebesar 48,9% dan JOG sebesar 51,1%

    Analisis Kebutuhan Layanan dan Fasilitas Eksisting Transportasi Ramah Lingkungan Dengan Kebutuhan Perjalanan (Studi Kasus: Pegawai di Lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Tanjungpinang)

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    State employees of Tanjungpinang consists of 4,303 people whose origins and destinations are spread throughout the city. This is the reason for the high travel demand where private vehicles are still superior to the other modes of choice. This adds to problems in environmental aspects, especially the contributors to air pollution and noise on the road. This study uses a quantitative method with descriptive analysis and spatial analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to identify existing employee travel characteristics. The graphic display presented in the results of the descriptive analysis aims to make it easier to explain the results of the analysis of the formation of zones, the number of trips in each zone, as well as the focus services and existing facilities. Spatial analysis is used to point to the edge of the location of existing facilities, and the ease of origin and destination of employee travel. The results of the study indicate that the current supply of services and facilities has not been able to accommodate the travel demand of state employees. The supply of transport services and facilities is still lacking because they only serve and available in several sub-districts which are the points of origin and destinations travel for employees. This caused low interest of employees by using green transport whose origin and destination areas are not covered and crossed by services. Therefore, it is necessary to request institutional-based travel demand management to encourage employees to travel using green transport in the form of policies, coordination, and cooperation within the internal scope of the Tanjungpinang city government


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    The Special Region of Yogyakarta is served by two airports: Adisutjipto (JOG) and Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA). For flights to Jakarta, air travellers can depart from both airports. This study presents a model of airport choice behaviour by air travellers in the Yogyakarta multi-airport region in order to analyze the factors that influence airport choice and to find out the probability of airport choice. Using a stated preference method, a face-to-face survey was conducted on 420 respondents who had made on the Yogyakarta-Jakarta route air trip within the past year. The SP survey uses a binary choice set, with 24 scenarios. In each scenario, the respondents are faced with a choice between the Adisutjipto (JOG)–Halim Perdanakusuma (HLP) and Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA)–Soekarno Hatta (CGK) flight routes. The variables tested are airfares, flight frequency, access time, egress time, access cost, egress cost, modes of access with rail services, check-in queue time, baggage claim time, and inertia. By using the binomial logit model, the results show that airfare, flight frequency, access time, egress costs, and inertia variables affect the airport choice behaviour. The inertia variable is only used in the utility function of Adisutjipto Airport (JOG). Scenarios 1 give almost the equal probability values, with a YIA probability of 48.9% and a JOG of 51.1%. ABSTRAK Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dilayani oleh dua bandara, yaitu Adisutjipto (JOG) dan Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA). Pelaku perjalanan dapat berangkat dari kedua bandara tersebut untuk menuju Jakarta. Penelitian ini menyajikan pemodelan perilaku pemilihan bandara oleh pelaku perjalanan udara di wilayah multi bandara Yogyakarta untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan bandara dan mengetahui probabilitas pemilihan bandara. Dengan metode stated preference, survei tatap muka dilakukan terhadap 420 responden yang telah melakukan perjalanan udara rute Yogyakarta–Jakarta dalam satu tahun terakhir. Survei SP menggunakan pilihan biner dengan 24 skenario. Dalam setiap skenario, responden dihadapkan pada pilihan antara rute penerbangan melalui Adisutjipto (JOG)­–Halim Perdanakusuma (HLP) dan Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA)–Soekarno Hatta (CGK). Variabel yang diuji adalah tarif penerbangan, frekuensi penerbangan, waktu akses, waktu egress, biaya akses, biaya egress, moda akses dengan layanan kereta api, waktu antrian check-in, waktu pengambilan bagasi dan inersia. Dengan menggunakan model binomial logit, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel tarif penerbangan, frekuensi penerbangan, waktu akses, biaya egress dan inersia mempengaruhi perilaku pemilihan bandara. Variabel inersia hanya digunakan pada fungsi utilitas Adisutjipto (JOG). Probabilitas yang memiliki nilai hampir seimbang terdapat pada skenario 1 dengan probabilitas YIA sebesar 48,9% dan JOG sebesar 51,1%

    Determining Priority Service of Yogyakarta Adisutjipto Airport Using Servqual Method and Kano Model

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    Nowadays, airports are expected to be operated as a self-service organisation that provides efficient and high-quality services. Since the satisfaction of passengers is essential for airport’s operators, the efforts to provide better services for passengers become a concern for airport’s operators by increasing the quality of service to passengers. It is crucial to identify which kind of services that would be the top priority service for the passengers. Thus, this study aims to improve the quality of service to passengers that are conducted by combining the Servqual method and Kano model. Servqual method is used to capture consumer perceptions and expectations of service along with the multi-dimensional research instrument, while the Kano model is a theory to observe costumer’s satisfaction preferences. The combination of the methods aims to determine the type of service that becomes the top priority for immediate improvement so that it can improve the service quality effectively. The selection of the priority services is based on the magnitude of the gap between expectations and perceptions of passengers on a particular service, and the assessment of passengers on the type of service that significantly influences passengers’ satisfaction with the service performance at the airport. The results of this research showed that there were three types of services as the top priority for improving their performance, namely the type of services related to the personal attention to passengers, the attractive waiting room conditions, and the understanding of each passenger’s needs individually. The airport management is expected to immediately improve the performance of the services so that the quality of service can immediately increase


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    Abstract Demand of air passenger numbers in Indonesia has been increasing since the last decade, reaching 15% per year. The high number of these demand has a negative impact on the aviation world in Indonesia. Aircraft queue on landing, delayed departure time, inconvenience of passengers, and high accident risk are negatives which of course require early handling for long term. This study to explore the problems related to aviation in Indonesia, so that got the root of the most influential to the current aviation dilemma of Indonesia and its proper development direction. This study used data 26 major airports in Indonesia as a case study. The results show that the air transport problems that occur are influenced by three things: high passenger growth, limited airport capacity, and the dominance of indirect flight. And the right direction of airport development to be done is the development of integrated flight routes. Keywords: growth of passengers, airport development, flight route, airport capacity  Abstrak Permintaan jumlah penumpang angkutan udara di Indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan semenjak satu dekade terakhir, yang mencapai angka 15% per tahun. Tingginya jumlah permintaan ini ikut memberikan dampak negatif terhadap dunia penerbangan di Indonesia. Antrian pesawat udara saat mendarat, tertundanya waktu keberangkatan, ketidaknyamanan penumpang, dan risiko kecelakaan yang tinggi merupakan hal negatif yang membutuhkan penanganan dini untuk jangka panjang. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menggali perma-salahan terkait angkutan udara di Indonesia, sehingga didapat akar masalah yang paling berpengaruh terhadap penerbangan Indonesia saat ini dan arah pengembangannya. Pada penelitian ini digunakan data 26 bandara utama di Indonesia sebagai studi kasusnya. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa permasalahan angkutan udara yang terjadi dipengaruhi oleh tiga hal, yaitu pertumbuhan penumpang yang tinggi, keterba-tasan kapasitas bandara, dan dominannya rute penerbangan yang tidak langsung. Arah pengembangan bandara yang tepat untuk dilakukan adalah melalui pengembangan rute penerbangan yang terintegrasi. Kata-kata kunci: pertumbuhan penumpang, pengembangan bandara, rute penerbangan, kapasitas bandar


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    Abstract Searching product information and purchasing goods online cause significant changes in the behavior and characteristics of traveling. Online shopping is expected to reduce shopping trips. The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between online shopping and its effect on the frequency of shopping trips. This study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Data were obtained from questionnaires distributed online. The variables used were 5 exogenous, 3 endogenous latent variables, and 15 observed variables. The results showed that the frequency of searching for information on the internet has a positive influence on a shopping trip and frequency of online shopping. In the meantime, the online shopping frequencies have negative influences on shopping trips. In addition, online shopping is additional and substitution of shopping trips. To optimize the benefits of online shopping, in reducing the frequency of shopping trips to the store, four scenarios were made. The most effective scenario is to improve the quality of the internet network at home, which affects in the reduction of the shopping trip frequency by 53 % from the present level. Key words: online shopping, shopping trip, travel behavior, characteristic of the trip  Abstrak Pencarian informasi produk dan pembelian barang secara online menyebabkan perubahan yang penting dalam perilaku perjalanan dan karakteristik perjalanan seseorang. Belanja online diharapkan dapat mengurangi perjalanan belanja yang dilakukan seseorang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali hubungan antara belanja online dan pengaruhnya terhadap frekuensi perjalanan berbelanja seseorang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Data diperoleh dari kuesioner yang disebarkan secara online. Variabel yang digunakan adalah 5 variabel laten eksogen, 3 variabel laten endogen, serta 15 variabel teramati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi mencari informasi di internet berpengaruh positif terhadap perjalanan belanja dan frekuensi belanja online. Sedangkan frekuensi belanja online berpengaruh negatif terhadap perjalanan belanja. Selain itu bagi sebagian orang belanja online bersifat tambahan dan sebagian lagi bersifat pengganti. Untuk mengoptimalkan manfaat belanja online, dalam mengurangi frekuensi perjalanan belanja ke toko, dilakukan 4 skenario. Skenario yang paling efektif adalah peningkatan kualitas jaringan internet di rumah, yang memberi dampak pengurangan frekuensi perjalanan belanja sebesar 53 % dari kondisi sekarang. Kata-kata kunci: belanja online, perjalanan belanja, perilaku perjalanan, karakteristik perjalana