311 research outputs found

    The Dynamic Role of aoMawlana Shah Ahmad Noorania in the Constitution-Making of Pakistan (1972-1975)

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    Mawlana Noorani could be found busy in politics even before the independence of Pakistan in 1947 Mawlana Shah Ahmad Noorani entered into Pakistani Parliament through the general elections held in 1970 He always struggled for the democratization and Islamization of Pakistani society through constitutional means When the Interim Constitution was presented in the National Assembly on April 14 1972 by the Bhutto Government Mawlana Noorani on that very day urged the President to prepare a constitution based on the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah and on the twenty-two points of the Ulama A twenty-five member Committee which was entrusted with the task of preparing the draft for permanent constitution Mawlana was one of them Mawlana Noorani was one of the signatories of the Constitutional Accord signed by the opposition parties and the then Government on October 20 197

    Media Turns Villainous While Performing its Upright Obligations of Educating, Informing and Entertaining: Analysis with Particular Reference to Pakistan

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    Media has become a powerful actor in the modern world, particularly in Pakistan. Media inclusive of traditional media and social media primarily aims at informing, educating and entertaining the public; but in doing it so; it led its viewers and/or readers in Pakistan to sociopolitical chaos in various ways. That being said, it helped prop up militancy and extremism, presented unethical contents to the viewers, succumbed to ideological division, and became the harbinger for online extremist communication. Said in another way, it has assumed both the face of a guide and a monster in Pakistan. Key Words: Traditional media, social media, culture, sociopolitical chaos, online extremist communicatio

    Surgical Outcome & Cost Analysis of Single Stage Anterior Decompression and Cage Fixation in Patients with Thoracic and Lumbar Tuberculous Spondylitis: A Single Centre Experience Over Six ā€“ Years with Comprehensive Literature Review

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    Objective:  For Tuberculous spondylitis (TS) the optimal mode of management for extensive tuberculous spondylitis is still a subject of debate. We determined the outcome for single stage anterior decompression and cage fixation for dorso-lumbar TS. Material and Methods:  This prospective study was conducted between 2012 and 2018. Worsening or new onset neurological deficit, increasing deformity, large paraspinal abscess and those not responding to anti-tuberculous drug therapy were included. Patients with severe comorbidities (> ASA class III) and recurrent cases were excluded. Demographics, clinical features, radiological characteristics, intraoperative details, postoperative complications and follow-up condition were recorded. Results:  One patient with mean age of 45.6 Ā± 14.9 years with 17 (54.8%) males and 14 (45.2%) females. Mean symptoms duration was 71.9 Ā± 29.4 days. 41.9% had spasticity & 25.8% had sphincter dysfunction on presentation. Half (48%) of patients had a Frankel grade 3 or less bilaterally. Mean length of the procedure was 137.4 Ā± 19.9 minutes. 19.4% (n = 6) had postoperative pulmonary complications, 16.1% (n = 5) wound infection, 9.7% (n = 3) had worsening of neurologic deficit and one (3.2%) remained static. Graft extrusion and cage subsidence were noted in one (3.2%) patient each. Favorable outcome was observed in 83.9% (n = 26) while 16.1% (n = 5) had unfavorable outcome. Mean out-of-pocket cost was 164677.4 Ā± 11469.9 rupees (USD: 1187 approx). Conclusion:  Timely spinal decompression with stabilization at the onset of the Pottā€™s disease in patients who fulfil the criteria as surgical candidates carries a promising outcome

    Učinkovitost in vivo detoksifikacije ohratoksina A pomoću visokoporoznog nanokompozita ugljika pripravljenog od ostataka Å”ećerne repe

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    The aim of this study was to develop highly porous carbon nanocomposites for detoxification of ochratoxin A (OTA) in broilers. One-day-old chicks were divided into six groups (A to F). Group A was given pure feed. Group B was given 400 Ī¼g/kg of OTA contaminated feed, while the rest of the groups were fed on 400 Ī¼g/ kg of OTA contaminated feed plus a different level of the adsorbent. The clinical signs of the positive control (group B) such as depression, diarrhea, increased water intake, low body weight, a high degree of genotoxicity, and swollen and hemorrhagic kidneys and liver, were compared with the other groups. In group B chicks, the serum ALT (alanine transferase), ALP (alkaline phosphatase), creatinine and urea levels were significantly higher, while albumin, globulin and total proteins levels were significantly lower than in negative control group A. The adsorbent treated groups showed almost normal clinical signs. Group C and D were affected to some extent, however, groups E and F showed undamaged DNA, normal behavior and blood biochemistry, and well- maintained histological structure, like that of the negative control group.Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio razviti visokoporozne nanokompozite ugljika za detoksifikaciju ohratoksina A (OTA) u brojlera. Jednodnevni pilići podijeljeni su u Å”est skupina (A do F). Skupina A hranjena je čistom hranom. Skupini B davana je hrana kojoj je dodano 400 Ī¼g/kg OTA-e, dok su preostale skupine hranjene hranom kojoj je uz 400 Ī¼g/kg OTA-e dodane različite razine adsorbensa. Klinički znakovi kod pozitivne kontrole (skupina B), poput depresije, proljeva, povećanog unosa vode, niske tjelesne mase, visoke genotoksičnosti, natečenih i krvavih bubrega i jetre, uspoređeni su s ostalim skupinama. Skupine tretirane adsorbensima pokazale su gotovo normalne kliničke znakove. Skupine C i D do neke su mjere zahvaćene, dok su skupine E i F pokazale neoÅ”tećenu DNA, normalno ponaÅ”anje, normalne biokemijske krvne pokazatelje i dobro održanu histoloÅ”ku strukturu kao i brojleri u negativnoj kontrolnoj skupini

    Genetic diversity in Balkhi, Hashtnagri and Michni sheep populations using SSR markers

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    Morphological and genetic diversity among the three neighboring sheep breeds native to Central valley of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (KP, Pakistan) was investigated. A total number of 138 non relative individuals of Balkhi (46), Hashtnagri (44) and Michni (48) was sampled for morphological as well as molecular characters using 31 ovine specific SSR markers. Morphological observations and morphometric traits varied significantly among different sheep breeds. Balkhi having usually brown or white colour, with a tucked up fat tail was the larger breed. Hashtnagri is a medium sized breed; body covered with white wool, having long white tail, with a tail switch. The body colour of Michni sheep was usually brown or some times white. This breed is comparatively small in size with longer fat tail, hanging nearĀ  (33.3%) or below (66.7%) hock. Total number of 119 alleles was identified with mean number of 3.8 alleles per locus, ranging from 2 to 8. Twelve unique allelesĀ  were identified in Michni population at different loci. Average gene diversity was higher in Michni (0.561). Inbreeding estimate (FIT) was significantly higherĀ  (27.1%) among three breeds and was highest between Balkhi and Hashtnagri (31%), similarly highest gene flow (Nm = 60.4) and lowest population differentiation (FST = 4.3%) was estimated between these twoĀ  breeds. Maximum genetic distance was observed between Balkhi and Michni; however, Balkhi was genetically closed to Hashtnagri population. Balkhi and Michni were assigned at high accuracy to their respective population; however, the identity of Hashtnagri is obscure.Key words: Balkhi, Hashtnagri, Michni, simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, morphological characteristics, genetic diversity

    Impact of Audit Quality on Real Earnings Management: Moderating Role of Corporate Governance

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    Purpose: This study aims to examine the effectiveness of audit quality in restricting earnings management in the presence of countryā€™s governance system. Methodology: The data was collected from 195 Pakistani-based and 150 UK based non-financial companies. The sampling period is ten years from 2010 to 2019. To test the hypotheses, the Generalized Method of Moments was applied. Findings: The results showed that firms switch from accrual earnings management to real earnings management in developed economies which are characterized by strong governance mechanism. Moreover, the negative association between governance mechanism and earnings management is increased in the presence of Big-4 auditor. Conclusion: It is concluded that audit quality restricts the firms to use real earnings management especially in those countries where governance mechanism is strong
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