The Dynamic Role of aoMawlana Shah Ahmad Noorania in the Constitution-Making of Pakistan (1972-1975)


Mawlana Noorani could be found busy in politics even before the independence of Pakistan in 1947 Mawlana Shah Ahmad Noorani entered into Pakistani Parliament through the general elections held in 1970 He always struggled for the democratization and Islamization of Pakistani society through constitutional means When the Interim Constitution was presented in the National Assembly on April 14 1972 by the Bhutto Government Mawlana Noorani on that very day urged the President to prepare a constitution based on the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah and on the twenty-two points of the Ulama A twenty-five member Committee which was entrusted with the task of preparing the draft for permanent constitution Mawlana was one of them Mawlana Noorani was one of the signatories of the Constitutional Accord signed by the opposition parties and the then Government on October 20 197

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