111 research outputs found

    Benign tumours and tumour like lesions of bone

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    Over the last century, there has been a remarkable development in the study of benign bone tumours. This is primarily due to the improved knowledge of the nature of these lesions and improved imaging technology. They present as a diverse group of clinical and pathological entities, which vary in their clinical behaviour and aggressiveness and, hence, multidisciplinary approach is necessary in their management. Combined opinion from an orthopaedic surgeon, radiologist and a pathologist is therefore required. Incidence of these tumours is debatable because they are often asymptomatic. Many protocols have been reported in studies with respect to the management of these tumours based on the experience of different centres and different surgeons with no set guidelines. English-language studies, including case reports, case series and systemic reviews, from PubMed, ERIC, MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane Reviews databases from 2002 to 2016 were included in the current. Articles reporting all levels of evidence - Level I to V - were included

    Ensemble learning based defect detection of laser sintering

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    In rapid development, Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) creates prototypes by processing industrial materials, for example, polymers. Such materials are usually in powder form and fused by a laser beam. The manufacturing quality depends on the interaction between a high-energy laser beam and the powdered material. However, in-homogeneous temperature distribution, unstable laser powder, and inconsistent powder densities can cause defects in the final product, for example, Powder Bed Defects. Such factors can lead to irregularities, for example, warping, distortion, and inadequate powder bed fusion. These irregularities may affect the profitable SLS production. Consequently, detecting powder bed defects requires automation. An ensemble learning-based approach is proposed for detecting defects in SLS powder bed images from this perceptive. The proposed approach first pre-processes the images to reduce the computational complexity. Then, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based ensembled models (off-the-shelf CNN, bagged CNN, and boosted CNN) are implemented and compared. The ensemble learning CNN (bagged and boosted CNN) is good for powder bed detection. The evaluation results indicate that the performance of bagged CNN is significant. It also indicates that preprocessing of the images, mainly cropping to the region of interest, improves the performance of the proposed approach. The training and testing accuracy of the bagged CNN is 96.1% and 95.1%, respectively.© 2023The Authors. IET Optoelectronics published by John Wiley& Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Appraisal of acute oral toxicity of glucuronoxylan hydrogel from Mimosa pudica seeds

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    Glucuronoxylan hydrogel (GXH) isolated from M. pudica seeds was assessed for acute toxicology in albino mice that were alienated into four groups. Three groups, i.e., II, III and IV received GXH at a dose of 1, 2 and 5 g/kg, respectively while group I was retained untreated and provided routine diet. After administering GXH, mice were examined for vomiting, diarrhea, allergy and tremors for 8 h. All animals were carefully observed for food and water consumption at 1, 2, 3, 7 and 14 day after administering GXH. At the end of studies, blood samples were drawn for investigation of hematological and biochemical parameters. All animals were sacrificed, relative body weight of vital organs was calculated and their histopathology was studied. It was concluded that there was insignificant difference in body weight, behavioral pattern, food and water intake among treated and control groups. Haematology and biochemistry of blood samples from all groups were found analogous. Histopathological evaluation of vital body organs exhibited no lesions in all groups. Ocular, cardiac and dermal safety of GXH was also established on albino rabbits

    Autoclaved tumor bone for skeletal reconstruction in paediatric patients: A low cost alternative in developing countries

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    We reviewed in this series forty patients of pediatric age who underwent resection for malignant tumors of musculoskeletal system followed by biological reconstruction. Our surgical procedure for reconstruction included (1) wide en bloc resection of the tumor; (2) curettage of tumor from the resected bone; (3) autoclaving for 8 minutes (4) bone grafting from the fibula (both vascularized and nonvascularized fibular grafts used); (5) reimplantation of the autoclaved bone into the host bone defect and fixation with plates. Functional evaluation was done using MSTS scoring system. At final followup of at least 18 months (mean 29.2 months), 31 patients had recovered without any complications. Thirty-eight patients successfully achieved a solid bony union between the graft and recipient bone. Three patients had surgical site infection. They were managed with wound debridement and flap coverage of the defect. Local recurrence and nonunion occurred in two patients each. One patient underwent disarticulation at hip due to extensive local disease and one died of metastasis. For patients with non-union, revision procedure with bone graft and compression plates was successfully used. The use of autoclaved tumor grafts provides a limb salvage option that is inexpensive and independent of external resources and is a viable option for musculoskeletal tumor management in developing countries

    Appraisal of acute oral toxicity of glucuronoxylan hydrogel from Mimosa pudica seeds

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    Glucuronoxylan hydrogel (GXH) isolated from M. pudica seeds was assessed for acute toxicology in albino mice that were alienated into four groups. Three groups, i.e., II, III and IV received GXH at a dose of 1, 2 and 5 g/kg, respectively while group I was retained untreated and provided routine diet. After administering GXH, mice were examined for vomiting, diarrhea, allergy and tremors for 8 h. All animals were carefully observed for food and water consumption at 1, 2, 3, 7 and 14 day after administering GXH. At the end of studies, blood samples were drawn for investigation of hematological and biochemical parameters. All animals were sacrificed, relative body weight of vital organs was calculated and their histopathology was studied. It was concluded that there was insignificant difference in body weight, behavioral pattern, food and water intake among treated and control groups. Haematology and biochemistry of blood samples from all groups were found analogous. Histopathological evaluation of vital body organs exhibited no lesions in all groups. Ocular, cardiac and dermal safety of GXH was also established on albino rabbits

    Rationale to understand anthelmintic resistance in parasitic nematodes

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    With extensive use of the anthelmintic in many tropical and parasite-endemic countries, the graveness of parasite resistance is exaggerating. The trend in the use of excessive medication in animal is also posing threats to public health. The governmental bodies are either lacking understanding or underestimating the regime of this emergingissue. This brief overview highlights the need, rationale and urgency of the matter to establish foundations for unifiedaction plans at the national levels as well as international levels in mitigating the development of resistance

    Acute toxicity study of a polysaccharide based hydrogel from linseed for potential use in drug delivery system

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    Linseed hydrogel (LSH) was evaluated by acute toxicity for its potential application in oral drug delivery design. White albino mice and rabbits were divided in four groups (I–IV) and different doses of LSH (1, 2 and 5 g/kg body weight) were given except to the control group (I) that was left untreated. Rabbits were monitored for eye irritation, acute dermal toxicity and primary dermal irritation, whereas, body weight, food and water consumption, hematology and clinical biochemistry, gross necropsy and histopathology of vital organs were scrutinized in mice. LSH was considered safe after eye irritation test as no adverse signs or symptoms were seen in the eye. In dermal toxicity and irritation study, skin of treated rabbits was found normal in color without any edema or erythema. After oral administration, there was no sign of any abnormalities in treated group animals (II–IV). The hematology and clinical biochemistry of treated group animals was comparable with the control group. Histopathology of vital organs has not shown any lesion or abnormalities. In the light of these outcomes, it can be concluded that LSH is not a hazardous biomaterial and could be incorporated as an excipient in oral and dermal preparations

    Factors Influencing Use of Information and Communication Technologies among Farmers in Rural Punjab, Pakistan

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    This study explored the factors influencing the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) among farmers in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The Punjab province is divided into three agro-ecological zones viz Northern, Central and Southern. In this study, one district from each zone was randomly selected. Total sample size comprises of 150 farmers. Farmers were interviewed using a self-administered interview schedule comprising of open and close-ended questions. Respondentsñ€ℱ access to ICTs was low level. Chi-square test revealed a significant association between the age of respondents and adoption of ICTs. Young respondents were leading users of ICTs in the study area. Size of landholding and income level of the respondents had a significant association with the frequency of use of ICTs in agriculture. Among various ICTs tools, mobile/cell phone attracted 47.3% of respondents to access agricultural information. Factors militating use of ICTs include; electricity/power issues (xÌ„=2.95/3.00), language barriers (xÌ„=2.93/3.00), limited knowledge and skills about ICTs (xÌ„=2.89/3.00), high cost (xÌ„=2.87/3.00) and limited availability of ICTs (xÌ„=2.85/3.00). Extent of ICTs use to access agricultural information can surge with the unit income level rise, enhanced access to ICTs and enhanced skill level to use ICTs

    Factors Influencing Use of Information and Communication Technologies among Farmers in Rural Punjab, Pakistan

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    This study explored the factors influencing the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) among farmers in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The Punjab province is divided into three agro-ecological zones viz Northern, Central and Southern. In this study, one district from each zone was randomly selected. Total sample size comprises of 150 farmers. Farmers were interviewed using a self-administered interview schedule comprising of open and close-ended questions. Respondentsñ€ℱ access to ICTs was low level. Chi-square test revealed a significant association between the age of respondents and adoption of ICTs. Young respondents were leading users of ICTs in the study area. Size of landholding and income level of the respondents had a significant association with the frequency of use of ICTs in agriculture. Among various ICTs tools, mobile/cell phone attracted 47.3% of respondents to access agricultural information. Factors militating use of ICTs include; electricity/power issues (xÌ„=2.95/3.00), language barriers (xÌ„=2.93/3.00), limited knowledge and skills about ICTs (xÌ„=2.89/3.00), high cost (xÌ„=2.87/3.00) and limited availability of ICTs (xÌ„=2.85/3.00). Extent of ICTs use to access agricultural information can surge with the unit income level rise, enhanced access to ICTs and enhanced skill level to use ICTs

    An overview of the trichostorngyloidea

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    Among helminthes, the trichostrongyloidea consists of most significant parasites of ruminants, which are posing significant threats to livestock productivity, health and well-being. This brief commentary provides an overview of this important group of parasite to showcase the crucial roles these play in hosts
