37 research outputs found

    Satire Content Youtube’s Got Talent Channel Skinny Indonesia24 Perspektif Etika Dan Komunikasi Islam

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    Satire Content Youtube's Got Talent Channel Skinny Indonesia24 Perspective of Islamic Ethics Freedom in uploading YouTube content is one of the reasons for the decline in content quality. This phenomenon was criticized by skinnyindonesia24 by creating YouTube's got talent content to criticize YouTube content which is considered to lower the standard of YouTube creator content. The purpose of this study was to examine the meaning and find out the satire from the perspective of Islamic ethics and communication on YouTube's got talent. This study uses descriptive discourse analysis by analyzing the three parts of YouTube's got talent content to obtain research data. The data collection technique in this study was carried out through the observation stage by watching repeatedly and documentation by taking screenshots of the atmosphere and dialogue relevant to this research. The results of this study indicate that the soft satire and hard satire used have a meaning of criticism of YouTube content which is considered to lower the standards of content creators. In this content there are also several dialogues that are not in accordance with communication ethics such as nature, actions, morals and relationships. Several dialogues also come out of the principles of Islamic communication and communicationKebebasan dalam mengunggah konten youtube menjadi salah satu sebab menurunnya kualitas konten. Fenomena ini dikritik oleh skinnyindonesia24 dengan membuat konten youtube’s got talent untuk mengkritik konten-konten youtube yang dianggap menurunkan standar konten kreator youtube. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji makna dan mengetahui satire perspektif etika dan komunikasi Islam pada youtube’s got talent. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis wacana deskriptif dengan menganalisis ketiga part konten youtube’s got talent untuk mendapatkan data penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan melalui tahap observasi dengan menonton secara berulang kali dan dokumentasi dengan mengambil screenshoot suasana serta dialog yang relevan dengan penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan satire halus dan satire keras yang digunakan bermakna kritikan kepada konten youtube yang dianggap menurunkan standar konten creator. Pada konten ini juga terdapat beberapa dialog yang tidak sesuai dengan etika komunikasi seperti sifat, tindakan, moral dan relasi. Beberapa dialog juga keluar dari kaidah prinsip komunikasi Islam


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    Observation of particle size in the sample Mg0.8Zn0.2TiO3 (MZT) calcined at 550oC with various holding time 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours and 6 hours has been done. The results of X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the formed phase is geikelite (MgTiO3) and rutile (TiO2), which indicates that there had been reaction between Zn and Mg. This research aim to know size distribution of particles in colloidal using laser diffraction method based on principle dynamic light scattering. The average particle diameter measurable each sample ZMT is 310.1 nm, 313.9 nm, 334.2 nm and 365.4 nm which states that the longer the holding time resulted in increase grain size particles

    Modifikasi Ups Ica Ce 1200 Va / 600 W Untuk Penerangan Fakultas Teknik Mesin Menggunakan Accu 24 Volt 60 Ah

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    Sering terjadinya pemadaman listrik di wilayah banjarmasin yang dapat merugikan masyarakat dalam hal Kenyamanan. Mahalnya alat-alat pembangkit listrik emergensi di pasaran yang masih tidak terjangkau oleh masyarakat biasa seperti: Genset, inverter + charger, dan alat-alat lainnya. Sebenarnya banyak sekali peralatan murah yang ada di rumah yang bisa di manfaatkan secara maksimal seperti “UPS” yang mana bila di manfaatkan dengan baik akan sangat berguna sebagai salah satu pengganti genset. Sebuah UPS dapat memberikan listrik ke beban kritis saat sedang dalam pasokan alternatif seperti halnya standby generator sedang beroperasi. UPS mungkin hanya perlu memback up beban kritis untuk waktu yang singkat, kurang lebih 10 sampai 30 menit tergantung jumlah beban. Modifikasi UPS ini dapat mensuplai daya 3 kali lipat dari biasanya, Lamanya suplai daya tergantung pada ampere baterai yang digunakan, Penambahan Trafo dan Dioda bridge pada UPS ini di fungsikan sebagai pengisian cepatKata Kunci : UPS ICA CE, Baterai, Trafo,dioda bridge,pengisia


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    Sering terjadinya pemadaman listrik di wilayah banjarmasin yang dapat merugikan masyarakat dalam hal kenyamanan. Mahalnya alat-alat pembangkit listrik emergensi di pasaran yang masih tidak terjangkau oleh masyarakat biasa seperti: Genset, inverter + charger, dan alat-alat lainnya. Sebenarnya banyak sekali peralatan murah yang ada di rumah yang bisa di manfaatkan secara maksimal seperti “UPS” yang mana bila di manfaatkan dengan baik akan sangat berguna sebagai salah satu pengganti genset. Sebuah UPS dapat memberikan listrik ke beban kritis saat sedang dalam pasokan alternatif seperti halnya standby generator sedang beroperasi. UPS mungkin hanya perlu memback up beban kritis untuk waktu yang singkat, kurang lebih 10 sampai 30 menit tergantung jumlah beban. Modifikasi UPS ini dapat mensuplai daya 3 kali lipat dari biasanya, Lamanya suplai daya tergantung pada ampere baterai yang digunakan, Penambahan Trafo dan Dioda bridge pada UPS ini di fungsikan sebagai pengisian cepatKata Kunci           : UPS ICA CE, Baterai, Trafo,dioda bridge,pengisia

    Penerjemahan Komunikatif Kitab Aqidah Al-Tifli Al-Muslim Karya Amr Abdul Mun’im Bin Salim

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    This study aims to determine the translation of the book 'AqĂ®dah al-Tifli al-Muslim, which was translated from Arabic into Indonesian using the communicative method  and to find out how to apply the strategy in translating the book 'AqĂ®dah al-Tifli al-Muslim with the communicative method, considering This book discusses the Aqidah of Tauhid which is a very basic science in religion that Muslims must know. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive approachbased on research on the text 'AqĂ®dah al-Tifli al-Muslim as the  . After translating the data object as a whole, academic accountability is carried out by applying the communicative translation method and the strategies used in the translation. The results of this study are that   six translation strategies are used to translate the book; throw away/hadzf 35%, replace/tabdil 20%, prioritize and end/taqdim wata'khir 23%, add/dziyadah 20%, transposition 8%, and modulation 4%. So this shows that the communicative method for translating the book 'AqĂ®dah al-Tifli al-Muslim is very effective and suitable because the communicative method is a translation method that produces translations that are acceptable to readers, and each resulting translation provides conformity of the information contained in ST with TT and generate communicative language so that it is easily understood and digested by speakers of the target language

    Islamic Educational Institution Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah under the Leadership of Muhammad Arsyad Talib Lubis (1930-1972)

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    This study explores the role of Muhammad Arsyad Thalib Lubis in Islamic education and the organization of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah in North Sumatra between 1930-1972. This study uses historical methods to reconstruct events related to Muhammad Arsyad Talib Lubis and his influence on the development of Islamic education. Data was collected through literature studies and interviews. The results showed that Muhammad Arsyad Talib Lubis, who was born in Stabat, Langkat, in 1908, had played an essential role in establishing Al Washliyah University and developing Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah from a debating club into an influential educational organization. Lubis died on July 6, 1972, but his legacy and principles still live among Al Washliyah's disciples and the wider community


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    Application of Controlled Smoke Cabinet for the Production of Smoked Salt Egg in the Eldona Home Industry, BanjarbaruAbstract. The Telur Asin Eldona Home Industry have problems in the process of producing salted smoke eggs. Production rate only 800-1000 salted smoke eggs per week. The fumigation time takes up to three days.  The high defect products reach 20% due to overheating during the fumigation process. The community partnership program aims to increase the volume of production of salted smoke eggs and reduce product failures in the fumigation process. To achieve this goal, Designing a larger smoke cabinet applying a pyrolysis system and temperature control to avoid overheating.  The rack of salted egg placement is practically modified to be flipped and shifted. The results of the initial implementation at the "Eldona Telur Asin" showed a reduction in fumigation time and defective of cracking product. Fumigation time decrease from three days become 6 hours. Cracking product of fumigation results has declined, before the average 20% now found is only 1.3%.Keywords: Pyrolisis, smoked eggs, microcontroller, salted eggs.Abstrak. IRT Telur Asin Eldona mengalami permasalahan dalam proses produksi telur asin asap. Kapasitas produksi hanya mencapai 800-1000 butir perminggu, waktu pengasapan relatif lama yakni memerlukan waktu hingga 3 hari serta tingginya produk cacat yang mencapai 20% akibat overheating selama proses pengasapan. Program kemitraan masyarakat ini merupakan usaha yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan volume produsi telur asin asap serta mengurangi gagal produk dalam proses pengasapan di IRT “Eldona” Telur Asin. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka dirancang lemari asap dengan menerapkan sistem pirolisis yang dilengkapi dengan mikrokontroller untuk menjaga suhu ruangan lemari asap agar tidak terjadi overheating. Kapasitas lemari diperbesar, rak penempatan telur asin dimodifikasi secara praktis untuk dibolak-balik dan dipindah posisinya, suhu pengasapan yang terkontrol serta tereduksinya panas dari ruang pembakaran. Hasil implemetasi menunjukkan terjadinya reduksi waktu pengasapan yakni sebelumnya memerlukan waktu 3 hari, saat ini hanya diperlukan waktu pengasapan 6 jam. Produk cacat hasil pengasapan menurun, sebelumnya rata-rata ditemui 20% menjadi 1,3%.Kata Kunci: Pirolisis, telur asap, mikrokontroller, telur asi

    Rietveld Analysis on X-Ray Diffraction Of South Kalimantan Kaolin Clays

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    At least 13 million tons of kaolin claystone lie in several regencies of South Kalimantan covering Banjar, Tapin, Hulu Sungai Utara and Kotabaru regencies. This paper reports an attempt to explore their crystalline state characteristics, projecting their potential use for geopolymer. Sungai Tabuk, Cintapuri and Tatakan, due to their largest kaolin claystone deposits, were chosen as the sampling sites. The kaolin samples were prepared by syphoning method prior to X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterizations in determining their crystalline phases. X’Pert HighScore Plus and Rietica software were respectively responsible for the qualitative and quantitative phase analyses. The qualitative analysis used search and match method at peak position and peak height between measured and calculated diffraction patterns. Our study revealed the existence of two main phases in the sample, i.e. quartz (SiO2) and kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4). In addition, the Quantitative analysis used the Rietveld method with the least squares method approach. Rietveld refinement was based on a goodness of fit score of less than 4% by minimizing the difference in the character of the diffraction pattern (position, height, width and peak shape) between the observed and the calculated XRD patterns. The Rietveld quantitative analysis shows, Tatakan is an area with kaolinite-richest deposit (±84%), followed by Cintapuri (±76%) and Tabuk (±70%); quartz is found in reverse


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    Produsen Telur Asin “Eldona” dan “Wafa” merupakan mitra dalam proram pengabdian masyarakat ini. Mitra masih menggunakan metode pemeraman konvensional dalam memproduksi telur asin yang memerlukan waktu hingga 15 hari. Selain itu, umur simpan telur asin hanya mencapai 3 minggu. Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman baru kepada mitra ternik percepatan proses pengasinan dan perpanjangan umur simpan telur asin. Pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah memberikan pengetahuan tentang implementasi metode modifikasi osmosis untuk mempersingkat waktu pemeraman telur dan penerapan metode pengasapan untuk memperpanjang umur simpan produk telur asin. Mitra tidak hanya mendapatkan pengetahun secara teori tetapi juga langsung mempraktikan pengetahuan yang didapatkan. Penerapan metode modifikasi osmosis dapat mempercepat waktu produksi hingga 65% dibandingkan metode konvensional. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan pengetahuan mitra tentang metode modifikasi osmosis untuk mempersingkat waktu pemeraman telur