969 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Fuel Cell and Microturbine as Distributed Generators in a Microgrid

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    This paper presents dynamic models of distributed generators (DG) and investigates dynamic behaviour of the DG units within a microgrid system. The DG units include micro turbine, fuel cell and the electronically interfaced sources. The voltage source converter is adopted as the electronic interface which is equipped with its controller to maintain stability of the microgrid during small signal dynamics. This paper also introduces power management strategies and implements the DG load sharing concept to maintain the microgrid operation in standalone, grid-connected and islanding modes of operation. The results demonstrate the operation and performance of the microturbine and SOFC as distributed generators in a microgrid. Keywords: Microgrid, Distributed Generation, Microturbine, Fuel Cel

    II Prix International de Catalogne

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    Characterization of Ti-6Al-4V Cellular Structures for Bone Scaffolds Application

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    Additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V cellular structures are the most popular metallic choices for bonetissue engineering (BTE) applications. In this work, laser-based powder bed fusion (PBF) technologywas employed to fabricate Ti-6Al-4V cellular structures with geometries mimicking human cancellousbone properties. This study introduces novel laser scanning strategies with their associated laserbased PBF processing parameters for the fabrication of fine resolution Ti-6Al-4V cellular structureswith tailored mechanical properties to improve their mechanical performance. Two distinct designedgeometries, diamond and dodecahedron, in four different pore sizes were manufactured byemploying three different laser-based PBF scanning strategies in combination with various laserpower and scanning speeds while the laser spot size (~80ÎĽm), average powder size (34ÎĽm), andlayer thickness (30ÎĽm) remained unchanged throughout the study. The observed finest resolution ofstruts for the manufactured cellular structures was 120ÎĽm. Later, correlations between laser-basedPBF processing parameters/scanning strategies and physical/mechanical properties wereinvestigated in this study. The properties of several fabricated dodecahedron structuresdemonstrated the ability to mimic human cancellous bone properties by exhibiting compressivestrength, modulus of elasticity, and porosity in the range of 0.1-30MPa, 0.01-3GPa, and 72.6-87.4%,respectively. The concluding remarks on conceivable propriety for BTE applications incorporated thesets of scanning strategies and particular unit cell sizes of dodecahedron cellular structure


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    Revocation of the right to vote and be elected in public office as an additional penalty applied to the defendant allows corruption cases. This research aimed (1) to investigate and analyze the relevance of the annulment of the vote right for the public position election of the corruption prisoners as seen from the perspective of the criminal aims; and (2) to investigate and analyze the factors effecting the annulment of the vote rights for the public positions  of the corruption prisoners. The research was conducted in Jakarta city by choosing the institutions relevant to the problem s of this thesis; they were the corruption eradication commission (KPK), Jakarta first thesis instance court, constitutional court, and the supreme court. The method used was the empirical study of the normative law. The nature of the research was descriptive using the primary and secondary data collected from the documents and interview techniques as well as reading the materials related to the exixting problems. The collected data were the analyzed using the qualitative descriptive analysis. The research result revealed that the imposition of the right to vote and to be voted for the public positions as the additional penalty was considered relevant to the purpose of the punishment,  I,e. to give retaliation and deterrent effect against the perpetrators of corruption. The law enforcement continued to expect that this additional punishment could prevent further corruption actions in the future. The factors effecting the implementation of the annulment of the right to vote and be voted for the public positions were already stated  clearly in the  law No. 31 of 1999 about the amendment of the criminal action corruption Jo the law  No. 20 of 2001 about the amendment of the law No. 31 of 1999 about the eradication of the corruption criminal  action, and the code of criminal law. As for its legal material, the conditions and mechanism of the annulment of the right to vote and be voted for public positions should be stated more clearly

    Kraft lignin valorization by hydrotreatment over Mo-based sulfided catalysts

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    The production of green fuels and chemicals from bio-based feedstock can suppress the dependency on fossil resources and help mitigate global climate challenges. Kraft lignin is a thermochemically modified natural lignin obtained from the pulping process as a byproduct. It is an underutilized fraction, often used to recover heat and energy in the current industrial practice. Chemically, it is highly rich in aromatics and thus has a huge potential to provide platform chemicals/fuels. However, the major challenge in the valorization of Kraft lignin is its recalcitrance to depolymerization due to the presence of strong interunit carbon-carbon linkages. Also, upon depolymerization, active monomeric fragments undergo repolymerization reactions forming undesired solid residue/char, thus making the transformation highly challenging.In this context, Mo-based sulfide catalysts being sulfur tolerant and active for removing heteroatom-such as S, N, O, metals have been modified and studied with the aim to elucidate the selective cleavage of common lignin linkages, the hydrotreating potential of Kraft lignin, and upgrading of lignin derived bio-oil. The reactivity of lignin dimers, representing common lignin linkages, shows that NiMo sulfides over ultra-stable Y-zeolite support, with a higher amount of Br\uf8nsted acidity, can efficiently cleave both etheric and carbon-carbon linkages and yield deoxygenated aromatics and cycloalkanes by hydrodeoxygenation (HDO). Such hydrogenolysis, hydrocracking, and deoxygenation activity were also found to vary with the silica/alumina ratio of the Y-zeolites. The optimum activity was obtained with catalysts having a suitable balance of acidic and deoxygenation sites (metal sulfides). Additionally, one-pot hydrotreatment of Kraft lignin with a suitably functional catalyst shows a significant reduction in the repolymerization reactions, leading to a high yield of bio-oil rich in alkylbenzene and cycloalkane, a fraction suitable for example for jet fuel applications. Characterization reveals that the key function of a suitable catalyst is hydrogen activation at a lower temperature which facilitates stabilization of the lignin fragments, the moderate acidity of the catalysts, and high HDO activity of the catalyst. Furthermore, unsupported Ni/Mo-sulfides have been synthesized and found highly active for deoxygenation reaction and Kraft lignin hydrotreatment, resulting mainly from their defect-rich morphology.Conventional Mo-based sulfide catalysts thus can be tailored to enable their effective application in the upgrading of complex biorefinery feedstocks to value added components

    Reconstruction of law criminal development on victims of restoration as form of renewal Criminal law

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    The crime of rape carried out by people, experiencing a development in criminal law, the formulation of offenses in the Criminal Code makes the criminal act, does not give a sense of justice to victims where the threat of punishment is relatively small and there are multiple interpretations of legal norms, while victims suffer a psychological loss which makes the victim lose his identity. In addition, the scope of the multi-interpretive criminal reparations is due to the unclear norms which regulate, for example, the category of rape itself. This research is a normative legal research that examines relevant laws and regulations and conceptualizes the law as the norm. From the results of the study found the unclear norms stipulated in article 285 of the Criminal Code, which resulted in the application of law enforcement to victims resulting in legal uncertainty, an increasingly broad category of actions while the legal norms did not specify the actions of the rape, from the results of the research the revision of the Criminal Code as a form of renewal of criminal law specifically article 285.

    The Effects of Islamic Spiritual Activities on Psycho-Physiological Performance

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    In Islam, spiritual activities such as taubah and zikir are very common to the Muslim Ummah and these are generally performed to the perfection of individuals mind. In addition, it is believed that through these activities a connection can be made with the Almighty. Therefore, reasonably after the performance of these activities the psychophysiological performance of the respondents will be changed significantly. This significant change is traceable with the aid of GSR and HRV biofeedback. In this study, it is observed that remarkable changes of GSR percentage and accumulated coherence score of HRV among the 18 respondents due to the consequences of spiritual activities. Thus, it is possible to say that to make the positive changes of psychophysiological activities of any individuals spiritual activities may considered as a substantial stimuli in psychophysiological research. Keywords: psychophysiology; GSR; HRV; Biofeedback; Spiritual activit

    Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Permukiman Dikawasan Pusat Kota Palu

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    Keberhasilan pembangunan di era reformasi sekarang ini, khususnya dalam Kegiatan peningkatan kualitas permukiman di kawasan pusat kota, sangat dtentukan oleh adanya partisipasi aktif dan masyarakat. Partisipasi masyarakat dalarn kegiatan ini tentunya dipengaruhi oleh motivasi dan masyarakat tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui signifikansi pengaruh faktor-faktor motivasi, pengetahuan, dan faktor kepemimpinan tokoh masyarakat bersama aparat pernerintah dalam peningkatan kualitas permukiman di KPKP; (2) Untuk mendapatkon model manajemen pembangunan permukiman yang partisipatif. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 370 orang yang ditarik secara proporsional cluster random sampling sederhana dan 8704 kepala keluarga di Kelurahan Lere, Kamonji, Besusu Barat, dan Kelurahan Lolu Utara (Kawasan Pusat Kota Palu). Data dikumpulkan dengan memakal teknik observasi, angket, interviu dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan teknik statistik deskriptif dan inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan peningkatan kualitas permukiman di KPKP cukup balk. Cukup baiknya tingkat pailisipasi ml disebabkan oleh tujuh faktor, yaitu: tingkat keamanan sebesar 69 persen, intensitas berinteraksi sosial sebesar 79 persen, kebutuhan prasarana dan sarana permukiman sebesar 52 persen, penghargaan sebesar 94 persen. kesempatan menerapkan kemampuan 65 persen, tingkat pengetahuan 98 persen, Jan faktor kepemimpinan sebesar 27 persen

    Finger exoskeleton for early acute stroke rehabilitation: control design and performance analysis / Muhammad Naim Abdu Salam

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    The number of stroke patients suffering from upper extremity hemiparesis increases from year to year. Manual repetitive therapy applied to stroke patients by trained therapists is limited by the number of therapists available. Many types of rehabilitation devices are invented to help patients recover their hand functions including exoskeleton devices. These devices can deliver high intensity therapy for a longer period of time. Every exoskeleton rehabilitation device is made up of three components: exoskeleton mechanism, actuator and control system. Control system is central to rehabilitation devices. The accurate control algorithm implementation is very crucial for the rehabilitation aspect. The performance of the control algorithm for rehabilitation must be investigated to assess the efficiency of the devices for rehabilitation. This research aimed to apply different Proportional Integral and Derivative (PID) controller configurations for position control of the index finger exoskeleton in rehabilitation. The second objective was to assess the performance of position control for index finger in rehabilitation. The control algorithm utilized was PID control algorithm. The parameter controlled was position of index finger measured through Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint angle. PID parameters were tuned using heuristic method and Ziegler Nichols’ closed loop method. In order to assess the performance of the control system, desired or reference values were used. The actual data from position control were compared to reference values to investigate the performance. This study suggested that the PID controller managed to control the parameter according to the set point better than Proportional (P), Proportional and Integral (PI), and Proportional and Derivative (PD) controllers. The device could be manipulated to move to any position within the range of exoskeleton motion accurately. The results of the study also suggested that the performance of the control system for rehabilitation was very good as the error (difference between actual value and reference value) was less than 10%. Hence, the objectives of the research project were successfully achieved
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