123 research outputs found

    Mechanism of saline deposition and surface flashover on high-voltage insulators near shoreline:mathematical models and experimental validations

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    This paper deals with sea salt transportation and deposition mechanisms and discusses the serious issue of degradation of outdoor insulators resulting from various environmental stresses and severe saline contaminant accumulation near the shoreline. The deterioration rate of outdoor insulators near the shoreline depends on the concentration of saline in the atmosphere, the influence of wind speed on the production of saline water droplets, moisture diffusion and saline penetration on the insulator surface. This paper consists of three parts: first a model of saline transportation and deposition, as well as saline penetration and moisture diffusion on outdoor insulators, is presented; second, dry-band initiation and formation modelling and characterization under various types of contamination distribution are proposed; finally, modelling of dry-band arcing validated by experimental investigation was carried out. The tests were performed on a rectangular surface of silicone rubber specimens (12 cm × 4 cm × 8 cm). The visualization of the dry-band formation and arcing was performed by an infrared camera. The experimental results show that the surface strength and arc length mainly depend upon the leakage distance and contamination distribution. Therefore, the model can be used to investigate insulator flashover near coastal areas and for mitigating saline flashover incidents.</p

    Effect of Potash Levels and Plant Density on Potato Yield

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    The research study effect of potash levels and plant density on potato yield was carried out during 2012 at New Developmental Farm Horticulture Section, University of Agriculture, Peshawar. Experiment was layout in split plot arrangement of the Randomized Complete Block Design while each treatment was repeated thrice. Four levels  of Sulphate of potash (SOP) i.e. 0.00, 50.00, 100.00 and 150.00 kg ha-1and three plant spacing i.e. 15 cm, 25 cm and 35 cm were studied for different growth and yield parameters. Result showed that the tallest plant height (97.07 cm), highest number of tubers plant-1 (8), the number of large  size tuber plot-1 (37) and yield of large size tubers plot-1 (6.5 t ha-1) was recorded at 35 cm plant spacing. The highest number of tubers plot-1 (82.25), number of medium size tuber (36.50), yield of medium size tuber (8.13 t ha-1) and total yield (15.91 t ha-1) were recorded at 25 cm plant spacing. The highest number of small size tuber plot-1 (33.16) and  yield of small size tubers (4.52 t ha-1) was recorded at 15 cm plant spacing , while the tallest  plant height (98.87 cm), maximum number of tubers plant-1(6.85), number of tubers  plot-1(88.66), highest number of small size tubersplot-1 (28.77), medium size tubersplot-1 (39.44), large size tubers plot-1 (28), highest yield of small size tubers (3.55), medium size tubers (7.55), large size tubers (5.16 t ha-1) and total tuber yield (16.27 t ha-1) was recorded by using potash @ of 150 kg ha-1. Result lead to the conclusion that the best  performance of potato crop were  recorded in most of  growth and yield parameter at 25 cm plant spacing with 150 kg potash ha-1. Therefore, this production technology is recommended for the highest potato crop under the agro climatic condition of Peshawar

    Design and implementation of hybrid vehicle using control of DC electric motor

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    The electric motors and its control technology are key components of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). Control of the electric motor is a fundamental issue for traction application in electric vehicles and HEVs. This paper presents the design, development and implementation of a hybrid vehicle using both an electric motor and petrol engine to increase efficiency and decrease carbon footprint. Initially, a prototype of a HEV is designed and the performance values are calculated, before a control system is developed and implemented to control the DC motor speed using a microcontroller as the vehicle’s electronic control unit along with simple proportional integral derivative (PID) control using speed as a feedback mechanism. The prototype made incorporated voltage, current, speed and torque sensors for feedback resulting in a closed loop control system which successfully matched the speed input of a user-controlled pedal sensor. A user interface was developed to show the driver of the vehicle key variables such as the revolutions per minute (RPM) of the motor, the speed of the vehicle along with the current being drawn, and the voltage applied to the motor with overall power. To output a variable voltage from the Arduino, a digital output was used with pulse width modulation (PWM) capabilities in order to provide a variable DC voltage to the speed controller

    The Organisation of African Unity and the promotion and protection of human rights in Africa

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    The adoption of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights (AFCHPR) on 17 June 1981 by the O. A. U. Assembly of Heads of States and Government is, singly, the most significant act in the field of Human Rights protection in Africa. The Charter entered into force on 21 October 1986. These developments have inspired the Commission of this thesis.The aim of this thesis is to examine the promotion and protection of human rights in Africa in three main areas, namely, historical/cultural perspectives, national and regional legal regimes for the promotion and protection of human rights in Africa

    The Organisation of African Unity and the promotion and protection of human rights in Africa

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    The adoption of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights (AFCHPR) on 17 June 1981 by the O. A. U. Assembly of Heads of States and Government is, singly, the most significant act in the field of Human Rights protection in Africa. The Charter entered into force on 21 October 1986. These developments have inspired the Commission of this thesis.The aim of this thesis is to examine the promotion and protection of human rights in Africa in three main areas, namely, historical/cultural perspectives, national and regional legal regimes for the promotion and protection of human rights in Africa

    Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia Pada Zaman Penjajahan Belanda dan Jepang

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    Pendidikan di Indonesia selama penjajahan Belanda dapat dikelompokkan kedalam dua periode, yaitu periode VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) dan periode pemerintah Hindia Belanda (NederlandsIndie). Pada periode VOC, pendidikan di Indonesia didasarkan pada prinsip bisnis yaitu berdasarkan untung rugi dalam hukum-hukum ekonomi. VOC tidak segan-segan untuk berperang bila ada yang menghalagi tujuan mareka. Ini bisa perhatikan dari hak aktroinya yang terdapat dalam suatu pasal yang berbunyi: “Badan ini harus berniaga di Indonesia dan bila perlu boleh berperang. Dan harus memperhatikan agama Kristen dengan mendirikan sekolah. Hal ini menyebabkan terpecahnya pendidikan yang ada di Indonesia. Di satu pihak adanya pendidikan dengan sistem pesantren dengan orientasi agama saja. Di pihak yang lain adanya pendidikan dengan sistem barat dengan orientasi sekuler yang tidak mempedulikan agama. Pecahnya sistem pendidikan di Indonesia tentu tidak menguntungkan bagi perkembangan masyarakat Indonesia. Di satu sisi diperlukan pemahaman untuk mengetahui perkembangan dunia luar dengan metode dan teknologi yang dikembangkan oleh barat. Di sisi lain juga dibutuhkan pemahaman keagamaan sebagaimana telah ditanamkan sebelum VOC datang ke Indonesia. Untuk memadukan dua sistem ini kemudian muncul madrasah madrasah yang berkelas, memakai bangku dan meja yang dipelopori oleh para pembaharuan di Indonesia. Setelah Belanda ditaklukkan oleh Jepang di Indonesia pada tanggal 8 Maret 1942, maka Belanda angkat kaki dari Indonesia semenjak itu mulailah penjajahan Jepang di Indonesia. Jepang muncul sebagai negara kuat di Asia, bangsa Jepang bercita-cita besar menjadi pemimpin Asia Timur Raya. Sejak tahun 1940 Jepang berencana untuk mendirikan kemakmuran bersama Asia Raya. Dalam rencana tersebur Jepang menginginkan menjadi pusat suatu lingkungan yang berpengaruh atas daerah-daerah mansyuria, daratan Cina, kepulauam Filipina, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand. Oleh karena itu rencana “kemakmuran bersama Asia Raya” dianggap sebagai suatu keharusan. Dengan semboyan “Asia untuk bangsa Asia” Jepang menguasai daerah yang berpenduduk lebih dari 400 juta jiwa yang antara lain menghasilkan 50% poduksi karet dan 70% timah dunia. Indonesia yang kaya sumber bahan mentah merupakan sasaran yang perlu dibina dan dimanfa’atkan sebaik-baiknya untuk kepentingan perang Jepang. Sehingga Jepang menyerbu Indonesia, karena tanah air Indonesia merupakan sumber bahan-bahan mentah yang kaya raya dan tenaga manusia yang banyak tersebut sangat besar artinya demi kelangsungan perang pasifik, dan hal ini sesuai pula dengan cita-cita politik ekspansinya

    Obturator Nerve Block with Aqueous Phenol Reduces Hip Adductor Spasticity – A Single Centre experience

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    ABSTRACT Aim: Spasticity is a cardinal symptom of upper motor neuron disorders. It affects different individuals differently. Spasticity in the hip adductor muscles can be very painful and may result in postural abnormalities and hip deformities that interfere with walking, transferring and perineal hygiene. The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of phenol obturator nerve block on hip adductor spasticity caused by the upper motor neuron lesions. Materials and methods: This is a single-centre retrospective study of all patients with known spasticity in the hip adductors who were assessed suitable for phenol nerve block of the obturator nerve. All patients had Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) and the distance between the right and left femoral condyles measured in the supine position with the hip and knee flexed called as intercondylar distance (ICD) recorded before the procedure, 6 weeks and 24 weeks after phenol nerve block. Nonparametric Friedman test of differences among repeated measures was conducted from data at 0, 6 and 24 weeks


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masih adanya pelanggaran-pelanggaran hukum khususnya etika berkomunikasi di media sosial yang diatur di dalam Undang-Undang ITE dan KUHP. Media sosial seharusnya dimanfaatkan dengan baik di era Revolusi 5.0. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis etika berkomunikasi di media sosial dalam perspektif Pancasila. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan dengan cara melakukan penelitian bahan-bahan pustaka atau data sekunder. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik pengolahan secara kualitatif dan penyajian data dilakukan secara diskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etika berkomunikasi di media sosial belum optimal menerapkan nilai-nilai luhur Pancasila. Penegakan hukum sudah dilakukan dan beberapa kasus pelanggaran sudah diberikan hukuman. Konsep internalisasi nilai luhur Pancasila sebagai ideologi bangsa dan negara harus diterapkan di setiap kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Upaya preventif dan edukasi bijak bermedia sosial tidak kalah penting daripada hanya sekedar focus kepada upaya represif. Seluruh stakeholder harus tetap konsisten membumikan Pancasila sebagai pijakan etika berkomunikasi di media sosial supaya lebih memberikan manfaat daripada maksiat

    Legal Politics DKI Jakarta Government Policies In The Implementation Of Formula-E During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Formula-E organizers are included in the Governor's Instruction Number 49 of 2021 and are made on a regional priority scale. This caused controversy considering that at that time, Indonesia was still hit by COVID-19, and the government was trying to handle the community and carry out economic recovery. The research problem formulation is the legal politics of the DKI Jakarta government's policy in implementing Formula-E during the covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this research is to determine the interests of the people affected by the implementation of Formula-E, which is used as a regional priority scale in the implementation of Formula-E Instruction Governor (INGUB) Number 49 of 2021. This type of research is descriptive qualitative; namely, it describes research based on theories and legal materials about legal politics and policies made by the government. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method using literacy studies and legislation—techniques in analyzing data using narrative analysis techniques. This study concludes that the administration of government affairs must prioritize the safety of the people first above other interests. The regulations that apply must be under the hierarchy so that the existing regulations do not conflict with higher regulations because the regulations at the lower level must adapt to the regulations at the upper level, namely the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945) and the Pancasila State Constitution

    Legal Politics of Increasing Welfare Based on Strengthening the Manufacturing Industry in Central Java

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    The background of this research is that people's welfare and regional development in Central Java have not increased. This is a very serious problem that needs to be properly addressed. The Indonesian constitution mandates in the preamble of paragraph 4 that the state aims to advance public welfare. This study aims to contribute ideas, namely legal politics, to increase welfare based on strengthening the manufacturing industry in Central Java. This study uses a normative juridical method with a statutory and conceptual approach. The results of this study are that to increase welfare based on strengthening the manufacturing industry in Central Java, at least ten choices of legal politics (policies) are needed, namely; legal harmonization, reforming the bureaucracy, optimizing the risk management team, optimizing cooperation with the private sector, maintaining economic commodities, sustainable infrastructure development, optimizing technology and industrial digitization, maintaining energy availability, holding national and international scale exhibitions, establishing special areas for development research. Recommendations in this study; researchers must conduct research related to increasing welfare through the manufacturing industry because there is still very little literature that can provide additional insight for society in general and for stakeholders and industrial digitization, maintaining energy availability, organizing national and international scale exhibitions, establishing special areas for development research. Recommendations in this study; researchers must conduct research related to increasing welfare through the manufacturing industry because there is still very little literature that can provide additional insight for society in general and for stakeholders and industrial digitization, maintaining energy availability, organizing national and international scale exhibitions, establishing special areas for development research. Recommendations in this study; researchers must conduct research related to increasing welfare through the manufacturing industry because there is still very little literature that can provide additional insight for society in general and for stakeholders