426 research outputs found

    Vibration behaviour of pre-stressed precast hollow core floor with concrete topping thickness and boundary condition

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    In the current design, the usage of lightweight and long-span precast, which is renowned in construction, is prone to the floor serviceability issue, especially in floor vibration. The pre-stressed precast hollow core floor (PPHCF) in a four-storey office building was selected in performing an investigation on floor vibration regarding its properties. The PPHCF is known for its long-span and had longitudinal void along the length, which is made similar to lightweight concrete floor properties. These properties are prone to the floor vibration issue, which are also influenced by its mass and stiffness. The preliminary study on prediction analysis is performed to determine a testing location. Two-floor areas (Area A and Area B) was selected, and a modal vibration analysis was compared from experimental modal analysis (EMA) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) by using SAP2000 software package. In both analyses, natural floor frequency was found lower than 10Hz, and a correlation between the EMA and FEA is accepted. Thus, the floor was categorised as a low-frequency floor based on floor concrete material limitation. This thesis focused on vibration effects in tackling the low natural frequency with different topping thickness and boundary condition by the parametric study in observing its vibration behaviour pattern. The main issue in the actual design was the boundary condition between the PPHCF and I-beam, which precast is rested on I-beam without any connection to it. This parametric study discussed the mass and stiffness domination effect in different topping thickness and the stiffness effect on each assigned boundary condition. Thus from the parametric study, the boundary condition is more influenced in floor vibration rather than concrete topping thickness

    Vibration behaviour of pre-stressed precast hollow core floor with concrete topping thickness and boundary condition

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    In the current design, the usage of lightweight and long-span precast, which is renowned in construction, is prone to the floor serviceability issue, especially in floor vibration. The pre-stressed precast hollow core floor (PPHCF) in a four-storey office building was selected in performing an investigation on floor vibration regarding its properties. The PPHCF is known for its long-span and had longitudinal void along the length, which is made similar to lightweight concrete floor properties. These properties are prone to the floor vibration issue, which are also influenced by its mass and stiffness. The preliminary study on prediction analysis is performed to determine a testing location. Two-floor areas (Area A and Area B) was selected, and a modal vibration analysis was compared from experimental modal analysis (EMA) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) by using SAP2000 software package. In both analyses, natural floor frequency was found lower than 10Hz, and a correlation between the EMA and FEA is accepted. Thus, the floor was categorised as a low-frequency floor based on floor concrete material limitation. This thesis focused on vibration effects in tackling the low natural frequency with different topping thickness and boundary condition by the parametric study in observing its vibration behaviour pattern. The main issue in the actual design was the boundary condition between the PPHCF and l-beam, which precast is rested on l-beam without any connection to it. This parametric study discussed the mass and stiffness domination effect in different topping thickness and the stiffness effect on each assigned boundary condition. Thus from the parametric study, the boundary condition is more influenced in floor vibration rather than concrete topping thickness

    Analysis of Non-stationary Data for Heart-Rate Fluctuations in Terms of Drift and Diffusion Coefficients

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    We describe a method for analyzing the stochasticity in the non-stationary data for the beat-to-beat fluctuations in the heart rates of healthy subjects, as well as those with congestive heart failure. The method analyzes the returns time series of the data as a Markov process, and computes the Markov time scale, i.e., the time scale over which the data are a Markov process. We also construct an effective stochastic continuum equation for the return series. We show that the drift and diffusion coefficients, as well as the amplitude of the returns time series for healthy subjects are distinct from those with CHF. Thus, the method may potentially provide a diagnostic tool for distinguishing healthy subjects from those with congestive heart failure, as it can distinguish small differences between the data for the two classes of subjects in terms of well-defined and physically-motivated quantities.Comment: 6 pages, two columns, 6 figure

    Paradigma tauhid dalam pelaksanaan tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) / Norajila Che Man, Muhammad Rahimi Osman and Mohd Faizal P.Rameli

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    Tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) memainkan peranan yang signifikan dalam perkembangan sektor perniagaan dan korporat di seluruh dunia. Perbahasan dan perbincangan mengenai konsep ini telah melalui satu proses yang panjang bermula seawal 1930-an sehingga sekarang melibatkan ruang lingkup yang berbagai seperti hubungan CSR dengan prestasi syarikat, bentuk pelaksanaan CSR yang berkesan, manfaat yang diperoleh dari program CSR dan sebagainya. Konsep tanggungjawab sosial korporat ini bukan merupakan perkara yang asing dalam ajaran Islam kerana pada asasnya elemen-elemen kebajikan dan keprihatinan kepada sesama manusia telah diterapkan dalam Islam. Elemen-elemen seperti keadilan sosial, persaudaraan, tanggungjawab individu, kedermawanan dan sebagainya telah berakar umbi dalam Islam sebagai mana dinyatakan dalam al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan mengenai konsep dan teori CSR menurut Barat dan elemen-elemen asas ICSR serta menilai peranan tauhid yang menjadi asas kewujudan konsep ICSR. Kertas kerja ini akan menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan daripada sumber primer dan sekunder bagi mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan CSR dan ICSR. Dapatan awal kajian mendapati elemen tauhid merupakan asas utama pembentukan konsep ICSR kerana penyaksian dan kepercayaan kepada Allah SWT akan membentuk individu bertakwa yang memelihara hubungannya dengan Allah SWT, sesama manusia dan makhluk yang lain


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    Perkembangan Kota Pekanbaru yang begitu pesat juga diiringi oleh kemajuan pembangunan infarstruktur, salah satunya dibidang perhotelan. Banyaknya hotel di Pekanbaru yang menawarkan beragam harga, fasilitas dan sarana membuat masyarakat yang ingin menginap kesulitan untuk menentukan hotel. Untuk membantu dalam pemilihan hotel yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan maka dibutuhkan sebuah Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) berbasis web. Sistem dibangun menggunakan model Multi Attribute Decission Making (MADM) dengan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). Penyelesaian metode ini cukup sederhana yaitu dengan melakukan normalisasi matriks dengan cara menghitung nilai rating kinerja ternormalisasi setiap alternatif pada setiap kriteria. Setelah matriks ternormalisasi terbentuk kemudian melakukan proses perangkingan dengan menghitung nilai preferensi pada setiap alternatif. Nilai preferensi yang terbesar merupakan alternatif yang terbaik. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, sistem ini dapat membantu penggunanya dalam melakukan pemilihan hotel yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan. Kata Kunci: Alternatif, Hotel, Kriteria, MADM, SAW, SPK


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    Many people hold a negative perception of the existing tarekat (path for mystics to follow especially Sufism). This attitude is the result of the exclusiveness of the tarekat’s programs. One of the exclusive programs is the asbal activity in the tarekat of Naqsyabandiyah Muzhariyah in Pontianak. Besides, in the asbal activity rebana (tambourine) is used to accompany praise to Rasulullah (Messenger of God) which allows of many interpretations among the society. However, it can be explained that the exclusiveness of the asbal activity is aimed at avoiding suspicion in conducting tarekat which may result in bid’ah and the practice of tarekat without bai’at. The asbal activity also contain aspects of collective guidance which will further be elaborated in this writing
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