5 research outputs found

    Konflik Palestina Dengan Israel: (Nasib Pendidikan Anak-Anak Palestina)

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    This article was created with the title "Palestinian Conflict with Israel (The Fate of Palestinian Children's Education)" with the aim of informing readers about the conflict that occurred between Palestine and Israel, specifically which has an impact on the field of education. The method used in this article is descriptive qualitative with documentation techniques as the data collection technique. Thus it can be seen that the conflict between Palestine and Israel occurred because the Palestinian territories were seized by force in a cruel way by Israel. The United Nations has tried to provide regulations to resolve the conflict but to no avail because it received a veto right from the United States. Many bad impacts arising from the conflict, one of which is in the field of education. Indonesia has very good relations with Palestine, so that Indonesia provides a lot of aid for Palestine. This good relationship originated from Palestine's recognition of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, so that good relations between Indonesia and Palestine are very closely intertwined like friends and brothers from the past until now


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    Artikel ini dibuat dengan judul “Konflik Masyarakat Global : Palestina Dengan Israel” dengan tujuan untuk memberitahukan kepada para pembaca mengenai konflik yang terjadi antara Palestina dengan Israel baik itu mengenai peran PBB sebagai organisasi dunia maupun mengenai dukungan dari Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik dokumentasi sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. Dengan demikian bisa diketahui bahwasanya konflik antara Palestina dan Israel terjadi karena wilayah Palestina direbut paksa dengan cara yang kejam oleh Israel. PBB sudah berusaha memberikan peraturan untuk menyelesaikan konflik tersebut namun hasilnya selalu nihil karena mendapat hak veto dari Amerika Serikat yang mana Amerika Serikat memiliki hubungan yang baik dengan Israel maka tidak mengherankan kalau Amerika Serikat berusaha untuk melindungi Israel. Hak veto ini sendiri merupakan suatu hak yang hanya dimiliki oleh 5 anggota tetap Dewan Keamanan PBB dan dari kelima anggota tetap tersebut, salah satunya adalah Amerika Serikat. Negera kita Indonesia memiliki hubungan yang sangat baik dengan Palestina, sehingga tidak mengherankan jika Indonesia banyak memberikan bantuan untuk Palestina. Hubungan baik tersebut berawal dari pengakuan Palestina terhadap kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang mana pada saat itu Palestina merupakan salah-satu negara pertama yang mengakui kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia

    Palestine Conflict With Israel: The Education Fate of Palestinian Children

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    This article was created with the title “Palestinian Conflict with Israel (The Fate of Palestinian Children’s Education)” with the aim of informing readers about the conflict that occurred between Palestine and Israel, specifically which has an impact on the field of education. The method used in this article is descriptive qualitative with documentation techniques as the data collection technique. Thus it can be seen that the conflict between Palestine and Israel occurred because the Palestinian territories were seized by force in a cruel way by Israel. The United Nations has tried to provide regulations to resolve the conflict but to no avail because it received a veto right from the United States. Many bad impacts arising from the conflict, one of which is in the field of education. Indonesia has very good relations with Palestine, so that Indonesia provides a lot of aid for Palestine. This good relationship originated from Palestine’s recognition of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, so that good relations between Indonesia and Palestine are very closely intertwined like friends and brothers from the past until now

    Pelatihan teknologi informasi pada kantor kelurahan Barrang Caddi Kepulauan Sangkarrang

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    As a public service provider, the sub-district office plays a crucial role in the issuance of referral letters and certificates. In this era of digitalization, effective and efficient administrative services are demanded, necessitating the improvement of staff knowledge and skills in information technology literacy. Hence, this community engagement activity aims to enhance the quality of administrative services by empowering human resources to operate computers and office applications at the Barrang Caddi Sub-district Office. The training program spans 3 days, encompassing Microsoft Word and Excel tutorials, as well as E-Mail usage. Enthusiasm was evident among the participants, which consisted of 7 sub-district office staff and 4 residents, as they actively engaged in the activities and completed the assigned tasks. The evaluation results demonstrate that the participants have comprehended and effectively applied the knowledge imparted during the training. The training materials have assisted the participants in optimizing their information technology knowledge and skills, such as efficiently managing administrative documents using Microsoft Office, operating E-Mail, and understanding the essential tools in Excel. This training validates the significance of information technology literacy efforts in sub-district office settings, particularly in areas with limited access to information. It is hoped that this community engagement initiative will continue and provide sustained benefits in enhancing administrative services and human resources quality at the Barrang Caddi Sub-district OfficeSebagai penyedia layanan umum, kantor kelurahan memiliki tugas penting dalam pembuatan surat pengantar dan surat keterangan. Di era digitalisasi saat ini, pelayanan administrasi yang efektif dan efisien menjadi tuntutan, yang memerlukan peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan staf dalam literasi teknologi informasi. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan administrasi kantor dengan meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya manusia dalam mengoperasikan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran di Kantor Kelurahan Barrang Caddi. Kegiatan pelatihan berlangsung selama 3 hari, yang mencakup materi Microsoft Word dan Excel, serta penggunaan E-Mail. Para peserta pelatihan, termasuk 7 staf kantor kelurahan dan 4 warga sekitar, menunjukkan antusiasme dalam mengikuti rangkaian kegiatan dan berhasil menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yang diberikan. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa para peserta telah memahami dan menerapkan dengan baik apa yang diajarkan selama pelatihan. Materi pelatihan membantu peserta dalam mengoptimalkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan teknologi informasi, seperti mengelola dokumen administrasi dengan lebih efisien menggunakan Microsoft Office, mengoperasikan E-Mail, dan memahami penggunaan alat-alat penting dalam aplikasi Excel. Pelatihan ini membuktikan pentingnya upaya literasi teknologi informasi di lingkungan kantor kelurahan, terutama di daerah-daerah dengan minim informasi. Diharapkan bahwa kegiatan pengabdian ini dapat berlanjut dan memberikan manfaat yang berkelanjutan bagi peningkatan pelayanan administrasi dan kualitas sumber daya manusia di Kantor Kelurahan Barrang Caddi