87 research outputs found


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    PENGARUH KURS VALUTA ASING TERHADAP INDEKS HARGA SAHAM SEKTOR INDUSTRI” (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Go Public Sektor Industri di Bursa Efek Jakarta). Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketidakstabilan kurs valuta asing terhadap nilai tukar rupiah yang menjadikan pertimbangan bagi investor dalam menanamkan modalnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yang diharapkan adalah untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris tentang ada tidaknya pengaruh kurs valuta asing terhadap indeks harga saham sektor industri baik secara serentak maupun secara individual. Sumberdata yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi indeks harga saham sektor industri yang bergerak dibidang usaha aneka industri secara harian dari JSX Monthly Statistik dan kurs valuta asing yang meliputi Dollar AS, Yen, dan Euro yang diperoleh dari harian Republika untuk bulan Maret sampai Mei 2008. unit analisis indeks harga saham adalah indeks harga saham harian, sedangkan kurs valuta asing adalah kurs jual uang kertas asing. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan alat analisis linier berganda. Hasil dari analisi data menunjukkan bahwa: a.Berdasarkan Uji-F, taraf signifikan 5% dan df 57, diperoleh F-tabel sebesar 3,1588 sedangkan F-hitung sebesar 3,657 karena F hitung > F tabel atau sig = 0,018 < 0,05, maka H diterima. Jadi berdasarkan Uji-F dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh kurs valuta asing Dollar AS, Yen, dan Euro terhadap indeks harga saham sektor industri. b.Berdasarkan Uji-t, dengan taraf signifikan 5% dan df 56 diperoleh t-tabel sebesar 2,0025. pengaruh tiap-tiap variabel adalah sebagai berikut: 1)Dollar AS, hasil analisis data diperoleh t-hitung sebesar -1,808 karena t hitung > t tabel atau Dollar AS sig = 0,076 > 0,05 maka H diterima (ada pengaruh kurs valuta asing terhadap indeks harga saham sektor industri). 2)Yen, hasil analisi data diperoleh t-hitung sebesar 1,669 karena t hitung 0,05 maka Hditerima (ada pengaruh kurs valuta asing terhadap indeks harga saham sektor industri). 3)Euro, hasil analisis data diperoleh t-hitung sebesar -2,195 karena –t hitung < -t tabel atau Euro sig = 0,032 < 0,05 maka H ditolak (ada pengaruh kurs valuta asing terhadap indeks harga saham sektor industri). Jadi berdasarkan Uji-t dapat disimpulkan bahwa kurs valas Dollar AS ,Yen dan Euro yang berpengaruh terhadap indeks harga saham sektor industri


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    Abstract Bank interest as stated by MUI is usury, and usury is unlawful. However, bank interest cannot be released from the economic system because it functions as a financial instrument that regulates the money supply. Without interest, the banking operational system cannot run. Without service fees from the central bank, the banking operational system (both conventional and sharia) cannot function as it should. Maqasid sharia is the purpose and wisdom of establishing a law given by the Khaliq (Allah), then of course the forbidden law on the practice of muamalah flowering (usury) has a purpose and wisdom. And as revealed in the Qur'an that the prohibition of usury is intended so that humans are not wrongdoers who wronged and no one was wronged in terms of property. In this discussion we reveal, that the practice of bank interest is the main cause of inflation. Inflation itself means a decrease in the value of money, and not an increase in the price of goods. That is, it is possible that among the community there is absolutely no practice of usury, but still it has a bad impact, exposed to dirty splashes of usury practice. Namely, the wealth of money that he has has decreased in value due to inflation. &nbsp; Keyword: Interest, Riba, Maqasid Shari

    Dispute Settlement of Diplomatic Relation Reviewed In International Law (Case Study of Spionageburning Australia on The President of Indonesia)

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    The case of espionage or spying by Australia against Indonesia is not the first time, but there have been several attempts of espionage against Indonesia. This espionage act is an act of secretly collecting intelligence data in international relations in a country. In this paper, we discuss the wiretapping case and its resolution. This paper uses normative legal research with a qualitative approach. This paper examines the chronology of cases of tapping by Australia against Indonesia, wiretapping in human rights and international law, as well as the final settlement of tensions between Indonesia and Australia through an agreement on the Code of Conduct to normalize bilateral relations between the two countries

    Arbitrators as a Legal Profession in The Alternative Role of Dispute Resolution in Indonesia

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    The profession of arbitrator in Indonesia is a profession that has bright prospects for the present and the future. Based on Article 1 point 7 of Law No. 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution, the arbitrator profession is one or more persons who are chosen by the parties to the dispute or appointed by the District Court or by the arbitration institution, to give a decision regarding a particular dispute. which has been resolved by arbitration. An absolute requirement for an arbitrator is a professional, this is closely related to the ethics of the legal profession in carrying out its duties and authorities. The professional position of the Arbitrator is as a private party who is given rights and obligations, authorities and responsibilities by the state (AAPS Law No. 30 of 1999). In this paper, the author uses the juridical-normative method with a statute approximation approach or a study of legislation. This paper reviews more deeply about the Arbitrator Profession within the scope of the Legal Profession. &nbsp; Profesi Arbiter di Indonesia menjadi profesi yang mempunyai prospek cerah untuk masa sekarang hingga masa mendatang. Berdasarkan Pasal 1 angka 7 UU No.30 Tahun 1999 tentang Arbitrase dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa, profesi arbiter merupakan seorang atau lebih yang lebih yang dipilih oleh para pihak yang bersengketa atau yang ditunjuk oleh Pengadilan Negeri atau oleh lembaga arbitrase, untuk memberikan putusan mengenai sengketa tertentu yang diserahkan penyelesaiannya melalui arbitrase. Syarat mutlak dimiliki seorang arbiter adalah profesional, hal ini berkaitan erat dalam etika profesi hukum dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya. Kedudukan profesi Arbiter adalah sebagai pihak swasta yang diberikan hak dan kewajiban, wewenang dan tanggung jawab oleh negara (UU AAPS). Dalam tulisan ini penulis menggunakan metode yuridis-normatif dengan pendekatan statute approch atau studi perundang-undangan. Tulisan ini mengulas lebih dalam tentang Profesi Arbiter dalam ruang lingkup Profesi Hukum

    Nilai-Nilai Religius Dalam Novel Hati Suhita Karya Khilma Anis

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    Berdasarkan pada penelitian mengenai novel Hati Suhita karya Khilma Anis, maka dapat disimpulan dan dapat diketahui nilai-nilai pendidikan religi dalam novel Hati Suhita karya Khilma Anis. Model implementasi pendidikan budi pekarti pada Masa Orde Baru, saat kebudayaan pada masih dikelola oleh Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan di bawah Otoritas Direktorat Jendral Kebudayaan, telah diterbitkan buku saku pedoman penanaman budi pekerti luhur Tahun 1997 Ditegaskan bahwa sesungguhnya pengertian budi pekerti yang paling hakiki adalah dicerminkan oleh prilaku. Dalam kaitan ini sikap dan prilaku budi pekeri mengandung empat jangkauan sebagai berikut: 1. Sikap dan prilaku hubungan dengan tuhan, 2. Sikap dan prilaku hubungan dengan diri sendiri, 3. Sikap dan prilaku hubungan dengan keluarga, dan 4. Sikap dan hubungan dengan alam sekitar


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    Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa, (1) implementasi budaya literasi pada pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kelas VIII MTs. Mansyaul Ulum adalah dengan tiga tahapan, yaitu a) perencanaan pelaksanaan budaya literasi pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dilakukan 15 menit sebelum guru Bahasa Indonesia memberikan ulasan materi. b) pelaksanaan budaya literasi khususnya di kelas VIII pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dalam pelaksaannya dilakukan 15 menit sebelum memulai pelajaran. c) hasil dari evaluasi pelaksanaan budaya literasi pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dari awal pelaksanaan peserta didik yang malas membaca, menulis, menyimak, dan menyampaikan menjadi suka membaca, menulis, menyimak, dan menyampaikan walaupun belum semuanya. (2) faktor pendukungnya dalam kegiatan budaya literasi adalah tersedianya beberapa buku di perpustakaan, juga semangat dari kepala sekolah dan dewan guru untuk memotivasi siswa dalam menerapkan budaya literasi. Sedangkan faktor penghambat dalam penerapan budaya literasi adalah kurangnya minat baca peserta didik dan masih ada beberapa siswa yang masih saja memilih melamun dan mengobrol ketika budaya literasi berlangsun

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Menulis Teks Deskripsi Bermuatan Nilai Moral Untuk Peserta Didik Kelas Vii Smp Unggulan An-Nur Hidayatullah Talok

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    This research is a development study to create teaching materials to compile descriptive texts that contain moral values for students of SMP grade VII An-Nur Hidayatullah Talok. This teaching material is made based on the principles of creating teaching materials. In addition, the language of the material is adjusted to the student's level of thinking, so that students no longer have difficulty in writing descriptive texts. The purpose of this study is to improve the quality of students' achievement or learning outcomes in the description text material. And an interest in moral values can arise even in a small environment such as the home environment through a lot of conversation and politeness. This type of research uses the research and development method (Research and Development), which is a method that produces a product and then tests the effectiveness of the product. This study uses the Borg &amp; Gall model which is clarified into seven stages including preliminary study, planning, product development, product validation, design revision, product trial and revision. This research develops teaching materials in learning to write valueloaded description texts for junior high school grade VII. The results of the research on the validation of media experts obtained a percentage of 83.75%. Validation of material experts gets a percentage of 90%. The results of the small group trial got a percentage of 88.4% while the results of the large group trial got a percentage of 93.8%

    Juridical Review : Labor Wage Regulations In Indonesia Legislation (Case of Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan dan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja)

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    The right to get a job and a decent life is a basic right of every citizen that has been mandated by the constitution. However, in its application there are various problems in employment, one of which is related to the right to wages. Wage problems occur because existing regulations have not been able to provide protection for their rights. Therefore, the Government must act to make changes and harmony in realizing the rights of citizens to just and constitutionally decent wages. In this paper, the author uses juridical-normative research with a statue approach in finding and analyzing the Law on Employment and Job Creation. This article is the result of an analysis of wage protection arrangements in accordance with existing laws and legal principlesHak mendapatkan pekerjaan serta kehidupan yang layak merupakan hak dasar setiap warga negara yang telah diamanatkan oleh konstitusi. Namun, dalam penerapannya terdapat berbagai permasalahan dalam ketenagakerjaan yang salah satunya terkait hak atas upah. Permasalah pengupahan terjadi disebabkan peraturan yang ada belum dapat memberikan perlindungan atas haknya. Oleh karena Pemerintah harus bersikap melakukan perubahan dan keselarasan dalam mewujudkan hak warga negara atas upah yang adil dan layak secara konstitusional. Dalam tulisan ini penulis menggunakan penelitian yuridis-normatif dengan statue approuch dalam menemukan dan menelaah terkait Undang-undang tentang Ketenagakerjaan dan Cipta Kerja. Artikel ini merupakan hasil analisis pengaturan perlindungan upah sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan dan prinsip hukum yang ad

    Sustainable Tourism Development: the Adaptation and Resilience of the Rural Communities in (the Tourist Villages of) Karimunjawa, Central Java

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    From 2009 to 2015, the growth of tourism in the tourist villages (desa wisata) of Karimunjawa underwent rapid progress. However, the level of poverty in Karimunjawa remained high. Nevertheless, the involvement of rural people in the sustainable development of tourism has received only limited discussion. Therefore, this article discusses the rural communities’ adaptation and resilience in Karimunjawa with the support of sustainable development planning in tourist villages. It covers the background of sustainable development, the elements of the communities’ adaptive capacity and resilience, and the role of the regional government. Empirical evidence of variations in the capacity to respond to changes of socioeconomic and ecological environments due to tourism development is presented. In addition, a case study is used in this article to describe how the people learned from their experience, knowledge, and past efforts. To obtain the necessary information, in-depth interviews were conducted with a number of key informants in the tourist villages of Karimunjawa, which were selected via purposive and snowball sampling. The results of the research show that social resilience will increase among those communities that are capable of accessing flexible social networks. These social networks are practical tools that open up the dissemination of new information and knowledge. This is a key element for a stronger process of transformation. Furthermore, communities that have capital and financial access as well as skills will also be capable of adaptation to the transformation process
