73 research outputs found

    Salt-induced variation in some potential physiochemical attributes of two genetically diverse spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars: photosynthesis and photosystem ii efficiency

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    Abstract Variation in salt tolerance potential of two contrasting wheat cultivars (salt tolerant S-24 and moderately salt sensitive MH-97) at different growth stages was observed when these wheat cultivars were exposed to salinity stress in hydroponic culture. Salinity caused a marked reduction in photosynthetic pigments, transpiration and photosynthetic rates, and stomatal conductance at early growth stages in both wheat cultivars, being more prominent in cv. MH-97. In addition, a marked saltinduced alteration was observed in different attributes of chlorophyll fluorescence. On the basis of physiological characterization of these two wheat cultivars at different growth stages, it was inferred that cv. S-24 exhibited higher salinity tolerance at all growth stages in terms of less salinity-induced degradation of photosynthetic pigments, higher photosynthetic rates, maintenance of photosystem II under salinity stress as compared to that in cv. MH-97. In view of the results presented here, it is evident that wheat plants were prone to adverse effects of salinity at early growth stages as compared to later growth stages

    The Analysis of Light Verbs in Relation to Main Verbs: A Cross-linguistics Study

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    The study highlights Punjabi light verbs in relation to main and auxiliary verbs.It describes the Punjabi verbs’ classification on the basis of light verbs in relationto main verbs and auxiliary verbs.  The study aims todescribe light verb structure in Punjabi and English language that how they are similar or different form each other. The researcher analyzed some light verbs of Punjabi and English language in detailto see that how they are semantically, syntactically and phonologically similar or differentandhas pointed out the characteristics of the light verbs keeping in view the functions they perform in respect withthe argument structure in which they occur.The analysis of the collected data was done manually regarding the sequence of light+ main verbs.The study also finds out the sequence of light verbs in relation with main verbs

    Diabetes insipidus: the basic and clinical review

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    Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a complex disease. DI is inability of the body to conserve water. Polydipsia and polyuria are the major manifestations of DI. DI has various variants including central diabetes insipidus (due to defect in ADH secretion), nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (due to defect in ADH receptors or urea receptors), gestational diabetes insipidus (due to catabolism of ADH by placental vasopressinase) and primary polydipsia (due to massive fluid intake). The cause of various variants of DI is either acquired or congenital. High plasma osmolality due to hypotonic urine excretion can be fatal because it can cause psychosis, lethargy, seizures, coma or even death. Polyuria and polydipsia help in the diagnosis of DI. Differential diagnosis of various variants of DI can be carried out on the basis of water deprivation test, MRI and other radiological techniques. The proper management of DI is the replenishment of water loss and correction of clinical presentations produced as a result of DI, major is hypernatremia. The best management for primary polydipsia is fluid restriction while fluid intake is used for adipsic diabetes insipidus. ADH replacement therapy is widely used to treat DI. DDAVP or desmopressin is mostly preferred ADH analogue because it has less side effects and resistant to placental vasoprssinase

    Impacts of climate change on Capparis spinosa L. based on ecological niche modeling

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    Recent changes in climate are transforming the situation of life on Earth, including impacting the conservation status of many plant and animal species. This study aims to evaluate potential impacts of climate change on a medicinal plant that is known to be heat-tolerant, Capparis spinosa L. We used ecological niche modeling to estimate current and future potential distributions for the species, considering two emissions scenarios and five climate models for two time periods (2050 and 2070). The results in terms of areal coverage at different suitability levels in the future were closely similar to its present-day distribution; indeed, only minor differences existed in highly suitable area, with increases of only 0.2–0.3% in suitable area for 2050 and 2070 under representative concentration pathway 4.5. Given that climate-mediated range shifts in the species are expected to be minor, conservation attention to this species can focus on minimizing local effects of anthropogenic activity

    Safety and efficacy of ketamine xylazine along with atropine anesthesia in BALB/c mice

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    Anesthetics are an indispensable prerequisite for surgical intervention and pharmacological animal studies. The objective of present study was to optimize the dose of ketamine (K) and xylazine (X) along with atropine sulfate (A) in order to achieve surgical tolerance in BALB/c mice. Several doses of ketamine (100, 150, 200 mg/kg) and xylazine (10, 15, 20 mg/kg) were mixed and combination of nine doses (K/X: 100/10, 100/15, 100/20, 150/10, 150/15, 150/20, 200/10,200/15,200/20) were evaluated (n=9 per combination). A constant dose of atropine (0.05 mg/kg) was also used to counter side effect. Timerelated parameters were evaluated on the basis of reflexes. KX at dose 200/20 mg/kg produced surgical tolerance in all nine mice with duration 55.00±6.87 minutes. The induction time 0.97±0.09 minutes, sleeping time 90.67±5.81 minutes and immobilization time (102.23±6.83 minutes) were significantly higher than all combination. However, this combination was considered unsafe due to 11 % mortality. While, KX at dose 200/15 mg/kg results in none of the mortality, so was considered as safe. Moreover, this combination produces surgical tolerance in 89 % mice with duration (30.00±7.45 minutes). It was concluded that KX at dose 200/15 mg/kg along with atropine 0.05 mg/kg is safe for performing surgical interventions in BALB/c mice

    Sociodemographic, clinical characteristics, and outcomes of influenza pneumonia patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan: Findings from a cross-sectional study

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    Objective: To determine the sociodemographic, clinical characteristics, and outcomes of influenza pneumonia patients in tertiary care hospital, Karachi Pakistan.Study design: A cross-sectional study.Place and duration of study: The Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi Pakistan from January 2013 to December 2018. Methodology: All adult patients who were older than 18 years and suspected to have viral pneumonia were included in the study. Data were abstracted on 105 patients and were entered on preformed proforma after reviewing the files of patients.Results: Ninety-four (89.5%) patients were influenza positive and 15.2% (n=16) had been vaccinated. Around 92.4% (n=97), 81.9% (n=86) and 61.9% (n=65) patients had cough, fever and shortness of breath, respectively; and 63.8% (n=67), 16.2% (n=17), and 2.9% (n=3) patients had consolidation, nodules, and cavitation, respectively. Almost 91.4% (n=96) patients were given treatment and discharged home; however, 7.6% (n=8) died. Procalcitonin, creatinine, HCO3 , lactate, and bilirubin level were increased in 2nd group (mortality group) after 48 hours; however, the results were only significant for HCO3 (p = 0.035).Conclusion: Influenza pneumonia is very common in our population and older people are more likely to be affected by this disease. Patients can be prevented from adverse outcomes and complications, if diagnosed and treated in time

    Lane Line Detection and Object Scene Segmentation Using Otsu Thresholding and the Fast Hough Transform for Intelligent Vehicles in Complex Road Conditions

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    An Otsu-threshold- and Canny-edge-detection-based fast Hough transform (FHT) approach to lane detection was proposed to improve the accuracy of lane detection for autonomous vehicle driving. During the last two decades, autonomous vehicles have become very popular, and it is constructive to avoid traffic accidents due to human mistakes. The new generation needs automatic vehicle intelligence. One of the essential functions of a cutting-edge automobile system is lane detection. This study recommended the idea of lane detection through improved (extended) Canny edge detection using a fast Hough transform. The Gaussian blur filter was used to smooth out the image and reduce noise, which could help to improve the edge detection accuracy. An edge detection operator known as the Sobel operator calculated the gradient of the image intensity to identify edges in an image using a convolutional kernel. These techniques were applied in the initial lane detection module to enhance the characteristics of the road lanes, making it easier to detect them in the image. The Hough transform was then used to identify the routes based on the mathematical relationship between the lanes and the vehicle. It did this by converting the image into a polar coordinate system and looking for lines within a specific range of contrasting points. This allowed the algorithm to distinguish between the lanes and other features in the image. After this, the Hough transform was used for lane detection, making it possible to distinguish between left and right lane marking detection extraction; the region of interest (ROI) must be extracted for traditional approaches to work effectively and easily. The proposed methodology was tested on several image sequences. The least-squares fitting in this region was then used to track the lane. The proposed system demonstrated high lane detection in experiments, demonstrating that the identification method performed well regarding reasoning speed and identification accuracy, which considered both accuracy and real-time processing and could satisfy the requirements of lane recognition for lightweight automatic driving systems

    Cloning and analysis of NBS-LRR super family of resistance (R) genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Abstract: Resistance (R) genes containing nucleotide binding site (NBS) and leucine rich repeats (LRR) are the most prevalent types of resistance (R) genes in plants. The objective of this study was to isolate, identify and analyze resistance genes from disease (rust) and resistant wheat lines by PCR based strategy. Fifteen degenerate primers were designed from the conserved kinase-la and hydrophobic domains of known NBS-LRR type R-genes and from EST data bases. Four advanced resistant lines and one susceptible wheat line was selected from the trap nursery. Out of hundred primer combinations only seventy five primer combinations showed amplification. Twenty two primer combination showed differential banding pattern which were not present in highly susceptible Morocco, were cloned in TA based cloning vector and got them sequenced. Sizes of sequenced nucleotides were between 500bp to 1500bp. The cloned fragments showed their DNA sequence similarity to known resistance (R) genes of NBS-LRR family. These results indicate that identified genes are the valuable source to use as disease resistance genes or to screen wheat resistant germplasm against different types of rusts

    Novel Mixed EWMA Dual-Crosier CUSUM Mean Charts without and with Auxiliary Information

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    The classical cumulative SUM (CUSUM) chart is commonly used to monitor a particular size of the mean shift. In many real processes, it is assumed that the shift level varies within a range, and the exact level of the shift size is mostly unknown. For detecting a range of shift size, the dual-CUSUM (DC) and dual-Crosier CUSUM (DCC) charts are used to provide better detection ability as compared to the CUSUM and Crosier CUSUM (CC) charts, respectively. This paper introduces a new mixed exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA)-DCC (EDCC) chart to monitor process mean. In addition, AIB-based EWMA-DC (EDC) and EDCC charts (namely, AIB-EDC and AIB-EDCC charts) are suggested to detect shifts in the process mean level. Monte Carlo simulations are used to compute the run length (RL) characteristics of the proposed charts. A detailed comparison of the proposed schemes with other competing charts is also provided. It turns out that the proposed chart provides better performance than the counterparts when detecting a range of mean shift sizes. A real-life application is also presented to illustrate the implementation of the existing and proposed charts. 2022 Muhammad Arslan et al.Scopu