2,157 research outputs found


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    The trend of Islamic sciences in the future, especially kalam Science/Islamic philosophy is a religion sciences that haveto interact and dialogue with modern science, the social sciences and humanities. If scientific Kalam and IslamicPhilosophy felt enough with himself (al-muhafadzah ala al-qadim al-shlih), refusing to touch and connect with otherscientific (wa al-akhdz bi al- jadid al-ashlah), then there is no future can be expected, morever their contribution to thedevelopment of the nations character. This paper describes the themes of what is required to form the new religious(Islamic) worldview that can contribute to the development of the nations character. Islamic sciences requires freshijtihad to deal with the contemporary of life, it is not enough just to repeating the experience of the past without lookinghow the development of the present and the future. Past (al-turts) is still needed, but also needed a paradigm shifttowards the present (al-hadtsah) in view of the contemporary religious and solve problems, especially those related tothe issue of character development in the format state of the nation (nation-states)

    Legislating cyberbullying law in Malaysia: a comparative study or analysis to the cyberbullying related law in the United States / Abdullah Munir Roslan …[et al.]

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the effective ways on curbing the issues of cyber bullying that occurred in Malaysia. Hitherto, the issue of cyber bullying in Malaysia is common, yet the situation is worsen and worrying. Besides, this thesis discusses the inability of the law to control the arising issue. The law such as Computer Crime Act 1997 and Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 list about cyber crimes but there is failure in the enforcement from the public authorities. In addition, comparative study with the United States of America is made as the states in the country have their own legislation specifically regarding cyberbully and can curb such problems. It is hoped that from this research, the country can amend the current laws to provide a specific provision regarding cyberbully and successfully curb the issue

    Emerging Wireless LAN Mobility Protocols

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    Wireless LANs have become the dominant device over the last few years. The initial goal was to remove cables from the network, but with the fast pace in technological development wireless networks became popular not only inside organizations, but also as hotspots throughout cities. Major governments are encouraging the institutes to deploy wireless LANs due to the increase in number of Internet users and online applications. Over the past few years, wireless LANs have grown tremendously from a small network to the enterprise level, installed across buildings and organizations to provide mobility. In addition, the mobility and convenience of wireless has been improved by the advanced throughput and range performance available in today’s products, extending the reach of wireless LANs to a broad array of applications. This has led researchers to work on protocols which provide smooth mobility to the mobile nodes. It has opened the door to develop protocols which can be used to provide mobility within an organization and between organizations. This paper discusses the existing mobility architecture and reviews some of the emerging wireless mobility protocols—specifically host-based and network-based mobility—with a focus on local and global mobility. It also serves as part of the ongoing research for the PhD program in the department of Computer Science at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran bahwa kedudukan laki-laki dan perempuan tergantung pada menafsirkan terhadap teks agama (Islam). Hal ini karena banyaknya penafsiran pada teks agama dalam memandang perempuan yang berdampak pada terdiskrimasikannya kaum perempuan. Di sisi lain agama Islam merupakan agama yang sangat menjunjung keadilan. Sehingga terasa janggal jika diskriminasi perempuan didasarkan pada teks-teks agama (Islam). Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskripstif dengan teknik studi literature dan kajian konsep tentang perempuan yang bersumber dari berbagai sumber yang sesuai dengan data yang dibutuhkan dalam kajian ini. Sehingga didapati hasil bahwa anggapan posisi perempuan pada kedudukan subordinal merupakan konstruk budaya semata bukan dari teks agama (Islam). Dan beberapa teks agama yang menjadi landasan pendiskriminasian perempuan tidak serta merta memiliki makna tersebut jika dirafsiri sesuai dengan konteks waktu, sebab, dan zaman, serta keadaan. Bahkan teks tersebut menjadi penguat bahwa perempuan sebagai makhluk yang mulia dan berhak untuk dimuliakan.Kata Kunci: Perempuan, Diskriminasi, Keadilan

    Food insecurity in rural Nigeria during the lean season: Causes and coping strategies

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    This study used a national representative sample of 3380 household from the general household survey-panel (GHS-Panel) to examine the causes and coping strategies among the rural households in Nigeria. The post-planting survey visit, which is the first round of its kind in Nigeria was carried out in (August-October, 2010), it was done immediately after planting season to collect information on land preparation, input and labour utilization.  The results shown that soaring food prices and drought together constituted the highest causes of household food insecurity with about (42%) according to the household responses. The cumulative food insecurity strategy index (CSI) is an inverse function approach, which means that an increase in the use of coping strategies indicate a decrease in food security. The results reveal that, households within the age category of greater than or equals to 71 years are having the highest CSI (71.1%). While the least food insecure are the household heads within the age cohort of 31-40 years with only 25.7 % CSI. Poverty alleviation programs and encouraging sustainable non-farm income generating activities among the rural households would have positive impact on the food security situation in rural Nigeria

    Measurement and determinants of rural food poverty in Nigeria: recent evidence from general household survey panel

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    This paper examines food security determinants among rural farming households in Nigeria. A total of 3380 households from General Household Survey-panel data that adopt the World Bank Living Standard Measurement Survey (LSMS) technique was used for this study. The impacts of household characteristics, household endowments and activity related characteristics were explored using logistic regression analysis. Based on the Food and Agriculture Organization FAO recommended minimum 2120 kcal daily per adult equivalent was valued at (N138) equivalent and USD 0.87 food poverty threshold of per annum was derived for rural Nigeria. This threshold is the cost for purchasing recommended daily food allowances (RDA) of an adult equivalent for healthy life in rural Nigeria. The results of the study revealed that age of the household head, tertiary education, farm size, household size, value of livestock holdings, total remittances received by the household, participation in nonfarm enterprise and access to formal credit have significant impact on food security. We conjecture that, the higher incidence of food security during post harvesting season might likely be due to inability of smallholder farmers to utilize their extra time into non-farm income generating activities due to high demand for labour for farm operations