903 research outputs found

    Field efficiency of planting holes preparation for transplanting oil palm seedling / Muhammad Shairazzi Abdul Rahim

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    Palm oil is a major crop in Malaysia's plantation industry. Current the process of replanting of palm seeds is usually taken from seed that grows hail nursery. The palm seeds were then moved planting the seed will be removed from the plant site and planted to in the lading to be allowed to grow so that it meets its economic goals. Plant holes are made for planting seeds and can be made using other equipment or mechanization. The amount of plant hole preparation in a day is dependent on the type of tool or mechanization used during the process. Consequently, the efficiency of the blades is a method for calculates the efficiency of providing crop holes based on type tools used. The efficacy of the lading in this study was 4.24%. This research will propose another tool or mechanization better than that with existing in the study

    Motion Based Learning for Preschools Mathematics via Kinect (Counting Number)

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    Kids start learning numbers since they in preschools. Every kids have difficulties to start learn about mathematics. They do not recognize and might be difficult for them to remember the numbers at first. Teacher will help them to teach and assist them to solve this problem and it usually happens after some stages and time. The only problem is education system use currently is not helping much in increasing the speed of children's learning. With current education system that sometime bored and only use whiteboard as medium of teaching, kids cannot give their full commitment in class. In Malaysia, traditional and conventional teaching still widely being practiced. However, with the advancement of technology nowadays, it can help to overcome this problem. By using current technology, it can help to complement current education system. Education system can utilize the advancement of technology to overcome problem such as boring and not interactive learning. Example of technology that can be use is Kinect. Kinect is a device that can track human body to interact with an application. It can help make learning become active, interactive and at it also involving all body parts. The objective of introducing kinect in education is to develop a motion based learning application for preschools' mathematics. To achieve this objective, the author has decided to test the application for preschools kid age from 3 to 6 years old. It will focus on teaching simple numbers. Kinect in mathematic will cover on basic numbers among preschool kids. Since the time given to develop this project is very limited, the methodology chosen for this development is throwaway prototype methodology. By using throwaway prototyping methodology this project have improved and increase user involvement. Results showing that kids enjoy the kinect technology in mathematics and teachers have found one of interactive ways of teaching. From data collected and analyzed, results showed that kids enjoy this kinect technology in mathematics and at same time teachers have found one of interactive ways of teaching

    The effectiveness of applying kinesiology tape base on skill related fitness among football players / Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rahim

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of kinesiology tape on lower limb speed, power and agility performance among football players Peqedu FC. Twenty (N=20) players from Peqedu FC (22.15±1.49; years, 168.9±3.99; em, 67.25±7.19; kg) were participated in this study. This experiment were using three tests on football players. The subjects undergo two conditions which were pre non kinesiology tape and post apply kinesiology tape. They performed test 30 meter sprint test to measured speed, standing broad jumped to measured power and Illinois to measured agility. The group will perform all the test in one day without applying kinesiology tape and applied kinesiology tape within 24 hours prior to the post-test. Results shown that there were no significant effect of applying kinesiology tape (p<0.05) on speed, power and agility. The application of kinesiology tape on a lower limb does not have an effect on speed, power, and agility on the performance of the athlet

    Peaceful co-existence among the religious minorities of Bangladesh: an analytical study

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    Bangladesh is historically a country of many religious minorities including Hindu, Buddhist, Sheik, Animist, and Atheist. After the liberation war, it contributed immensely to sustain religious, social as well as political harmony among the people of multi religious beliefs. Despite the profound struggles from the government to sustain the harmonious living, some unavoidable incidents have taken place, such as, the assassination of number of atheists by radical Islamic group, attacking on Hindu minorities and destroying their temple, setting fire to Buddhist temples and dozens of homes, and killing of nine Christians in the church. The incidents have raised the question about the fate of religious minorities and peaceful co-existence among all religious sects in Bangladesh. This paper, therefore, attempts at examining the basic problems among all religious groups in Bangladesh that prevent the harmonious living and peaceful co-existence. At the same time, it identifies the forces that play a vital role to spread a religious fanaticism. In addition, the paper evaluates the current situation of Bangladesh in terms of social, political and religious rights of minority groups. In addressing the issue, the paper also provides some recommendations for better religious peaceful co-existence among the people of multi religious beliefs

    Optical fiber sensor review

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    Technology of fiber optic are widely used for its applications which mostly known for carrying information over long distances for the best efficiency. It is also used for medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, physical parameters detection, industrial applications, food safety, and security [1]. The fiber optic technology can also be a method for sensor application which is a fiber optic sensor..

    Modeling of Primary Reformer Tube Metal Temperature (TMT)

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    This report serves to give the details of the development of the project and the steps taken in realising the Modeling of Primary Reformer Tube Metal Temperature (TMT). The main aim in this project is to develop an adequate model to predict primary reformer TMT based on real-time data obtained from PETRONAS Ammonia Sdn. Bhd. (PASB) plant

    A review of using the force/torque sensor in robotics application

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    Nowadays, force/torque sensors ubiquitous in the robotics field. Most of the robots on the assembly line use a force/torque sensor in a complex assembly process. A force/torque (F/T) sensor is an electronic device designed to track, detect, record, and manage the rotational and linear forces exerted on it. This force/torque sensor, sometimes known as a multi-axis force/torque transducer, six-axis load cell, or F/T sensor. This sensor plays a vital role in the robotic application as it provides force information to make the system more reliable and precise.

    Keeping Pets from the Hadith Perspective

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    This study aims to discuss keeping pets from the perspective of the hadith. This study uses a qualitative approach by applying the analytical descriptive method. The formal object of this research is the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad regarding pets. The results of this research and discussion show that we are taught to love each other with fellow living beings, including pets. This study concludes that it is permissible to keep animals that are not prohibited by the Shari'a such as dogs and the importance of paying attention to the things that are needed by the pets they have, from eating, drinking, sheltering and so on