805 research outputs found


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    Ochna schweinfurthiana (Os, Family: Ochnaceae) is a small evergreen tree used in ethnomedicine to treat different ailments; it is also used in agri-horticulture and as ornaments, dyes among others. It is a rich source of complex dimers of flavonoids and used for treatment of pain, inflammation, and arthritis. Chemical investigations carried out on the different parts of the plant have been confined to phenolic compounds majorly, bioflavonoids, glycosides, steroids and terpenes. The plant, O. schweinfurthiana have shown a wide spectrum of biological and pharmacological properties which include antimicrobial, cytotoxic/antiproliferative, genotoxicity, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiplasmodial.  This review comprehensively summarizes the potential effects of the plant O. schweinfurthiana, chemically and pharmacologically. However, more researches in the aspect of phytochemical and biological studies are needed to exhaustively isolate bioactive compounds and evaluate their effects on other ailments as claimed by the traditional healers.                    Peer Review History: Received 20 Nov 2019;   Revised 19 December; Accepted 28 December, Available online 15 January 2020 Academic Editor: Ahmad Najib, Universitas Muslim Indonesia,  Indonesia, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency. Received file:                Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 5.5/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 7.5/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Dr. Mohamed Derbali, Faculty of Pharmacy, Monastir, Tunisia, [email protected] Ahmad Najib, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia, [email protected]  Similar Articles: ANTIHYPERGLYCEMIC AND ANTI-OXIDANT POTENTIAL OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF VITEX THYRSIFLORA LEAVES ON DIABETIC RAT

    Functions of Rhetoric and Figurative Language in Instagram Social Media Skin Care Ads

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    Instagram is one of the means of information on social media to display an advertisement in the form of images or videos. Instagram is visited by many people, especially teenagers. Many advertisements are displayed on Instagram, one of which is an advertisement for skin care products. Skin care products are in great demand by Indonesian women, especially teenagers, because basically women always want to look beautiful and glowing. The use of language style and the impression that we can catch on skin care product advertisements is one of the things that influence consumers to be interested in buying them. The basis of this research begins with linguistics, namely stylistics. This study aims to examine more deeply, adequately, and comprehensively about alliteration style, hyperbole style, metaphorical style, personification style and function of language style in skin care advertisements on Instagram. The theory used in this research is stylistic theory. The method used in this research is qualitative method. Data collection techniques using documentation, reading and recording. The data analysis technique used is descriptive data analysis technique (processing, analyzing, and interpreting data). The results of the research found in Instagram social media skin care advertisements found that there were forms of rhetorical language styles including alliteration, assonance, asidenton, polysidenton, eroticism and hyperbole. In addition, figurative language styles were also found including simile, personification, synecdoche, and metonymy. The language style function found aims to explain, strengthen and bring life to inanimate objects in Instagram social media skin care advertisements

    Pregnancy and acromegaly

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    INTRODUCTION: Acromegaly is a rare disorder in which, due to the high incidence of secondary hypogonadism, pregnancies are relatively rare. However, some women with acromegaly do get pregnant, which brings along questions about medication, complications and follow-up. This review tries to address these issues and provide the reader with practical information. METHODS: This review summarizes published data. CONCLUSIONS: Acromegaly is a disorder that is characterized by changes in growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and insulin concentrations and actions. All these hormones are important in pregnancy as well. In principle, the fetal-placental collaboration between mother and child more-or-less takes over the control over GH and IGF-1, not only in normal physiology but also to a certain extend in acromegaly. When medication for the high GH levels or actions is continued during pregnancy, both dopamine agonists, somatostatin analogs and GH receptor antagonists have been used and the available data suggest that there are no adverse consequences on mother or fetus to date. However, it is strongly advised to stop any medical intervention during pregnancy until more data are available on the safety of these compounds. Also, medical treatment is not needed as tumor size and disease activity are not reported to escape

    Heavy Metal Content of Agricultural Soils in a Tropical Sudan Savannah Area: Katsina State, North-Western Nigeria

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    This work contributes to the monitoring of Agricultural soil pollution in Katsina State North western Nigeria by assessing the degree of heavy metal pollution in Agricultural soil samples The study was conducted in the year 2017 within some catchment areas located within the 3 senatorial zones that constitute to make up the state Katsina senatorial zone Birchi Dutsinma and Katsina Daura senatorial zone Daura Ingawa and Zango Funtua senatorial zone Dabai Funtua Kafur Malunfashi and Matazu Analysis for the concentration of these heavy metals Cr Cd Fe Ni Mn Pb and Zn was conducted by the use of AAS by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry method Several indices were used to assess the metal contamination levels in the Agricultural soil samples namely Geo-accumulation Index Igeo Enrichment Factor EF Contamination Factor CF Degree of Contamination Cd and Pollution Load Index PL

    Perencanaan Strategik Sarana Prasarana di SMA Al Falah Ketintang Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini yang berjudul "Perencanaan Strategik Sarana dan Prasarana di SMA AL Falah Ketintang Surabaya", bermaksud  untuk fasilitas yang ada dapat memenuhi kebutuhan penggunaannya secara efektif dan efisien. Hal tersebut terlihat dari adanya sarana prasarana yang cukup memadai, serta menyesuaikan kebutuhan peseta didik pada SMA Al Falah Ketintang Surabaya. Sarana dan prasarana tersebut dikelola secara langsung oleh para pendidik maupun staf karyawan bidang tugas masing-masing seperti bidang kebersihan dan pemeriksaan sarana prasarana seperti : pemeriksaan kendala AC setiap 3 bulan sekali, kebersihan toilet serta fasilitas umum lainnya yang di lakukan setiap hari, dibawah pengawasan Waka sarana dan prasarana, langkah tersebut dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas, efisien serta menciptakan kenyamanan proses pembelajaran. Kemudian pengelolaan fasilitas dan infrastruktur dilakukan sebagai bagian dari proses manajemen. Selanjutnya, pelaksanaan manajemen fasilitas dan infrastruktur pendidikan, SMA Al Falah Ketintang Surabaya dilaksanakan secara bersinambung, berawal dari perencanaan pengadaan,  pemeliharaan, pencatatan inventarisasi hingga proses penghapusan. Prosedur tersebut di laksanakan agar manajemen sarana dan prasarana yang di lakukan selalu berada dalam keadaan ketertiban dan keteraturan sesuai dengan tujuan yang sudah di rencanakan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam, artikel ini yaitu menggunakan metode kualitatif. Adapun metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara dan observasi. Penulis merekomendasikan untuk pihak sekolah dapat memenuhi berbagai sarana prasarana serta fasilitas yang dibutuhkan oleh siswa lebih banyak dan lengkap lagi seperti pembagian alat kebersihan disetiap kelasnya. menambahkan pemasangan Wi-Fi atau menambah kecepatan Wi-Fi, serta apabila ada kerusakan pihak sekolah diharapkan memperhatikan sarana apa yang sekiranya perlu diganti maupun diperbaiki untuk kenyamanan  pengguna fasilitas sekolah


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan refleksi budaya dalam Sastra Bugis Klasik Méongpalo Karellaé. Analisis menggunakan teori tanda Charles Sander Peirce yang meliputi ikon, indeks, simbol. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data dari Buku Kearifan Lingkungan Hidup Manusia berdasarkan Naskah Méongpaloé Karya Prof. Nurhayati Rahman dan wawancara tidak terstuktur kepada Masyarakat Bugis. Hasil analisis refleksi budaya dalam Sastra Bugis Klasik Méongpalo Karellaé adalah: (1) ikon terdiri atas 3 golongan yang tercakup dalam unsur budaya: (a) ikon spasial, merefleksikan budaya pada sistem: kepercayaan, pengetahuan terkait ruang. (b) ikon diagramatis, merefleksikan budaya pada sistem: kepercayaan, nilai dan pandangan hidup, kekerabatan, kesatuan hidup setempat, pengetahuan terkait fauna, pengetahuan terkait flora, pengetahuan terkait waktu, mata pencaharian (perikanan dan perdagangan), senjata. (c) ikon metafora, merefleksikan budaya pada sistem: nilai dan pandangan hidup, pengetahuan terkait fauna, pengetahuan terkait flora (kepercayaan), pengetahuan terkait kelakuan sesama manusia, pengetahuan terkait ruang, bahasa (nonverbal), seni kesusastraan. (2) indeks, terdiri atas 3 golongan: (a) indeks ruang, merefleksikan budaya pada sistem: kepercayaan, nilai dan pandangan hidup, seni kesusastraan (ruang dan pemerintahan), mata pencaharian. (b) indeks temporal, merefleksikan budaya pada sistem: kepercayaan, kesatuan hidup setempat, pengetahuan terkait fauna, pengetahuan terkait flora, teknologi, makanan, dan kenegaraan. (c) indeks persona, merefleksikan budaya pada sistem: nilai dan pandangan hidup, kesatuan hidup setempat, pengetahuan terkait flora. (3) simbol terdiri atas 3 golongan: (a) simbol universal, merefleksikan budaya pada sistem: nilai dan pandangan hidup, kepercayaan, kesatuan hidup setempat, pengetahuan terkait tubuh manusia, pengetahuan terkait kelakukan sesama manusia, bahasa (nonverbal), alat-alat produktif. (b) simbol kultural, merefleksikan budaya pada sistem: kepercayaan, kesatuan hidup setempat, pengetahuan, bahasa, kesenian, mata pencaharian, peralatan dan senjata. (3) simbol individual, merefleksikan budaya pada sistem: kepercayaan, kesusastraan suci (ilmu gaib), ilmu gaib, pengetahuan terkait bilangan, peralatan (kepercayaan). Kata Kunci: refleksi budaya, ikon, indeks, simbol, Méongpalo Karella


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan nilai pendidikan karakter dalam kumpulan cerpen Senyum Karyamin karya Ahmad Tohari berdasarkan wujud ikon, indeks, dan simbol serta kontribusi terhadap pengajaran bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data diperoleh dari cerpen yang berjudul Senyum Karyamin karya Ahmad Tohari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penanda nilai pendidikan karakter dalam cerpen Senyum Karyamin karya Ahmad Tohari: (1) ikon yang terdiri atas tiga jenis, yaitu: (a) ikon topologis yang memuat nilai pendidikan karakter: kerja keras, bersahabat/komunikatif, kreatif, dan religius; (b) ikon diagramatik yang memuat nilai pendidikan karakter: disiplin, kreatif, kerja keras, tanggung jawab, peduli sosial, rasa ingin tahu, jujur, cinta damai, religius, menghargai prestasi, dan mandiri; serta (c) ikon metafora yang memuat nilai pendidikan karakter: peduli sosial, cinta damai, dan kreatif. (2) Indeks terdiri atas nilai pendidikan karakter: kerja keras, bersahabat/komunikatif, disiplin, cinta damai, tanggung jawab, jujur, peduli sosial, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu, religius, dan nilai temuan yaitu nilai sederhana. (3) Simbol terdiri atas nilai pendidikan karakter: bersahabat/komunikatif, peduli sosial, disiplin, tanggung jawab, cinta tanah air, kerja keras, menghargai prestasi, jujur, religius, dan kerja keras. 4) Kontribusi nilai pendidikan karakter dalam teks kumpulan cerpen Senyum Karyamin karya Ahmad Tohari pada pengajaran bahasa Indonesia adalah pemanfaatan cerpen sebagai bahan atau media untuk mengembangkan nilai karakter budaya bangsa di sekolah terutama pada pengajaran teks cerpen kelas XI. . Kata kunci: nilai pendidikan karakter, cerpen, semoti

    Effectiveness of early intervention programs for parents of preterm infants: a meta-review of systematic reviews

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    Background: Various intervention programs exist for parents of preterm babies and some systematic reviews (SRs) have synthesised the evidence of their effectiveness. These reviews are, however, limited to specific interventions, components, or outcomes, and a comprehensive evidence base is lacking. The aim of this meta-review was to appraise and meta-synthesise the evidence from existing SRs to provide a comprehensive evidence base on the effectiveness of interventions for parents of preterm infants on parental and infant outcomes. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive search of the following databases to identify relevant SRs: Cochrane library, Web of science, EMBASE, CINAHL, British Nursing Index, PsycINFO, Medline, ScienceDirect, Scopus, IBSS, DOAJ, ERIC, EPPI-Centre, PROSPERO, WHO Library. Additional searches were conducted using authors’ institutional libraries, Google Scholar, and the reference lists of identified reviews. Identified articles were screened in two stages against an inclusion criteria with titles and abstracts screened first followed by full-text screening. Selected SRs were appraised using the AMSTAR tool. Extracted data using a predesigned tool were synthesised narratively examining the direction of impact on outcomes. Results: We found 11 SRs eligible for inclusion that synthesised a total of 343 quantitative primary studies. The average quality of the SRs was ‘medium’. Thirty four interventions were reported across the SRs with considerable heterogeneity in the structural framework and the targeted outcomes that included maternal-infant dyadic, maternal/parental, and infant outcomes. Among all interventions, Kangaroo Care (KC) showed the most frequent positive impact across outcomes (n = 19) followed by Mother Infant Transaction Program (MITP) (n = 14). Other interventions with most consistent positive impact on infant outcomes were Modified-Mother Infant Transaction Program (M-MITP) (n = 6), Infant Health and Development Program (IHDP) (n = 5) and Creating Opportunities for Parent Empowerment (COPE) (n = 5). Overall, interventions with both home and facility based components showed the most frequent positive impact across outcomes. Conclusions: Neonatal care policy and planning for preterm babies should consider the implementation of interventions with most positive impact on outcomes. The heterogeneity in interventions and outcomes calls for the development and implementation of an integrated program for parents of preterm infants with a clearly defined global set of parental and infant outcomes

    Socio-Ecological Effects on the Patterns of Non-native Plant Distributions on Hainan Island

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    Non-native plants spread to recipient areas via natural or human-mediated modes of dispersal, and, if the non-native species are invasive, introduction potentially causes impacts on native plants and local ecosystems as well as economic losses. Therefore, we studied the diversity and distributional patterns of non-native plant species diversity in the tropical island province of Hainan, China and its relationships with environmental and socioeconomic factors by generating a checklist of species and subsequently performing an analysis of phylogenetic diversity. To generate the checklist, we began with the available, relevant literature representing 19 administrative units of Hainan and determined the casual, naturalized, or invasive status of each species by conducting field surveys within 14 administrative units. We found that non-native plants of Hainan comprise 77 casual species, 42 naturalized species, and 63 invasive species. Moreover, we found that non-native plant species had diverse origins from North and South America, Africa, and Asia and that the most common species across administrative areas belong to the plant families Asteraceae and Fabaceae. Moreover, the numbers of non-native species distributed in the areas of Hainan bording the coast arer greater than those within interior areas of the province. Among the coastal areas, Haikou has the highest species richness and, simultaneously, the highest values for significantly, positively correlated predictor variables, population and GDP (R2 = 0.60, P < 0.01; R2 = 0.64, P < 0.01, respectively). In contrast, the landlocked administrative units of Tunchang and Ding’an have the smallest number of non-native species, while their populations are less than a quarter of that of Haikou and their GDP less than one tenth. Among natural environmental variables, we determined that the number of non-native species had the strongest correlation with the minimum temperature in the coldest month, which predicts a smaller number of non-native species. Additionally, non-native species are primarily distributed in urban and rural built-up areas and agricultural areas; areas that are dominated by human activities. Overall, our study provides a working checklist of the non-native plants of Hainan as well as a theoretical framework and reference for the control of invasive plants of the province.Peer Reviewe
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