1,391 research outputs found

    Internal migration in Northern Ghana: understanding the integrative challenges of migrants in Tamale Metropolis

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    Purpose: Successful integration of migrants in any society has a very vital impact on the wellbeing of migrants. The study therefore uses descriptive statistics to analyse the integrative challenges of internal migrants in the Tamale metropolis of Northern Ghana. Research methodology: The study adopted the mixed-method approach and non-probability sampling techniques to select 120 internal migrants for the study. Results: The results revealed that economic factors (46.7%) accounted for most reasons cited for migrating. Language barriers (24.2%) and higher cost of living (19.2%) were the most encountered challenges and a proportion of 10.8 per cent reported not having encountered any difficulty. Limitations: The study explored all forms of internal migration in the Metropolis. However, it failed to explore the occurrence of international migration given the growing influx of international migrants in the study area. Contribution: The outcome of the study will advance knowledge on the challenges faced by migrants within the Metropolis and measures could be taken to resolve some undesired experiences. Additionally, the study will make a valuable contribution to the limited migration literature in the North

    Comparative Study on the Proximate and Mineral Contents of the Seed and Pulp of Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa)

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    Proximate composition and mineral content of the seed and pulp of sugar apple (Annona squaumosa) was investigated. On dry weight (DW) bases, the pulp contain significantly (p < 0.05) higher amount of moisture (70 ± 1.83%), ash (7.5 ± 1.29%), crude fibre (46 ± 2.5%) and solublecarbohydrate (30.30 ± 2.02%) compared to the respective values of 42.50 ± 1.29%, 2.50 ± 0.20%, 36.30 ± 2.00% and 12.60 ± 1.80% for seeds. The crude protein contents did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) difference between the seeds (4.4 ± 0.72%) and the pulp (4.4 ± 1.03%). On the other hand, crude lipid (44 ± 3.06%) and calculated energy (464 kcal/100g) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher for the seeds than the corresponding values (11.5 ± 2.08%; 246 kcal/100g) for pulp. Mineral elements concentrations were low except for Ca in both samples and Mg for pulp. Nutrient densities were low for most elements other than Ca, Mg (for pulp), Fe and Zn, which were > 100%.Key words: Annona squamosa, Fruits, Proximate, Minerals, nutrient density

    Utilization of Wastes as an Alternative Energy Source for Sustainable Development: A REVIEW

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    Generally, the greater the economic prosperity and the higher percentage of urban population, the greater the amount of solid waste produced. Reduction in the volume and mass of solid waste is a crucial issue especially in the light of limited availability of final disposal sites in many parts of the world. To meet the rising demand for energy and to address environmental concerns, a conversion from conventional energy systems to renewable resources is essential. For the sustainability of human civilization, an environmentally techno – economically feasible waste treatment method is very important to treat waste. Several technologies are available for converting solid waste to energy source, ranging from very simple systems of disposing of waste to more complex technologies capable of dealing with large amounts of industrial waste. There are three main pathways for conversion of waste material to energy: thermochemical, biochemical and physicochemical conversion. Therefore, this paper examines how waste can be utilized to produce energy for sustainable development with adequate use of science and technology. It is recommended that, awareness campaign should be carried out to enlighten the general populace on the benefit of utilizing waste to energy source.Keywords: Waste, sustainable development, utilisation, energy source


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    Economic appraisal of offshore fisheries: A study on trawl fishing operations in Pakistan

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    73-79This study attempts to show the effects and relative contributions of the different fisheries factors affecting the revenues for a sample of commercial offshore trawling vessels operating in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Pakistan. In this study, the level of relative contribution of each determinant is estimated by using the Standard Multiple Linear regression (SMLR) with standardized regression coefficients and correlation methods. The data were collected through the survey questionnaire and direct interviews with the boat owners and fishermen. The estimated standard beta regression coefficient values for the catch (ß1=0.253), horsepower (ß2=0.26), fishing days at sea (ß3=0.316) and skipper or captain’s fishing experience (ß4=0.32), respectively. Similarly, the catch contributes (R2=17.7 %), horsepower (R2=18.2 %), fishing days (R2=22.5 %) and skipper (R2=23 %) on the revenue. Moreover, the correlation values for the catch (r(Revenue, Catch) = 0.70), horsepower (r(Revenue, Horsepower) = 0.698), fishing days (r(Revenue, Fishing Days) = 0.713) and skipper (r(Revenue, Skipper)= 0.718) indicates the strong positive relationship of each variable on the revenue. In conclusion, the skipper fishing experience and individual skills have a very strong influence on the maximizing of total earnings of trawling vessels

    Implications of historic development and economic performance of molluscan fisheries in China 1950-2017

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    1667-1679This is the first attempt that discusses molluscan fisheries of China in terms of economic perspective. The originality of this research stems into the analysis of a long series of data, 1950-2017, 68 years covering pre and post-reform era, starting from the time when China had limited infrastructure to becoming world’s largest producer of aquatic products. Since its liberation, the Chinese economy has gone through various disruptions and transformations, which include famine, Cultural Revolution and accession to world trade organization during the late 1950s, the late 1960s and in 2011 correspondingly. Coupled with various macroeconomic perturbations, Chinese fisheries sector has also gone through various transformations of its own such as the shift from inshore to offshore fishing with the passage of time. Consequently, molluscan fisheries sector has experienced remarkable changes. Molluscan fisheries landings have considerably increased from 1950 (90500 t) to 2017 (1797475 t). However, the decline in the capture production has been observed after 2000 due to overexploitation. Trade (export + import) of molluscs (volume + value) is on the move since 1984 as a result of market liberalization and development policies. The tendency for molluscs consumption is also increasing with the passage of time

    Incidence of vulvovaginal candidiasis associated with Candida albicans among pregnant women attending Gombe State Specialist Hospital, Gombe, Nigeria

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    Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is a common cause of vaginitis during pregnancy. It is a source of great physical and psychological discomfort as well as suffering. Samples of endocervical and high vaginal swab were collected from 150 women attending Gombe specialist hospital and were inoculated on Saboraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) incorporated with  Chloramphenicol to rid the culture of bacterial contaminants. Gram’s staining technique and Germ tube test were employed for the identification, as, Candida albicans is positive for both. The gram positive ones were 132 (88%) and were also subjected to germ tube test. 18 (12%) were found to be gram negative. Of the gram positive ones, 120 (91%) were also positive for germ tube test; confirming the presence of Candidaalbicans. Antifungal susceptibility testing revealed that Ketoconazole was more effective at concentrations of 20, 50 and 100ìg/disc with zones of inhibitions of 18.50, 23.50 and 35.50mm respectively, than Griseofulvin (Fulcin) with only 26.00mm zone of inhibition at 100ìg/disc concentration.Keywords: Vulvovaginal, Endocervical, High vaginal swab, Antifungal susceptibility, Candida albicans


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    ABSTRAKSI: Bisnis Waralaba saat ini sedang berkembang pesat. Mulai dari minimarket, fitness center, rumah makan, sampai bimbingan belajarpun sekarang banyak yang diwaralabakan. Tujuannya adalah agar bisnis mereka berkembang dengan cara menawarkan investor agar mau bekerja sama untuk membuka cabang baru dari bisnis tersebut. Namun biasanya bisnis waralaba ini merekap data penjualannya setiap cabang berbeda-beda, dan pada akhir bulan akan dibukukan untuk laporan kepada para investor. Hal ini tentu menyulitkan bagi para investor untuk mengetahui omset penjualannya, para investor harus menunggu satu bulan untuk mengetahui data penjualannya. Masalah inilah yang sedang dialami oleh Argon Fitness.Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, pada proyek akhir ini akan dibuat SISTEM ADMINISTRASI ARGON FITNESS BERBASIS WEB yang memungkinkan adanya proses pendataan administrasi dari berbagai cabang dengan satu server yang terintegrasi. Lalu setiap ada kegiatan di bagian administrasi seperti daftar member, pembayaran, check in member, dan lain-lain, akan langsung disimpan di database server yang terintegrasi tersebut. Sistem ini juga dilengkapi dengan barcode generator untuk membuat kartu member, barcode scanner untuk setiap kali member check in dengan tipe barcode yang digunakan adalah tipe Code 39 (code 3 of 9).Dengan adanya aplikasi ini, proses administrasi Argon Fitness dapat dilakukan dengan mudah. Karena sistem sudah memiliki satu database yang terintegrasi dan dilengkapi dengan pelabelan barcode disetiap id card yang dapat membantu dalam melalukan proses check-in member. Selain itu aplikasi ini juga memudahkan owner untuk melihat data-data administrasi Argon Fitness secara real-time.Kata Kunci : Website, Sistem Administrasi, Argon FitnessABSTRACT: Franchise Business is currently booming. Starting from the minimarket, fitness center, restaurant, until school has franchised. The purpose is to grow their business by offering investors to open a new branch of the business. But this franchise usually calculate the sales data in every different branch, and at the end of the month it will be calculate for a report to investors. It is certainly difficult for investors to know the sales revenue, the investors have to wait a month to find out the sales data. This problem is being experienced by Argon Fitness.To solve these problems, this final project will make ARGON FITNESS SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION WEB BASED that allowing to save the administration data from the various branches into a single integrated server. Then, if there is activity on the administration system like a list member, payment, check-in members, and others, it will be directly saved into the integrated database server. The system has a feature barcode generator to print member cards, and also barcode scanners when member want to check in with the type of barcode is the type of Code 39 (code 3 of 9).With this application, the administrative process of Argon Fitness can be done easily. Because the system has already connected into an integrated database and also equipped with barcode in member cards that can help the process of the check-in members. In addition, this application also allows the owner to view data administration of Argon Fitness in real-time.Keyword: Website, Administration System, Argon Fitnes

    User Access Control and Bandwidth Allocation for Slice-Based 5G-and-Beyond Radio Access Networks

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    In this paper, we investigate the resource management for radio access network slicing from user access control and wireless bandwidth allocation perspectives. First, to guarantee users' QoS, we propose two admission control (AC) policies to select admissible users from the perspective of optimizing the QoS and the number of serving users respectively. Then, to optimize the bandwidth utilization for the selected admissible users, we investigate the slice association and bandwidth allocation (SABA) problem and propose network centric and UE centric SABA policies respectively. Numerical results show that in typical scenarios, our proposed AC and SABA policies can significantly outperform traditional policies in terms of wireless bandwidth utilization and number of admissible users
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