176 research outputs found

    The Implementation of School based Curiculum (A Case at State High School 2 Padangsidimpuan)

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    This research was aimed to describe 1 the curriculum implementation at High School 2 Padangsidimpuan 2 to describe the supporting factors and inhibiting factors of curriculum implementation at State High School 2 Padangsidimpuan 3 to find the solution towards the factors inhibiting the curriculum implementation at State High School 2 Padangsidimpuan 4 to describe the steps on curriculum development at State High School 2 Padangsidimpuan This research was qualitative approach The participants were the stakeholders of State High School 2 Padangsidimpuan Observation and interview were used to collect the data The findings showed that the implementation of curriculum at State High School2Padangsidimpuanwas not optimally implemented due to lack of mastery the competence of teachers1 teachers cannot arrange learning planning based contextual 2 the supporting factor of curriculum implementation at State High School 2Padangsidimpuanwere from quality achievement availability of media and school gerographic Meanwhile found the factors inhibiting the curriculum were lack of teachers pedagogy mastery professional competence and social competence 3 there were solutions towards the factors inhibiting the curriculum implementation at State High School 2Padangsidimpuansuch produce meaningful teaching change the concept of curriculum paradigm change the paradigm of teaching into based religious and provide motivation for students and 4 the steps were used to develop the curriculum such planning instruction learning experiences and learning outcomes assessmen

    English Language Learning Management At Pioneering International School (Rsbi) Sman I Salatiga

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    The aim of this research is to describe English Language Learning Management at Pioneering International School (RSBI) SMAN 1 Salatiga in a frame of educationalPioneeringdecentralization.This research uses ethnography method. The ethnography method is natural approach, cultural character that uses inductive analysis, and the researcher as a key of instrument. The techniques of collecting data consist of interviewing, observation, documentation, and triangulation. The sources of information are headmaster, English teacher, students, and school committee. The technique which is used follows Miles and Hubermans concept. This technique consists of data reduction, data display, and making Conclusion.Results of this research are: (1) the planning of English learning is done by an English teacher and headmaster by the governmental support; (2) organizing of English learning consists of syllabus and lesson plan, teachers election and learning media; (3) the application of English learning is based on KTSPcurriculum and Cambridge; (4) the learning methods used are demonstrating and active learning; (5) evaluation consists of daily test, mid test, final test and national examination; (6) the purpose of English Teaming is based on KTSP curriculum and Cambridge; (7) the materials are taken from internet, Jakarta Post, Cambridge, and the book of senior high school; (8) there areten English teachers, one of them is native speak-ei⢠from United State (Bashi. V); (9) the minimum score is 75; (10) English teachers use media based on need and demand, such as TV, VCD, LCD, OFIP and language laboratory, (11) each room consists of forty students; (12) the classroom setting is still traditional and simple based on the material and topic taught; (13) the roles of teachers are fticifltatoi: motivator and innovator They also role as students parent and friend, (14) extracurricular club consists of English DaY (debate) and English Club; (15) the class control is done by the headmaster and the supervisor dirough daily test, mid test, final test an(] nationalexamination; (16) to upgrade the teachers professionalism, school uses questionnaire fromstudents and through conij.7arathlestudi%- (17) the participation of parent is high; and (18) theschool,, fee is from parent and government. The government hasnt fulfilled the all needs yet. Therefore, it needs support from parent

    The Use Of Drills And Picture To Vocabulary Mastery Of The Sixth Year Students Of Sd Negeri 1 Gedung Sari, Anak Ratu Aji, Lampung Tengah In The Academic Year Of 2011/2012

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    Teaching vocabulary successfully needs a good method. The method of teaching vocabulary is always changeable. It is due to teaching itself is a complicated process that never possible gives absolute rule, which will ensure success. At this point, teacher is necessary to use best guide. The drill and picture method represent a multisensory multifaceted approach suitably needed by different students. The benefits from this research are: (1). to know the scaffold of the drill and picture method to vocabulary mastery of the students. (2). to develop and enrich knowledge in method of vocabulary mastery. (3). to add discourse of effective studying English for increasing students achievements in general and vocabulary mastery in particular.The object of this research is the population of academic members of SD Negeri 1 Gedung Sari, Anak Ratu Aji, Lampung Tengah in the academic year of 2011/2012. The sample of the study is the second year students of SD Negeri 1 Gedung Sari and it is called as total sample because it just consists of one class. There are 24 students in this class. To get the data for writing down this thesis, the writer applied several methods and can be divided into three types, there are: document study, field research, and statistical methods.Document study applied by studying about documents which are available in the second year of SD Negeri I Gedung Sari in the academic year of 2011/2012. Field research consists of questioner, test and observation. The researcher used the data from field research to analyze the problems which will be answered in this article. The last analysis is statistical methods.The writer uses formula of product moment correlation to measure how significant the influence eclectic reading method toward reading comprehension achievement. (1). Based on applied several methods above, the researcher discovered the result that: The score of eclectic reading method of the second year students or SD Negeri 1 Gedung Sari according to the writer is significant, proven from the percentage questioner scores. It is 66 % (2). The English reading comprehension achievement of the second year students of SD Negeri I Gedung Sari is significant, proven from the percentage of English reading comprehension score. It is 71, 67%. (3). The next statistical hypothesis that says there is no correlation between eclectic reading method (X) and students English reading comprehension achievement (Y) is refused because after consulting the critical r in the level of significant of 5% found that critical r for the number of samples 24 is 0,404. In other words, it can be said that research hypothesis says there is significant correlation between eclectic reading method and students English reading comprehension achievement is proved

    A Model for Upgrading Teachers Competence on Operating Computer as Assistant of Instruction

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    This research based on a preliminary study that the quality of teachers in Indonesia nowadays not much different from 2007 The teachers did not apply ideal teaching strategy they did not realize the change of school based curriculum into curriculum 2013 The result of preliminary observation revealed that the teachers could not operate computer as well the national result of teachers competency test on August and October in 2012 was lowand also UNESCO 2011 stated that ICT in education policies have to tackle teacher competencies learning materials ICT equipment student and teacher s motivation This study was aimed at implementing A Model for Upgrading Teacher s Competence on Operating Computer as Assistant of Instruction This study related to recent research at Saudi Arabia Turkey India United State of America Iran Kenya and Tanzania that the computer assisted instruction as a supplementary instructional strategy in effective teaching it includes providing teachers with professional development and in order to successfully implement ICT in educational practice A Research and Development R D approach was conducted in this study Ninety four 94 secondary school teachers were selected as sample by using purposive technique from five hundred fifty 550 populations that were used as pilot test to determine the effect of this model toward the teachers competence on operating computer The findings revealed that a model was considered valid practical and effective This conclusion is relevance to both teachers and the educational policy in Indonesia This research implies needs to be consideration not just of how to bolt and weld computer science into the curriculum but also how to ensure that teachers remain equipped to teach pupils fundamental ICT skill

    English Language Learning Management at Pioneering International School (RSBI) Sman I Salatiga

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    The aim of this research is to describe English Language Learning Management at Pioneering International School (RSBI) SMAN 1 Salatiga in a frame of educationalPioneeringdecentralization.This research uses ethnography method. The ethnography method is natural approach, cultural character that uses inductive analysis, and the researcher as a key of instrument. The techniques of collecting data consist of interviewing, observation, documentation, and triangulation. The sources of information are headmaster, English teacher, students, and school committee. The technique which is used follows Miles and Hubermans concept. This technique consists of data reduction, data display, and making Conclusion.Results of this research are: (1) the planning of English learning is done by an English teacher and headmaster by the governmental support; (2) organizing of English learning consists of syllabus and lesson plan, teachers election and learning media; (3) the application of English learning is based on KTSPcurriculum and Cambridge; (4) the learning methods used are demonstrating and active learning; (5) evaluation consists of daily test, mid test, final test and national examination; (6) the purpose of English Teaming is based on KTSP curriculum and Cambridge; (7) the materials are taken from internet, Jakarta Post, Cambridge, and the book of senior high school; (8) there areten English teachers, one of them is native speak-ei⢠from United State (Bashi. V); (9) the minimum score is 75; (10) English teachers use media based on need and demand, such as TV, VCD, LCD, OFIP and language laboratory, (11) each room consists of forty students; (12) the classroom setting is still traditional and simple based on the material and topic taught; (13) the roles of teachers are fticifltatoi: motivator and innovator They also role as students parent and friend, (14) extracurricular club consists of English DaY (debate) and English Club; (15) the class control is done by the headmaster and the supervisor dirough daily test, mid test, final test an(] nationalexamination; (16) to upgrade the teachers professionalism, school uses questionnaire fromstudents and through conij.7arathlestudi%- (17) the participation of parent is high; and (18) theschool,, fee is from parent and government. The government hasnt fulfilled the all needs yet. Therefore, it needs support from parent

    The Use of Drills and Picture to Vocabulary Mastery of the Sixth Year Students of SD Negeri 1 Gedung Sari, Anak Ratu Aji, Lampung Tengah in the Academic Year of 2011/2012

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    Teaching vocabulary successfully needs a good method. The method of teaching vocabulary is always changeable. It is due to teaching itself is a complicated process that never possible gives absolute rule, which will ensure success. At this point, teacher is necessary to use best guide. The drill and picture method represent a multisensory multifaceted approach suitably needed by different students. The benefits from this research are: (1). to know the scaffold of the drill and picture method to vocabulary mastery of the students. (2). to develop and enrich knowledge in method of vocabulary mastery. (3). to add discourse of effective studying English for increasing students achievements in general and vocabulary mastery in particular.The object of this research is the population of academic members of SD Negeri 1 Gedung Sari, Anak Ratu Aji, Lampung Tengah in the academic year of 2011/2012. The sample of the study is the second year students of SD Negeri 1 Gedung Sari and it is called as total sample because it just consists of one class. There are 24 students in this class. To get the data for writing down this thesis, the writer applied several methods and can be divided into three types, there are: document study, field research, and statistical methods.Document study applied by studying about documents which are available in the second year of SD Negeri I Gedung Sari in the academic year of 2011/2012. Field research consists of questioner, test and observation. The researcher used the data from field research to analyze the problems which will be answered in this article. The last analysis is statistical methods.The writer uses formula of product moment correlation to measure how significant the influence eclectic reading method toward reading comprehension achievement. (1). Based on applied several methods above, the researcher discovered the result that: The score of eclectic reading method of the second year students or SD Negeri 1 Gedung Sari according to the writer is significant, proven from the percentage questioner scores. It is 66 % (2). The English reading comprehension achievement of the second year students of SD Negeri I Gedung Sari is significant, proven from the percentage of English reading comprehension score. It is 71, 67%. (3). The next statistical hypothesis that says there is no correlation between eclectic reading method (X) and students English reading comprehension achievement (Y) is refused because after consulting the critical r in the level of significant of 5% found that critical r for the number of samples 24 is 0,404. In other words, it can be said that research hypothesis says there is significant correlation between eclectic reading method and students English reading comprehension achievement is proved

    Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Sikap Ilmiah Calon Guru Biologi pada Mata Kuliah Zoologi Invertebrata

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    This study aims to determine the profile of science process skills and scientific attitudes of prospective biology teachers in the Invertebrate Zoology course. The method used is descriptive to examine all students of the Biology Education Study Program in the second semester of the 2020/2021 academic year as research subjects. Process skills data were obtained from process skills observation sheets and scientific attitude data were obtained from questionnaires. The results showed that the science process skills of prospective biology teachers were 79.1% and scientific attitudes were 82.4%. In conclusion, the science process skills of Biology teacher candidates are classified as skilled with a good scientific attitude. Keywords: Biology Teacher Candidates, Science Process Skills, Scientific Attitud

    Evaluasi Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar STKIP Muhammadiyah Oku Timur

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    Pada sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI) belum menjadi prioritas oleh sebagian besar perguruan tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Eksternal (SPME). Amanat UU Nomor 12 Tahun 2012 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi menyebutkan bahwa SPMI dan SPME merupakan bagian dari suatu sistem. Diduga SPMI oleh beberapa Perguruan Tinggi tidak memberikan dampak yang signifikan seperti SPME dimana Perguruan Tinggi akan mendapatkan hasil Akreditasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada periode Agustus sampai dengan Desember 2019. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah dalam rangka mengevaluasi Program SPMI yang dikembangkan oleh Program Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Terakreditasi (PGSD) C. Metode penilaian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan sistem yang meliputi aspek konteks, masukan, proses, dan keluaran, dengan mengacu pada studi literatur hasil penelitian yang relevan. Hasil pelaksanaan SPMI di prodi PAUD sudah berjalan dengan baik, jika dibandingkan dengan PPEPP semua aspek tahapan pelaksanaannya. Rekomendasi evaluasi SPMI dalam penelitian ini ditujukan kepada tiga pemangku kepentingan, yaitu Direktorat Penjaminan Mutu, Badan Penjaminan Mutu tingkat Universitas, dan Ketua Program Stud
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