1,057 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Struktur Gedung Kuliah 4 Lantai Dengan Sistem Daktail Terbatas

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    Perencanaan suatu struktur gedung harus direncanakan sesuai standar, kuat, dan aman. Suatu struktur bangunan yang kokoh dan kuat tapi juga efisien memerlukan suatu perencanaan struktur yang baik dengan menggunakan peraturan – peraturan perencanaan secara tepat dan benar. Oleh sebab itu dilakukan perencanaan gedung kuliah 4 lantai ini dengan mengacu pada Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Beton untuk Bangunan Gedung (SNI 03-2847-2002). Beban-beban yang ditinjau untuk perencanaan mengacu pada Peraturan Pembebanan Indonesia untuk gedung 1983. Perencanaan struktur gedung kuliah 4 lantai ini meliputi perencanaan struktur atas dan struktur bawah. Dalam perencanaan balok diperoleh harga momen, gaya lintang dan gaya torsi tiap – tiap lantai yang bervariasi. Dari harga yang berbeda – beda tersebut diambil harga – harga yang maksimum dan dikelompokkan untuk setiap lantainya dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan perhitungan. Perencanaan struktur atas menggunakan SAP2000 versi 14, sedangkan struktur bawah direncanakan secara manual. Struktur atas meliputi perencanaan balok, kolom, dan lantai gedung, sedangkan struktur bawah meliputi perencanaan pondasi footplate. Jenis tanah, daya dukung tanah, kedalaman tanah keras, dan beberapa hal yang menyangkut keadaan tanah erat kaitannya dengan jenis pondasi yang dipilih. Pembebanan yang ditinjau untuk perencanaan elemen struktur adalah beban mati, beban hidu

    Komputasi Paralel Integral Definit Rangkap Tiga Dengan Metode Monte Carlo Di Cluster Bewoulf

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    Komputasi paralel adalah proses pengoperasian aritmatikatau logik terhadap bilangan-bilangan yang sejenis secarabersamaan pada prosesor majemuk. Cluster Beowulfmengimplementasikan sistem komputasi paralel denganperangkat komputer comsumer-grade dengan perangkatlunak berlisensi free/open-source.Komputasi integral dengan metode Monte Carlo bersifatpleasingly parallel sehingga dapat dengan sankildiimplementasikan pada cluster Beowulf.Ketelitian dan kecepatan komputasi integral rangkap tigadengan metode Monte Carlo dibandingkan dengan metodebalok, di mana metode Monte Carlo memiliki ketelitianyang lebih baik namun dengan kecepatan yang lebihlambat.Kecepatan komputasi paralel integral rangkap tigametode Monte Carlo berbanding lurus dengan cacah prosesyang berjalan paralel iika cacah proses tidak melebihi cacahcore.Kesangkilan penggunaan energi sistem komputasi paralelcenderung konstan pada cluster dengan spesifikasi nodeyang homogen dan menurun saat terdapat node denganspesifikasi yang inferior.Kata Kunci—cluster Beowulf, integral numerik, integralrangkap tiga, komputasi paralel, metode Monte Carlo

    Pengaruh Variasi Pendingin Oli Sae 40, Oli Sae 90 Dan Oli Sae 140 Pada Hasil Coran Kuningan Menggunakan Cetakan Pasir Coâ‚‚

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    This research aims to determine the effect of cooling media variation on hardness test, porosity defect and micro photo. The material of this research was former brass from various components re-casted by using sand mold. This research examined the cooling media variations of SAE 40 oil, SAE 90 oil, and SAE 140 oil. The tests used chemical composition test, hardness test, porosity observation and micro photo test. The results of composition test were found some elements i.e. (Cu) 66.4%, (Zn) 27.9%, (Pb) 2.22%, (Sn) 1.38% which was the type of yellow brass. The largest of HRB hardness result was SAE 40 oil with an average value of 39.00 HRB, SAE 90 was 32.17 HRB, and SAE 140 was 27.98 HRB. The lowest of porosity observation was found in SAE 40 oil and the highest in SAE 140 oil variation. The result of micro photo on SAE 40 oil variation was found β phase, and micro photo on SAE 140 oil variation was found α phase

    Kajian Penggunaan Motor Listrik DC Sebagai Penggerak Speedboat

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    Transportasi laut dibagi menjaditransportasi penumpang dan transportasi barang.Perahu adalah salah satu jenis transportasi laut.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukanpengkajian penggunaan motor listrik DC sebagaipenggerak speedboat dengan membuat simulasisehingga dapat menentukan motor listrik yangsesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik darispeedboat. Data speedboat yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah: = 0,969 ton, V= 0,946 m3, vs=7 knot, Lwl= 7,89 m, S = 4,59 m2, A = 0,158 m2, Cb=0,567, h= 0,3 m. Dari hasil simulasi, kapasitas motorDC shunt yang diperlukan untuk menggerakkanspeedboat adalah Pm = 2200 W, nm = 1800 rpm, ηm =0,9771,Vt = 24 V, D = 0,1217 m, L = 0,1338 m, If =0,2488 A, Ia = 130,7036 A, Ta = 16,292 Nm. Kapasitasakumulator yang diperlukan selama satu jamadalah 246,8 Ah. Energi baterai dalam satu jamadalah 5923,1 W jam. Sehingga membutuhkanempat buah baterai 24 V 65 Ah terhubung paraleldan tiga buah panel surya 200 Wp.Kata Kunci—Motor DC Shunt, Baterai,Speedboat, Kapasitas Daya, Energi

    Penataan Permukiman Kumuh Di Sempadan Sungai Anyar Surakarta Sebagai Kampung Wisata Kerajinan Sangkar Burung.

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    Slum settlement is a problem faced by almost all big cities in Indonesia is no exception in Surakarta precisely in river settlements Anyar District Banjarsari or more precisely in the settlement Anyar River Sempadan 24 Village Nusukan and RW 15 and RW 17 Village Gilingan. The physical condition of the building which is very tight with low construction quality and low settlement infrastructure makes the impression of slum. The average population of about low-economic, to help its economy some communities also have small businesses such as bird cage and housing soy sauce makers. Of all the problems and potentials that exist raises the problem of how to organize settlements in accordance with applicable regulations and utilize the existing potential as a tourist site bird cage. The output of this arrangement is to determine the ideal design for the people around the average middle-class society down, eliminating the impression of slum settlement, and make the settlement became one of the tourist destinations of bird cage tourism, so that not only the arrangement, but also can maximize existing human resources and improve the economy of the surrounding community

    Studi Komparasi Mutu Kayu Laminasi dan Kayu Utuh di Solo Raya Hasil Uji Laboratorium Berdasarkan Analisis SNI 7973 - 2013

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    Abstract Wood is one of Indonesia's natural resources which becomes an element of construction that is easily available and available in relatively large quantities. In the construction section, wood is widely used in every building function from preparation to finishing. As for this research aims to know the value of solid / whole wood quality test results in laboratory with wood quality based on SNI 7973-2013. Types of tests performed include compressive strength testing, tensile strength, shear strength, and flexural strength. Each test object amounted to 3 pieces for 1 variation of wood. wood used there are 5 types, namely wood Sengon, Bangkirai, Kruwing, Kamper, and Nangka from Solo Raya. Based on testing the quality code of each wood tested is Sengon = 7229,88 MPa ; Bangkirai = 13236,48 MPa; Kruwing = 10583,54 MPa ; Kamper = 10411,63 MPa ; dan Nangka = 10378,09 MPa. Sengon wood water content = 16,39 % ; Kamper = 17,59 ; Kruwing = 16,92 ; Nangka = 14,34 ; Bangkirai = 14,64. Value of compressive strength of wood fiber: Sengon = 4,25 MPa; Bangkirai = 14.53 MPa; Kruwing = 8.96 MPa; Kamper = 8.57 MPa; Nangka = 7.60 MPa. Value of compressive strength of perpendicular wood fiber: Sengon = 1.92 MPa; Bangkirai = 9.48 MPa; Kruwing = 4.33 MPa; Kamper = 4.12 MPa; Nangka = 6.22 MPa. Value of tensile strength of wood: Sengon = 62.28 MPa; Bangkirai = 98.17 MPa; Kruwing = 97,66 MPa; Kamper = 57.97 MPa; Nangka = 23.68 MPa. Wood shear strength value: Sengon = 5.06 MPa; Bangkirai = 13.68 MPa; Kruwing = 7.11 MPa; Kamper = 9.80 MPa; Nangka = 10.08 MPa. Value of strong bending wood: Sengon = 30.10 MPa; Bangkirai = 84.92 MPa; Kruwing = 57.08 MPa; Kamper = 56.23 MPa; Nangka = 33.79 MPa. The value of percentage comparison of compressive strength test between the woods tested in the laboratory against the reference strength of SNI 7973: 2013: Sengon = 111.84%; Bangkirai = 121.11%; Kruwing = 95.36%; Kamper = 91,14%; Nangka = 95,00%. The percentage value of the tensile strength test ratio between the woods tested in the laboratory against the reference strength of SNI 7973: 2013: Sengon = 187.91%; Bangkirai = 290,64%; Kruwing = 173.33%; Kamper = 164,67%; Nangka = 291,86%. The percentage value of the comparison of shear strength test between the woods tested in the laboratory against the reference strength of SNI 7973: 2013: Sengon = 991,63%; Bangkirai = 844.61%; Kruwing = 568,85%; Kamper = 784,00%; Nangka = 951,32%. The percentage value of the comparison of bending strength test between the woods tested in the laboratory against the reference strength of SNI 7973: 2013: Sengon = 700.09%; Bangkirai = 615.33%; Kruwing = 538,53%; Kamper = 530,49%; Nangka = 371,39%. Keywords: wood, laminated wood, tensile strength, wood compressive strength, wood shear strength, strong wood bending

    Perencanaan Komplek Pemerintahan Kabupaten Wonogiri(Penekanan Arsitektur Jawa)

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    Wonogiri is part of Kawedanan Surakarta then break away and become its own district but the fact Wonogiri until now independent. That is because the location of the center of government, which are located less strategic. resulting in Wonogiri own communities and investors are likely to come to the city of Surakarta or for more advanced Sukoharjo and Wonogiri distance from the center is not too far away. Wonogiri districts have an impact evolving architectural development including the development of architecture in historical times. County Government building just a single building standing in the village Nglaroh Selogiri Wonogiri District administration building still traditional Javanese architectural style that is Joglo. Along berkembangya The architectural style of the period - kemasa identity as Wonogiri Regency architecture jawapun Java and getting lost. From some of these reasons, the need for a government complex that is located in a strategic location and can become the identity of Wonogiri then designed complex of Government Wonogiri which uses architecture tadisional Java in order to Enhance progress in the field of economic, social and cultural rights of the whole community Wonogiri, facilitate local leaders in providing services to the community public maximum Wonogiri, Petrified improve the quality of urban development Wonogiri. In the design of Wonogiri District Government Complex, processing the collected data using analytical methods,then dianlisis based permsalahan there, which is then used as an ingredient in the preparation of draft planning Wonogiri District Government Complex. The design concept of government building mass arrangement with the concept of Java Architecture in terms of circulation and arrangement of space to implement the alignment of regional identity Wonogiri as cultured region of Java
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