39 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Kualitas Jajanan Tradisional Produksi UKM Nur Wahid Melalui Perbaikan Proses Produksi dan Kemasan

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    Usaha kecil menengah Nur Wahid terletak di Banyuanyar, Solo, dan berdiri sejak tahun 2010. Setiap harinya UKM ini memproduksi berbagai macam jajanan tradisional meliputi kue tradsional gandos, peyek teri, peyek cabe, kering kentang (klengkam), dan kremesan ayam, Produksi kue gandos ukuran kecil sebanyak 4000 biji/hari, dijual dalam kemasan kardus, tanpa kemasan bijian. Sebagian besar kue dibeli oleh penjual eceran. Kapasitas produksi produk selain gandos rata-rata 20 kemasan per hari, diserap oleh penjual eceran dan konsumen personal. Daya serap pasar yang cukup besar menjadikan UKM ini berusaha meningkatkan kualitas produknya, di antaranya dengan menjual kue gandos dalam kemasan plastik bijian yang berukuran lebih besar daripada sebelumnya agar nilai jualnya naik. Masalah yang dihadapi terkait produksi adalah terbatasnya cetakan kue gandos besar sehingga produksi hanya sebsesar 800 biji/hari, masih minimnya pelabelan pada kemasan pouch produk keripikkeripikan, serta sisa minyak yang berlebih di dasar kemasan keripik.. Setelah dilakukan introduksi peralatan, UKM Nur Wahid selanjutnya merasa optimis untuk memproduksi keripik-keripikan lagi dengan kualitas yang lebih baik. Selain itu kapasitas produksi kue gandos berukuran besar stabil sebesar berkisar 2000-3000 biji per hari. UKM Nur Wahid merasa sangat terbantu dengan introduksi alat yang diberikan, dalam rangka menjaga kestabilan produksi dan kualitas kue gandos yang menjadi produk utama

    Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Kualitas Jajanan Tradisional Produksi UKM Nur Wahid Melalui Perbaikan Proses Produksi dan Kemasan

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    Usaha kecil menengah Nur Wahid terletak di Banyuanyar, Solo, dan berdiri sejak tahun 2010. Setiap harinya UKM ini memproduksi berbagai macam jajanan tradisional meliputi kue tradsional gandos, peyek teri, peyek cabe, kering kentang (klengkam), dan kremesan ayam, Produksi kue gandos ukuran kecil sebanyak 4000 biji/hari, dijual dalam kemasan kardus, tanpa kemasan bijian. Sebagian besar kue dibeli oleh penjual eceran. Kapasitas produksi produk selain gandos rata-rata 20 kemasan per hari, diserap oleh penjual eceran dan konsumen personal. Daya serap pasar yang cukup besar menjadikan UKM ini berusaha meningkatkan kualitas produknya, di antaranya dengan menjual kue gandos dalam kemasan plastik bijian yang berukuran lebih besar daripada sebelumnya agar nilai jualnya naik. Masalah yang dihadapi terkait produksi adalah terbatasnya cetakan kue gandos besar sehingga produksi hanya sebsesar 800 biji/hari, masih minimnya pelabelan pada kemasan pouch produk keripikkeripikan, serta sisa minyak yang berlebih di dasar kemasan keripik.. Setelah dilakukan introduksi peralatan, UKM Nur Wahid selanjutnya merasa optimis untuk memproduksi keripik-keripikan lagi dengan kualitas yang lebih baik. Selain itu kapasitas produksi kue gandos berukuran besar stabil sebesar berkisar 2000-3000 biji per hari. UKM Nur Wahid merasa sangat terbantu dengan introduksi alat yang diberikan, dalam rangka menjaga kestabilan produksi dan kualitas kue gandos yang menjadi produk utama

    Kajian Tingkat Penerimaan Panelis pada Dark Chocolate Bar dengan Penambahan Bubuk Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum burmannii)

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    Indonesia is an agricultural country that is recognized as the third-biggest of cocoa producer in the world, after Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana. Widely cultivated in Indonesia, cinnamon is potential to be developed, since it has an excessive potency as an antioxidant and flavoring agents. The panelists’ acceptance of dark chocolate bars with cinnamon powder addition based on sensory tests was evaluated in this study. A completely randomized design (CRD) with one factorial was used. Variation of addition in cinnamon powder used in this study was 10% (F1), 15% (F2) and 20% (F3). Based on the result of scoring tests on colour, aroma, taste, appearance, and overall attributes of the sensory analysis, dark chocolate bar with 10% addition of cinnamon powder was chosen as the best formula. Thus, it may conclude that the highest level of panelists’ acceptance and preferences for some of the sensory attributes evaluated in this study is the dark chocolate bar with 10% addition of cinnamon powder. However, physical and chemical characterizations of the dark chocolate bars with cinnamon powder are still needed for further evaluation to gain a more comprehensive understanding about their quality attributes

    Functionality of xanthan and almond gum in colloidal shellac nanoparticles containing cinnamon

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    Instability of shellac nanoparticles at acidic pH is the main challenge of its use as an oral delivery system. This study aims to investigate the functionality of xanthan and almond gum in shellac nanoparticles containing cinnamon prepared by anti-solvent precipitation. The gums were added into the anti-solvent phase while the cinnamon extract was incorporated into the solvent phase. The results show that the minimum concentration of xanthan and almond gum to prevent shellac aggregation at simulated gastric pH (1.2) was 0.3% and 0.6%, respectively. Higher concentration of gums resulted in a bigger particle size and more negative zeta-potential, regardless the type of the gums. Cinnamon loading in the shellac-xanthan gum complex resulted in nanoscale sized particles, while the complex system consisted of shellac, almond gum 0.6% and cinnamon extract created a network entrapping the individual particle. In conclusion, xanthan gum incorporation was better than almond gum to stabilise shellac nanoparticle containing cinnamon in simulated gastric pH. This study confirms that shellac-xanthan gum complex can be potentially used for an oral delivery system of bioactive compounds

    Design and Construction of Microwave-Assisted Pyrolysis of Waste Coconut Shell for the Isolation of Pyroligneous Acid

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    As a country with a large amount of natural resources, Indonesia should be able to convert this material into more value added product. However, most of the natural resources were sold as a raw material. Process system engineering research center is one of the solution to overcome this problem by developing an integrated and systematic technology. Through this research center, output of the research can be scaled up for large scale production and also can be commercialized to increase the community welfare. One of natural resources which has not been optimally utilized is waste coconut shell (WCS). Indonesia is the largest coconut producer in the world with areal production of 3.88 ha and 3.2 million ton of coconut products. Several problems arefacedbycoconutagroindustry,i.e.thelackofcoconutbasedproductdiversification and also the large number of WCS. WCS is one of organic waste, however it is quite hard to be decomposed by the microorganism due to its hard texture. This problem may gave high potential in the environmental pollution. In this research, WCS is going to be used as a raw material for pyroligneous acid through pyrolysis process. Pyrolysis is a method that is usually used to convert a biomass waste sources into a valuable product through thermal decomposition process without the presence of oxygen. This process will produce solid (char), liquid (bio-oil, tar and pyroligneous acid) and gas. Pyroligneous acid is commonly obtained as a side product from the production of active carbon and to date it has not been utilized economically. In the other hand, pyroligneous acid can be used as an anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-biofilm and also as an anti inflammatory. This properties are available due to the presence of organic matter and phenolic compound in the pyroligneous acid. This characteristics showedthatpyroligneousacidishighlypotentialasrawmaterialindrugsandpharmacy industries. Pyrolysis process requires high temperature which has range between 500 – 600 ∘C. In this paper, it will be discussed a pyrolysis equipment design and productionofpyroligneousacidfromWCSbyusingmicrowave-assistedpyrolysis(MAP).     Keywords: Coconut Shel, Pyroligneous Acid, Pyrolysis, Microwave, Pharmac