18 research outputs found


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    Artritis gout merupakan salah satu penyakit tidak menular dengan peningkatan kasus setiap tahunnya. Penyakit ini jarang disadari oleh masyarakat disebabkan oleh gaya hidup tidak sehat. Jika tidak ditangani dengan baik akan berdampak pada disabilitas. Gejala yang sering dikeluhkan adalah nyeri sendi. Salah satu intervensi non-farmakologi untuk menurunkan keluhan tersebut adalah kompres air garam epsom hangat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi artikel-artikel penelitian tentang efektifitas kompres air garam epsom hangat dalam menurunkan nyeri sendi pada klien artritis gout. Desain penelitian studi literatur melalui database jurnal terindeks seperti PubMed, ProQuest, dan Google Scholar dan didapatkan 10 artikel. Teknik analisis artikel menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Kriteria inklusi yaitu waktu publikasi 5 tahun terakhir, jenis artikel studi eksperimental, variabel independen yaitu kompres air garam epsom hangat, variabel dependen yaitu nyeri sendi pada atritis gout. Kriteria eksklusi yaitu terapi kombinasi. Kata kunci yang digunakan warm epsom salt water compress, joint pain, gout arthritis. Kompres air garam epsom hangat diberikan sebanyak 200 mg dalam satu liter air (perbandingan 1:5) pada suhu 40-50oC. Kompres dilakukan 10-20 menit, 3 kali per minggu, selama 15 hari. Kompres dapat menurunkan nyeri sendi skala sedang menjadi ringan pada klien artritis gout. Kelebihannya bahan mudah didapatkan dan teknik mudah dilakukan. Kekurangannya dilakukan dalam jangka waktu lama. Berdasarkan hasil analisis artikel didapatkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan kompres air garam Epsom hangat terhadap penurunan nyeri sendi pada klien artritis gout. Hasil kajian dapat digunakan sebagai dasar ilmiah dalam pemilihan intervensi alternative non-farmakologi dalam mengurangi keluhan nyeri sendi pada klien artritis gout.


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    AbstrakSkizofrenia menjadi masalah kesehatan jiwa tertinggi di Indonesia. Jumlah kasus skizofrenia meningkat setiap tahun. Klien skizofrenia yang mengalami delusi seringkali marah dan mungkin dapat melakukan tindak kekerasan baik pada diri sendiri maupun orang lain. Efikasi diri yang baik sangat diperlukan oleh klien skizofrenia sehingga mampu mengontrol emosional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan uji coba kuesioner Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy (RESE) versih bahasa Indonesia sebagai instrumen penelitian untuk mengukur efikasi diri dalam manajemen marah pada klien skizofrenia. Kuesioner ini terdiri dari dua belas item pertanyaan dan telah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Uji keterbacaan telah dilakukan sebelum proses uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Kuesioner ini telah dilakukan uji coba pada 20 klien skizofrenia dengan diagnosis keperawatan risiko perilaku kekerasan. Nilai validitas sebesar 0,757-0,935 (nilai r tabel = 0,444) dan nilai reliabilitas sebesar 0,965 (nilai r kritis = 0,600). Analisis data menggunakan korelasi product pearson’s dan tabel kontingensi dengan kebermaknaan pada p < 0,05. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data didapatkan bahwa kuesioner ini valid dan reliabel sehingga dapat digunakan untuk penelitian. Kuesioner ini dapat digunakan sebagai instrumen penelitian dalam mengkaji keyakinan diri klien skizofrenia dengan diagnosis keperawatan risiko perilaku kekerasan dalam manajemen mara


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    Abstrak Pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan berbagai krisis pada kehidupan sosial, ekonomi dan kesehatan mental masyarakat..  Kesejahteraan psikologis yang baik pada situasi pandemi sangat diperlukan karena keadaan emosi yang positif dapat meningkatkan imunitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh intervensi mindfulness terhadap kesejahteraan psikologis dalam situasi krisi pandemi COVID-19.Penelitian ini merupakan semi systematic literature review. Pencarian literatur dilakukan melalui database online seperti Science Direct, PubMed, dan Google Schoolar dengan kata kunci“mindfulness”, “psychological well being”, “Mental health” dan “Covid-19”. Artikel diseleksi menggunakan kerangka PRISMA. Hasil didapatkan 8 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dari 8 artikel Intervensi mindfulness dapat meningkatkan fleksibilitas emosional dapat meminimalkan kemungkinan terhadap stress, kecemasan, dan kesejahteraan psikologis. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa intervensi mindfulness memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan psikologis pada krisis pandemi COVID-19. Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has caused various crises in people's social, economic and mental health. High psychological well-being in a pandemic situation is very necessary because a positive emotional state can increase immunity. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of mindfulness interventions on psychological well-being in the crisis situation of  COVID-19 pandemic. This study is a semi-systematic literature review. Literature searches were conducted through online databases such as Science Direct, PubMed, and Google Schoolar with the keywords “mindfulness”, “psychological well being”, “Mental health” and “Covid-19”. Articles were selected using the PRISMA framework. The results obtained 8 articles that meet the inclusion criteria. Based on the results analysis of the 8 articles, mindfulness interventions can increase emotional flexibility and minimize the possibility of stress, anxiety, and increase psychological well-being. It can be concluded that mindfulness interventions have a positive effect on improving psychological well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis


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    The demand for high-quality health services is increasing. It motivates nurses to utilize the best evidence in making decisions. Professional nurses were born from an excellent education. Preceptorship and mentorship clinical learning methods are expected to be able to answer these demands. This study aims to identify the effect of preceptorship and mentorship methods on students' critical thinking skills. The study design applies a quasi-experimental type pretest and post-test with a control group. Twenty-six students were examined as respondents for each intervention and control group, using a purposive sampling technique. The survey took place at a teaching hospital in Semarang, using a student-evidence-based practice questionnaire (validity 0.584-0.904; reliability 0.821) developed by Upton et al.in 2014.  The intervention during three weeks with the training stages of clinical advisors, clinical guidance, internalization, and evaluation. Univariate data analysis is described by frequency and percentage (categorical) and mean and SD (numerical). Bivariate data analysis using a paired t-test and independent t-test. There was a significant effect of the preceptorship and mentorship methods on students' thinking abilities (p-value = 0.006). Integrated academic and clinical learning could form critical thinking skills among students. Educational institutions play a role in providing training for clinical instructors oriented to improving the ability of students to provide scientific evidence-based nursing care. The clinical instructors are responsible for improving students' critical thinking skills through preceptorship and mentorship learning methods

    Perception of Risk of Exposure to Covid-19 and Quality of Life for Nurses in the Emergency Room after Booster Vaccination

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    Background: nurses' perceptions of risk have an impact on the process of dealing with a pandemic as well as affecting their quality of life in terms of physical health, psychology, social relations, and the environment.Purpose: this study analyzed the relationship between perceptions of the risk of exposure to Covid-19 and the quality of life of nurses in the Emergency Room after booster vaccination.Methods: research using studies cross-sectional by sampling technique total sampling for all emergency room nurses at hospitals in Sukabumi City there were 49 people. The data collection instrument uses a risk perception questionnaire and a questionnaireWorld Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF).Results: the result revealed that51% had high-risk perception and 51% had poor physical health, 63.3% had bad psychological, 57.1% had a bad environment, and 77.6% with good social relations. After doing the testChi-Square significance (α = 0.05), there is a relationship between perceptions of the risk of exposure to Covid-19 with 3 domains of quality of life including physical health (0.032), psychological (0.029), and the environment (0.029). But there is no relationship with the domain of social relations (0.196).Conclusion: Health workers, especially nurses, always have a good coping mechanism during a pandemic. Apart from that, it is hoped that nurses can improve their quality of life, such as maintaining their physical and psychological health to improve the quality of service

    Effleurage Massage With Lavender (Lavandula Lamiaceae) Essential Oil Aromatherapy Reduces Pregnant Women's Lower Back Pain

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    Pregnant women are a high-risk group because they experience physical and psychological changes, one of which is often complaints of lower back pain (LBP) in the third trimester. This can be due to changes in positioning, walking too often, using high heels, or lifting heavy weights. Effleurage massage is a complementary therapy to reduce LBP. The combination with lavender essential oil aromatherapy may reduce LPB more optimally. The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of a combination of effleurage massage with lavender essential oil aromatherapy on LBP in pregnant women. The research used a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design with a control group. The sample consisted of 16 third-trimester pregnant women for each group (intervention and control), recruited through the purposive sampling. This research was conducted in the area of the Padangsari Health Center, Semarang City in February-March 2021. The Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) of pain was used. The intervention provided was a combination of effleurage massage with lavender essential oil aromatherapy four times a month for 15-20 minutes per session. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test and independent t test. The results showed that the combination of effleurage massage with lavender essential oil aromatherapy led to a significant decrease in LBP in pregnant women (p &lt; 0.001). This therapy can be carried out by the family as needed because it is easy, does not cause side effects, and basic ingredients are available in the market. Nurses can accompany pregnant women and their families in the non-pharmacological management of LBP integrated with maternal health programs in primary health care facilities. Keywords: aromatherapy lavender essential oil, effleurage massage, lower back pain, pregnant wome

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