570 research outputs found

    The Enhancement of NDT Techniques through Active Thermal Infrared Thermography to Identify Corrosion under Insulation (CUI) in Downstream Piping

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    In the effort of sustaining the reliability of equipments, periodic maintenance and inspection is required. This is done by applying the non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques like ultrasonic, radiography, and etc. NDT act as the appropriate tool for engineers and inspectors to examine the presence and absence of any failures or defects on certain equipments without producing any disturbance to the equipments‟ process and operation [1]. In oil and gas industry, corrosion under insulation (CUI) is considered as the major problem arise today as it requires billion costs to inspect the corrosion involving the procedure to unwrap the insulation which will lead to 3 - 4 days operation. With the conventional NDT practice, this matter has been identified as time-consuming and costly operation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to validate the use of infrared thermography as NDT and E in locating and detecting CUI through lockin thermography testing. For this experimental study, a laboratory cell was designed to simulate the condition of CUI using the carbon steel plate (testing object) as a mock-up downstream pipe section. Factors include insulation thickness, defect‟s size, defect‟s depth, and the objective distance are the parameters affecting the accuracy of the results. For this purpose, infrared image correlation and numerical computation was used to predict the presence tendency of CUI. By numerical computation, it was demonstrated in this study that defect exhibit different temperature distribution as time elapsed. In contrast, temperature drops as the insulation becomes thick. By correlation, classification on thermal infrared colors governs the area of both defects and non-defects distinctively. It is obvious that the applicability of the present NDT and E to detect CUI depends on a heating condition and a relative difference of thermophysical property between the defect and its surrounding

    Knowledge Management: Performance Evaluation for Culture Development in Sharing Knowledge at UTP

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    This project implements one of the aspects in Knowledge Management that is performance evaluation. To be specific it will focus on the aspect of developing culture of sharing knowledge in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP). This aspect is being chosen because currently this is the aspect that is ready to be evaluated in UTP. The main objective is to ensure that the basic development of the whole knowledge management infrastructure in UTP had reached an optimum standard in the industry of higher learning institute. Implementing of Knowledge Management (KM) is not only focused on the business organization but also in educational institutions. The usages of KM become more important in higher learning institution due to the knowledge available not only from the lecturer but also from all the community in the campus. This project is basically will identify the quality of the states of implementing of KM in UTP based on the focus aspect that is developing culture of sharing knowledge. Hence this project also helps to preserve the knowledge as the higher learning institution’s competitive advantages. KM tools that specific in doing performance evaluation is selected in order to perform is project. All the result of this research will be publish in a portal that have additional feature like forum page, document sharing page, article sharing from experts and etc

    Enhanced Hostel Registration Application

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    Enhanced Hostel Registration Application (EHRA) is an android application designed to help hostel registration process in higher learning institution. Current hostel registration system is still using paper and pen method. The data and information such as room number, student’s name and student’s ID number is stored in standalone Microsoft Excel worksheet. It cause a lot of problems such as room redundancy, duplication of student’s details, time consuming and difficulties to staff and student. The usage of paper for the registration process could contribute to poor waste paper management after it no longer has been used. The objective of this project is to develop android application with data storage system for hostel registration process in higher learning institution. Another objective is to promote green computing environment in higher learning institution by reducing the usage of paper in hostel registration system. In developing EHRA, the type of methodology to be used is Rapid Application Development (RAD). By applying RAD in the development process, there are four main phases: requirement analysis and system designing, project prototyping, system testing and execution. As the result, EHRA is designed with a few features such as room tracking, student’s information tracking, add roommate and data storage


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajarankooperatif tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi operasi hitung bentuk aljabar Kelas VII SMP Negeri 1Kendawangan Kabupaten Ketapang, Metode penelitian adalah eksperimen, bentuk penelitian pre-eksperimen dan rancangan penelitian one group pretest postest design. Populasi penelitian ini semua siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Kendawangan yang terdiri dari 5 kelas. Sampel yang digunakan adalah kelas VIIB. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah teknik pengukuran dengan alat pengumpul data berupa tes hasil belajar. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan: (1) Hasil belajar siswa pada materi operasi hitung bentuk aljabar sebelum diterapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) tergolong kurang; (2) Hasil belajar siswa pada materi operasi hitung bentuk aljabar setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) tergolong baik; (3) Terdapat pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi operasi hitung bentuk aljabar kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Kendawangan Kabupaten Ketapang.Kata Kunci: STAD, Hasil Belaja

    Bionomik Nyamuk Anopheles Maculatus (Theobald) Dan Hubungannya Dalam Mentransmisikan Penyakit Malaria Di Suatu Kawasan Bandar Di Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

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    A study on a malaria outbreak in Bukit Gambir on the Southeast district of Penang Island was carried out for 14 months from February 2006 until March 2007. Suatu kajian mengenai kejadian kes malaria di Bukit Gambir,terletak di kawasan Daerah Timur Laut, Pulau Pinang telah dijalankan selama 14 bulan bermula dari Februari 2006 sehingga Mac 2007

    Effect of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration on BOD Decay

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    The Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a quantity of the dissolved oxygen being utilized bythe aquatic microorganisms in metabolizing the organic matter, oxidize reduced nitrogen, andoxidize reduced minerals suchas ferrous iron. BODis alsoan indirect measure ofthe substrate itself. Forthisproject, the main objective is to identify the relationship between BOD decay and the dissolved oxygen concentration. Dissolved oxygen concentration is oneof the major factors affecting the BOD decay. Basically, the scope of study for this projectis to relate the dissolved oxygen concentration term into the BODdecayrate models, either in the First Order or Second Order Model and then relate the effect ofthe order ofthe models itself to the BOD decay rate. The methods used in this project are to apply the models into a software application to see the graphical presentation oftheBODdecay rate for the model. Thisis done by assuming the First-Order BODdecay rate constant or kj according to other researchers' works and journals and then applied into the models whichfurther integrated into themass transport equation. From themathematical approach and computer modeling works, the main findings of the project is thatwhen the dissolved oxygen concentration is increased, the rate ofBOD decay will increase butthisonly come up until certain value of dissolved oxygen concentration due to the saturation factor ofthe oxygen. This applies to both models that are used in this project. It is also found that the Second-Order Model exhibit a bit faster reaction than the First-Order Model but this difference only applies in the earlier stage of the decaying. Other than that, there are no significant differences between First-Order Model and Second- Order Model. In conclusion, theBOD decay rate increases as the dissolved oxygen concentration increases until the saturation point ofthe oxygen and the Second-Order Model decay rate is slower in theBODremoval comparing to the First-Order Model butthis does not mean that First-Order Model is better than the Second Order Model but only highlighting the importance ofdifferent approaches by researchers in interpreting the BOD decay in order toobtain more accurate interpretation ofthe BOD decay rate in water


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keadaan siswa sekolah dasar (SD) yang mengindikasikan rendahnya kemampuan literasi dan disposisi matematis siswa, sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan perbedaan peningkatan literasi dan disposisi matematis siswa yang mendapat model problem based learning (PBL) dengan siswa yang mendapat model direct instruction (DI). Penelitian dilakukan dengan mixed method sequential explanatory design pada siswa kelas V sekolah dasar negeri di Bandung dengan tiga kategori lokasi sekolah (desa, kota dan daerah transisi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat perbedaan peningkatan literasi matematis siswa yang mendapat model PBL dengan yang mendapat model DI baik di sekolah yang berlokasi di desa, kota maupun daerah transisi, (2) terdapat perbedaan peningkatan literasi matematis yang siginfikan siswa antar ketiga kategori Pengetahuan Awal Matematika (PAM) setelah mendapat model PBL dengan siswa yang mendapat model DI, (3) tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan faktor lokasi sekolah terhadap peningkatan literasi matematis siswa, (4) terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan kategori PAM siswa terhadap peningkatan literasi matematis siswa, (5) peningkatan disposisi matematis siswa yang mendapat model PBL lebih baik daripada peningkatan disposisi matematis siswa yang mendapat model DI, indikator disposisi matematis siswa yang sangat baik yaitu semangat atau motivasi siswa yang mendapat model PBL, serta indikator diposisi matematis yang mengalami perbedaan yang paling tinggi antara siswa yang mendapat model PBL dan siswa yang mendapat model DI yaitu rasa ingin tahu siswa. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan: (1) model problem based learning sebaiknya dilaksanakan oleh setiap guru, terutama guru yang mengajar di kota, (2) model problem based learning sebaiknya dilaksanakan terhadap setiap kategori PAM siswa, terutama kategori PAM siswa tinggi, (3) model problem based learning sebaiknya dilaksanakan sebagai upaya meningkatkan disposisi matematis siswa, terutama terhadap motivasi belajar dan rasa ingin tahu siswa. Kata Kunci: literasi matematis, disposisi matematis, problem based learning, direct instruction, pembelajaran geometri di sekolah dasar. The research was driven by the primary school student conditions whose lacking of literacy skills and mathematical disposition, therefore this study aimed to compare the improvement of literacy and mathematical dispositions of students who received a model of problem-based learning (PBL) with students getting direct instruction (DI) model. The research conducted by sequential explanatory mixed method design in fifth grader students in public primary schools in Bandung with three categories of school location (rural, city and transition). The results showed that: (1) There is a difference in the improvement in mathematical literacy of students who received PBL models comfared to DI models which are better in schools located in rural, urban and transition regions, (2) there are significant differences in students’ mathematical literacy improvement among the three categories of mathematics prior knowledge after obtaining the model PBL comfared to students getting DI models, (3) there is no interaction effect between the model of learning by school location factors to the increase in students' mathematical literacy, (4) there is an interaction effect between the learning model with prior matematical knowledge category of students to increase students' mathematical literacy, (5) an increase in the disposition of mathematical students who get the model PBL is better than an increase in students’ mathematical disposition of DI models. The indicators of mathematical disposition are very good from the student who received the model PBL based on their motivation, as well as indicators mathematical disposition based on student curiousity. The recommendations from this study are: (1) problem-based learning model should be carried out by individual teachers, especially teachers who teach in the city, (2) problem-based learning model should be implemented to each category of students mathematical prior knowledge, especially for student with high mathematical prior knowledge, (3) problem-based learning model should be implemented as an effort to improve students' mathematical disposition, especially on motivation to learn and students curiosity. Keywords: mathematical literacy, mathematical disposition, problem based learning, direct instruction, learning geometry in primary school

    Analysis of Metaphor in Michael Jackson Song Lyric in the History Album

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    This paper aims to find out the metaphors which exist in the song lyric of the History album by Michael Jackson. There are four types of metaphor on it: conventional, structural, ontological and orientational metaphor.This paper focuses on two questions: 1)what types of metaphors are exposed in Michael Jackson’s song lyric in the History Album; 2)what metaphorical meaning is expressed in Michael Jackson’s song lyric of the History Album. To answer the first question,this research uses the theory of metaphor byKovecses. Then to answer the second question, this research uses the theory of contextual and connotative meaning. Thisresearch uses descriptive method as a way to find out the research’s problems. In collecting data, researcher search metaphor in every stanza of the song lyrics. Then researcher categorizing the metaphors into types of metaphor that used to analyze it. Then researcher interpreted the metaphors with contextual and connotative meaning. The results show that from 27 song lyrics in the History album contain 67 metaphors.The researcher has found there are 51 types of conventional metaphors, 2 structural metaphors, 5 ontological and 9 orientational. It is concluded that from the song lyrics of the History album by Michael Jackson involve four types of metaphors. From the four types of metaphor, conventionality metaphor is the most found in Michael Jackson Song lyric in History Album


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan representasi matematis siswa kelas VI sekolah dasar pada konsep luas lingkaran, serta memperbaiki proses pembelajaran moda daring menggunakan platform Whataspp Group melalui pendekatan MIKiR (Mengalami, Interaksi, Komunikasi, dan Refleksi). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada siswa kelas VI SDN Ambarukmo semester I Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021 sebanyak 28 siswa dengan menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan kedalam dua siklus. Tahapan pelasksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas ini yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan kemampuan representasi matematis siswa sekolah dasar melalui pendekatan MIKiR dengan menggunakan Whatsapp Group pada masa pandemic Covid 19, serta pentingnya kegiatan mengalami dan interaksi dalam proses pembelajaran bermakna learning by doing. Sehingga pendekatan MIKiR dapat dijadikan salah satu alternatif dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran di masa pandemic Covid 19


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh hasil studi pendahuluan yang menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa sangatlah rendah, siswa masih kebingungan dalam mengerjakan dan menyelesaikan soal cerita mengenai pecahan. Akar permasalahan pada pembelajaran pola bilangan ini yaitu dari aspek guru yang kurang mampu membuat desain pembelajaran yang bermakna dan meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa. Oleh karena itu, penulis mencoba mencari alternatif pemecahan masalah matematis dengan menggunakan pembelajaran matematika realistik (PMR) sebagai terobosan baru dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa pada pembelajaran pecahan di kelas V sekolah dasar. Pembelajaran matematika realistik merupakan suatu desain pembelajaran yang memberi kesempatan siswa untuk terlibat secara aktif pada saat proses pembelajaran dan memberikan kontribusi yang besar dengan cara melakukan proses matematisasi dan pembuatan model untuk masalah-masalah kontekstual yang dipelajari.Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), PTK ini merupakan suatu upaya yang dilakukan para praktisi pendidikan dalam rangka memperbaiki praktek pendidikan dan pembelajaran di kelas, serta diharapkan melalui PTK ini dapat meminimalisir masalah yang muncul pada saat praktek pembelajaran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada kelas V SDN Nangela semester II tahun ajaran 2013- 2014. Hasil penelitian ini telah diperoleh penemuan bahwa terjadinya peningkatanpeningkatan mengenai hasil tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa tentang konsep pecahan di kelas V sekolah dasar, sehingga dapat disimpulkan penggunaan pembelajaran matematika realistik dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa mengenai konsep pecahan. Oleh karena itu penulis merekomendasikan penggunaan pembelajaran matematika realistik kepada para guru sebagai salah satu alternatif dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa mengenai konsep pecahan di sekolah dasa