316 research outputs found

    Prediction of noise radiation on cylinder head

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    Noise radiation analysis of an engine's component can be implemented through several methods such as theoretical calculations, experimental and simulation. The use of finite element method integrated with boundary element method based computer software in engineering field has shown growing interest due to shorter duration of analysis and easy to use. In this analysis, observation of vibration characteristic for two-stroke engine's cylinder head is carried out. Initially, finite elements are used to create the engine's cylinder head model. Data gained from modal analysis is used for prediction of noise radiation from cylinder head surfaces. At this stage, acoustic boundary element model is preferred instead of finite element model. Finally, the results of this study can be used for further analysis in designing of two-stroke gasoline engine

    Partial Stroke Test For Emergency Shutdown Valve Masoneilan: Analysis Of Design And Verification Using Aft Fathom Software

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    This report will present the process of testing of the controller for Partial Stroke Test (PST) system provided by vendors and to perform Full Stroke Test (FST) using Programmable logic Controller (PLC)


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    Providing wholehearted service to students with special needs is a noble challenge, and the presence of the extraordinary school is an equal education effort in Indonesia. This study aims to determine digital marketing management in inclusive education. The research method is qualitative with the type of literature study. The study found that digital marketing is coordinated by a public relations representative, involving all teachers so that they are not seen as inclusive and equal to other schools. Students with special needs who live in boarding schools receive more religious lessons and skills assignments as additional activities in addition to regular study. Parents feel calm and comfortable if their children participate in activities in boarding schools so that they can interact and communicate more with their friends. Inclusive education services demonstrate independence and build community trust to meet student needs. Muhammadiyah association can provide educational institutions with the best services for students with special needs is a command in Islam

    Growth and physiological changes of Averrhoa carambola as influenced by water availability

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    Utilizing an integrated soil moisture stress approach, two different experiments were conducted simultaneously to investigate the effects of water stress o.n growth and related physiological characteristics of Averrhoa carambola. The first experiment clearly indicated a high correlation between soil water availability and a reduction in plant vegetative growth. In the second experiment, there was a significant correlation between leaf water potential and a reduction in stomata conductance, transpiration rate and photosynthesis rate. The inhibition of photosynthesis mte was only apparent when leaf water potential was reduced to -0.85 MFa. However, chlorophyll content was only affected by a further reduction in water availability. The Telationship between physiological characteristics and vegetative growth is discussed

    The Relationship between population fluctuations of Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse, availability of Cocoa Pods and Rainfall Pattern

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    Investigation on factors affecting the population fluctuations of Helopeltis theivora in relation to food supply and rainfall in the field was conducted. Results showed that population fluctuations seem to be dictated by rainfall and numbers of available pods as shown by positive correlations between them. The results also showed a significant yield decrease with increased mind populations. The numbers of cherelles and pods on a tree determine it attractiveness, since significantly more cherelles and pods were found on infested trees than on uninfested trees

    Do we have enough clean air to breath?

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    The Clean Air Regulations of 1985 and related amendments provided the legislative mandate and defined the processes for the establishment of the Recommended National Air Quality Guidelines 1989. The purpose of the guidelines is for the protection of human health and public welfare (primary), and ecosystems (secondary) against any known or anticipated adverse effects from sulphur dioxide (S02), nitrogen oxide (N02), particulate matter (PMIO), ozone (0)) and carbon monoxide (CO). In recognition of the need to periodically review the effectiveness of the guidelines, the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment developed a plan and mechanisms through its research and development programmes at 5-year intervals through the intensification of research in priority areas (IRP A). The first part of this lecture reviews some scientific work carried out through the IRPA programme by researchers between 1979 and 1999 specifically in the areas of changes in atmospheric chemistry due to anthropogenic activities and their impacts on the environment. Evidently, there were limitations with serious implications about our air quality. A number of very important conclusions derived from the air quality monitoring data were subjected to further elucidation. Further assessments are needed, not only on the physico-chemical properties of atmospheric pollutants, but also on the impacts of air quality on human health, animal and aquatic life, agricultural crops and forest species, and their economic implications. Subsequently, the lecture attempts to answer the question of the adequacy of our research on air pollution. Other answers related to the question of effectiveness of established guidelines for the purpose of planning and management are also addressed. The lecture also suggests that future research programmes (basic, applied and policy) should be focussed on the long-term impacts of episodic transboundary haze on human health and overall ecosystems based on local and regional meteorological patterns. The research should emphasize on the development of tools for assessing technology options in line with regulatory and voluntary environmental management requirements that promote the sustainability of locally related industries. Policy research on sustainable land-use (especially agricultural) practices in the region should also be emphasized. Thus, future research programmes should be multidisciplinary in nature. Each major research programme should consists of a 'coordinator' component that would integrate and synthesize all information and data generated from all individual studies, to form a coherent understanding of the links among the sources, impacts and management strategies

    Drag-Reduction Effectiveness of Xanthan Gum in Water Flow System

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    Drag reduction is the reduction of pressure drop and skin friction in turbulent flows. This is achievable by adding Drag Reducing Agents (DRA) such as polymers, surfactant solutions and fiber particles. This investigation focuses specifically on the potential of the Xanthan gum polymer as a DRA. The efficiency of water flooding and water injection is limited to the maximum injection rate executable. Some fields require a higher amount of water injected at one time to attain the desired reservoir pressure. Using DRA to improve the water transport in these could be an economic and efficient option for the oil and gas industry. The effectiveness of Xanthan gum as DRA is investigated using a water flow system made up of galvanized steel pipes and a reciprocal pump. Among variables tested are the concentration, degradation and pump RPM to determine the Xanthan gum's performance as a drag reducing agent. From the experiment results, it is found that drag reduction increases as Xanthan gum concentration and Reynolds number increases. The experiment results prove that Xanthan gum has great potential as a DRA. It is hoped that this research will lead to a widespread use of this polymer in improving water injection and transportation

    Konsep Kesejahteraan Sosial Lakatosian dalam Perspektif Maqashid Shariah

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    Sebagai makhluk sosial, manusia membutuhkan tingkat kesejahteraan yang baik sehingga mendapatkan kebahagiaan. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengetahui paradigma program riset Lakatos tentang kesejahteraan sosial dalam perspektif Islam. Penelitian menggunakan jenis kualitatif dengan metode studi pustaka dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsep kesejahteraan Lakatos sebagai penyedia manfaat sosial, ekonomi dan kesehatan dengan indikator peningkatan kesejahteraan dan kualitas hidup, pemulihan fungsi sosial, peningkatan ketahanan sosial, peningkatan kemampuan, kepedulian terlembaga dan manajemen kesejahteraan sosial. Sedangkan konsep kesejahteraan sosial perspektif Islam bersandar pada keseimbangan material dan spiritual mendapatkan kesejahteraan dunia dan akhirat bertujuan pada manfaat (maslahah), bahagia (al-falah), damai (salam) dan beruntung (muflihun) dengan indikator pelaksanaan shalat, puasa, zakat dan haji. Terdapat perbedaan antara konvergensi paradigma kesejahteraan Lakatosian bersifat positivisme materialisme duniawi, sedangkan paradigma Islam bersifat kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat sehingga menguatkan teori-teori sosial. Implikasinya dengan kesejahteraan sosial yang dilandasi tujuan syariat (maqashid syariah) dan memperoleh peluang rahmat Allah yang tidak diperoleh dari kesejahteraan sosial Lakatos

    Social production in the creation of Malaysian 'literary' and authorship

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    A literary study is two-dimensional. The first dimension is the aspect of intrinsic literary study of the literature work itself. This is proven from the conventional and popular studies, for example, the studies of themes and issues in order to explore the message the author is trying to convey. Textual research can also be in the form of structural or narrative analysis. The studies done gave the impression that the external dimension has no role in creating literary texts. Therefore, the objective of this research is to prove that the external aspect or dimension of the text itself is important in producing literature. This study uses the authors from the state of Sabah as the subjects. This study summarises and proves that other external elements are also important in understanding the process of literary production in Malaysia