628 research outputs found

    Influence of Industrial, Agricultural and Sewage Water Discharges on Eutrophication of Quttina Lake

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    The influence of human activities on water quality of Quttina lake (an important water resource in the middle region of Syria), has been evaluated and correlated with pollution source situated at lake banks; namely, phosphate fertilizer factory, agriculture and wastewater drainages. Surface and deep water samples from different sites in the lake have been collected and analyzed during the period of April to October 2009 to study the effects of pollution sources on Quttina lake eutrophication. Water quality parameters include temperature, pH, EC, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), ammonium, phosphate and nitrates ions, total nitrogen and total phosphorous. The results have shown that these parameters varied from one site to another, where the highest concentrations were found to be in those sites close to phosphate factory discharges and in the northern part of the lake. Moreover, seasonal variations in pollution parameters were clear, especially for ammonium, phosphate and nitrates ions in addition to oxygen parameters (DO, COD and BOD). Moreover, mean total phosphorus concentration in Quttina lake surface water varied between 0.51 mg/l and 2.2 mg/1, where the highest values were found to be near the phosphate fertilizer factory discharges in addition to sites close to wastewater and agriculture runoffs situated at the western side of the lake. In addition, N:P ratio varied between 1.1 and 22.9 during the sampling period; the natural ratio being 16:1. On the other hand, the parameter distribution with depth in two sites has been studied. The results have shown that there are no clear differences between the deep and surface samples, and this is due to lake shallow depth and water flow. Furthermore, positive relationships have been found between total phosphors and nitrogen and oxygen indicators (BOD and COD), which indicates the increase of organic pollution and the algal bloom


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    Alga cokelat (Sargassum cristaefolium) mengandung pigmen fukosantin. Fukosantin merupakan salah satu jenis dari karotenoid yang memiliki rumus C42H58O6 merupakan pigmen warna oranye. Fukosantin merupakan jenis karotenoid utama yang membantu proses fotosintesis dan menyebabkan phaeophyta berwarna cokelat. Jenis karotenoid dan fukosantin sangat rentan terhadap degradasi oleh faktor eksternal, seperti panas, pH, dan paparan cahaya. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui stabilitas fukosantin Sargassum cristaefolium pada penambahan berbagai pH 2, 3, 4. Metode pada penelitian ini adalah metode eksploratif. Stabilitas fukosantin setelah penambahan pH 2, 3, dan 4 dapat dilihat dari pergeseran panjang gelombang, perubahan intesitas warna (L, a, b), pengukuran pH akhir dan uji spektrofotometri FTIR. Perlakuan terbaik pada penelitian ini diperoleh pada pH 2 dengan parameter pergeseran panjang gelombang yakni 446,25 ± 0,35 nm, nilai intensitas warna tingkat kecerahan (L) yakni 23,1 ± 0,1, nilai intensitas warna (a) yakni sebesar 3,4 ± 0,1, nilai intensitas warna (b) yakni sebesar 6,9 ± 0,6, dan perubahan pH akhir yakni 1,87±0,14. Hasil uji spektroskopi FT-IR pada pH 2 yakni memiliki gugus fungsi OH (hidroksil), gugus C-H, ikatan alenik, C=O, dan C=C konjugasi, CH2, C-O asetat, C-O-C dan C=C trans-disubstitusi.   Kata Kunci: Stabilitas Fukosantin, pH, Sargassum cristaefoliu


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    Renal angiomyolipomas (AML) are benign lesions usually left alone. However, lesions larger than 4 cm carry the risk of spontaneous haemorrhage and need treatment. Angiography and embolisation are the current standard of care particularly in patients with high operative risks. Angio-embolisation is a safe, minimally invasive procedure preserving maximum renal parenchyma, with the added advantage of preventing peri-procedural morbidity. Two cases of AML are presented in this case series. Key words: Angiomyolipoma, embolisation, renal

    Perencanaan Struktur Gedung Maritime Education and Training Bp3ip Jakarta

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    Structural Design of Maritime Education and Training Improvement BP3IP Jakarta consists of six floors is located in seismic zone 3 (medium) frame structure is designed using a system of bearer Moment Medium (SRPMM) with reference to the provisions of SNI 03-1726-2002 and SNI 03-2847 - of 2001. Based on the prevailing concrete SNI (SNI 03-2847-2002) earthquake-resistant reinforced concrete structures are planned by applying the concept kapaitas design (design capacity). Implementation of this design concept for building the capacity of the receiving earthquake is the concept of "strong Columb weak beam". In the design, analysis and structure need to be taken into account Sitem to the possibility of a combination of loading (load combination) and some load cases that can work simultaneously over the life of the plan according Regulation Charging For Home and building 1989. The soil types on the basis of Maritime Education and Training Building Improvement BP3IP Jakarta based on Standard Penetration Test N values ​​in soils are included. In the structural analysis of earthquake forces using the method of dynamic analysis using Response Spectrum Analysis of Variety (Capital Spectrum Analysis) where the maximum response, and every variety of vibrating structures that occur from the spectra obtained Response Plan (Design Spectra). Analysis on the structural design of building structures is performed using the program SAP 2000 V.14, which is one program which has extensive structural analysis in civil engineering world

    Pembuktian terhadap kejahatan transaksi online persfektif hukum pidana Islam : Studi kasus pengadilan negeri Makasar no.975/Pid.Sus/2018/PN. Mks

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    Kejahatan berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi. Adanya kemajuan teknologi membuat sisi lain juga berkembang, yakni adanya kejahatan baru. Segala hal menggunakan media elektronik begitupun dengan transaksi yang menggunakan berbagai media elektronik untuk mempermudah manusia. Pada bidang perdagangan hal ini di manfaatkan oleh beberapa oknum yang melakukan penipuan dalam transaksi jual-beli. Hal ini membuat keresahan baru, Islam memandang penipuan sebagai dusta. Dalam surat al-Munafiqun (63) ayat 1, orang-orang munafiq ialah orang yang berdusta. Dan dalam Firman Allah surat al-Baqarah (2) ayat 188 bahwa seseorang dilarang untuk memakan atau mengambil harta orang lain dengan jalan yang batil


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    Red snapper (Lutjanus spp.) is one of the important commodity of demersal fish at the northern waters of Cirebon, Java Sea. The high degree of traditional fishing operations around the coastal area is expected to affect the availability of the fish stock. The Research results showed that there have been over fishing, it is caused by the large number of traditional fishing vessels at the coastal area, especially the persistence of the fishermen who use unfriendly fishing gear such as mini trawl. And then the red snapper which caught generally is young and never spawn or not yet mature. To solve that problem, it must arrange the amount of fishing vessels which can be operated at coastal area and it must law enforcement, and then to utilize the red snapper resources it advised to use the hook size larger than No. 10 and then install the rumpon at the new fishing ground which wider and farther. So the pressure to fishing ground of snapper can be reduced.</p
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