639 research outputs found

    Formation and anisotropic magnetoresistance of Co/Pt nano-contacts through aluminum oxide barrier

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    We report on the observation of anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) in vertical asymmetric nano-contacts (NCs) made through AlOx_x nano-oxide layer (NOL) formed by ion-assisted oxidation method in the film stack of Co/AlOx_x-NOL/Pt. Analysis of NC formation was based on \emph{in situ} conductive atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Depending on the purity of NCs from Al contamination, we observed up to 29% AMR ratio at room temperature

    Distribution and abundance of soft-sediment intertidal Polychaetes

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    Polychaetes are important components of the intertidal sandflat community in Lawson’s Flat, Dillon Beach, California. Little is known about the factors that control the relative abundance of these species. In view of the extensive evidence of the importance of interactions between component species in intertidal communities it is of interest to obtain information that would facilitate future experimental work of such interactions. This study documents seasonal changes in the abundance of the polychaete component of the intertidal community. Attention is directed at possible factors that might affect seasonal changes in distribution. A major finding is that certain herbivorous polychaetes exhibit seasonal fluctuations in abundance that appear to be correlated with changes in algal cover. These findings might suggest more detailed future experimentation. Some aspects of recruitment of major species are considered and the presence of a parasite in one of the species is noted. Aspects of benthic community ecology are discussed

    The structure of Libyan Arabic discourse as depicted in two Arabic intwerviews [sic] recorded by the Libyan Jiha<d Studies Centre in Tripoli

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    This thesis attempts to investigate the structure of Libyan Arabic discourse in general and interviews as a text-genre text-form in particular. This investigation includes conjunctions and their influence on the cohesion of interviews and certain other textual phenomena, i.e. repetition, parallelism and their unequivocal significance in text cohesion. To this effect, random samples were taken from two Libyan Arabic interviews, i.e. sample text 1 and sample text 2 to who how the structure of these texts is made up. To achieve these objectives, this study uses a semantic, structural and pragma-semio-textual approach to analyse and then translate the texts chosen, as language in this study is considered to be a form of behaviour (Halliday 1973) that cannot be studied in isolation from its social, cultural and contextual contexts in which it is used. Our textual analysis has shown interesting results. First, interviews have their own generic structure and such structure is presented in specific stages. Second, interviews favour the cohesive type of lexical repetition not only for cohesion purposes but also for persuasive functions as well. Third, interviews use many parallel constructions for conviction and persuasive functions

    Eadah: Tools for Celebrating Qatari Wellness Rituals

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    Friday prayer is an essential congregational practice in Muslim communities. To prepare for Friday prayer, worshippers groom and cleanse themselves ahead of time, according to Islamic ablution rituals, and dress in their best attire. Eadah is a collection of contemporary tools designed to facilitate the pre-prayer cleansing ritual, inspired by traditional Qatari remedies and wellness practices. The tools reflect three balanced considerations: touch, meditative making, and cultural preservation. They are used to prepare natural ingredients through mindful making that produce remedies with stimulating scents and sensations through touch. An emphasis on cultural preservation differentiates Eadah from other tools offered by the cosmetics industry. Eadah benefits from an infusion of Qatari wisdom and multi-generational knowledge, combining local wellness practices with novel tools

    Finite Element Analysis of Spring Back Phenomenon in V- bending of Sheet Metals

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    The objective of this study is to determine numerically, the effect of different parameters on springback phenomenon during sheet metal forming process. Nonlinear numerical simulation was performed using a finite element commercial MSC MARC software. Numerical results were verified with available experimental data obtained from the literature. Four parameters namely, the effect of material type, sheet thickness, friction and punch radius were evaluated in springbak phenomena. In evaluating the effect of material types on springback phenomenon, high tensile steel (HTS), mild steel (MS), deep drawing steel @DS) and commercially pure aluminium (CA) were used. The computational results showed that the value of springback is influenced by type of material.Deep drawing steel displayed the highest value of springback (3.48"), while the lowest springback value was recorded for mild steel (2.06"). The effect of friction coefficient on springback phenomenon was determined using different friction coefficient ranging between 0.1 and 0.5 with increment of 0.1. Friction coefficient 0.5 displayed the highest value of springback (3.8") and the lowest value of springbak (2.4") was recorded for friction coefficient 0.1 which means that springback increases as friction coefficient increases. Sheets have thickness of (3mq 5mm, 8.3rnrn, lOmm and 12.8mm were evaluated for springback phenomenon. The results showed that the springback values decreases as sheet thickness increases. 3 mm sheet computed to have the highest value of springback (7.65"), 12.8 mm sheet had the lowest springback value (2.88"). Finally, (3mm, 5mm, 8mm, lOmm and 12mm) punch radius were also evaluate to study their effect on developed springback,. The results showed that as the punch radius increases the springback vaIues increases. The punch with 12mm radius exhibited the highest value of springback (5.84") and the lowest springback value of lo was computed for punch with radius of 3mm

    Análisis de los errores en la adquisición de un segundo idioma (SLA), tipos y frecuencias de errores gramaticales del tiempo presente y pasado simple en la tarea de producción escrita de estudiantes universitarios árabes de inglés como segunda lengua

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    This investigation aimed to examine the types and frequencies of grammatical errors of present and past tense and agreement in the elicited written production task (EWPT) of Arab EFL learners. The sample of the study comprised 67 Arab EFL undergraduates selected through a simple random sampling method and subdivided into three proficiency levels. The data collection instrument was the EWPT, which consisted of two passages and a total of 46 test items. The EWPT was collected and the errors committed by the students were identified, classified, and analyzed in frequencies. Then, statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 21. The findings demonstrated two basic types of grammatical errors: error of misformation (EM) and error of omission (EO). Overall results revealed that incorrect use of inflectional morphemes was higher for the EM than for the EO of inflectional morphemes across the three groups of participants. The ungrammatical EM is characterized by the use of incorrect forms, including misusing phonologically similar words, incorrect suffixation, substitution, as well as overgeneralization of be verb forms. Based on these findings, some recommendations and pedagogical implications were proposed, which might assist EFL teachers in developing feasible teaching propositions and policies.El objetivo de la presente investigación fue examinar los tipos y frecuencias de los errores gramaticales del tiempo presente y pasado y la concordancia en la tarea de producción escrita (EWPT) de los estudiantes árabes de inglés como lengua extranjera. La muestra del estudio comprendió 67 estudiantes árabes de EFL seleccionados a través de un método de muestreo aleatorio simple y subdivididos en tres niveles de competencia. El instrumento de recolección de datos usado fue el EWPT, que consta de dos pasajes y un total de 46 ítems de prueba. Se recolectó el EWPT y se identificaron, clasificaron y analizaron en frecuencias los errores cometidos por los estudiantes. Luego, se realizó un análisis estadístico con SPSS 21. Los hallazgos demostraron dos tipos básicos de errores gramaticales: error de deformación (EM) y error de omisión (EO). Los resultados generales revelaron que el uso incorrecto de los morfemas flexivos fue mayor para el EM que para el EO de los morfemas flexivos en los tres grupos de participantes. El EM agramatical se caracteriza por el uso de formas incorrectas, dada su similitud fonológica, el uso incorrecto de sufijación, la sustitución y la generalización excesiva de las formas de los verbos. Con base en estos hallazgos, se propusieron algunas recomendaciones e implicaciones pedagógicas que podrían ayudar a los profesores de EFL con algunas propuestas y políticas de enseñanza factibles