371 research outputs found

    Coupling of Thermal-Hydraulics and I&C for Licensing Analyses

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    The BEPU (Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty) approach constitutes a valuable and, under some circumstances, an unavoidable tool to demonstrate the safety of NPP (Nuclear Power Plants). Within the licensing process of the Atucha II PHWR (Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor) the BEPU approach has been followed for issuing the Chapter 15 of the FSAR (Final Safety Analysis Report). Namely, the BEPU approach replaced the classical conservative approach. The selection of PIE (Postulated Initiating Events) and, the analysis of each PIE by best estimate models supported by uncertainty evaluation constitute key elements for BEPU. An outline of the BEPU approach is included in the paper, which, otherwise focuses on the simulation needs for Instrumentation and Control (I & C). Sample results from the analysis of PIE are included in the paper. It is demonstrated that the simulation of I&C is necessary to evaluate the safety of the concerned NPP; furthermore, the simulation shall be part of the accident analysis in Chapter 15 of FSA

    Integrated Nuclear Knowledge Management System – NUTEMA

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    Knowledge Management has become one of the most important issues for the nuclear industry. On the one hand, the amount of codifiable knowledge in the nuclear technology area saw a steep increase in the last years; on the other hand, due to the “generation gap” in the nuclear industry it became very challenging to organize the seamless transfer of the noncodifiable knowledge from one generation of engineers to the other. Computer aided systems so far where aiming at to preserve the codifiable knowledge. The present paper introduces a system that should support knowledge management not only dealing with the codifiable part of it, but also address broader aspects (which includes the management of non-codifiable knowledge).- NUTEMA. The integrated nuclear knowledge management system NUTEMA should provide interactive combination of information and methods, but also identifying competences which more adequately fit to a given task, keeping track of keeping skills of the experts within an organization. Application is foreseen in nuclear engineering fields as system design, operation and maintenance plant and process modifications, standardization, certification and even for licensing-related tasks. The system combines an extensively diverse and modular database with computer based simulations including a scientific software platform. NUTEMA is conceived to operate in different modes, for example collecting and retrieving database knowledge, training applications, NPP operations support, computer code applications, and as plant analyzer. This paper will present two examples; one acting as at a supporting tool for typical NPP plant modification: In a second case, application on review and optimization of operational process is described. Despite the provided examples deal with different objectives and methods associated with different stages of an NPP lifetime, (design and operation) both are supported by the integrated nuclear knowledge management system

    SurF: an innovative framework in biosecurity and animal health surveillance evaluation

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    Surveillance for biosecurity hazards is being conducted by the New Zealand Competent Authority, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to support New Zealand's biosecurity system. Surveillance evaluation should be an integral part of the surveillance life cycle, as it provides a means to identify and correct problems and to sustain and enhance the existing strengths of a surveillance system. The surveillance evaluation Framework (SurF) presented here was developed to provide a generic framework within which the MPI biosecurity surveillance portfolio, and all of its components, can be consistently assessed. SurF is an innovative, cross‐sectoral effort that aims to provide a common umbrella for surveillance evaluation in the animal, plant, environment and aquatic sectors. It supports the conduct of the following four distinct components of an evaluation project: (i) motivation for the evaluation, (ii) scope of the evaluation, (iii) evaluation design and implementation and (iv) reporting and communication of evaluation outputs. Case studies, prepared by MPI subject matter experts, are included in the framework to guide users in their assessment. Three case studies were used in the development of SurF in order to assure practical utility and to confirm usability of SurF across all included sectors. It is anticipated that the structured approach and information provided by SurF will not only be of benefit to MPI but also to other New Zealand stakeholders. Although SurF was developed for internal use by MPI, it could be applied to any surveillance system in New Zealand or elsewhere

    Accident Management in VVER-1000

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    The present paper deals with the investigation study on accident management in VVER-1000 reactor type conducted in the framework of a European Commission funded project. The mentioned study involved both experimental and computational fields. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the main findings from the execution of a wide-range analysis focused on AM in VVER-1000 with main regard to the qualification of computational tools and the proposal for an optimal AM strategy for this kind of NPP

    Recent Applications of RELAP5-3D at GRNSPG

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    CNA2 : FSAR activities Standard Consolidated Reference Experimental Database MASLWR benchmark OECD benchmarks CHF calculation in low mass flux condition Turbulence effects in Relap5-3

    Global Challenges for Cancer Imaging

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    Advancing radiology through informed leadership: summary of the proceedings of the Seventh Biannual Symposium of the International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology (IS3R), 23–25 August 2007

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    The International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology (IS3R) brings together thought leaders from academia and industry from around the world to share ideas, points of view and new knowledge. This article summarizes the main concepts presented at the 2007 IS3R symposium, providing a window onto trends shaping the future of radiology. Topics addressed include new opportunities and challenges in the field of interventional radiology; emerging techniques for evaluating and improving quality and safety in radiology; and factors impeding progress in molecular imaging and nanotechnology and possible ways to overcome them. Regulatory hurdles to technical innovation and drug development are also discussed more broadly, along with proposals for addressing regulators’ concerns and streamlining the regulatory process
