2,859 research outputs found
Modeling Surface-Enhanced Spectroscopy With Perturbation Theory
Theoretical modeling of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is of central importance for unraveling the interplay of underlying processes and a predictive design of SERS substrates. In this work we model the plasmonic enhancement mechanism of SERS with perturbation theory. We consider the excitation of plasmonic modes as an integral part of the Raman process and model SERS as higher-order Raman scattering. Additional resonances appear in the Raman cross section which correspond to the excitation of plasmons at the wavelengths of the incident and the Raman-scattered light. The analytic expression for the Raman cross section can be used to explain the outcome of resonance Raman measurements on SERS analytes as we demonstrate by comparison to experimental data. We also implement the theory to calculate the optical absorption cross section of plasmonic nanoparticles. From a comparison to experimental cross sections, we show that the coupling matrix elements need to be renormalized by a factor that accounts for the depolarization by the bound electrons and interband transitions in order to obtain the correct magnitude. With model calculations we demonstrate that interference of different scattering channels is key to understand the excitation energy dependence of the SERS enhancement for enhancement factors below 103
Duration reproduction with sensory feedback delay: differential involvement of perception and action time
Previous research has shown that voluntary action can attract subsequent, delayed feedback events toward the action, and adaptation to the sensorimotor delay can even reverse motor-sensory temporal order judgments. However, whether and how sensorimotor delay affects duration reproduction is still unclear. To investigate this, we injected an onset- or offset-delay to the sensory feedback signal from a duration reproduction task. We compared duration reproductions within (visual, auditory) modality and across audiovisual modalities with feedback signal onset- and offset-delay manipulations. We found that the reproduced duration was lengthened in both visual and auditory feedback signal onset-delay conditions. The lengthening effect was evident immediately, on the first trial with the onset-delay. However, when the onset of the feedback signal was prior to the action, the lengthening effect was diminished. In contrast, a shortening effect was found with feedback signal offset-delay, though the effect was weaker and manifested only in the auditory offset-delay condition. These findings indicate that participants tend to mix the onset of action and the feedback signal more when the feedback is delayed, and they heavily rely on motor-stop signals for the duration reproduction. Furthermore, auditory duration was overestimated compared to visual duration in crossmodal feedback conditions, and the overestimation of auditory duration (or the underestimation of visual duration) was independent of the delay manipulation
Microscopic theory of optical absorption in graphene enhanced by lattices of plasmonic nanoparticles
We present a microscopic description of plasmon-enhanced optical absorption in graphene, which is based on perturbation theory. We consider the interaction of graphene with a lattice of plasmonic nanoparticles, as was previously realized experimentally. By using tight-binding wave functions for the electronic states of graphene and the dipole approximation for the plasmon, we obtain analytic expressions for the coupling matrix element and enhanced optical absorption. The plasmonic nanostructure induces nonvertical optical transitions in the band structure of graphene with selection rules for the momentum transfer that depend on the periodicity of the plasmonic lattice. The plasmon-mediated optical absorption leads to an anisotropic carrier population around the K point in phase space, which depends on the polarization pattern of the plasmonic near field in the graphene plane. Using Fourier optics, we draw a connection to a macroscopic approach, which is independent from graphene-specific parameters. Each Fourier component of the plasmonic near field corresponds to the momentum transfer of an optical transition. Both approaches lead to the same expression for the integrated optical absorption enhancement, which is relevant for the photocurrent enhancement in graphene-based optoelectronic devices
Effects, Side Effects and Contraindications of Relaxation Massage during Pregnancy: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Healthcare professionals and expecting mothers frequently voice concerns that massages during pregnancy might cause complications or premature labor. This PRISMA review outlines current results on effects, side effects and contraindications of relaxation massage during pregnancy. Inclusion criteria: all randomized controlled trials (RCT) comparing relaxation massage during pregnancy with standard care or standard care plus another intervention (i.e., progressive muscle relaxation). Restrictions were full text availability and English language. Results: 12 RCT were included. Trials had good methodological quality but unknown risk of bias. All women were at least 12 weeks gestation at the start of the study. The main benefits of massage during pregnancy were: reduced stress, back and leg pain, depression and anxiety; increased immune response; increased serotonin and dopamine levels; higher fetal birth weight and reduced risk of preterm delivery. Only 2 RCT reported potential side effects of massage, which were minor and transient. Seven RCT excluded women with difficult pregnancies or preexisting complications, five studies did not report preexisting conditions. Those obstetric or postnatal complications that occurred were most likely unrelated to massage treatments. In healthy pregnant women without complications, relaxation massage has positive effects throughout pregnancy. Precautions for massage during pregnancy (i.e., to prevent pulmonary embolism) are discussed
Decentralized Formation Flying Control in a Multiple-Team Hierarchy
This paper presents the prototype of a system that addresses these objectives-a decentralized guidance and control system that is distributed across spacecraft using a multiple-team framework. The objective is to divide large clusters into teams of manageable size, so that the communication and computational demands driven by N decentralized units are related to the number of satellites in a team rather than the entire cluster. The system is designed to provide a high-level of autonomy, to support clusters with large numbers of satellites, to enable the number of spacecraft in the cluster to change post-launch, and to provide for on-orbit software modification. The distributed guidance and control system will be implemented in an object-oriented style using MANTA (Messaging Architecture for Networking and Threaded Applications). In this architecture, tasks may be remotely added, removed or replaced post-launch to increase mission flexibility and robustness. This built-in adaptability will allow software modifications to be made on-orbit in a robust manner. The prototype system, which is implemented in MATLAB, emulates the object-oriented and message-passing features of the MANTA software. In this paper, the multiple-team organization of the cluster is described, and the modular software architecture is presented. The relative dynamics in eccentric reference orbits is reviewed, and families of periodic, relative trajectories are identified, expressed as sets of static geometric parameters. The guidance law design is presented, and an example reconfiguration scenario is used to illustrate the distributed process of assigning geometric goals to the cluster. Next, a decentralized maneuver planning approach is presented that utilizes linear-programming methods to enact reconfiguration and coarse formation keeping maneuvers. Finally, a method for performing online collision avoidance is discussed, and an example is provided to gauge its performance
Selection rules for structured light in nanooligomers and other nanosystems
Structured light is a custom light field where the phase, polarization, and intensity vary with position. It has been used for nanotweezers, nanoscale imaging, and quantum information technology, but its role in exciting optical transitions in materials has been little examined so far. Here we use group theory to derive the optical selection rules for nanosystems that get excited by structured light. If the size of the nanostructure is comparable to the light wavelength, it will sample the full beam profile during excitation with profound consequences on optical excitations. Using nano-oligomers as model nanosystems, we show that structured light excites optical transitions that are forbidden for linearly polarized or unpolarized light. Such dipole forbidden modes have longer lifetimes and narrower resonances than dipole-allowed transitions. We derive symmetry-adapted eigenmodes for nano-oligomers containing up to six monomers. Our study includes tables with selection rules for cylindrical vector beams, for beams with orbital angular momentum, and for field retardation along the propagation direction. We discuss multiphoton processes of nonlinear optics in addition to one-photon absorption. Structured light will unlock a broad range of excitations in nano-oligomers and other nanostructures that are currently inaccessible to optical studies
Feeding Lactating Holstein Dairy Cows Reduced-Fat Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles: Milk Composition and Feed Efficiency
In this experiment, feeding reduced-fat distillers grains with solubles (RF-DDGS)as 20% DM of a TMR supplemented with lysine did not negatively influence production parameters related to milk composition or nutritional physiology of the cow. Milk urea nitrogen (MUN) was, however, decreased,and milk protein percentage was increased. Total milk solids werenot influenced by inclusion of RF-DDGS. Additionally, RF-DDGS did cause a decrease in fat-corrected milk (FCM)efficiency as a result of an increase in DMI. When energy-corrected milk (ECM)efficiency was calculated (accounting for fat, protein, and lactose concentration in milk),no difference in feed efficiency resulted(p \u3e 0.05).
These data indicate that RF-DDGS can effectively be included in rations of multiparous lactating dairy cows, at least when supplemented with lysine. Additionally, decreased milk urea nitrogen (MUN)and increased milk protein percentage indicate thatdietaryprotein utilization may be improved by including RF-DDGS as a protein source in the ration, presumably because DDGS are generally considered to be a good source of rumen undegradable protein. Taken together, these results indicate that RF-DDGS may be an attractive feed ingredient for inclusion in lactating ruminant diets
Selective excitation of localized surface plasmons by structured light
We investigated the selective excitation of localized surface plasmons by structured light. We derive selection rules using group theory and propose a fitting integral to quantify the contribution of the eigenmodes to the absorption spectra. Based on the result we investigate three nano oligomers of different symmetry (trimer, quadrumer, and hexamer) in detail using finite-difference time-domain simulations. We show that by controlling the incident light polarization and phase pattern we are able to control the absorption and scattering spectra. Additionally, we demonstrate that the fitting between the incident light and the oligomer modes may favor a number of modes to oscillate. Dark modes produce strong changes in the absorption spectrum and bright modes in the scattering spectrum. The experimental precision (axial shift error) may be on the same order as the oligomer diameter making the orbital angular momentum selection rules robust enough for experimental observation
Dark interlayer plasmons in colloidal gold nanoparticle bi- and few-layers
We demonstrate the excitation of dark plasmon modes with linearly polarized light at normal incidence in self-assembled layers of gold nanoparticles. Because of field retardation, the incident light field induces plasmonic dipoles that are parallel within each layer but antiparallel between the layers, resulting in a vanishing net dipole moment. Using microabsorbance spectroscopy we measured a pronounced absorbance peak and reflectance dip at 1.5 eV for bi- and trilayers of gold nanoparticles with a diameter of 46 nm and 2 nm interparticle gap size. The excitations were identified as dark interlayer plasmons by finite-difference time-domain simulations. The dark plasmon modes are predicted to evolve into standing waves when further increasing the layer number, which leads to 90% transmittance of the incident light through the nanoparticle film. Our approach is easy to implement and paves the way for large-area coatings with tunable plasmon resonance
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