343 research outputs found

    Spectra of certain holographic ABJM Wilson loops in higher rank representations

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    The holographic configurations dual to Wilson loops in higher rank representations in the ABJM theory are described by branes with electric flux along their world volumes. In particular, D2 and D6 branes with electric flux play a central role as potential dual to totally symmetric and totally antisymmetric representations, respectively. We compute the spectra of excitations of these brane configurations in both, the bosonic and fermionic sectors. We highlight a number of aspects that distinguish these configurations from their D3 and D5 cousins including new peculiar mixing terms in the fluctuations. We neatly organize the spectrum of fluctuations into the corresponding supermultiplets

    Radiative distortion of kinematic edges in cascade decays

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    Kinematic edges of cascade decays of new particles produced in high-energy collisions may provide important constraints on the involved particles' masses. For the exemplary case of gluino decay g˜→qq¯χ˜ into a pair of quarks and a neutralino through a squark resonance, we study the hadronic invariant mass distribution in the vicinity of the kinematic edge. We perform a next-to-leading order calculation in the strong coupling αs and the ratio of squark width and squark mass Γq˜/mq˜, based on a systematic expansion in Γq˜/mq˜. The separation into hard, collinear and soft contributions elucidates the process-dependent and universal features of distributions in the edge region, represented by on-shell decay matrix elements, universal jet functions and a soft function that depends on the resonance propagator and soft Wilson lines.The work of M.B. has been supported in part by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) under project no. 05H15W0CAA. L.J. was partially supported by the DFG contract STU 615/1-1, and M.U. is partially supported by the STFC grant ST/L000385/1 and her research is funded by a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship

    Running Scaling Dimensions in Holographic Renormalization Group Flows

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    Holographic renormalization group flows can be interpreted in terms of effective field theory. Based on such an interpretation, a formula for the running scaling dimensions of gauge-invariant operators along such flows is proposed. The formula is checked for some simple examples from the AdS/CFT correspondence, but can be applied also in non-AdS/non-CFT cases.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Multitrace deformations, Gamow states, and Stability of AdS/CFT

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    We analyze the effect of multitrace deformations in conformal field theories at leading order in a large N approximation. These theories admit a description in terms of a weakly coupled gravity dual. We show how the deformations can be mapped into boundary terms of the gravity theory and how to reproduce the RG equations found in field theory. In the case of doubletrace deformations, and for bulk scalars with masses in the range −d2/4<m2<−d2/4+1-d^2/4<m^2<-d^2/4+1, the deformed theory flows between two fixed points of the renormalization group, manifesting a resonant behavior at the scale characterizing the transition between the two CFT's. On the gravity side the resonance is mapped into an IR non-normalizable mode (Gamow state) whose overlap with the UV region increases as the dual operator approaches the free field limit. We argue that this resonant behavior is a generic property of large N theories in the conformal window, and associate it to a remnant of the Nambu-Goldstone mode of dilatation invariance. We emphasize the role of nonminimal couplings to gravity and establish a stability theorem for scalar/gravity systems with AdS boundary conditions in the presence of arbitrary boundary potentials and nonminimal coupling.Comment: 14 pages, references added, introduction change

    Rigidly Supersymmetric Gauge Theories on Curved Superspace

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    In this note we construct rigidly supersymmetric gauged sigma models and gauge theories on certain Einstein four-manifolds, and discuss constraints on these theories. In work elsewhere, it was recently shown that on some nontrivial Einstein four-manifolds such as AdS4_4, N=1 rigidly supersymmetric sigma models are constrained to have target spaces with exact K\"ahler forms. Similarly, in gauged sigma models and gauge theories, we find that supersymmetry imposes constraints on Fayet-Iliopoulos parameters, which have the effect of enforcing that K\"ahler forms on quotient spaces be exact. We also discuss general aspects of universality classes of gauged sigma models, as encoded by stacks, and also discuss affine bundle structures implicit in these constructions.Comment: 23 pages; references added; more discussion added; v4: typos fixe
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