82 research outputs found

    About lost futures or the political heart of history

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    The consideration that our era lives under the sign of memory and that this has become the main concern of culture in western societies is a commonplace. This shift to the past has been described as a “memory boom”,2 a “surfeit of memory”,3 a “world (that is) being musealised”4 and as a “desire to commemorate”.5 This “obses sion with recalls” has been interpreted in many studies: on local, cultural or “from below” mem ories, on ways of keeping memories (from me morials and monuments to files, movies, biog raphies and commemorations, etc), on ways of understanding a historiography that looks back to the recent past, about politics of memory and past uses, among other issues. These studies have multiplied in the most varied disciplines, including, sociology, social psychology, history, psychoanalysis, neurobiology, culture sociolo gy, philosophy, etc. The diagnosis seems to be unanimous: we are living in a period in which the present lives off the past, in a kind of “a present past”,6 with the result that we lapse into what Hartog calls “presentism”. This past that lives in the present has been called “traumatic”,7 “sub lime”,8 “espectral”,9 among others. We are expe riencing a “new order of time”: “D’un coté ... un passé qui n’est pas aboli ni oublié, mais un passé duquel ne pouvons à peu prés rien tirer qui nous oriente dans le present et nous donne à imagi ner le future. De l’autre, un avenir sans la moin dre figure.”10 An order of time which casts doubts on the future understood as progress. It puts in question the modern regime of temporality; “in stead of being oriented towards the future, it is oriented towards the past”Fil: Mudrovcic, Maria Ines. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    A systematic review of the psychological effects of war on children from Croatia

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    Background: Multiple wars across the globe in the 20th century have affected countless children. One of these wars was the Croatian War of Independence or Homeland War, which lasted from 1991-1995. This systematic review examined the psychological and behavioral impact of war on children in Croatia in order to inform intervention with these children as adults, as well as to inform the literature on the effects of war on children more broadly. Methods: An integrative systematic review was conducted with qualitative and quantitative studies using narrative synthesis to review and integrate the findings from multiple studies. Studies eligible for inclusion were published in peer-reviewed academic journals. Date and language restrictions were applied to the searches. Studies had to have a publication date between 1991-2021 in order to be eligible for inclusion. English and Croatian language studies were eligible for inclusion. Results: In total, 21 studies were included in the qualitative synthesis and quantitative descriptive summaries. Almost all studies in this review included at least one variable related to either psychological or behavioral effects of war on children’s mental health. Only one study included children between 0-6 years of age. This review shows inconsistent findings regarding the effects of gender. A majority of studies found that those children with higher eyewitness exposure to war violence exhibited greater internalizing and externalizing problems. Conclusions: The findings of this research highlight the need for further research considering the correlation between parental and child psychopathology, as well as family environment and family functioning during political violence

    Globalization Under the Influence of Development of Information and Communication Tehnology (ICT)

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    This paper deals with development of information and communication technology, which is also one of the causes and consequences of globalization. With the development of information and communication technology world is becoming much smaller, so that connection between two subjects in different parts of the world is established within a few seconds. Digitalization shall undoubtedly be confi rmed as one of all-present generic trends, which to a large extent brought forth appearance of the rest of them. In this paper telecom market and some of the specifi c info-phenomena of the modern society shall also be considered, such as the Internet, which greatly influence contemporary culture.globalization, information and communication technology, ICT market.

    About lost futures or the political heart of history

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    This article attempts to show that in western societies of today, in the absence of absolute foundations and the lack of a frame of meaning that opens new horizons of expectations, a political self understanding of the present in terms of past, begins to emerge. This is possible because the major “catastrophes” of the 20th century have not established a rupture between past and present on the political plane. What I am trying to show here is that the kind of break between past and present made possible by events such as the French Revolution and the Fall of the Soviet Union, took place because these events provoked political ruptures. Because the catastrophes of the 20th century did not break the political order which gave them birth (the modern secular state), they have created an order of time which, without leaving the future aside, feeds itself from the past

    El recuerdo como conocimiento

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    Las relaciones entre el pasado histórico y el presente del historiador comenzaron a ser especialmente tematizadas en las discusiones de filósofos e historiadores a partir de la década de los 80'. Desde entonces, trabajos provenientes de distintas disciplinas se ocuparon, desde perspectivas diferentes no siempre convergentes, de cuestiones tales como el rol de memoria colectiva en la historia y en la constitución de Identidades colectivas, la memoria y el olvido como fenómenos políticos, la incidencia de la memoria en las reconstrucciones del pasado, etc. La confluencia de varios factores influyó para que desde ángulos muy diversos se sintiese la necesidad de una reconsideración de la relación del historiador con su pasado reciente

    Historical Narrative as a Moral Guide and the Present as History as an Ethical Project

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    The aim of this paper is to explain why the many turns that historiography has undergone from the middle of the twentieth century to the present are related to the “living experiences” that have occurred outside of academia. Trying to grasp the concept of “practical past” from Oakeshott and White, it will be argued that the disciplinary transformations such as “gender history” or the “historiography of decolonization” that accompany “living experiences” outside of academia are the result of the “practical attitude” that accompanies historical narratives and function as a moral guide to the present. Finally, it will be discussed that if historians assume a critical attitude toward the “living experiences” and regard the “present as history,” then the different transformations of the discipline can be explained by a critical attitude and go together with an ethical project

    El pez en el agua: notas en torno a una escritura de la rabia

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    PolĂ­ticas culturales en los procesos de integraciĂłn regional: el sector editorial en el Mercosur

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    Notas sobre Cuando entonce

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    Toda vez que se habla de la obra de juan carlos onetti ya es lugar comĂşn de la crĂ­tica insistir en la ambiguedad que provoca sus sistemas narrativos, sin embargo, parecerĂ­a que en este punto nunca resulta excesivo volver sobre lo mismo y repetir, por ejemplo junto a josefina ludmer, que onetti "escribe para crear ignorancia

    La memoria traumática como olvido sistemático

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    Sin embargo, en este trabajo intento mostrar que diferentes teorías de la memoria deberían conllevar a diferentes teorías acerca de la identidad personal. Dentro de este contexto, señalare que el presupuesto que subyace en: este tipo de programas de investigación menciona-do anteriormente, presupuesto compartido por una tradición que se remonta a Locke, es que la identidad personal se constituye, fundamentalmente, a partir de lo que se denomina “memoria declarativa", el recuerdo entendido como reservorio cognitivo, como información de "lo que ocurrió". Es decir que el reconocimiento de sí que se alcanza en la autobiografía enfatiza el "qué" de los recuerdos en detrimento del "cómo" han sido vivido los acontecimientos
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