7 research outputs found

    Логистика малотоннажного СПГ

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a bunker fuel for ships. This is due to a number of reasons of environmental (reduction of sulfur emissions by v essels in accordance with MARPOL 73/78 international convention), economic (lower price of LNG compared to distillate fuels meeting MARPOL 73/78 requirements), technical and economic (reduction of maintenance costs of vessels and an increase in service life) character. These conclusions regarding LNG are applicable to vessels of various types intended for sea and river navigation. At the same time, the transition of river ships and coastal vessels to LNG bunkering is currently being restrained, including in Russia, by a number of reasons, one of which is weak logistics support for LNG delivery from production sites to vessel bunkering points. As a result, the development of LNG vessel bunkering market requires  improvement of logistics for delivery of lowtonnage LNG, which can be carried out using several modes of transport. The objective of the study is to develop a practical algorithm for estimating the cost of LNG transportation for vessel bunkering, taking into account the characteristics of intermodal logistics. The research methodology is based on an analytical method based on a system-structural approach. At the example of Russia, an algorithm has been developed for choosing the optimal transport and technological scheme (TTS) for delivering lowtonnage LNG and operational and economic models for calculating the unit cost of transportation, storage and transshipment of LNG. Testing the models on the calculated routes allowed to estimate the cost of LNG transportation according to the options of transport and technological schemes for bulk and container delivery methods and draw conclusions. Moreover, the methodology used is to a large extent universal and allows using the proposed approaches for development of TTS in relation to other countries.В последние годы возрастает интерес ксжиженному природному газу (СПГ) как к бункерному топливу для судов. Это обусловлено целым рядом причин экологического (снижение выброса серы судами всоответствии смеждународной конвенцией МАРПОЛ 73/78), экономического (более низкая цена СПГ по сравнению с дистиллятным топливом, удовлетворяющим требованиям МАРПОЛ 73/78), технико-экономического (снижение расходов по содержанию судов и увеличение ресурса эксплуатации) характера. Эти выводы в отношении СПГ применимы к судам различных типов, предназначенных для морского и речного плавания. В то же время переход речных судов и морских судов прибрежного плавания на бункеровку СПГ в настоящее время сдерживается, в том числе в России, рядом причин, одной из которых является слабое логистическое обеспечение доставки СПГ от мест производства до пунктов бункеровки судов. Вследствие этого развитие рынка бункеровки судов СПГ требует совершенствования логистического обеспечения доставки малотоннажного СПГ, которая может выполняться с использованием нескольких видов транспорта. Целью исследования является разработка практического алгоритма оценки стоимости транспортировки СПГ для бункеровки судов сучётом особенностей интермодальной логистики. В основу методологии исследования положен аналитический метод на базе системно-структурного подхода. На примере России разработаны алгоритм выбора оптимальной транспортно-технологической схемы (ТТС) доставки малотоннажного СПГ и эксплуатационно-экономические модели расчёта удельной стоимости перевозки, хранения и перевалки СПГ. Апробация моделей на расчётных маршрутах позволила оценить стоимость транспортировки СПГ по вариантам транспортно-технологических схем для наливного и контейнерного способов доставки и сформулировать выводы. При этом использованная методология является в большой мере универсальной и позволяет использовать предложенные подходы для разработки ТТС применительно к другим странам


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    The purpose. To study the value of changes in blood pressure depending on the somatotype of men with hypertension stage I–II.Materials and methods. Anthropometric, somatometric the definition somatotype on Bunak (1941), SMAD, statistical.Results. Main results of research carried out by us revealed that in most cases among men with hypertension stage I–II prevailed abdominal somatic (47 %) and muscle (26 %), a smaller percentage of cases – the thoracic (15 %) and uncertain (12 %). According to the degree of reduction in blood pressure overnight – dominated patients «dippers» and «non-dippers» almost the same percentage (41 and 39 %), to a much lesser extent – «over-dippers» (15 %) and «night-peakers» (5 %). The findings showed that among men with hypertension stage I–II «dipper» was more common in patients thoracic somatotype (53,3 %), «non-dipper» – the representatives of the muscle (46,2 %), «over-dipper» – men indefinite somatotype (16,6 %), «night-peaker» in greater percentage of cases were from muscle (7,6 %) and breast somatotype (6,7 %).Conclusion. Аccording to our data, about 50 % of men with hypertension stage I–II have an insufficient degree of reduction in blood pressure and night belong to the abdominal, thoracic and muscular somatotype. Normal degree of nocturnal blood pressure reduction over 50 % of cases were determined only in those breast-somatotype. Therefore persons abdominal, thoracic and muscular somatotype possible to presuppose an increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications, while persons of indeterminate somatotype – smaller.Цель. Изучение величины изменений артериального давления в зависимости от соматотипа у мужчин с артериальной гипертонией I–II стадии.Материалы и методы. Антропометрический, соматометрический с определением соматотипов по В. Бунаку (1941), СМАД, статистический.Результаты. При проведении исследования нами было выявлено, что в большинстве случаев среди мужчин с АГ I–II стадии преобладал брюшной соматотип (47 %) и мускульный (26 %), в меньшем проценте случаев – грудной (15 %) и неопределенный (12 %). По степени снижения ночного АД преобладали пациенты «dippers» и «non-dippers» почти в одинаковом проценте случаев (41 и 39 %), значительно в меньшей степени – «over-dippers» (15 %) и «night-peakers» (5 %). Полученные данные показали, что среди мужчин с АГ I–II стадии «dipper» чаще регистрировалась у пациентов грудного соматотипа (53,3 %), «non-dipper» – у представителей мускульного (46,2 %), «over-dipper» – у мужчин неопределенного соматотипа (16,6 %), «night-peaker» в большем проценте случаев были представителями мускульного (7,6 %) и грудного соматотипов (6,7 %).Заключение. Таким образом, наиболее подвержены риску развития сердечно-сосудистых и церебральных осложнений лица брюшного и мускульного соматотипа, имеющие в большем проценте случаев патологические профили АД

    The STRANDS project: long-term autonomy in everyday environments

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    Thanks to the efforts of the robotics and autonomous systems community, the myriad applications and capacities of robots are ever increasing. There is increasing demand from end users for autonomous service robots that can operate in real environments for extended periods. In the Spatiotemporal Representations and Activities for Cognitive Control in Long-Term Scenarios (STRANDS) project (http://strandsproject.eu), we are tackling this demand head-on by integrating state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and robotics research into mobile service robots and deploying these systems for long-term installations in security and care environments. Our robots have been operational for a combined duration of 104 days over four deployments, autonomously performing end-user-defined tasks and traversing 116 km in the process. In this article, we describe the approach we used to enable long-term autonomous operation in everyday environments and how our robots are able to use their long run times to improve their own performance

    Partial order temporal plan merging for mobile robot tasks

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    For many mobile service robot applications, planning problems are based on deciding how and when to navigate to certain locations and execute certain tasks. Typically, many of these tasks are independent from one another, and the main objective is to obtain plans that efficiently take into account where these tasks can be executed and when execution is allowed. In this paper, we present an approach, based on merging of partial order plans with durative actions, that can quickly and effectively generate a plan for a set of independent goals. This plan exploits some of the synergies of the plans for each single task, such as common locations where certain actions should be executed. We evaluate our approach in benchmarking domains, comparing it with state-of-the-art planners and showing how it provides a good trade-off between the approach of sequencing the plans for each task (which is fast but produces poor results), and the approach of planning for a conjunction of all the goals (which is slow but produces good results)

    Methods of radial diagnostics in vascular dementia

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    Te structure of all dementias is vascular dementia (VD) – the second by frequency among the elderly people. So, according to C.P. Ferri, M. Prince, (2005), VD is 16% of the structure of all dementias at the elderly people. Te incidence of VD is 6–12 cases per one thousand population aged over 70 years. According to ofcial statistics by Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the country has registered 25.5 thousand people with VD, the incidence of 4600 new cases per year, and mortality was 20.5%. Te prevalence of vascular dementia increases with age and it is estimated at 1,5–4,8%. According to statistics, 1 case of dementia occurs in 350 healthy individuals, and by 2040 it will already be observed at 1 of 85 persons. Vascular diseases may lead to a number of cognitive impairment from mild to severe, and early detection of defciency allows the doctor to intervene before dementia occurs. We conducted the study of vascular disorders of the brain using CT and MRI to patients with severe dementia and those who had vascular disorders leading to dementia, such as aneurysms, AVMs, vascular disorders in neoplastic diseases. In the study of disease pathology and cognitive changes of dementia there was found the fact that the changes are usually associated with the changes in the anterior and posterior cerebral arteries and their territories, most ofen in the thalamus. Other strategic targets: the basal ganglia, the knee of the internal capsule, hippocampus, mamillary bodies and brains of the bridge. For subcortical vascular dementia characterized by loss of small cerebral vessels, the so-called lacunar infarcts. It is the emergence of lacunar infarcts associated step-like progression of the disease. In vascular dementia we have identifed the following changes: atrophy (cortical and / or subcortical regions), ventricular enlargement, heart attacks (usually over large areas), gaps of different sizes, hemorrhage, leucomalacia and vascular anomalies (thrombotic plaque, atherosclerosis)

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