711 research outputs found

    The Potassium abundance in the globular clusters NGC104, NGC6752 and NGC6809

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    We derived Potassium abundances in red giant branch stars in the Galactic globular clusters NGC104 (144 stars), NGC6752 (134 stars) and NGC6809 (151 stars) using high-resolution spectra collected with FLAMES at the ESO - Very Large Telescope. In the considered samples we do not find significant intrinsic spreads in [K/Fe] (confirming the previous findings by Carretta et al.), at variance with the cases of the massive clusters NGC2419 and NGC2808. Additionally, marginally significant [K/Fe]-[O/Fe] anti-correlations are found in NGC104 and NGC6809, and [K/Fe]-[Na/Fe] correlations are found in NGC104 and NGC6752. No evidence of [K/Fe]-[Mg/Fe] anti-correlation are found. The results of our analysis are consistent with a scenario in which the process leading to the multi-populations in globular clusters implies also enrichment in the K abundance, the amplitude of the associated [K/Fe] enhancement becoming measurable only in stars showing the most extreme effects of O and Mg depletion. Stars enhanced in [K/Fe] have been found so far only in clusters harbouring some Mg-poor stars, while the other globulars, without a Mg-poor sub-population, show small or null [K/Fe] spreads.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    XMM-Newton detects the beginning of the X-ray decline of SN 1995N

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    We present the results of a new XMM-Newton observation of the interacting supernova 1995N, performed on July 27, 2003. We find that the 0.2-10.0 keV flux has dropt at a level of 1.44e-13 erg cm^-2 s^-1, about one order of magnitude lower than that of a previous ASCA observation performed on January 1998. The X-ray spectral analysis shows statistically significant evidence for the presence of two distinct components, that can be modeled with emission from optically thin, thermal plasmas at different temperatures. From these temperatures we derive that the exponent of the ejecta density distribution is n ~ 6.5.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. To appear in proceedings of the International Conference "1604-2004: Supernovae as Cosmological Lighthouses" (Padova, Italy, June 16-19, 2004), eds. M. Turatto, W. Shea, S. Benetti and L. Zampieri, ASP conference Serie

    Chemical composition of the stellar cluster Gaia1: No surprise behind Sirius

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.We observed six He-clump stars of the intermediate-Age stellar cluster Gaia1 with the MIKE/Magellan spectrograph. A possible extra-galactic origin of this cluster, recently discovered thanks to the first data release of the ESA Gaia mission, has been suggested, based on its orbital parameters. Abundances for Fe, α, proton-And neutron-capture elements have been obtained. We find no evidence of intrinsic abundance spreads. The iron abundance is solar ([FeI/H] = + 0.00 ± 0.01; σ = 0.03 dex). All the other abundance ratios are generally solar-scaled, similar to the Galactic thin disk and open cluster stars of similar metallicity. The chemical composition of Gaia1 does not support an extra-galactic origin for this stellar cluster, which can be considered as a standard Galactic open cluster.https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2017/07/aa31009-17/aa31009-17.htm

    Carbon and nitrogen abundances of stellar populations in the globular cluster M 2

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    We present CH and CN index analysis and C and N abundance calculations based on the low-resolution blue spectra of red giant branch (RGB) stars in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 7089 (M 2). Our main goal is to investigate the C-N anticorrelation for this intermediate metallicity cluster. The data were collected with DOLORES, the multiobject, low-resolution facility at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. Spectroscopic data were coupled with UV photometry obtained during the spectroscopic run. We found a considerable star-to-star variation in both A(C) and A(N) at all luminosities for our sample of 35 targets. These abundances appear to be anticorrelated, with a hint of bimodality in the C content for stars with luminosities below the RBG bump (V~15.7), while the range of variations in N abundances is very large and spans almost ~ 2 dex. We find additional C depletion as the stars evolve off the RGB bump, in fairly good agreement with theoretical predictions for metal-poor stars in the course of normal stellar evolution. We isolated two groups with N-rich and N-poor stars and found that N abundance variations correlate with the (U-V) color in the DOLORES color-magnitude diagram (CMD). The V, (U-V) CMD for this cluster shows an additional RGB sequence, located at the red of the main RGB and amounting to a small fraction of the total giant population. We identified two CH stars detected in previous studies in our U, V images. These stars, which are both cluster members, fall on this redder sequence, suggesting that the anomalous RGB should have a peculiar chemical pattern. Unfortunately, no additional spectra were obtained for stars in this previously unknown RGB branch.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    High-resolution CRIRES spectra of Terzan1: a metal-poor globular cluster toward the inner bulge

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    Containing the oldest stars in the Galaxy, globular clusters toward the bulge can be used to trace its dynamical and chemical evolution. In the bulge direction, there are ~50 clusters, but only about 20% have been subject of high-resolution spectroscopic investigations. So far, the sample observed at high resolution spans a moderate-to-high metallicity regime. In this sample, however, very few are located in the innermost region (RGC≤R_{GC}\leq1.5\,Kpc and ∣l,b∣≤5∘|l, b|\leq5^{\circ}). To constrain the chemical evolution enrichment of the innermost region of Galaxy, accurate abundances and abundance patterns of key elements based on high-resolution spectroscopy are necessary. Here we present the results we obtained for Terzan 1, a metal-poor cluster located in the innermost bulge region. Using the near-infrared spectrograph CRIRES at ESO/VLT, we obtained high-resolution (R≈\approx50,000) H-band spectra of 16 bright giant stars in the innermost region (r≤60"r\leq 60") of Terzan1. Full spectral synthesis techniques and equivalent width measurements of selected lines, isolated and free of significant blending and/or contamination by telluric lines, allowed accurate chemical abundances and radial velocities to be derived. Fifteen out of 16 observed stars are likely cluster members, with an average heliocentric radial velocity of +57±\pm1.8\,km/s and mean iron abundance of [Fe/H]=--1.26±\pm0.03\,dex. For these stars we measured some [α\alpha/Fe] abundance ratios, finding average values of [O/Fe]=+0.39±\pm0.02\,dex, [Mg/Fe]=+0.42±\pm0.02\,dex, [Si/Fe]=+0.31±\pm0.04\,dex, and [Ti/Fe]=+0.15±\pm0.04\,dex The α\alpha enhancement (≈+0.4\approx +0.4\,dex) found in the observed giant stars of Terzan1 is consistent with previous measurements on other, more metal-rich bulge clusters, which suggests a rapid chemical enrichment.Comment: 7, pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication on A&
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