17 research outputs found


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    Most important in mammlian fertilization were egg binding sperm, whose fusion generates a zygote that will develop into a new individual. In mammals, zona pellucida (ZP) is a specialized extracellular matrix of the egg. The matrix is important for this process by directly mediating species-restricted recognition between gametes. The aims of this study was to analyze the profile of human (Homo sapiens) zonna pellucida (hZP) using in silico method, position of O-linked and N-linked glycosilation units on human ZP amino acid sequence and to predict interaction between ZP and ADAM 2. The method of research was using in silico analysis. ZP protein profile was using data mining in UNIPROT database. Profile exploration searched primery funtion of protein, location, expression place, protein structure and ZP-interaction protein. The Primer data was compared each other. Determining O-linked and N-linkedglycosilation units in hZP amino acid sequence was analyzed using O and N-Glycosylation sites prediction. The results showed that in silico analysis conducted that profile of ZP3 identified as a primary receptor sites for spermatozoa and induced acrosome reaction. Amino acid sequence in ZP have potential site in N-Linked and O-linked glycosilation units, but have quantity different. Keywords : human zonna pellucida, N- Glycosylation, O- Glycosylation, in silico.ABSTRAKTahapan awal yang paling penting dalam fertilisasi mamalia adalah ikatan antara sel telur dan sperm yang dilanjutkan terbentuknya zigot dan terjadi perkembangan individu baru. Pada mamalia, zona pelusida merupakan lapisan ekstraseluler sel telur. Lapisan ini sangat penting dalam proses pengenalan secara langsung yang dimediasi oleh interaksi gamet. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil zona pelusida manusia secara in silico, untuk mengetahui posisi O-linked dan N-linked pada sekuen ZP manusia (Homo sapiens) serta memprediksi interaksi antara ZP dengan ADAM 2. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan analisis in silico.Profil Protein Zona pelusida dilakukan dengan cara data mining di database UNIPROT. Eksplorasi profil dilakukan pada pencarian fungsi utama protein, lokasi protein, tempat ekspresi, struktur protein,dan juga protein yang berinteraksi dengan zona pelusida. Informasi dasar tersebut kemudian dikomparasi agar diketahui peranan protein yang paling krusial. Penentuan sisi potensial O-linked dan N-linked pada sekuen ZP manusia dianalisis menggunakan O dan N-Glycosylationsites prediction. Interaksi ZP dengan ADAM 2 menggunakan moleculer docking. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil zona pelusida (ZP) secara in silico diperoleh bahwa ZP3 berperan sebagai reseptor primer yang berperan dalam ikatan dengan spermatozoa pada oosit dan menginduksi reaksi akrosom. ZP memiliki sisi potensial pada N-glikosilasi maupun O-glikosilasi, namun memiliki jumlah yang berbeda.Kata kunci: Zona Pelusida manusia, N-glikosilasi, O-glikosilasi, in silic

    Analisis Distribusi Serangga Tanah Jalan MT Haryono dan Tlogomas Malang

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    oai:ojs2.biota.ac.id:article/3Vegetation in urban areas can be viewed, as compensation for environmental change due to urbanization of plant diversity affecting the diversity of animals in an ecosystem, the loss of plant species will disrupt the food webs in the ecosystem. Research on the diversity of soil insects found in shade trees species is still not widely done. The purpose of this study were to identify the types of soil insects found in shade trees along Dinoyo and Tlogomas roadside in sub-district of Lowokwaru, Malang and to characterize spatial distribution of soil insect species found in shade trees along Dinoyo and Tlogomas roadside in sub-district of Lowokwaru Malang by using GIS application. Sampling was conducted at two different locations (MT Haryono and Tlogomas Road). Soil insect analysis was calculated using Shannon-Wiener (H') index at different sites. Variables measured were Relative Frequency (FR) and Relative Abundance (KR), while mapping Spatial descriptions. Distribution of soil insects was done by stages in spatial data analysis including digitization, attribute data, map overlay, and map output results. The results of this study obtained the number of species of soil insects as many as 14 species with a total of 287 individuals. Soil insects most commonly found were family Formicidae, the species of Momorium destructor with the number of individuals as much as 87 individuals, and Paratrechina longicornis as many as 86 individuals

    Identifikasi Jamur pada Benih Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    Salah satu aspek yang memengaruhi keberhasilan kegiatan pembenihan adalah pengendalian hama dan penyakit ikan, baik penyakit menular atau infeksi maupun penyakit non infeksi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui spesies jamur pathogen pada Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Pengamatan pada sampel ikan secara makroskopik dan mikroskopik. Sampel ikan yang digunakan berukuran 3-5 cm. Hasil penelitian jenis jamur yang menyerang Ikan Nila adalah Saprolegnia sp. dengan ciri-ciri makroskopis adanya selaput putih mirip kapas pada sirip dan permukaan kulit. dan ciri mikroskopik terlihat bahwa hifa memiliki kantung spora berbentuk bulat dan sebagian agak lonjong. Saprolegnia sp. menyerang bagian sirip punggung dan operculum ikan nila. Untuk meminimalisir kemungkinan jamur menginfeksi ikan, maka perlu dilakukan pemantauan parameter kualitas air secara berkala


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    Malang is a rich culinary city of livestock products such as pasteurized milk. The purposes of this study were analyzed total microbes, contamination of Escherichia coli and pH of pasteurized milk produced by milk store, village unit cooperation milk house and STMJ cafe in Malang. The method of this research were survey and experiment. The samples were took from milk store (P1), village unit cooperation milk house (P2) and STMJ café (P3)  in Malang during 4 days. The data analysis of total microbial and pH using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and continued by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) while Escherichia coli data was analyzed by descriptive analysis. The results showed that there were a real influence (P<0,05) of milk producers on total microbes and pH. Escherichia coli contaminant from three producers were showed the same results which were less than 3 apm/ml. The conclusions of this study were total microbes and contamination of Escherichia coli original pasteurized milk produced by milk store, village unit cooperation milk house and STMJ cafe under the limit of microbial contamination on food. Microbiological quality in terms of total microbes, and contamination of Escherichia coli pasteurized milk by milk store in Malang City were classified to national standard of pasteurized milk in Indonesia. Keywords: Total Microbes, Escherichia coli, pH, Pasteurized Milk, Malang Cit

    Studi Subkronik.28 Hari: Uji Toksisitas Ekstrak Metanolik Kombinasi Scurulla atropurpurea dan Dendrophthoe pentandra terhadap Kerusakan Fungsi Ginjal Tikus Wistar Betina

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    Mistletoe tea (Scurrula. atropurpurea (Bl.) Dans) and Mistletoe Mango (Dendrophthoe pentandra) are parasitic plants that live on tea and mango plants, very potential as medicines, containing several secondary metabolite compounds such as flavonoids (quercetin). Flavonoids can act as natural antioxidants that can protect the kidneys from free radicals. Damage to kidney function can indicate from creatinine, BUN, urea, and renal histopathology. The.purpose.of.this study was.to determine toxicity of. a combination of. Mistletoe tea. extract and mango mistletoe (EMBTBM) to damage kidney function in female Wistar rats for 28 days, using the true experimental design method. Data on creatinine, bun, urea, and renal histopathology data were analyzed using the ANOVA. test. The number of test animals is 20 female white rats divided into four groups; each group there are five rats. Group.1 a control, then groups&nbsp; 3, and 4. as. treatment. Based on the results of the study showed that statistically significant. between. all groups. was p&gt; 0.05. Therefore,.EMBTBM given to female.rats for.28 days at a dose.of 250 mg/KgBB, 500.mg/KgBB, and.1000 mg/KgBB reduces levels of creatinine, bun, urea and renal cell necrosis, in this case, the administration of EMBTBM tends to be safe and does not cause rise toxic properties in damage to kidney function in female Wistar rats. Keywords: .Subchronic, kidney function, and extract. ABSTRAK Benalu teh (Scurrula atropurpurea (Bl.) Dans) dan Benalu Mangga (Dendrophthoe pentandra) merupakan tanaman parasit yang hidup.menumpang pada tanaman teh dan mangga, sangat berpotensi sebagai obat-obatan, karena mengandung senyawa flavonoid yaitu quercetin dan rutin. Flavonoid berperan sebagai penyedia. antioksidan. alami. yang. melindungi. ginjal dari zat &nbsp;radikal.bebas. Kerusakan.fungsi ginjal diindikasi dari. kadar. kreatinin, BUN, urea, dan histopataologi ginjal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui. toksisitas &nbsp;pemberian. kombinasi ekstrak. benalu. teh. dan benalu mangga (EMBTBM) terhadap kerusakan fungsi ginjal pada tikus wistar betina selama 28 hari, dengan metode true eksperimental design. Data kadar kreatinin, bun, urea, dan histopatologi ginjal dianalisis menggunakan uji ANOVA. Penelitian ini menggunakan hewan.coba.berjumlah. 20. ekor. tikus. putih. betina. Hewan coba dibagi. menjadi 4.kelompok denga 5 ekor tikus pada tiap kelompok. Kelompok.1sebagai. kontrol, sementara kelompok. 3 dan 4 diberi perlakuan EMBTBM. Hasil. penelitian. menunjukan bahwa. perbedaan. nilai signifikan. antara. semua. kelompok. yaitu p&gt;0.05..EMBTBM yang disondekan pada tikus wistar betina.selama 28.hari. dengan. dosis yang diberikan yaitu 250. mg/KgBB, 500. mg/KgB, dan 1000. mg/KgBB menurunkan kadar kreatinin, bun, urea dan nekrosis sel ginjal, dalam hal ini pemberian EMBTBM cenderung aman dan tidak menimbulkan sifat&nbsp; toksik pada kerusakan fungsi ginjal tikus wistar betina. Kata Kunci. : Ekstrak, Fungsi ginjal, dan Subkronik. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Pemberian Daun Pepaya (Carica papaya) Terhadap Endoparasit dan Hasil Panen Susu Sapi Perah (Bos taurus) sebagai Antihelmintik Alami di Balai Besar Pelatihan Peternakan (BBPP) Batu

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    Helmintiasis is a worm disease that often occurs in cows so that it can reduce milk harvesting. One prevention that can be done  with natural ingredients in the form of papaya leaf (Carica papaya). Papaya leaves contain alkaloids, enzyme papain, saponin, flavonoid, and tannin. The purpose of this experiment was to analyze the effect of papaya leaf (Carica papaya) on endoparasites and milk harvesting. This is an experimental research used a pre-test post-test control group design on five dairy cows with one treatment, specifically 70% basal green feed and 30% papaya leaves and one positive control (Albendazole). Method of identification use the qualitative method is, native method (direct slide) and the flotation method (Flotation method). The obtained data were analyzed with a Anova test, it showed that result is (p<0,05). That are able to suppress the growth of endoparasites in cow 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 by 60%, 58%, 50%, 45% , and 34% respectively in the native method and the floating method are 75%, 63%, 56%, 45%, and 34%. Increased harvesting milk for 3 weeks is 2-4 liters.  It was conluded that there was an influence between papaya leaves (Carica papaya) on endoparasites in dairy cows (Bos taurus) as a natural antihelmintic. Keywords: Helmintiasis, Papaya Leaf (Carica papaya), Endoparasite, Cows (Bos taurus), Milk Harvesting ResultABSTRAKHelmintiasis adalah penyakit cacingan yang sering terjadi pada sapi sehingga dapat menurunkan hasil panen susu. Salah satu pencegahan alami yang dapat dilakukan yakni dengan memberikan daun pepaya (Carica papaya) sebagai pengobatan alami. Daun pepaya merupakan bahan alami yang mengandung senyawa aktif berupa alkaloid, flavonoid, enzim papain, saponin, dan tanin yang memiliki efek antihelmintik pada sapi perah (Bos taurus). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa efek daun pepaya (Carica papaya) terhadap endoparasit dan hasil panen susu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental, menggunakan rancangan penelitian pre test post test control group design pada 5 ekor sapi perah dengan 1 perlakuan yaitu pemberian pakan hijau basal 70% dan daun pepaya 30% dan 1 kontrol positif (Albendazole). Metode pelaksanaan penelitian menggunakan uji feses metode kualitatif yaitu metode natif (Direct slide) dan metode apung (Flotation method). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji statistika (Anova) dengan hasil (p<0,05). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sapi 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 mengalami penurunan endoparasit sebesar 60%, 58%, 50%, 45%, dan 34% secara berturut-turut pada metode natif dan metode apung sebesar 75%, 63%, 56%, 45%, dan 34%. Pemberian daun pepaya pada sapi perah selama 3 minggu dapat meningkatkan panen susu sebesar 2-4 per hari. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara daun pepaya  (Carica papaya) terhadap endoparasit pada sapi perah (Bos taurus) dan hasil panen susu.Kata kunci: Helmintiasis, Daun Pepaya (Carica papaya), Endoparasit, Sapi (Bos taurus),  Hasil panen sus

    Uji Toksisitas Subkronik 28 Hari Kombinasi Ekstrak Metanolik Benalu Teh dan Benalu Mangga Terhadap Profil Protein pada Tikus Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) Betina

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    There are 3 indicators for indicating a protein breakdown in the blood through a total protein, albumin, and globulin stability. A compound capable of acting as antioxidants is needed to stabilize the protein's condition. This research is aimed at identifying the toxic effects of extract’s combination from tea parasite and mango parasite on the conditions of blood’s protein by giving EMBTBM constantly for 28 days. The data analysis used ANOVA one-way by SPSS version 17.0. As for the animal test used was a female Wistar rat of 20 with four treatments are control, treatment 1 with a dose of 250mg/Kg body weight (BW). Treatment 2 with a dose of 500mg/Kg body weight (BW) and treatment 3 with a dose of 1000mg/Kg body weight (BW). The result of this research shows that there is no difference between treatment and control over the results of a total protein and albumin. But, at the result of globulin, there is a difference between treatment and control. Therefore, EMBTBM is safe for profile protein and does not cause toxicity because protein is stable and not over-reducing. &nbsp; Keywords:Subchronic,Total Proteins, Albumine, Globuline, ToxicityProfil protein adalah &nbsp;parameter yang seringkali digunakan sebagai indikator untuk mendeteksi adanya kerusakan pada fungsi hepar. Munculnya kerusakan pada fungsi hepar akan memberikan informasi tentang pemaparan suatu zat terhadap tubuh makhluk hidup. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek toksik dari kombinasi ekstrak benalu teh dan benalu mangga terhadap profil protein dalam darah dengan pemaparan secara terus-menerus (subkronik) selama 28 hari. Analisis data menggunakan uji ANOVA one-way software SPSS versi 17.0. Hewan uji yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tikus wistar betina sebanyak 20 ekor dengan empat perlakuan yaitu kontrol, perlakuan 1 dengan dosis 250mg/KgBB, perlakuan 2 dengan dosis 500mg/KgBB dan perlakuan 3 dengan dosis 1000mg/KgBB. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak berbeda nyata rerata kadar total protein dan albumin antara kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan. Pada hasil rerata kadar globulin menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata antara perlakuan dengan kontrol. Dari tiga parameter yang diteliti dua diantaranya menunjukkan hasil tidak beda nyata antara tikus kontrol dengan tikus yang dipapar dengan EMBTBM (tikus yang diberi perlakuan). Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa pemaparan EMBTBM aman terhadap profil protein dan tidak menyebabkan toksik dikarenakan nilai rerata kadar profil protein yang meliputi total protein, albumin dan globulin dalam keadaan stabil dan tidak mengalami peningkatan berlebih. &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Kata kunci: Subkronik, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, Toksisitas. &nbsp

    Uji Toksisitas Ekstrak Metanolik Kombinasi Daun Benalu Teh Dan Daun Benalu Mangga Terhadap Profil Lipid Tikus Betina (Rattus norvegicus) pada Paparan Sub-Kronik 28 Hari

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    Tea Benalu (Scurrula atropurpurea [Bl.] Dans.) and Mango Benalu (Dendrophthoe pentandra L. miq.) containssecondary metabolites with potential antioxidant potential. Antioxidants can inhibit the oxidation process and reduce Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and increase High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL). The safety of the preparations for the combination of parasites of tea and mango leaves was tested to obtain toxic effects after repeated treatment tests over some time. The purpose of this study was to determine the toxic effects of a combination of methanolic extracts of a combination of tea parasites and mangoes in female rats (Rattus norvegicus) subchronically for 28 days by looking at the results of the clinical biochemical examination on lipid profiles, namely total cholesterol levels, triglycerides, high-density lipoproteins (28%). HDL), and Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL). The method of this study was experimental with a combination dose of methanol extract of tea parasite leaves and mango parasite leaves at a dose of 250 mg / KgBB, 500 mg / KgBB and 1000 mg / KgBB with 5x replications each treatment. The subjects used white rats (Rattus norvegicus) female Wistar strains aged 6-8 weeks with a minimum body weight of 100 grams. The treatment in this study was in the form of each dose given 5 times a week for 28 days (subchronic toxicity test) orally. Lipid profile levels were analyzed using the one-way ANOVA test. The results showed that the level of control blood lipid profile with a treatment dose of 250 mg / KgBW, 500 mg / KgBW, and 1000 mg / KgBW was not significantly different. The toxicity test of combined extracts of tea leaves and mango parasite leaves of female rat Rattus novergicus on subchronic exposure 28 days with those doses showed no difference tangible between treatments of controls. This means it is safe and does not cause toxic properties in the lipid profile of female wistar rats.Keywords: Lipid Profile, Scurrula atropurpurea, Dendophthoe pentandra, Sub-Chronic Toxicity, Rattus norvegicus ABSTRAKBenalu Teh (Scurrula atropurpurea [Bl.] Dans.) dan  Benalu Mangga (Dendrophthoe pentandra L. miq.) mengandung metabolit sekunder berpotensi sebagai antioksidan. Antioksidan dapat memperhambat proses oksidasi dan menurunkan Cholesterol Total, Trigliserida, Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) dan menaikkan High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). Keamanan sediaan kombinasi daun benalu teh dan mangga diuji memperoleh tentang efek toksik setelah uji perlakuan berulang dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efek toksik kombinasi ekstrak metanolik kombinasi daun benalu teh dan mangga pada tikus betina (Rattus norvegicus) secara subkronik selama 28 hari dengan melihat hasil pemeriksaan biokimia klinis pada profil lipid, yaitu kadar Cholesterol Total, Trigliserida, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), dan Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimental dengan perlakuan dosis kombinasi ekstrak metanol daun benalu teh dan daun benalu mangga dosis 250 mg/KgBB, 500 mg/KgBB dan 1000 mg/KgBB dengan ulangan 5x tiap perlakuan. Subjek menggunakan tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) betina strain wistar yang berumur 6-8 minggu dengan berat badan minimal 100 gram. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini berupa setiap dosis  diberikan 5 kali seminggu selama 28 hari (uji toksisitas subkronik) secara per-oral. Kadar profil lipid dianalisis menggunakan uji One-way ANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar profil lipid darah kontrol dengan perlakuan dosis 250 mg/KgBB, 500 mg/KgBB dan 1000 mg/KgBB tidak berbeda nyata. Uji”toksisitas”ekstrak kombinasi daun benalu teh dan daun benalu mangga  tikus betina Rattus novergicus pada paparan subkronik 28 hari dengan”dosis”tersebut menunjukkan hasil tidak”beda”nyata antara perlakuan terhadap”kontrol. ”Hal ini berarti aman dan tidak menimbulkan sifat toksik pada profil lipid tikus wistar betina.Kata Kunci : Profil Lipid, Scurrula atropurpurea, Dendophthoe pentandra, Subkronik, Rattus norvegicu

    Kutu Sisik pada Tanaman Apel di Kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu

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    Scale lice have attacked apple fields in 8 villages in Bumiaji District, Batu City, namely Giripurno, Tulungrejo, Pandanrejo, Sumbergondo, Bulukerto, Punten, Gunungsari, and Bumiaji villages since 2005. Knowledge of the biological aspects of this pest can be done using sticky bands. This is aimed at controlling pests. Determination of sample plants was carried out systematically as many as 18 sample plants on manalagi apple (Malus sylvestris). The sample plants were apple plants that were attacked by scale lice. The type of adhesive treatment was adjusted to the variation of position (east, west, central) and research height (1m and 1.5m). The results obtained were that the pest found was Diaspidiotus perniciosus and the natural enemy found was Encarsia strenua. The part that has the most attacks is the stem/twig. The eastern branch with a height of 1.5 m has a higher even distribution of scale lice than the other parts. The highest dominance index (C) of scale lice of 0.29 was obtained by the middle-adhesive treatment of height 1m or rootstock. The pattern of population distribution based on sticky bands is random and tends to be individualistic. Keywords: apple plant, diaspididae, scale lic

    Uji Toksisitas Sub-Kronik 28 Hari Ekstrak Metanolik Daun Benalu Teh Dan Benalu Mangga Terhadap Fungsi Jantung Tikus Wistar Betina

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    Benchmark damage to heart function lies in LDH, CPK, CK-MB as well as histopathology of heart organs. This study aims to determine the 28-day subchronic toxicity of methanolic extracts of tea parasites and mango parasites (EMBTBM) on the heart function of female Wistar rats by experimental methods. In analyzing the data, one way ANOVA test is used, namely SPSS with version 1.0 1.0. A total of 20 female Wistar rats were used as test animals. Then divided into 4 treatments, namely control, treatment 1 dose 250 mg/KgBW, treatment 2 dose 500 mg/KgBW and treatment 3 dose 1000 mg/KgBW, each containing 5 mice. From the results of the study, it was found that EMBTBM positively contained flavonoids in the form of quercetin and rutin to reduce LDH, CPK, and CK-MB levels in female Wistar rats, and be safe against the histopathology of the heart organs of female Wistar rats.Tolak ukur kerusakan fungsi jantung terletak pada LDH, CPK, CK-MB serta histopatologi organ jantung. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui toksisitas subkronik 28 hari ekstrak metanolik daun benalu teh dan benalu mangga (EMBTBM) terhadap fungsi jantung tikus wistar betina dengan metode eksperimental. Dalam menganalisis data diggunakan uji ANOVA one way yaitu SPSS dengan versi 1,0 1,0. Sebanyak 20 ekor tikus wistar betina yang digunakan sebagai hewan uji. Kemudian dibedakan menjadi 4 perlakuan yaitu kontrol, perlakuan 1 dosis 250 mg/KgBB, perlakuan 2 dosis 500 mg/KgBB dan perlakuan 3 dosis 1000 mg/KgBB yang masing-masing berisi 5 tikus. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa EMBTBM positif mengandunng flavonoid berupa quersetin dan rutin sehingga dapat menurunkan kadar LDH, CPK dan CK-MB pada tikus wistar betina, serta aman terhadap histopatologi organ jantung tikus wistar betina