9 research outputs found


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    This reseach describe about the anti-corruption seedling game as a learning media in the subject of Aqeedah Akhlak. in this study the authors use. type of qualitative research. The results of this study are, first, to facilitate learning activities and collaboration between teachers and students. Students play an active role in learning activities using the game media anti-corruption seedlings. Students become disciplined by working well between groups, sharing information, reinforcing each other's arguments, and sharing ideas and ideas to get broad and accurate information. And students begin to understand the many moral values that must be possessed and must be applied in everyday life. Second, the teacher makes it easy to convey learning material for aqidah akhlaq, one of which is about instilling the moral values that students must have and the behaviors that must be instilled in students from an early age. In the anti-corruption semai media game there are 9 moral values that are learned by students and are expected to be applied in everyday life. By using the game media anti-corruption seedlings against students' understanding of the subject of aqidah akhlaq very much influence or benefit to students and make it easier for teachers to deliver learning material.Keyword  : Aqidah Akhlak, Learning Media , Semai Game

    Langkah-Langkah Dalam Mendidik Anak Dan Mengamalkan Ajaran Islam

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    Mendidik dan membimbing anak merupakan tanggung jawab orang dewasa karena anak merupakan amanat yang di berikan kepada Tuhan kepada orang tua. Dalam hal ini orang tua harus mampu menerapkan pendidikan dan mengamalkan nilai-nilai positif dalam menjalankan ajaran agama yang dianutnya. Pendidikan anak harus didasari pada ajaran Islam yang bersumber dari Al-Qur’an dan Hadist terutama tentang keberadaan kewajiban dan larangan-larangan dalam agama Islam. Orang tua juga harus memulai mengasuh perkembangan anak sejak ia lahir hingga tumbuh dewasa, dengan makanan yang halal dan baik, menciptakan lingkungan fisik dan suasana batin dalam rumah tangga yang nyaman. Dalam mendidik anak usia dini maka harus menerapkan beberapa langkah-langkah

    Pendidikan Agama Berwawasan Multikultural

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    The research delineates religious education with multicultural insight and discusses, theoretically and practically, the implementation of multicultural education in educational institutions. The research conducted a literature review as an attempt to reveal the views of experts regarding religious education with multicultural insight. Theoretically, the research found that the term multiculturalism was used differently, e.g., multiethnic and multicultural, and practically, the application of multicultural education also differed in each culture, as what happened in Canada, Germany, and the United States; So too with religious education in a broad sense. The implementation of religious education adjusted the background of each student or school. Nevertheless, although the implementation may differ, principally, religious education studied in the present research agrees to rely on cross-culture and cross-religion understanding by referring to cognitive, affective, and experience aspects


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    This research describes about religious learning for kids and how the students can practice in their life and religiously. The result of this research is the students more understand about religious learning when the teacher using a creative method in teaching like practice method. And this reseach used qualitative method with description analysis. As for finding this research is spiritual values of kids applied in days of life. Practice method make the students more understand the way to do religious teachings as like value, humanity, morality, confidence and love each other. So, method in religious learning is important to make the students active and creative, due to religious learning is guidance of life.  Key word : Religious Learning, Spiritual, Method Abstrak Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang pembelajaran agama pada anak dan bagaimana siswa dapat mempraktekan dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah siswa lebih mudah memahami tentang pembelajaran agama ketika guru menggunakan sebuah metode kreatif seperti, siswa diberi kesempatan untuk praktek secara langsung setelah mendapatkan materi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatf denga analisis deskriptif. Adapun temuan dari penelitan ini adalah nilai-nilai spiritual anak telah diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Metode praktek membuat siswa lebih mudah memahami ajaran agama yang seharusnya diterapkan seperti nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, moral, kepercayaan diri, dan saling menyayangi satu-sama lain. Maka, metode pembelajaran sangat penting untuk membuat siswa lebih akif dan kreatif, karena pembelajaran agama adalah tuntunan hidup. Kata kunci : Pembelajaran Agama, Spiritual, Metod

    Pengabdian Purna Santri dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengajar Santri Pondok Pesantren Nurul Cholil Bangkalan

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    In educational practice, not all educators are able, aware and able to complete their obligations. Likewise, not a few teachers are often accused of having problems if their students are underachieving. With the holding of post-santri service (duty teacher) in an instructive climate at the pesantren, it becomes an alternative in giving birth to competent santri in teaching and educating. This study aims to analyze the implementation of post- santri service in improving the teaching ability of the santri of pesantren Nurul Cholil Islamic Bangkalan. In this research, the writer uses a case study approach and qualitative research type. This study found that the implementation of the post-santri service at pesantren Nurul Cholil Bangkalan aims to help the santri have the provision, skills, in the teaching and learning process in the community. In addition, so that the santri have good morals and become educators with noble character. The pesantren establish relationships with the community through compulsory santri work programs in an effort to disseminate Islamic principles that are rahmatan lil alamin

    Pesantren dan Moderasi Beragama; Peran Kiai dalam Membentuk Sikap Moderasi Beragama Mahasantri

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    Rejecting extremism in religion is the key to balance, for the maintenance of civilization and the creation of peace. Therefore, religious moderation is the key to maintaining tolerance and harmony, both at the local, national and global levels. In this way, each religious community can respect each other, accept differences, and live together in peace and harmony. This research was conducted because the spread of extreme and intolerant ideas is not only aimed at the general public, but also among students and Islamic boarding school students. This research, which was conducted at Ma'had Aly Nurul Cholil Bangkalan, used qualitative-descriptive methods. The research results show that the role of Ma'had Aly Nurul Cholil Bangkalan is very important in instilling and forming an attitude of religious moderation. This institution is a central forum for strengthening faith, developing Islamic knowledge and traditions, pious deeds, and noble morals for mahasantri. Concrete steps were taken by Ma'had Aly Nurul Cholil in forming a religious moderation attitude among mahasantri by providing in-depth religious knowledge, being selective in teaching staff, and being accommodating to local culture. In this case, the kiai's role is central and significant in encouraging these steps.Rejecting extremism in religion is the key to balance, for the maintenance of civilization and the creation of peace. Therefore, religious moderation is the key to maintaining tolerance and harmony, both at the local, national and global levels. In this way, each religious community can respect each other, accept differences, and live together in peace and harmony. This research was conducted because the spread of extreme and intolerant ideas is not only aimed at the general public, but also among students and Islamic boarding school students. This research, which was conducted at Ma'had Aly Nurul Cholil Bangkalan, used qualitative-descriptive methods. The research results show that the role of Ma'had Aly Nurul Cholil Bangkalan is very important in instilling and forming an attitude of religious moderation. This institution is a central forum for strengthening faith, developing Islamic knowledge and traditions, pious deeds, and noble morals for mahasantri. Concrete steps were taken by Ma'had Aly Nurul Cholil in forming a religious moderation attitude among mahasantri by providing in-depth religious knowledge, being selective in teaching staff, and being accommodating to local culture. In this case, the kiai's role is central and significant in encouraging these steps

    Desain Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Kesadaran Lingkungan

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    The low level of concern for the environment in society today is increasingly worrying. This reality has resulted in the emergence of several disasters caused by the lack of awareness about environmental sustainability. In this context, students' misunderstanding of the importance of protecting the school environment encourages the creation of a sense of indifference to create a comfortable school environment. Education can be used as a tool to foster love and awareness to manage the environment. This research uses qualitative research with descriptive analysis intended to reveal the phenomena that occur in the school environment related to environmental awareness. The data in this study were obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was performed by data reduction, data presentation and verification. Checking the validity of the data is done by conducting triangulation and member check. This study found that the learning process of PAI with environmental awareness can be done with a teaching design that emphasizes environmental awareness issues, both in the media, methods and learning materials. Environmental awareness-based PAI instructional design requires an educator to package learning, both in introductory, core and closing activities. The flow of this activity, then what makes students' understanding and attitudes related to environmental sustainability can develop well

    Pendidikan Agama Berwawasan Multikultural

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    The research delineates religious education with multicultural insight and discusses, theoretically and practically, the implementation of multicultural education in educational institutions. The research conducted a literature review as an attempt to reveal the views of experts regarding religious education with multicultural insight. Theoretically, the research found that the term multiculturalism was used differently, e.g., multiethnic and multicultural, and practically, the application of multicultural education also differed in each culture, as what happened in Canada, Germany, and the United States; So too with religious education in a broad sense. The implementation of religious education adjusted the background of each student or school. Nevertheless, although the implementation may differ, principally, religious education studied in the present research agrees to rely on cross-culture and cross-religion understanding by referring to cognitive, affective, and experience aspects

    Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak Pada Anak Usia Dini di TK Nurul Amin Tanah Merah Bangkalan

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    Berbicara pendidikan merupakan suatu kebutuhan yang tidak akan lepas dari manusia, sebab pendidikan itu menjadi pegangan dan menjadi bekal bagi kehidupan seseorang pada saat ini dan masa yang akan datang. Pendidikan juga berperan penting dalam pembentukan karakter dasar anak. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini berupaya menganalisis pembelajaran aqidah akhlak pada anak usia dini di Taman kanak-kanak Nurul Amin Tanah Merah Bangkalan. Temuan penelitian ini memaparkan bahwa masyarakat Madura (dalam hal ini di Tanah Merah Bangkalan) menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran aqidah akhlak sangat baik dengan teori-teori pembelajaran aqidah akhlak yang sudah ada, karena dari kelima komponen pembelajaran aqidah akhlak yakni tujuan, bahan, metode, alat dan penilaian pembelajaran aqidah akhlak sudah sesuai dengan kreteria pembelajaran yang ideal