'Anil Islam: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Keislaman
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    51 research outputs found

    Tafsir Al-Qu’ran di Madura: Periodisasi, Metodologi, dan Ideologi

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    The studies of local interpretation are considerably limited, specifically regarding Madurese interpretation of al-Quran. Most of the researchers tend to not be concerned since the studies are deemed similar to other common interpretations in Nusantara. In fact, the diversity in interpretation is not only influenced by the perspective in interpreting word by word but also by the location of the interpreter itself. The socio-cultural dimension encompassing interpretation becomes one of the decisive points to apprehend the methodology and ideology. Therefore, local culture is substantially significant in affirming the real situation of the development of the study of interpretation in general, especially with respect to the large scope of the influences of Islam Nusantara’s network. In light of that, local interpretation should be explored completely to expose the existence of Madurese interpretation. The periodization is divided into three phases, namely birth, growth, and development period. In each period, the methodologies used in the interpretations, such as the forms, styles, and methods, are analyzed carefully. The ideology, on the other hand, is founded on Ahlussunnah wal jamaah

    Urgensi Pendidikan Islam dalam Mewujudkan Masyarakat Madani

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    The article delineates the objective of Islamic education as a means to establish a Madani society. The general aim of education invariably directs to positive goals, including education with Islamic adjectives as the suffix. What makes the objective of Islamic education and other conventional educations different lies merely in norms and values founding it, namely Islamic values originating from the Quran and Hadith. The article showed that in Islamic education, the end of the ideal personality development as humans is the establishment of a Madani society. The characteristics of the alumnus of Islamic education, among others, are having a healthy state of mind, fast in resolving problems, possessing a strong faith to control oneself, and capable of mastering social sensitivity. The research demonstrated that Islamic education does not only orient towards individual interest but also the establishment of relationships among humans to build a Madani society

    Teologi Pembebasan Ali Syari’ati (Kajian Humanisme dalam Islam)

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    The article describes the liberation theology of Ali Syari'ati with an Islamic humanism approach. As a leading Muslim thinker in the modern age, Ali Syari'ati's role in fighting the oppression of Pahlevi's regime was enormous. He appeared as a propagator that encouraged the young generation in Iran around the 1970ish to take a stance and combat Syah Pahlevi's authoritarian and oppressive regime. The article used a qualitative method with a literature review of the liberation theology perspective of Ali Syari'ati that strive for humanity to liberate the people from the authoritarian regime. The article showed that Ali Syari'ati succeeded in establishing a revolutionary Islamic ideology with tawhid as the foundation. Its revolution aimed to enhance the status of and promote egalitarianism among human beings. According to Ali Syari'ati, tawhid is a unity between God, humans, and the universe. Therefore, any social discrimination, injustice, tyranny, and oppression should be fought back based on liberation theology. The research also showed that Ali Sya'riati's view of religious humanism succeeded in urging the people on negating dualism between the ruling and bourgeois class, which eventually created awareness in each human of the position as God's representative on earth

    Konstruksi Perempuan dalam Keluarga Perspektif Kitab al-TafsÄ«r al-WasÄ«á¹­ li al-Qur’Än al-KarÄ«m

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    Problems as for the roles and positions of women in the family are essential to study. This is because a holistic understanding regarding women will not produce a biased perspective. A biased perspective towards women can be a stepping stone to family problems. In light of that, the research aims to discuss women in the family from the perspective of Muhammad Sayyid TÄntÄwÄ« in the book of al-TafsÄ«r al-WasÄ«t Li al-Qur' Än al-KarÄ«m by using a descriptive-analytic method, social history, and gender theory. According to the book, the position of women in the household is men's assistance, and the leadership of men towards women is absolute. However, the leadership should be based on asas maslaha (public interest). So too with polygamy and nusyuz, Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi tried to be moderate. Although he allowed polygamy, there should be requirements to be fulfilled and boundaries not to be violated. As for the spiritual side, according to Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, men and women are equal, and nothing is prioritized

    Representasi Sosial dan Otonomi Perempuan Buruh Garam (Telaah terhadap Konsep Qiwamah)

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    The research aims to make a dialog between text or Qiwamah concept and social reality of a particular social group, a community of women salt workers. The concept of Qiwamah here, referring to several interpretations of the concept, was defined as the men's or husbands' leadership in households. The concept was used to analyze the activity of women salt workers in terms of social representation and autonomy, including in the domestic space (family) and public space (society and working place). The autonomy of women salt workers was picked to fundamentally understand women's independence in the decision-making process related to personal matters, family, community, and profession (long-nolongi, lelabet, kompolan, njangan and nyaput enek). The research found that the concept of Qiwamah in Madurese, especially in the family of women salt workers, was not run strictly and rigorously, but more as reverence to men. Often, women significantly took responsibility and figured in decision-making processes. This research is essential to see that the concept of Qiwamah can be understood and realized contextually and adjusted to cultural conditions. It suggests that there is no a basic guidance that family leadership held by men should be realized as the final form

    Pendidikan Agama Berwawasan Multikultural

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    The research delineates religious education with multicultural insight and discusses, theoretically and practically, the implementation of multicultural education in educational institutions. The research conducted a literature review as an attempt to reveal the views of experts regarding religious education with multicultural insight. Theoretically, the research found that the term multiculturalism was used differently, e.g., multiethnic and multicultural, and practically, the application of multicultural education also differed in each culture, as what happened in Canada, Germany, and the United States; So too with religious education in a broad sense. The implementation of religious education adjusted the background of each student or school. Nevertheless, although the implementation may differ, principally, religious education studied in the present research agrees to rely on cross-culture and cross-religion understanding by referring to cognitive, affective, and experience aspects

    Integrasi Agama dan Sains melalui Tafsīr ‘Ilmī (Mempertimbangkan Signifikansi dan Kritiknya)

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    The article aims to evaluate the integration of religion and science in tafsÄ«r ‘ilmÄ«. The attempts to integrate religion and science has been performed in multiple ways, and tafsÄ«r ‘ilmÄ«, which has transformed three times throughout history, is one of the most considerable approaches. The significances are the following: (1) revealing the aspect of i’jÄz in al-Quran, (2) strengthening Moslems faith, and (3) making them be more confident. It is inspired by normative, theological, and epistemological arguments of various ulama (scholars), such as al-Ghazali and al-Suyuthi. However, many scholars and scientist criticize tafsÄ«r ‘ilmī’s dimensions, particularly its linguistic (including the lexicology, philology, and literature), theological, and epistemological dimension. In the Islamic scientific discourse, the scientists criticize the methods due to the subject matter is 1) outside the scientific field, 2) unverifiable, 3) and scientifically unproductive. Indeed, Fazlur Rahman and Golshani argue the attempt is contrary to al-Quran’s vision to developing science. Although the critique does not lead tafsÄ«r ‘ilmÄ« to be outright invalid, tafsÄ«r ‘ilmÄ« need to weigh these several considerations: 1) the examination should be compatible with the basic purposes of al-Quran as the book of guidance, 2) the objective is to elucidate al-Quran’s messages and strengthen the faith, 3) the direction is to maximalizes the quality of the people with science, and 4) scientific explanation is an elaboration or illustration (tausī’), and not an interpretation. All things considered, as a model to integrate Islam and science, tafsÄ«r ‘ilmÄ« is artificial and not ideal

    Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Profetik pada Kisah Nabi Musa dalam Al-Qur’an

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    The research describes implementations of prophetic values of Prophet Musa's (Moses) story in the Qur'an verse. Musa's life story, ranging from the beginning, childhood, to the end of his endeavor, abounds with meaning and values that can be adopted as human life principles. The article used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach to reveal the prophetic values of Prophet Musa. In disclosing the prophetic values of Prophet Musa, the researcher adopted Kuntowijoyo's and Muhammad Ali Ash-Shobuni's theories. The research showed that the prophetic values of Prophet Musa carry profound messages. The values that can be learned range from, to name a few, being reliable, intelligent, people's savior, altruistic, fearless, consistent, spiritually brilliant, unwavering, healthy mentally and physically, open to criticism and suggestion, sympathetic, professional, transcendent, to persistent

    Analisis Tipologi Perencanaan Kurikulum Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri Pasuruan, Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Sukorejo, dan Al-Amien Prenduan

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    The research analyzes the typology of the planning of the educational curriculum in three Islamic boarding schools, namely Sidogiri Pasuruan, Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Sukorejo, and Al-Amin Prenduan Sumenep. This field research used a qualitative method and a case study to analyze the characteristics of the planning of the educational curriculum in three Islamic boarding schools mentioned, which were the objects of investigation. This research was conducted between April 2015 and May 2015. The collection data methods were interviews, observations, and documentation study, while the data analysis used was a cross-case analysis of three Islamic boarding schools mentioned

    Relasi Islam dan Psikologi: Ikhtiar Menuju Integrasi Keilmuan

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    The research examines the relationship between Islam and Psychology as an attempt to reach scientific integration. By far, psychological studies have been developed with western perspectives that emphasize empirical experiments as the primary source to result in scientific products. However, the psychological concepts produced with western perspectives are not sufficient to absorb religious values. The research offers alternative discourses that were attempted to improve methodological seriousness and maturity, namely by providing implicit discourse in the scientific development process of Islamic psychology. The article showed that Islam is a universal religion that abounds with religious values that have profound sources written in Quran and Sunnah. Also, Islam is brim with the wisdom of the religious leaders that can be a foundation to burgeon Islamic psychological concepts. Islam has its methodological basis that can be used as a reference to enhance psychological theories, ranging from textual, philosophical, to Sufistic approaches


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    'Anil Islam: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Keislaman
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