15 research outputs found

    From Hr Strategy to Hr Performance in Rural Banking

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    This research used 194 HR managers from rural banks in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta and Central Java,Indonesia as the samples and used purposive sampling technique. The examining of the configuration andcontingency approach included regression euclidience distance. The result of the configuration and contingencyapproach explained that there was misalignment between HR strategy and contingency variable such asexternal environmental. However, if it was analyzed deeply, this condition also emerged the traditionalstrategy and innovative strategy. In other contingency variables such as training model, there was an alignmentof HR strategy, either traditional HR strategy or innovative HR strategy

    The Role of Source Credibility and Place Attachment in Enhancing Visitors\u27 Satisfaction

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    . Tourism is one of the important tools for development. In order to survive, credible resources and place attachment are keys for today\u27s competition in the tourism sector. The objective of this study is to assess the relationships among source credibility, place attachment, and visitors\u27 satisfaction. The study surveyed visitors in the World Heritage Site (WHS) Borobudur. Borobudur as a premium destination in Indonesia should be well managed so that it will strongly create attachment among visitors. A valid 132 questionnaires were analyzed using Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling. All the proposed relationships were supported meaning that the important role of both credible resources and place attachments to visitors\u27 satisfaction was confirmed. The findings offer important implications where Government and tourism agency should take priority on the importance of source credibility and engaging marketing approaches for building place attachment. For academic, this study enriches and provides empirical evidence on the relationships proposed to the tourism and marketing literature

    Efektivitas The Extraordinary Chambers In The Courts Of Cambodia dalam Penyelesaikan Kasus Pelanggaran HAM Berat (Studi Kasus Kejahatan terhadap Kemanusiaan Khmer Merah Tahun 1975-1979)

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    RINGKASANMOCHAMAD MUAFI, Hukum Internasional, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya, Desember 2012, Efektivitas The Extraordinary Chambers in The Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) Dalam Menyelesaikan Kasus Pelanggaran HAM Berat (Studi Kasus Kejahatan Terhadap Kemanusiaan Khmer Merah 1975-1979), Sucipto, SH.,MH., Ikaningtyas, SH.,LLM.Skripsi ini membahas tentang efektivitas pembentukan lembaga peradilan ECCC dalam menyelesaikan kasus kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan oleh Khmer Merah. Perkembangan sistem peradilan dunia selama beberapa tahun mengalami Perubahan secara signifikan dimana telah mengalami revolusi sejak berakhirnya perang dunia kedua hingga awal millenium ini. ECCC merupakan salah satu lembaga peradilan campuran antara unsur nasional dan unsur Internasional, lembaga peradilan ini kemudian dikenal dengan istilah Hybrid Court. Lembaga peradilan ECCC secara khusus didirikan untuk mengadili para pemimpin Khmer Merah atas kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan yang dilakukan antara tahun 1975-1979. Pembentukan lembaga peradilan ad hoc Internasional sering dianggap sebagai bentuk intervensi dari komunitas Internasional terhadap kedaulatan suatu negara, namun pembentukan lembaga peradilan ECCC ini didasari oleh ketidakmampuan pemerintah Kamboja dalam mengadakan proses peradilan bagi para pelaku kejahatan tersebut. Jenis penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah penelitian yuridis normative, dengan pendekatan “statute approach”, yaitu dengan pendekatan melalui peraturan Perundang-undangan serta perjanjian Internasional. Penulis juga menggunakan pendekatan “case approach”, yaitu pendekatan dengan menganalisa kasus yang berhubungan langsung dengan judul penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan lembaga peradilan ECCC tidak melanggar prinsip-prinsip hukum Internasional. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat bahwa pembentukan lembaga tersebut merupakan bagian dari prosedur umum serta sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban pemerintah negara Kamboja untuk melindungi rakyatnya terkait kasus kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan oleh Khmer Merah. Lembaga peradilan ECCC secara struktural memliki beberapa kesamaan dengan lembaga peradilan lain seperti ICC dan ICJ. Hal yang perbeda terdapat pada organ tambahan dalam lembaga peradilan tersebut sebagai penunjang proses pemeriksaan dan pengawasan serta memberikan pengetahuan bagi masyarakat luas tentang proses persidangan dalam lembaga peradilan ECCC. Penegakan hukum yang dilakukan oleh lembaga peradilan ECCC tidak efektif jika dinilai dari teori efektifitas hukum Friedman. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam pelaksanaannya lemabaga tersebut tidak memenuhi tiga komponen dasar dalam teori efektifitas hukum diantaranya struktur, substansi serta budaya hukum

    PkM Peningkatan Kemampuan Masyarakat Desa Terhadap Teknologi Informasi melalui Jaringan Internet Sebagai Penerapan IoT Desa Cerdas

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    Bucor Wetan Village is one of the villages in Pakuniran District, Probolinggo Regency, a village with a strong cultural culture and a religious community that makes villagers have a very high level of awareness of education. Such conditions are not matched by balanced infrastructure development, including uneven and unstable internet services. From these problems, the service team will provide training and assistance to improve the ability of the community to be able to build an internet network so that all residents will enjoy a stable internet network, the output of this activity will make the village smart with the ability to use information technology. he The method used with assistance starts planning, implementation, and evaluation. The results of community service have made the residents of Bucor Wetan Village have the ability to build an internet network and enjoy a stable internet.

    The role of self-congruity in the retail store patronage model: the case of islamic retail stores in Indonesia and Malaysia

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    Retail industry contributes significantly to national economies. Currently, Islamic retail stores become another phenomenon in Indonesia and Malaysia. Previous studies investigated Muslim customers' preferences to patronage Islamic retail stores rather than conventional ones. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is twofold: to test and validate Islamic retail patronage behavior framework and to compare Islamic retail patronage among the customers between Indonesia and Malaysia. 302 retail customers in Indonesia and 308 retail customers in Malaysia were selected, the purposive sampling method was used. The hypotheses were tested by applying structural equation modeling. Out of ten hypotheses, eight were supported. A multi-group analysis of invariance was also performed on these two samples. The results reveal that there is no significant difference in Islamic retail patronage behavior among Indonesia and Malaysia consumers, thus suggesting that the measurement model may be robust across cultures and that the factor loading pattern and factor loadings appeared to be equivalent across the cultures examined. The results were further discussed and recommendations for future research have been provided

    Conceptual Framework on Workplace Deviance Behavior: A Review

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    This article aims to highlight the importance of organizational climate with both destructive and constructive deviance behaviour in different cultural setting with workplace as a common ground. First, we discuss the need for research in workplace deviance especially destructive and constructive deviance behaviour with the review of previous studies from deviance literature. Next, we present the importance of climate and culture with both destructive and constructive deviance by proposing relationship among them with the help of a framework. The presented theoretical framework can be useful for conducting future empirical research. Finally, we present the conclusion and future research in conducting cross-national research with respect to deviance

    The impact of Islamic work ethics and transformational leadership on job performance with mediating role of intrinsic motivation

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    This research examines and analyzes the impact of Islamic Work Ethics and Transformational Leadership on Job Performance with Mediating Role of Intrinsic Motivation. The method used in this research is the Quantitative method through questionnaire responses. 40 respondents are used as a sample of this research. The data analysis method of this research is Structural Equation Model (SEM) which utilize Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the data analytics in this research are: (1) The Islamic Work Ethic do not have any positive significant impact on Job Performance. (2) Islamic Work Ethic do not have any positive significant impact on the Intrinsic Motivation. (3) Transformational Leadership has a positive significant impact on Job Performance. (4) Transformational Leadership has a positive significant impact on Intrinsic Motivation. (5) Intrinsic Motivation has a positive significant impact on Job Performance. (6) Intrinsic Motivation does not mediate the relations between Islamic Work Ethics and Job Performance. (7) Intrinsic Motivation mediates the relations between Transformational Leadership and Job Performanc

    The impact of Islamic work ethics and transformational leadership on job performance with mediating role of intrinsic motivation

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    This research examines and analyzes the impact of Islamic Work Ethics and Transformational Leadership on Job Performance with Mediating Role of Intrinsic Motivation. The method used in this research is the Quantitative method through questionnaire responses. 40 respondents are used as a sample of this research. The data analysis method of this research is Structural Equation Model (SEM) which utilize Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the data analytics in this research are: (1) The Islamic Work Ethic do not have any positive significant impact on Job Performance. (2) Islamic Work Ethic do not have any positive significant impact on the Intrinsic Motivation. (3) Transformational Leadership has a positive significant impact on Job Performance. (4) Transformational Leadership has a positive significant impact on Intrinsic Motivation. (5) Intrinsic Motivation has a positive significant impact on Job Performance. (6) Intrinsic Motivation does not mediate the relations between Islamic Work Ethics and Job Performance. (7) Intrinsic Motivation mediates the relations between Transformational Leadership and Job Performanc