198 research outputs found

    The Effects of Cyberloafing on Organizational Commitment: The Role of Emotional Exhaustion and Job Overload

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    Technological developments and the increasing use of smartphones have significantly changed individual behavior in organizations. This era has created cyberloafing behavior at work. This study explores the antecedents and determinants of cyberloafing behavior by examining the role of emotional exhaustion and job overload and their effect on organizational commitment. The respondents of this study were 300 star-rated hotel employees in the Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta selected by purposive sampling. The data collected by distributing questionnaires were then processed using the Structural Equation Modelling method using Smart PLS. The results showed that emotional exhaustion increased employee cyberloafing behavior, while job overload decreased cyberloafing behavior. Cyberloafing was also found to hurt organizational commitment. Finally, cyberloafing was proven to mediate the effect of emotional exhaustion and job overload on organizational commitment. In conclusion, these findings suggest that creating a healthy and attractive work environment balanced with the right allocation of tasks will likely lead to reduced cyberloafing

    From Hr Strategy to Hr Performance in Rural Banking

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    This research used 194 HR managers from rural banks in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta and Central Java,Indonesia as the samples and used purposive sampling technique. The examining of the configuration andcontingency approach included regression euclidience distance. The result of the configuration and contingencyapproach explained that there was misalignment between HR strategy and contingency variable such asexternal environmental. However, if it was analyzed deeply, this condition also emerged the traditionalstrategy and innovative strategy. In other contingency variables such as training model, there was an alignmentof HR strategy, either traditional HR strategy or innovative HR strategy

    Manajemen Aplikasi Perpustakaan di SDN 1 Demung Besuki Berbasis Web Dengan Framework CodeIgniter

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    Salah satu Teknologi Informasi yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah sistem informasi. Sistem informasi yang cepat,tepat,dan akurat dibutuhkan oleh segala bidang usaha. Salah satu contohnya di perpustakaan SDN 1 Demung Besuki. Pada saat ini di SDN 1 Demung Besuki seluruh data mengenai proses pengolahan data administrasi perpustakaan belum memiliki suatu sistem informasi manajemen yang baik. Semua hal dari pendaftaran anggota dan pendataan peminjaman atau pengembalian buku hingga pembuatan laporan administrasi perpustakaan masih dilakukan secara manual oleh bagian administrasi, Adapun metode pengembangan sistem yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode waterfall, dengan tujuan agar tercipta sebuah aplikasi perpustakaan yang bisa meningkat pelayanan diperpustakaan. Hal tersebut sering mengakibatkan hasil yang kurang teliti dan memakan waktu yang lama. Masalah lain terjadi pada petugas yang bertugas untuk membuat laporan tentang data anggota, dan data transaksi peminjaman/pengembalian. Laporan tersebut mengharuskan pendataan dari sekian banyak data dalam kurun waktu tertentu, tentunya sangat rentan sekali dari hilangnya beberapa data akibat kesalahan petugas (human error


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    ABSABTRAKHukum perjanjian merupakan suatu ilmu dan pengertiannya di dalam KUH Perdata pasal 1313 mengatakan perjanjian adalah suatu perbuatan dengan mana satu pihak atau lebih mengikatkan dirinya terhadap satu orang atau lebih. perjanjian sewa menyewa yang sudah disahkan melalui notaris akan memberikan kepastian hukum sehingga jika terjadi peristiwa hukum yang mengakibatkan putusnya perjanjian sewa menyewa maka harus berpedoman dengan isi perjanjian yang sudah disepakati dan para pihak harus menghormati layaknya undang-undang. Ganti rugi untuk mengganti kenikmatan yang belum dinikmati adalah hal harus diberikan dalam perjanjian sewa menyewa. Selama masih diatur di dalam perjanjian untuk dilakukan pemutusan perjanjian dengan pemberian ganti rugi maka sah secara hukum perdata.Kata kunci: sewa menyewa, pemutusan perjanjian, ganti rugiABSABTRAKCovenant law is a science and its understanding in Article 1313 of the Civil Code states that an agreement is an act by which one or more parties bind themselves to one or more people. The lease agreement that has been ratified through a notary will provide legal certainty so that if a legal event occurs that results in the termination of the lease agreement, it must be guided by the contents of the agreement that has been agreed upon and the parties must respect the law. Compensation to replace the enjoyment that has not been enjoyed is something that must be provided in the rental agreement. As long as it is still regulated in the agreement to terminate the agreement with the provision of compensation, then it is legal in civil law.Keywords: lease, termination of agreement, compensatio

    Pengaruh Proactive Personality, Core Self-Evaluation Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dimediasi Work Engagement

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of proactive personality and core self-assessment on employee performance in work mediation at startups in BLOCK71 Yogyakarta. The population in this study was 97respondents, which is then chosen usinga purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 78 respondents who were startup employees at Block71 Yogyakarta. This research uses quantitative methods with a questionnaire. The analytical test tool used in this study is SmartPLS v.3.0 with SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis method.The results of data analysis in this study indicate that:(1) proactive personality has a positive effect on work engagement (2) Core self-evaluation has a positive effect on work engagement (3) Job involvement does not affect employee performance (4) Core self -evaluation has a positive effect on employee performance (5) Proactive personality has a positive effect on employee performance (6) Proactive personality has a positive effect on employee performance mediated by work engagement (7) Core self-evaluation has a positive effect on employee performance mediated by work engagement. Of the seven existing hypotheses, the third hypothesis is rejected and the other hypothesis is accepted

    Implementasi Data Mining Dalam Menentukan Strategi Promosi Program KB Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means Clustering

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    Strategi promosi program KB yang dilakukan oleh pihak Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) melalui Balai Penyuluhan Program Keluarga Berencana (BPPKB) masih menyamaratakan seluruh daerah tanpa melihat keberhasilan program KB. Dibutuhkan analisis data agar strategi yang dilakukan bisa tepat sasaran. Data yang akan dianalisis merupakan data rekapitulasi kependudukan yang ada pada BPPKB. Untuk menganalisis data tersebut dibutuhkan metode atau teknik analisis data yang tepat yaitu dengan analisis data mining menggunakan algortima k-means clustering. Dengan cara melihat pola keterkaitan antar data yang digunakan sebagai penentu keberhasilan program KB, pihak BPPKB dapat dengan mudah dalam menentukan strategi promosi program KB hanya melihat pola data dari masing-masing klaster. Data penelitian diambil dari BPPKB Kecamatan Gading untuk data peserta KB aktif tahun 2019-2021, yang mencakup data dari 19 Desa di wilayah Kecamatan Gading Kabupaten Probolinggo. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa strategi promosi terbaik bagi calon peserta KB baru agar tepat sasaran adalah dengan mengirim tim admisi BPPKB yang sesuai dengan program KB yang paling banyak diminati dan melakukan promosi berdasarkan wilayah peserta KB baru dengan melakukan penyelarasan menggunakan promotion mix

    The Role of Source Credibility and Place Attachment in Enhancing Visitors\u27 Satisfaction

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    . Tourism is one of the important tools for development. In order to survive, credible resources and place attachment are keys for today\u27s competition in the tourism sector. The objective of this study is to assess the relationships among source credibility, place attachment, and visitors\u27 satisfaction. The study surveyed visitors in the World Heritage Site (WHS) Borobudur. Borobudur as a premium destination in Indonesia should be well managed so that it will strongly create attachment among visitors. A valid 132 questionnaires were analyzed using Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling. All the proposed relationships were supported meaning that the important role of both credible resources and place attachments to visitors\u27 satisfaction was confirmed. The findings offer important implications where Government and tourism agency should take priority on the importance of source credibility and engaging marketing approaches for building place attachment. For academic, this study enriches and provides empirical evidence on the relationships proposed to the tourism and marketing literature


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    Penelitian ini menguji peran green human resource management dalam memediasi pengaruh green intellectual capital terhadap keunggulan kompetitif. Penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuisioner kepada seluruh pemilik UKM batik di Paguyuban Batik Tulis Kebon Indah sebanyak 169 UKM. Dengan metode purposive sampling, sampel akhir yang memenuhi kriteria pengujian sejumlah 136 responden. Pengujian hipotesis yang diajukan dilakukan dengan analisis regresi Partial Least Square dengan bantuan aplikasi SmartPLS versi 3.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa green human resource management berperan dalam memediasi pengaruh green intellectual capital terhadap keunggulan kompetitif pada UKM Batik warna alam di Paguyuban Kebon Inda

    The Role of Source Credibility and Place Attachment in Enhancing Visitors' Satisfaction

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    Abstract. Tourism is one of the important tools for development. In order to survive, credible resources and place attachment are keys for today's competition in the tourism sector. The objective of this study is to assess the relationships among source credibility, place attachment, and visitors' satisfaction. The study surveyed visitors in the World Heritage Site (WHS) Borobudur. Borobudur as a premium destination in Indonesia should be well managed so that it will strongly create attachment among visitors. A valid 132 questionnaires were analyzed using Partial Least Squares Γ’β‚¬β€œ Structural Equation Modeling. All the proposed relationships were supported meaning that the important role of both credible resources and place attachments to visitors' satisfaction was confirmed. The findings offer important implications where Government and tourism agency should take priority on the importance of source credibility and engaging marketing approaches for building place attachment. For academic, this study enriches and provides empirical evidence on the relationships proposed to the tourism and marketing literature.Keywords: Source credibility, Place attachment, Satisfaction, WHS Borobudur.Abstrak. Pariwisata adalah salah satu senjata penting untuk pembangunan. Untuk bisa bertahan dalam persaingan pariwisata, kemampuan menawarkan sumber daya/informasi yang credible dan mendapatkan rasa keterikatan dari wisatawan sangat penting. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan antara sumber daya yang kredible, rasa keterikatan terhadap tempat, dan kepuasan wisatawan. Responden adalah pengunjung di kompleks Candi Borobudur. Survey dalam studi ini mengolah 132 data yang valid. Metode Structural Equation Modeling dengan Partial Least Squares dipilih untuk menganalisis data kuantitatif dan membuktikan hipotesa yang dikembangkan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan keempat hipotesis dapat diterima. Hal ini membuktikan pentingnya peran sumber daya kredibel dan rasa keterikatan destinasi terhadap kepuasan wisatawan. Implikasi terhadap pengelola pariwisata Borobudur dan pemerintah adalah untuk menekankan pentingnya mendapatkan kepercayaan dan respon positif wisatawan lewat penawaran wisata dan informasi yang kredibel serta penggunaan pendekatan pemasaran yang efektif. Secara teori menyumbangkan kekayaan literature di bidang pariwisata dan pemasaran terkait peran kredibilitas informasi dan rasa keterikatan terhadap kepuasan wisatawan.Kata kunci: Borobudur, Rasa keterikatan tempat, Kredibilitas sumber daya, Kepuasan wisatawan
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