11 research outputs found

    Akar Pluralisme dalam Pendidikan Muhammadiyah

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    This paper discusses the nature of Muhammadiyah educational institutions and relates it to the diverse socio-religious background of Indonesian society. Renowned as the largest modernist Islamic movement in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, which promotes the purity of Islam, Muhammadiyah in fact has been faced with notions of religious and cultural pluralism, and therefore, it has to seeks ways of how to formulate Islam in plural society. This article is a theoretical exposition of Muham- madiyah and its encounters with religious pluralism, and how Muhammadiyah translates notions of pluralism into praxis in its educational institutions. This paper argues that educational institutions of Muhammadiyah have widened path for deepening inter-religious dialogue and interaction in the diversity of Indoensian society

    Kreolisasi Bahasa Indonesia dengan Bahasa Arab pada Komunikasi Santri Pondok Modern Rafah Bogor

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    Abstract An educational institution that implements a language system requires a support system from all lines to realize active communication. However, it is the background of the students that affects the type of language that will be studied so that a new language is formed as a result of marriage between the original language and the language studied. The purpose of this study was to determine the art of communication for the students of Pondok Rafah and to find out the structure of the mixed language of Indonesian and Arabic dialects. This research includes library research using qualitative research methods which refers to the book Qualitative and Inquiry Research Design by John W. Cresswell with purposive sampling data collection technique. From the results of this study, the students of Pondok Rafah came from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds and one national language, namely Indonesia. So, a new language was formed as a result of the marriage of the original language with the language he was learning due to the lack of native speakers in Pondok. For example: لَيْسَ ذلِكَ غَرْضِي  (that's not what it means) The correct one in Arabic Fushah is لَيْسَ هذَا هُوَ الْمَقْصُوْدُ However, Rafah's students still know the original Arabic language even if fellow alumni are mixed dialects because they have become identities. &nbsp


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    Persentase bayi berusia kurang dari 6 bulan yang mendapat ASI Eksklusif di Kalimantan Timur sebesar 75,87%, khususnya di Kota Samarinda sebesar 66%. Puskesmas Segiri merupakan salah satu puskesmas di Kota Samarinda dengan persentase keberhasilan ASI eksklusif masih di bawah target yaitu 69%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan ibu tentang ASI eksklusif dan cara pemberian ASI eksklusif pada bayi usia 0-6 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Segiri Samarinda. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data didapatkan dari wawancara dengan ibu menyusui menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 96 responden mayoritas berusia 31-35 tahun (66,7%), mayoritas tingkat pendidikan responden adalah SMA (42,7%) dan sebanyak 83 responden (86,5%) tidak bekerja atau IRT. Tingkat pengetahuan tentang ASI eksklusif sebanyak 40 responden (41,7%) dalam kategori cukup dan tingkat pengetahuan tentang cara pemberian ASI eksklusif sebanyak 74 responden (77,1%) dalam kategori cukup. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, karakteristik ibu menyusui ASI eksklusif sebagian besar berusia 31-35 tahun, tingkat pendidikan adalah SMA, dan tidak bekerja dengan tingkat pengetahuan tentang ASI eksklusif dan cara pemberian ASI eksklusif dalam kategori cukup. Kata kunci: ASI eksklusif, pengetahuan, cara pemberian ASI eksklusif

    Globalisasi dan Pembelajaran Sosial-Emosional Berbasis Pendidikan Islam

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    The reseacrh aims to develop the concept of social-emotional learning based on Islamic education in order to enhance students' social and emotional intelligence in Islamic educational institutions in light of difficulties with globalization. The research uses a qualitative approach with library research. Data collection through literature searches was obtained from primary data sources, namely the Qur'an and books of interpretation, and secondary data, namely from various literature books, journals, and other research results relevant to the theme. Data analysis techniques use descriptive and interpretive content analysis which is carried out by reading and reviewing/analyzing the data sources collected. The research results found that the concept of social-emotional learning is based on the main character principles of the characters described in Q.S. al-Aḥzāb/33: 35 as Ten Excellent Characteristics which can be developed into a Social-Emotional Learning program curriculum for students in Islamic educational institutions. The concept of social emotional learning based on Islamic education with specifications on the character concept explained in Q.S. al-Aḥzāb/33: 35 is a catalyst for the development of character education which can be developed in further research to be implemented


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    Pengawasan terhadap suatu program yang di regulasikan oleh lembaga pendidikan di jenjang Madrasah Tsanawiyah, di laksanakan untuk pemantauan program sekolah yang salah satunya adalah program pengembangan bakat extrakulikuler. Program pengembangan bakat tersebut di awasi supaya terealisasi dengan baik dan dapat berdampak maksimal pada peserta didik. Pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dijadikan sebagai metode penelitian yang di laksanakan di lembaga tersebut, metode penumpulan data di laksanakan dengan metode wawancara terhadap objek penelitian. Pendekatan dalam pengawasan kinerja wakasek kesiswaan dalam mengatasi konflik dalam bidang penyebaran peminatan siswa dalam program extrakulikuler seni dan MTQ. Pengawasan tersebut di tempuh dengan metode manajemen yang terdiri dari tahapan planning, organizing, actuating, dan controlling. Planning dalam penyelesaian konflik tersebut memuat konsepan penyelsaian setiap jenis permasalahan, dan organizing penentuan orang yang mengeksekusi setiap permasalahan sesuai dengan kelahilan dan wewenang yang di amanatkan oleh lembaga. Actuating pelaksanaan dalam segala bentuk konsep yang di rancang, dan controlinh di laksanakan dengan cara observasi dan pengawasan secara langsung ke lapangan di bantu dengan pengecekan di akhir pelaksanaan

    Pengaruh Daya Serap Air Terhadap Porositas Dan Densitas Komposit Hdroksipatit Berpori Dan Selulosa Nata De Coco

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    The material that used to bone replacement is much needed. In the beginning, the material of bone replacement came from human or animal bones, but now, the development of synthetic materials as the bone replacement from natural materials increase very fast. The Aim of this study was synthesizing bone graft composite derived from hydroxyapatite and cellulose of nata de coco (HAP/cellulose nata de coco) which tested porosity, density, and water absorption and we expected the porosity, density, and water of the composite were approaching to human or animal bones. Based on statistical  analysis  by Kruskal Walis  (p <0,05) and AUC showed HAp/cellulose of nata de coco with 25 hours precipitation time having bony-like human porosity and there were correlation between porosity and density with water absorption capacity of HAp / cellulose nata de coco our by linear correlation statistical analysis. Keywords: Hydroxyapatite, Cellulose nata de coco, Porosity, Density, Water absorptio

    Pengaruh Daya Serap Air Terhadap Porositas Dan Densitas Komposit Hdroksipatit Berpori Dan Selulosa Nata De Coco

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    The material that used to bone replacement is much needed. In the beginning, the material of bone replacement came from human or animal bones, but now, the development of synthetic materials as the bone replacement from natural materials increase very fast. The Aim of this study was synthesizing bone graft composite derived from hydroxyapatite and cellulose of nata de coco (HAP/cellulose nata de coco) which tested porosity, density, and water absorption and we expected the porosity, density, and water of the composite were approaching to human or animal bones. Based on statistical  analysis  by Kruskal Walis  (p <0,05) and AUC showed HAp/cellulose of nata de coco with 25 hours precipitation time having bony-like human porosity and there were correlation between porosity and density with water absorption capacity of HAp / cellulose nata de coco our by linear correlation statistical analysis. Keywords: Hydroxyapatite, Cellulose nata de coco, Porosity, Density, Water absorptio

    Gambaran Karekteristik Fraktur Radius Dital di RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda Tahun 2017-2019: Overview of Distal Radius Fracture Characteristics at Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Hospital, Samarinda in 2017-2019

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    Distal Radius Fractures are the most common fractures in the world. 17.5% of fractures are categorized as distal radius fractures. Distal radius fractures can occur in both young age and old age. Distal radius fractures mostly occur in young adult age group due to high-energy trauma, and in senior age group due to low-energy trauma and osteoporosis. This research aims to capture the overview of distal radius fracture characteristics at RSUD (Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah – Regional Public Hospital) Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda. The data in this research are secondary data, gathered from medical records of patients. This research was performed in February 2021. This research is a Descriptive Retrospective study. 146 patients diagnosed with distal radius fractures from January 2017 – December 2019 were selected as samples, using Total Sampling method. The result showed that most cases of distal radius fractures occurred in 10-19 years age group (29 patients, 19.9%), male (87 patients, 59.6%), students (47 patients, 34.2%). Furthermore, the most common type of fractures found was closed fracture type (137 patients, 93.8%), the most common clinical fracture found was unidentified fracture (65 patients, 44.5%), and the most common cause of fractures was from trauma (90 patients, 61.6%)


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    One of the factors causing changes in individuals and society is education. Education provides certain values for humans, especially in opening their minds and accepting new things and also how to think scientifically. Higher education institutions have contributed in overcoming development problems, especially in the field of education. Higher education institutions have demands to be one of the parties that bridge the development gap, especially the gap in the education sector. Based on the results of the implementation of Community Service activities, it can be concluded that Community Service activities "Counseling and Socialization of the Importance of Education for Humans in Sukamulya Village, Pangandaran Regency" namely community members are more motivated to improve their standard of living by continuing to continue their education to a higher level

    Analisis Bioautografi Dengan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis Pada Ekstrak Etanol Daun Caesalpinia sumatrana ROXB. Terhadap Bakteri Penyebab Infeksi Nosokomial

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    Infeksi nosokomial merupakan masalah kesehatan utama di Indonesia, hal ini terutama disebabkan adanya resistensi terhadap antibiotik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka upaya pencarian sumber antimikroba baru berbasis tumbuhan obat perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji potensi ekstrak daun Caesalpinia sumatrana Roxb. yang secara tradisional digunakan etnis Dayak sebagai obat luka dan sakit kulit. Analisis bioautografi ekstrak tumbuhan dilakukan dengan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT), terhadap Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus dan Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Hasil penelitian pada ekstrak C. sumatrana ditemukan golongan senyawa mengandung gula memiliki potensi aktivitas antimikroba terhadap keempat bakteri;  senyawa golongan alkaloid memiliki potensi aktivitas antimikroba terhadap S. aureus dan MRSA; senyawa golongan terpen-steroid memiliki potensi aktivitas antimikroba terhadap P. mirabilis, S. aureus dan MRSA; dan senyawa golongan flavonoid memiliki potensi aktivitas anti mikroba terhadap S. aureus. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah hasil metabolit sekunder ekstrak daun C. sumatrana dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri penyebab infeksi nosokomial. &nbsp