349 research outputs found

    The local agenda 21 in Andalusia, Spain: A model for sustainable innovation

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    This study proposes an integrative model that includes a set of variables that define and influence an innovation process. This model suggest that, both organizational and institutional factors, affects the innovation process. The innovation under study is the implementation of a sustainable practice, the Local Agenda 21 (LA21), by the local councils in Andalusia, Spain. Since 2002, the City 21 program encourages these organizations adopting a LA21. The paper proposes, through thirteen case studies, nine propositions that show how empowerment, receptiveness to the change, climate of implementation, support for the implementation, culture organizational, institutional pressures, communication and coordination and participation of stakeholders are relevant factors that affect this innovation process.This study proposes an integrative model that includes a set of variables that define and influence an innovation process. This model suggest that, both organizational and institutional factors, affects the innovation process. The innovation under study is the implementation of a sustainable practice, the Local Agenda 21 (LA21), by the local councils in Andalusia, Spain. Since 2002, the City 21 program encourages these organizations adopting a LA21. The paper proposes, through thirteen case studies, nine propositions that show how empowerment, receptiveness to the change, climate of implementation, support for the implementation, culture organizational, institutional pressures, communication and coordination and participation of stakeholders are relevant factors that affect this innovation process.Empresa de Gestión Ambiental (EGMASA) CIF nº A-4128400


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    Reading is one of the processes which has been cultivated over time in order to be shown as a reflection of the situation of female and all the conditioning factors that they face. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyse some variables in relation to the reading habits of university students, from the perspective of gender. With regard to method carried out, an ex post facto design of single group was planned. The sample was composed of 277 university students (Mage = 22.20, SE = 4.367) of both genders (20.7% male; 79.3% female). The results show reading as the leisure activity practiced the most by female, especially during holidays, and a statistically significant difference regarding the types of reading was observed (books and comics for female and comics and newspapers for male). For female, their group of friends positively influences the promotion of reading, and with respect to reading competence, the promotion of imagination was the category valued by female the most, also with statistical differences. Thus, knowing the reading habits of university students in a gender-differentiated manner, contributes to helping teachers be sensitive in this educational stage.La lectura es un proceso que se ha culturalizado con el tiempo, a fin de mostrarse como reflejo de la situación de la mujer y de los condicionantes a los que se enfrenta. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar variables relacionadas con el hábito lector en universitarios, desde una perspectiva de género. Por lo que se refiere al método empleado, se planificó un diseño ex post facto, prospectivo de grupo único. La muestra, estuvo formada por 277 estudiantes universitarios (Medad = 22.20, DE = 4.367) de ambos sexos (20.7% hombres; 79.3% mujeres). Los resultados mostraron la lectura como una actividad de ocio más practicada por las mujeres, especialmente en vacaciones y se observó una preferencia diferenciada estadísticamente en los tipos de lectura (libros y revistas en mujeres, y cómics y periódicos en hombres). Para las mujeres, el grupo de amigos influyó positiva y significativamente en el fomento de la lectura, y respecto a la competencia lectora, el fomento de la imaginación fue la categoría más valorada por mujeres, también con diferenciación significativa. Así, conocer el hábito lector que presentan los estudiantes universitarios diferenciados por género, contribuye a sensibilizar a los docentes de la necesidad de fomentar la lectura en este nivel educativo.Чтение - это процесс, который со временем приобрел культурный характер, с тем чтобы быть показанным как отражение положения женщин и тех обуславливающих факторов, с которыми они сталкиваются. По этой причине целью данного исследования было проанализировать переменные, связанные с привычкой к чтению среди студентов университета с гендерной точки зрения. Что касается используемого метода, то планировался постфактумный, проспективный, одногрупповой дизайн. Выборка состояла из 277 студентов университета ( Mean = 22.20, SD = 4.367) обоих полов (20.7% мужчин; 79.3% женщин). Результаты показали, что чтение как вид досуга больше практикуется женщинами, особенно во время отпуска, и статистически значимое предпочтение наблюдалось в видах чтения (книги и журналы для женщин, комиксы и газеты для мужчин). Для женщин группа друзей оказала положительное и значительное влияние на продвижение чтения, а что касается компетенции чтения, то продвижение воображения было категорией, наиболее высоко оцененной женщинами, также со значительной дифференциацией. Таким образом, знание привычек чтения студентов университета, дифференцированных по полу, помогает повысить осведомленность преподавателей о необходимости поощрения чтения на этом уровне образования.阅读是随着时间的推移而培养的过程之一,目的是反映女性的处境和她们所面临的所有条件因素。因此,本研究的目的是从性别的角度分析与大学生阅读习惯相关的一些变量。关于所使用的方法,研究计划进行事后的单组前瞻性设计。样本包括 277 名大学生(Mage = 22.20,SE = 4.367)(20.7% 为男性;79.3% 为女性)。结果表明,阅读是女性最常进行的休闲活动,尤其是在假期中。并且在阅读类型(女性的书籍和杂志,男性的漫画和报纸)中我们可以观察到了统计学上的显著差异。对于女性来说,朋友群对阅读的提升有显着的正向影响,而在阅读能力方面,想象力的提升是女性最看重的类别,差异也很显着。因此,了解不同性别的大学生所呈现的阅读习惯有助于让教师意识到在这个教育水平上促进阅读的必要性

    Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Multidimensional Scale of Dating Violence 2.0 in Young University Students

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    Background: Dating violence has become a problem of social relevance with short- and longterm health consequences. Nurses are in a privileged position to detect and address this problem in health facilities and as school nurses in schools, providing health education and detecting this violence correctly. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the cross-cultural validation of the Portuguese version of the Multidimensional Scale of Dating Violence-Short (MSDV 2.0). Methods: A validation investigation was carried out in two phases: (1) cross-cultural adaptation of the items and content validation of the Portuguese version of MSDV 2.0 and (2) psychometric validation. Results: Phase (1): The items of the original version include a cross-cultural translation from Spanish to Portuguese and analysed by a group of experts in gender violence and by the authors of the original scale, then a back translation was made and again reviewed by the experts. Young university students also participated for face validity, and a pilot test was carried out. Phase (2): Confirmatory factor analysis was performed using the robust maximum-likelihood estimation method, which confirmed the fivedimensional structure, obtaining good fit rates (chi-square significance (χ2) = 187.860 (p < 0.0001); root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.049; comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.937; Tucker–Lewis index (TLI) = 0.923). Reliability analysis indicated adequate internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha (α) = 0.88 to 0.70). Finally, scores of the Portuguese versions MSDV 2.0 were correlated, as expected, positively with the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) (r = 0.36 to 0.16) and negatively with the Medical Outcomes Study Questionnaire Short Form 36, Health Survey (SF-36) (r = −0.30 to −0.14). Conclusions: To date, it is the only instrument that measures dating violence in a multidimensional way validated in the Portuguese university context.Grant for the internal mobility of personnel dedicated to research (Modality A-13A of the own research plan) from the University of Sevill

    El encuentro universidad-escuela a partir de una experiencia innovadora en la formación de estudiantes de magisterio

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    La Ciudad del Arco Iris es un proyecto de innovación educativa que se lleva a cabo desde hace tres años en la Universidad de Huelva. En el antiguo gimnasio de la facultad se han reproducido los diferentes espacios característicos de una ciudad, cada uno de ellos atendidos por un grupo de alumnos de Magisterio, bajo la supervisión de sus profesores y responsables del proyecto. Un día a la semana es visitada por diferentes centros infantiles. Los niños descubren un lugar hecho especialmente para ellos donde pueden jugar, aprender y divertirse; los futuros maestros relacionan teoría y práctica, propiciándose su formación activa y la reflexión individual y grupal; los maestros en ejercicio comparten su experiencia y aprenden de los más jóvenes; y la Universidad en su conjunto se enriquece con la posibilidad de aunar a todos ellos en un solo espacio y bajo un mismo proyecto.Eje: Educación universitaria: Experiencias educativasRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    El encuentro universidad-escuela a partir de una experiencia innovadora en la formación de estudiantes de magisterio

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    La Ciudad del Arco Iris es un proyecto de innovación educativa que se lleva a cabo desde hace tres años en la Universidad de Huelva. En el antiguo gimnasio de la facultad se han reproducido los diferentes espacios característicos de una ciudad, cada uno de ellos atendidos por un grupo de alumnos de Magisterio, bajo la supervisión de sus profesores y responsables del proyecto. Un día a la semana es visitada por diferentes centros infantiles. Los niños descubren un lugar hecho especialmente para ellos donde pueden jugar, aprender y divertirse; los futuros maestros relacionan teoría y práctica, propiciándose su formación activa y la reflexión individual y grupal; los maestros en ejercicio comparten su experiencia y aprenden de los más jóvenes; y la Universidad en su conjunto se enriquece con la posibilidad de aunar a todos ellos en un solo espacio y bajo un mismo proyecto.Eje: Educación universitaria: Experiencias educativasRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of a real mixture of post-consumer plastic waste: An analysis of the gasoline-range product

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    In this work, the thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of different types of plastic waste and a real mixture were investigated in a fixed-bed reactor over different catalysts (CaO, MgO, HY, HZSM-5). Important differences in gas, liquid, and solid yields were found as a function of polymer type. The highest gas yield was obtained with expanded polystyrene (52.3%), and the maximum oil production with high-impact polystyrene (55.5%), while polypropylene film led to the highest char release (17.5%). Regarding the composition of the liquid oil, high-impact polystyrene showed the highest yield of gasoline-range product (426 g per kg of pyrolyzed plastic), mainly composed of aromatics compounds (90%). The addition of catalysts increased the gas yield to the detriment of the oil produced. The effect was more evident for zeolite-type catalysts, i.e., the gas yield raised from 43.3 (non-catalytic) to 51.5% (HZSM-5). Low influence on the oil composition, i.e., gasoline-range product, was detected. This can be explained by the fast deactivation of catalysts because of coke deposition. Only an increase in the fraction of gasoline in liquid oil was observed when low-cost catalysts (CaO and MgO) were used, without significant changes in the composition of this product

    Some bibliometric procedures for analyzing and evaluating research fields

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    Nowadays, measuring the quality and quantity of the scientific production is an important necessity since almost every research assessment decision depends, to a great extent, upon the scientific merits of the involved researchers. To do that, many different indicators have been proposed in the literature. Two main bibliometric procedures to explore a research field have been defined: performance analysis and science mapping. On the one hand, performance analysis aims at evaluating groups of scientific actors (countries, universities, departments, researchers) and the impact of their activity on the basis of bibliographic data. On the other hand, the extraction of knowledge from the intellectual, social or conceptual structure of a research field could be done by means of science mapping analysis based on bibliographic networks. In this paper, we introduce some of the most important techniques and software tools to analyze the impact of a research field and its scientific structures. Particularly, four bibliometric indices (h, g, hg and q2), the h-classics approach to identify the classic papers of a research field and three free science mapping software tools (CitNetExplorer, SciMAT and VOSViewer) are shown

    Public–Private Partnership (PPP) in Road Infrastructure Projects: A Review of Evolution, Approaches, and Prospects

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    Public–private partnerships (PPPs) are a widely used procurement method for constructing, maintaining, and operating roads, constituting an alternative to the traditional public works model (TPW). This is because the efficiency of the PPP model has been highlighted over the TPW model. This study carried out a bibliometric analysis of 734 public articles from Scopus on PPPs in road infrastructure projects between 1993 and 2022. The results allow us to identify the general characteristics of the research; the most relevant articles; the most productive journals; and the most prolific authors, institutions, and countries and their main international cooperation networks, as well as to detect the main current research topics, which are: financial management, costs and pricing systems, privatization of transport infrastructure services, and sustainability. Consequently, this study provides a comprehensive overview of research on PPPs in road infrastructure projects over the last 30 years. This can reinforce and complement previous bibliometric analyses on PPPs in road infrastructure project

    El papel de las ciudades en el desarrollo sostenible: el caso del programa ciudad 21 en Andalucía (España)

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    El Programa Ciudad 21 en Andalucía (España) es un programa que brinda apoyo y asesoramiento a las ciudades y pueblos andaluces que manifiesten su compromiso para crear un plan local hacia la sostenibilidad adoptando una Agenda 21 Local (A21L). La A21L es un programa de actuación a través del cual los ayuntamientos realizan un diagnóstico de sus municipios y tras la realización de un plan de participación ciudadana, definen e implantan una serie de actuaciones que consigan la mejora económica, social y medioambiental de sus municipios. En este trabajo se analizan los factores impulsores y obstaculizadores de la implementación de este programa en los ayuntamientos andaluces. Las conclusiones obtenidas muestran recomendaciones para mejorar estos procesos extensibles a otras regiones que se enfrentan a retos similares para conseguir el desarrollo sostenible de los pueblos y ciudades del mundo.The City 21 Program in Andalusia (Spain) is a program that provides support and advice to cities and towns in Andalusia which demonstrate their commitment to create a local plan for sustainability by adopting Local Agenda 21 (LA21). LA21 is a program of action through which town councils make a diagnosis of their municipalities and, following a citizen participation plan, define and implement a series of interventions to achieve improved economic, social and environmental performance in their municipalities. In this paper, we analyze the drivers and hindering factors in the implementation of this program in the Andalusian municipalities. The conclusions offer recommendations to improve these processes that can be generalized to other regions facing similar challenges in the sustainable development of villages and towns around the world.Los autores agradecen a la Empresa de Gestión Medioambiental, S.A. (EGMASA), empresa pública de la Junta de Andalucía, el apoyo, colaboración y financiación del presente trabajo de investigación

    Characterization of liquid fraction obtained from pyrolysis of post- consumer mixed plastic waste: A comparing between measured and calculated parameters

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    This work has received funds from the Universidad de Granada/CBUA project PID2019-108826RB-I00/SRA (State Research Agency) /10.13039/501100011033.In this study, thermal pyrolysis of a real mixture of plastic wastes collected from municipal solid waste of Granada (Spain) was performed to obtain a liquid oil. The goals of the present study were: 1) identify the optimal conditions to obtain maximum yields of the liquid fraction, 2) experimentally measure basic characteristic parameters of pyrolytic oils, 3) use correlations or equations used in the hydrocarbon industry to estimate the measured properties, 4) make a comparison between the measured and calculated properties by predictive mathematical expressions, 5) develop new correlations for estimating pyrolytic oil properties. As main results, the optimal temperature to obtain maximum yield of liquid fraction was 500 °C. The physical and chemical properties of pyrolytic oils changed as temperature increased due to the presence of hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions. Also, the approximation of the chromatography data allowed to determine, by simulated distillation, the potential fuel yields that will be obtained if processed as synthetic crude in an atmospheric tower and a vacuum tower. Finally, two novel modified equations were proposed to estimate the specific gravity and refractive index parameter for pyrolytic oils.Universidad de Granada/CBUA project (State Research Agency) PID2019-108826RB-I00/SR