457 research outputs found

    El error en el delito imprudente

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    La teoría del error en los delitos culposos constituye un tema álgido de tratar, y controversial en la dogmática penal: existen en realidad muy escasas referencias, y no se ha llegado a un consenso razonable. Partiendo del análisis de la estructura dogmática del delito imprudente, en donde se destaca el deber objetivo de cuidado como elemento del tipo sobre el que recae el error, y de las diferentes posiciones doctrinales que defienden la aplicabilidad del error de tipo y del error de prohibición, se plantea la viabilidad de este último, con fundamento en razones dogmáticas y de política criminal, siendo la infracción del deber objetivo de cuidado en tanto consecuencia del error, un tema por analizar en sede de culpabilidad

    The Kramer sampling theorem revisited

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    The classical Kramer sampling theorem provides a method for obtaining orthogonal sampling formulas. Besides, it has been the cornerstone for a significant mathematical literature on the topic of sampling theorems associated with differential and difference problems. In this work we provide, in an unified way, new and old generalizations of this result corresponding to various different settings; all these generalizations are illustrated with examples. All the different situations along the paper share a basic approach: the functions to be sampled are obtaining by duality in a separable Hilbert space H through an H -valued kernel K defined on an appropriate domain

    Influence of initial power stabilization over PV modules maximum power

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    Measurements that suppliers offer in flash lists, unfortunately do not always fit the actual power measured in independent laboratories like CIEMAT. In fact, independent measurements usually appear lower than those printed in the label and sometimes a value beyond the allowed tolerance pointed by the manufacturer in the same label. In addition, a valuable power reduction has been reported when Standard IEC - EN 50380 is applied (according to this, PV module must be exposed to sunlight more than 20kWh/m2 previously to performing the measurement), crystalline PV modules usually decrease its power around 1%, but descends greater than 4 % have also been reported. These power losses are only detected after the mentioned power stabilization

    Influence of initial power stabilization over crystalline-Si photovoltaic modules maximum power

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    Measurements that suppliers offer in specification sheets are not always close to the actual power measured in independent laboratories such as CIEMAT. Independent measurements tend to be lower than those printed on the label sometimes even lower than the allowed tolerance indicated by the manufacturer on the same label. Furthermore, a potentially significant power reduction has been reported when Standard EN50380 (which requires photovoltaic (PV) modules to be exposed to more than 20 kWh/m2 of sunlight prior to taking the measurements that appear on the label) is followed. This is the initial power stabilization and this work studies the power stabilization that tends to appear in crystalline PV modules. Crystalline PV modules usually decrease in power around 1%, but decreases >4% have also been reported. These power losses are only detected after the mentioned power stabilizatio

    Early degradation of PV modules and guaranty conditions

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    CIEMAT PVLabDER has largely increased its demand on testing and characterizing PV plants, according to the fast growth of PV installed capacity in Spain. One of the topics in which manufacturers, promoters, and owners of the plants are more interested in, is the possible degradation of PV modules and its relationship to guarantee contracts, as it is related to subsidies. This paper presents some findings in campaigns of PV plants evaluation carried out during last years. This evaluation usually consists of visual inspection, I-V curve measurement in the fields (the whole plant or selected areas), thermal evaluation by IR imaging, and, in some cases, measurement of the I-V characteristic and thermal behaviour of selected modules in the plant, chosen by the laboratory. It must be noticed that new defects that grow when the module is into operation may appear in modules initially free of them (named as hidden manufacturing defects). Usually some of these hidden defects that only appear in normal operation are not detected in reliability tests (EN61215 or EN 61646) [4][5] due to the different operational conditions of the module in the standard tests and in the field (serial-parallel connection of many PV modules, power inverter influence, over voltage on wires, etc.

    Early degradation of PV modules and guaranty conditions

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    CIEMAT PVLabDER has largely increased its demand on testing and characterizing PV plants, according to the fast growth of PV installed capacity in Spain. One of the topics in which manufacturers, promoters, and owners of the plants are more interested in, is the possible degradation of PV modules and its relationship to guarantee contracts, as it is related to subsidies. This paper presents some findings in campaigns of PV plants evaluation carried out during last years. This evaluation usually consists of visual inspection, I-V curve measurement in the fields (the whole plant or selected areas), thermal evaluation by IR imaging, and, in some cases, measurement of the I-V characteristic and thermal behaviour of selected modules in the plant, chosen by the laboratory. It must be noticed that new defects that grow when the module is into operation may appear in modules initially free of them (named as hidden manufacturing defects). Usually some of these hidden defects that only appear in normal operation are not detected in reliability tests (EN61215 or EN 61646) [4][5] due to the different operational conditions of the module in the standard tests and in the field (serial-parallel connection of many PV modules, power inverter influence, over voltage on wires, etc.

    Comparative ecophysiology of two sympatric lizards. Laying the groundwork for mechanistic distribution models

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    Distribution modelling usually makes inferences correlating species presence and environmental variables but does not take biotic relations into account. Alternative approaches based on a mechanistic understanding of biological processes are now being applied. Regarding lacertid lizards, physiological traits such as preferred body temperature (Tp) are well known to correlate with several physiological optima. Much less is known about their water ecology although body temperature and evaporative water loss (Wl) may trade-off. Two saxicolous lacertids, Algyroides marchi and Podarcis hispanica ss are sympatric in the Subbetic Mountains (SE Spain) were they can be found in syntopy. Previous distribution modelling indicates the first species is associated with mountains, low temperatures; high precipitation and forest cover whereas the second one is more generalistic. Here, we perform two ecophysiological tests with both species: a Tp experiment in thermal gradient and a Wl experiment in sealed chambers. Although both species attained similar body temperatures, A. marchi lost more water and more uniformly in time than P. hispanica ss that displayed an apparent response to dehydration. These results suggest that water loss rather temperature is crucial to explain the distribution patterns of A. marchi in relation to P. hispanica ss, the former risking dehydration in dry areas no matter what temperature is. Ecophysiological traits represent a promising tool to build future mechanistic models for (lacertid) lizards. Additionally, the implications for their biogeography and conservation are discussed.The Junta de Andalucía provided permits for sampling (SGYB/FOA/AFR). Funding for research was provided by a PTDC/BIA–BEC/101256/2008 project awardfrom Fundaçao para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal). EG-M was supported by a postdoctoral grant from FCT (SFRH/ BPD/72806/2010).publishe

    Sistema y dispositivo condensador de recogida de agua del medio ambiente

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    Sistema y dispositivo condensador para la recogida de agua del medio ambiente. El dispositivo condensador (26) comprende: - dos células peltier (1,2); - medios disipadores de calor (4) en contacto con la cara caliente de las células peltier (1,2); - una superficie de condensación (6) en contacto con la cara fría de las células peltier (1,2); - un habitáculo (9) para alojar las células peltier (1,2), delimitando una cámara fría (10) y una cámara caliente (11), con aberturas para la salida del aire (13,15) en ambas cámaras (10,11) y abertura regulable (14) para la entrada de aire en la cámara fría (10); - medios sensores de humedad relativa (17) y de temperatura (16) del aire en el interior de la cámara fría (10); - medios sensores de temperatura (7) de la superficie de condensación (6); - medios de recogida (18,19,20,21) del agua condensada en la superficie de condensación (6)

    Success possibilities of grid parity in particular cases in the new spanish regulatory framework

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    During the last 10 years the Spanish photovoltaic market has experienced one of the most important increases worldwide. The continuous raise on the price of the electricity in Spain, as in other European countries, USA and Japan, as well as the decrease of the cost of solar photovoltaic systems along this decade is opening a new way to reach grid parity point in some particular scenarios. A new Spanish legislation is being performed toward selfconsumption, and it is in this new context where the grid parity in a wide sense could be achieved. This work will study different cases in Spain, in order to determine whether grid parity would be possible along 2012. Keywords: grid parity, self-consumption, photovoltaic, net-meterin

    Inspección de frutas y hortalizas mediante videocámara, estado actual de la técnica (II)

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    En los últimos años hemos asistido a cambios notables en el ámbito de la inspección automatizada de frutas y hortalizas. En este artículo repasamos algunos conceptos y avances en relación con la clasificación de productos hortofrutícolas mediante videocámara. Hace una década la detección de defectos externos no estaba conseguida, mientras que sí lo estaba la clasificación por tamaño y color. Actualmente podemos decir que la clasificación en base a defectos externos funciona bien: los equipos comerciales son capaces de detectar dichos defectos, separando los frutos de la máxima calidad comercial de aquellos de calidad inferior. El problema tradicional de la confusión del cáliz o el pedúnculo del fruto con un defecto se puede considerar superado. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los equipos actualmente instalados en las centrales hortofrutícolas no son capaces de discernir el tipo de defecto. Conseguir esto sería interesante, ya que permitiría conocer qué defectos son los más frecuentes, y se podría actuar de cara a la campaña siguiente en relación con el manejo del cultivo o del producto en postcosecha. Recientemente se han desarrollado sistemas de clasificación mediante videocámara capaces de discernir el tipo de defecto y de identificar podredumbre
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